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Crime and fame

1. Cele lekcji

a) Wiadomości

Uczeń zna:

  • słownictwo dotyczące zbrodni,

  • zasady tworzenia pytań w czasach teraźniejszych i przeszłych.

b) Umiejętności


  • układa dowcipne podpisy do rysunków,

  • wymyśla tytuł do przeczytanego artykuły,

  • ćwiczy czytanie ze zrozumieniem, zwracając uwagę na wyszukiwanie szczegółowych informacji w tekście,

  • potrafi odpowiadać i układać pytania dotyczące tekstu.

2. Metoda i forma pracy

Metoda: podejście komunikacyjne, burza mózgów, ćwiczebna

Forma: praca w parach, praca indywidualna

3. Środki dydaktyczne

Karty pracy z przygotowanymi ćwiczeniami

4. Przebieg lekcji

a) Faza przygotowawcza

  1. Czynności organizacyjne.

  2. Nauczyciel podaje temat lekcji. Rozdaje obrazki (załącznik 1), napisy powinny być usunięte korektorem lub zasłonięte podczas kopiowania. Uczniowie, pracując w parach, wymyślają krótki, dowcipny podpis związany z tematem zajęć.

  3. Podpisy wymyślone przez uczniów zostają odczytane i porównane z oryginalnymi podpisami z obrazków. Uczniowie głosują na najlepszy podpis.

b) Faza realizacyjna

  1. Nauczyciel rozdaje karty pracy z tekstem (załącznik 2). Uczniowie mają za zadanie przeczytać go szybko (mają na to około 1 minuty) i zastanowić się nad tytułem dla tego artykułu.

  2. Po dobraniu odpowiedniego tytułu i porównaniu go z oryginalnym (Supermodel faces court over assault) uczniowie czytają tekst ponownie, szukając odpowiedzi na pytania z ćwiczenia trzeciego (załącznik 3). Odpowiedź na pytanie szóste uczniowie powinni przedyskutować z partnerem z ławki.

  3. Uczniowie podają odpowiedzi do pytań i wyrażają swoje opinie na temat pytania szóstego.

  4. Uczniowie czytają kolejny tekst (załącznik 4), ignorując luki. Wybrany uczeń streszcza artykuł w kilku prostych zdaniach.

  5. Uczniowie pracują w parach. Jeden uczeń otrzymuje fragment tekstu A, drugi fragment B (załącznik 4). Ich zadaniem jest uzupełnienie brakujących w tekstach informacji i udzielenie odpowiedzi na pytania partnera tak, by obie strony mogły uzupełnić swoje teksty brakującymi informacjami.

c) Faza podsumowująca

Pełny tekst zostaje odczytany. Nauczyciel rozmawia z uczniami na temat tekstu: co sądzą o takiej pomyłce, w jaki sposób można było jej uniknąć, czego powinni domagać się w sądzie aktorzy itp.

5. Bibliografia

  1. http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_1893549.html?menu

  2. http://www.e‑angielski.com/index.php?module=Humor

  3. http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_1886329.html?menu=news.quirkies.strangecrime

  4. http://www.bobdylan.com/songs/watchtower.html

6. Załączniki

a) Karta pracy ucznia

Załącznik 1.

Think of a funny inscription that could be placed in the picture.


Źródło: http://www.e‑angielski.com/index.php?module=Humor

Załącznik 2.

Read the text quickly. Think of a proper title to this article.


Supermodel Naomi Campbell is appearing in a US court accused of throwing a mobile phone at her housekeeper's head.

The Briton will attend what is likely to be a brief hearing at Manhattan Criminal Court. Her lawyer, David Breitbart, said the case would probably be adjourned to a later date.

Campbell, 35, has already denied second degree assault.

She was arrested in March after her maid, Ana Scolavino, claimed she threw a mobile phone - said to be a jewel‑encrusted Blackberry - at her head after accusing the woman of stealing the jeans she wanted to wear to appear on Oprah Winfrey's TV show.

Police said Mrs. Scolavino needed four stitches after the alleged attack.

In a statement after her arrest, Streatham‑born Campbell said the allegation that she hit or injured the woman was „completely untrue”.

Meanwhile, a second member of staff, Gaby Gibson, is also taking legal action against Campbell, claiming she hit her.

The maid filed a lawsuit at Manhattan's state Supreme Court on Monday, accusing Campbell of „personal injuries”, „employment discrimination”, „civil assault”, „civil battery” and other complaints.

She is asking for „actual, compensatory and punitive” damages without specifying an amount.

In an interview with the New York Post in April, Gibson said Campbell hit her after becoming upset at being unable to find a pair of jeans.

Załącznik 3.

Read the text again and answer the following questions.

  1. Why is Naomi Campbell accused?

  2. Is it the first time she has been accused of such crime? Why?

  3. Was Mrs. Scolavino hurt by Naomi Campbell?

  4. What did she say in her statement after being arrested?

  5. What other things is Campbell accused of?

  6. Do you think she really behaves so aggressively? Or are these only allegations? If you think Campbell is aggressive, what do you think are the reasons for that? Have you heard about other “crimes” that famous people were involved in? Discuss with your partner.

Odpowiedzi do ćwiczenia: 1. She threw a mobile phone at her housekeeper’s head, 2. No, she was once arrested because her maid accused her of throwing the mobile at her because Naomi thought her maid stole the jeans Naomi wanted to wear to a show. 3. Yes, the police said Mrs. Scolavino needed four stitches after the attack. 4. The allegation was completely untrue. 5.” Personal injuries”, „employment discrimination”, „civil assault”, „civil battery” and other complaints.

Załącznik 4.


Read the text and prepare to report what happened to the teacher.

Read the text again, ask your partner about the missing information and answer his/her questions.

Police in ………………reportedly mistook actors making a crime movie for the real thing and arrested them. Deputies handcuffed crew members and pointed a ……….. at actor Chris Borden, says the Rocky Mountain News. Borden, 25, one of the stars of low budget thriller Different Kinds, said: „It took a little while for me to realise I could've died for my ………….” Larimer County sheriff's deputies had responded to a call from a park ranger reporting a hostage situation. In the scene being filmed, Borden pistol‑whipped a man who was trying to rescue a …………… Borden had kidnapped. „They told me I looked like I ……………………………………………………..,” Borden said. Borden claims deputies told him the only reason they didn't shoot him was because …………………………..…Borden and director Eileen Agosta now both face disorderly conduct charges and are due in court in August. „We're considering having the whole cast show up to say: „…………………………………………….”,” Borden said.


Read the text and prepare to report what happened to the teacher.

Read the text again ask your partner about the missing information and answer his/her questions.

Police in Colorado reportedly mistook actors making a ……………… movie for the real thing and arrested them. Deputies ……………………. crew members and pointed a rifle at actor Chris Borden, says the Rocky Mountain News. Borden, 25, one of the stars of low budget thriller Different Kinds, said: „It took a little while for me to realise I could've died for my art.” Larimer County sheriff's deputies had responded to a call from ………………………… reporting a …………………….. In the scene being filmed, Borden pistol‑whipped a man who was trying to rescue a woman Borden had kidnapped „They told me I looked like I didn't care if I got shot because I had a criminal demeanour,” Borden said. Borden claims ………………………. told him the only reason they didn't shoot him was because they saw a cameraman. Borden and director Eileen Agosta now both face ………………………………..and are due in court in ………………………... „We're considering having the whole cast show up to say: „Hey, we were filming a movie”,” Borden said.

Pełny tekst ćwiczenia :

Police arrests film actors.

Police in Colorado reportedly mistook actors making a crime movie for the real thing and arrested them. Deputies handcuffed crew members and pointed a rifle at actor Chris Borden, says the Rocky Mountain News. Borden, 25, one of the stars of low budget thriller Different Kinds, said: „It took a little while for me to realise I could've died for my art.” Larimer County sheriff's deputies had responded to a call from a park ranger reporting a hostage situation. In the scene being filmed, Borden pistol‑whipped a man who was trying to rescue a woman Borden had kidnapped „They told me I looked like I didn't care if I got shot because I had a criminal demeanour,” Borden said. Borden claims deputies told him the only reason they didn't shoot him was because they saw a cameraman. Borden and director Eileen Agosta now both face disorderly conduct charges and are due in court in August. „We're considering having the whole cast show up to say: „Hey, we were filming a movie”,” Borden said.

Załącznik 5.

There must be some kind of way out of here
Said the joker to the _____________
There’s too much ______________
I can’t get no __________________
Businessman they drink my wine
Plow men dig my earth
None will level on the line
__________________ of it is worth

No reason to get _________________
The thief he kindly spoke
There are many here among us
______________ that life is but a joke but
But you and I we’ve been through that
And this is not our __________________
So let us not talk falsely now
The hour’s getting __________________

All along the _____________________
Princes kept the view
While all the ___________ came and went
Bare‑foot servants to, but
Outside in the cold __________________
A wild cat did growl
Two riders were approachin’
And the _________________ began to howl

All along the _______________________
Hear you sing around the watch
Gotta beware gotta beware I will

„There must be some way out of here,” said the joker to the thief,
„There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief.
Businessmen, they drink my wine, plowmen dig my earth,
None of them along the line know what any of it is worth.”

„No reason to get excited,” the thief, he kindly spoke,
„There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke.
But you and I, we've been through that, and this is not our fate,
So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late.”

All along the watchtower, princes kept the view
While all the women came and went, barefoot servants, too.

Outside in the distance a wildcat did growl,
Two riders were approaching, the wind began to howl.

b) Zadanie domowe

Wybierz osiem wyrazów związanych z przestępstwami, które poznałeś na lekcji, korzystając ze słownika albo Internetu znajdź ich definicje i polskie odpowiedniki. Wykorzystując te słowa, ułóż krótką, logiczną i poprawną gramatycznie historyjkę (minimum osiem zdań).

7. Czas trwania lekcji

45 minut

8. Uwagi do scenariusza

Na kolejnych zajęciach nauczyciel może odtworzyć utwór Jimmiego Hendrixa pt. All along the watchtower. Uczniowie, słuchając utworu, uzupełniają luki w tekście (załącznik 5).


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