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1. Cele lekcji

a. Wiadomości

Uczeń poznaje i utrwala słownictwo.

b. Umiejętności


  • ćwiczy zdolności translatorskie,

  • ćwiczy rozumienie ze słuchu,

  • redaguje opinię na temat filmu.

2. Metoda i forma pracy

Metody: pogadanka, metoda ćwiczebna

Formy: praca indywidualna

3. Środki dydaktyczne

Tekst piosenki, życiorys K. Reevesa, fragment filmu Matrix wraz z tekstem do uzupełnienia

4. Przebieg lekcji

a. Faza przygotowawcza

Nauczyciel prowadzi krótką pogadankę na temat filmu Matrix, po czym informuje uczniów, że wszystkie ćwiczenia, które dziś będą wykonywane, dotyczą tego właśnie filmu.

b. Faza realizacyjna

  1. Nauczyciel rozdaje uczniom wycinek tekstu pochodzącego z filmu (załącznik 1). Zadaniem uczniów jest wpisanie brakujących wyrazów na podstawie oglądanego fragmentu.

  2. Nauczyciel rozdaje życiorys Keanu Reevesa (załącznik 2). Uczniowie mają w puste miejsca wpisać wyrazy utworzone od wyrazu podstawowego podanego w nawiasie.

  3. Nauczyciel rozdaje tekst piosenki z Matrixa (załącznik 3) i włącza piosenkę. Uczniowie uzupełniają brakujące zdania.

  4. Uczniowie mają za zadanie napisać krótką opinię na temat filmu, po czym kilkoro z nich prezentuje ją na forum klasy.


  1. H. Komorowska, Metodyka nauczania języków obcych, WSiP, Warszawa 1999.

  2. Strony internetowe:

tekst piosenki: www.lyrics007.com

tekst fragmentu filmu: www.moviemistakes.com

życiorys: www.imdb.com

6. Załączniki

a) Karta pracy ucznia

Załącznik 1

Agent Smith: .......... to see me?

Neo: No.

Agent Smith: Then you're ........ of it.

Neo: Of what?

Agent Smith: Our connection. I don't fully understand how it happened, perhaps some part of you ...... on to me, something overwritten or copied, it is at this point irrelevant. What matters is ....... happened, happened for a reason.

Neo: And what reason is that?

Agent Smith: : I killed you Mr. Anderson, I watched you die, with a ....... satisfaction I might add. And then something happened. Something that I knew was ...... but it happened anyway. You ....... me Mr. Anderson. Afterward, I knew the ......, I understood what I was ....... to do, but I didn't. I couldn't. I was ........ to stay, compelled to ........ And now here I stand because of you Mr. Anderson, because of you, I am no longer an Agent of this ......, because of you I've changed, I'm ......, a new man so to speak. Like you, apparently, free.

Neo: ........

Załącznik 2

Reeves, whose first name means “cool breeze over the mountains” in Hawaiian, was born in Beirut, Lebanon in 1964. His mother, Patricia, was a showgirl; his father, Samuel Nowlin Reeves, a................. (geological). After their marriage dissolved, Keanu moved with his mother and younger sister Kim to New York City, then Toronto. Reeves never .............. (connection) with his............ (biology) father, who is now in prison on charges of cocaine............. (possess). In high school, Reeves was................ (warm) toward academics but took a keen interest in ice hockey (as team goalie, he earned the............. (name) “The Wall”) and drama. He eventually dropped out of school to pursue an acting career.
In 1994, the ................(understatement) actor became a big‑budget action star with the release of Speed. Its success heralded an era of five years in which Reeves would alternate between largely unwatched small films, like Feeling Minnesota, and unwatched big films like Johnny Mnemonic. After all this, Reeves did the .............. (think) and passed on the Speed sequel, but he struck box‑office gold again a few years later with the Wachowski brothers' cyberadventure The Matrix. Despite his deadpan delivery style and reputation as an oaf, Reeves continues to reel in choice roles and fat paychecks. Whatever he knows, he's not telling the public‑his self- .............(deprecation) interview tactics and .............. (mystery) private life provide little insight into his artistry. As far as Reeves is concerned, it seems, he's just a regular guy who rides a motorcycle, plays in a band (Dogstar), and shows up every now and then for a movie shoot.

Załącznik 3

Reveal to me the mysteries
Explain these motions and metaphors
Unlock these secrets in me
.................., the meaning is missing
Won't anybody listen?

Define the riddles of my mind

Dreaming of Zion, Awake
Dreaming of Zion, Awake
Can't stop Sleeping Awake

Do you see what I see?
Do you feel what I feel?
Can't stop Sleeping Awake
And can you hear what I hear?
Do you feel like I feel?

Can you see it? The writing,
Can you tell me what it means?
Expressions keep questioning me
The message is written, the meaning is missing

Prophesy, interpretate the signs
Nothing is really what it seems

Dreaming of Zion, Awake
Dreaming of Zion, Awake
Can't stop Sleeping Awake

Do you see what I see?
Do you feel what I feel?
Can't stop Sleeping Awake
Do you see what I see?
Do you feel like I feel?
Can't stop Sleeping Awake

7. Czas trwania lekcji

45 minut

8. Uwagi do scenariusza



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