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Topic: Nice to meet you

  1. Aims

    1. to practice speaking skills through oral description and discussing situations,

    2. to introduce new vocabulary,

    3. to practice pronunciation of the new vocabulary,

    4. to practice listening skill.

  2. Skills

    1. reading for general information,

    2. listening for general understanding,

    3. speaking to achieve communication,

    4. speaking to practice pronunciation,

    5. talking about personal details.

  3. Methods/techniques used

    1. working with the whole class,

    2. individual work,

    3. pair work.

  4. Teaching aids/equipment

    Blackboard, course book.

  5. Stages of the lesson

    1. Warm‑up

      1. Teacher asks students to look at the photograph at the airport (Student’s book, page 8) but to cover the text. Teacher asks:
        What time of the year is it?
        How do you know?
        Where are the people?
        What are they doing?
        Why do you think they are at the airport?
        How do they look like?

      2. Teacher may write these questions on the board and ask students to discuss them in pairs.

      3. Teacher elicits the ideas and comments form the class. A short discussion.

    2. Main part

      1. Teacher asks:
        What will Mick say when he meets the students? Teacher elicits ideas and writes them on the board.

      2. Teacher says the students are going to listen to a short dialogue to check their ideas. Teacher says they will work in pairs. Teacher tells the students to listen to the dialogue and read it at the same time.

      3. After listening, teacher asks:
        Were you right?
        Was there anything else?
        A short discussion.

      4. Teacher directs students to exercise 2 page 9 (comprehension). Students work in pairs. Teacher explains it is a True/ False exercise and students have to decide if the statements are true or not. Students work in pairs to answer the questions.

      5. Teacher plays the tape again. Students listen, read the dialogue in the books and check the answers. Teacher elicits the correct answers form the whole class.

      6. Teacher asks students to look at useful phrases (exercise 3, page 9). Teacher checks if the students understand the meaning of expressions by eliciting in their own language. Teacher plays the tape and asks the students to repeat the phrases one after another.

      7. Students repeat the same phrases in pairs. Teacher monitors and corrects gently if necessary.

      8. Teacher asks students who said these phrases. Teacher elicits the answer. Students check with the book if they were right.

      9. Students listen to the phrases again and repeat to practice.

      10. Books closed. Students work in pairs. Teacher asks them to make list of as many countries as they can remember.

      11. After a few minutes teacher finds out which group has the most countries. Checking answers with the whole class. Teacher corrects pronunciation as necessary.

      12. Students read the names of the countries aloud to practice pronunciation. Teacher corrects as necessary.

      13. Students work in pairs. Teacher directs them to the word square on page 9 (exercise 4a). Students have to find the names of 9 countries. Then they have to write them in a list with their nationalities.

      14. Checking answers with the whole class. Teacher has to pay special attention to stress and pronunciation.

    3. Final stage

      1. Students work in pairs. To the list they have made, they have to add 5 more countries with their nationalities. After a few minutes the teacher checks the answers with the whole class, again paying attention to pronunciation and stress.

      2. Giving homework. Teacher explains that at home students have to prepare a short oral introduction of themselves. They will have to introduce themselves saying their name, nationality and where they are from.

  6. Bibliography

    1. Linley F., Abbs B., Freebairn I., Barker Ch., „New Snapshot Elementary”, Student’s Book, Longman, 2003

    2. Linley F., Abbs B., Freebairn I., Barker Ch., „New Snapshot Elementary”, Teacher’s Book, Longman, 2003

    3. Linley F., Abbs B., Freebairn I., Barker Ch., „New Snapshot Elementary”, Language Booster, Longman, 2003

  7. Time

45 min


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