Topic: The sport which I like

  1. Aims

    • to revise the present simple tense,

    • to extend the vocabulary related to sports and sport activities,

    • to revise the rules of 3Indeks górny rd person singular,

    • to encourage students to practise sports in order to keep their bodies fit and healthy.

  2. Skills

    • speaking: talking about likes/dislikes;

    • reading: reading for main ideas;

    • listening: listening for main ideas;

    • writing: examples of sentences in the present simple.

  3. Methods/techniques

    • individual work with text,

    • pair work,

    • group work.

  4. Teaching aids/equipment

    • blackboard,

    • course book (Project 3),

    • course book cassettes (Project 3),

    • posters of famous sportsmen or sports,

    • sheets of paper.

  5. Stages of the lesson

    1. Warm–up

      • Greet the class and check the attendance.

      • Stick the posters on the blackboard or around the classroom and ask your children to tell you what kind of sports the pictures present. Ask questions:

        • What sport is it?

        • Do you play this sport?

        • What are your favourite sports?

        • Do you have your favourite sportsman? etc.

      • Divide your class into four or five groups and distribute some clean sheets of paper. Ask your students to draw any equipment associated with sport (e.g.: a tennis racket, a helmet, a ball). When they finish, ask the groups to guess what sports are associated with the pictures. Reward the good answers.

    2. Main stage

        • Draw students’ attention to the text and ask them to read the four questions above the text (page 14, ex. 2) and then to read the text quickly. Tell them to find the answers to the questions.

        • Read the answers aloud and ask your students to listen to the article (p. 14) and notice what Annie says about her father. Ask students to work in pairs and take notes while listening. Check the answers.

        • Choose some sentences from the text (which present 3Indeks górny rd person singular) and write them down on the blackboard, e.g.:

          • It usually takes a few hits.

          • My dad plays golf.

          • He doesn’t like it when I beat him.

      1. Encourage your students to tell you what characteristic features they can see (-s at the end of the verb, no -s in negative sentences.)

        • Draw a simple chart on the board which presents the rules of 3Indeks górny rd person singular:

        • Ask students to write the 3rd person singular form of:

          • try, catch, play, cook, go, make, like, have;

          • ask them to come out to the blackboard and also write the words down in their notebooks.

        • Ask students how many pronouns go with doesn’t (she, he, it) and how many with don’t (they, we, you, I). Repeat the procedure with do and does.

        • Now students are to underline and copy examples of negatives and question forms in the text.

    3. Final stage

        • Tell your Students to think about their favourite sport — write the names of the sports on the blackboard. Encourage the students to write questions to ask their partners about the sports.

          • What sport do you like?

          • Who is your favourite sportsman?

          • What sport do you play? etc.

      1. Check if the students are forming the questions correctly.

        • Students write a short paragraph (three or four sentences) about their partner’s sport.

        • Homework: write three questions and two negatives in the present simple tense using only the 3Indeks górny rd person singular.

  6. Bibliography

    1. Newball D., Hutchinson T.: „Project 3 — Teacher’s Book”, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000.

    2. Hutchinson T.: „Project 3 — Student’s Book”, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000.

    3. „Słownik współczesny polsko - angielski/angielsko - polski”, Pearson Education, Warszawa, 2004.

    4. Aleksander G.L. — Longman English Grammar, Longman Publishing, New York, 1995.

  7. Time 45 min


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