The use of ornamental plants in landscape architecture objects
1. Film in the standard version.
2. Film with subtitles.
3. Film with subtitles and pauses. Listen and repeat after the speaker.
4. Film with subtitles and narration.
After watching the film “The use of ornamental plants in landscape architecture objects”, decide whether the sentences are true or false.
Po obejrzeniu filmu „Zastosowanie roślin ozdobnych w obiektach architektury krajobrazu”, zdecyduj, czy twierdzenia są prawdziwe czy fałszywe.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
Parks and landscape tree covers are objects of landscape architecture in which ornamental plants are used. | □ | □ |
If children live in the house, we can plant poisonous plants in the home garden. | □ | □ |
Plants used for land reclamation should meet the requirements of cultivation on different substrates in terms of water air and relations, pH, salinity, toxic substances and nutritional shortages. | □ | □ |
Plants used as public greenery don’t have to be resistant to salinity. | □ | □ |
Avenue trees should have hard wood. | □ | □ |
Heath gardens, rock gardens and oriental gardens are thematic gardens. | □ | □ |
By creating a suitable composition of plants growing on waterlogged substrates and marsh grounds, you can create oriental gardens. | □ | □ |
All ornamental plants can be used as cut flowers. | □ | □ |
For dry bouquets, choose plants that are fragile. | □ | □ |
Plants used as cut flowers are cut at different times, for example, depending on the stage of bud growth. | □ | □ |
The production of generative rootstock
Soil preparation for planting trees in a nursery
Work to be done in the first year of running an ornamental plant nursery
The hypertext is a conversation between two landscape architects. The topic of the conversation is the range of works that needs to be done in the first year of running an ornamental plant nursery. The architects list the individual tasks that need to be done.
Hipertekst stanowi rozmowę dwóch architektów krajobrazu. Tematem rozmowy jest zakres prac, które należy wykonać w pierwszym roku prowadzenia szkółki roślin ozdobnych. Architekci po kolei wymieniają poszczególne prace, które należy wykonać.
Landscape architect 1: Hi!
Landscape architect 2: Hi. It’s good to see you. We should plan the works that need to be done in the first year of running ourornamental plant nursery.ornamental plant nursery.
Landscape architect 1: I agree. The first thing that needs to be done is ploughingploughing the field.
Landscape architect 2: We should sort the rootstock on the basis of their thickness. The weakest ones won’t be good for budding.budding.
Landscape architect 1: We need to remember about the right spacingspacing of the rootstock while planting: 70‑80 cm between rows, every 30 cm in a single row.
Landscape architect 2: Generative rootstockGenerative rootstock is planted 2‑3 cm deeper than the plant from which it was grafted. Vegetative rootstockVegetative rootstock is planted 3‑6 cm deeper.
Landscape architect 1: In the first year of running the nursery, during the growing season,growing season, we need to remember about loosening the soilloosening the soil and weeding.weeding.
Landscape architect 2: Our nursery isn’t big. We will do the weeding manually, without herbicides.herbicides. We also need to fertilizefertilize the soil with nitrogen.nitrogen.
Landscape architect 1: We will also have to do the budding.budding. In May and June, we will do it with a living bud,living bud, and from July to September with a dormant bud.dormant bud.
Preparing plant material for storage and transport
The hypertext is a manual for arborists. Its topic is the preparation of plant material for storage and transport. It includes vocabulary typical for the subject, indicating materials for plant storage.
Hipertekst stanowi instruktaż dla szkółkarzy. Jego tematem jest przygotowanie materiał roślinnego do przechowywania i transportu. Zastosowano w nim słownictwo typowe dla tematu, wskazujące poszczególne materiały do przechowywania roślin.
The method of plant storage and transport can significantly influence whether the plant will root in the new place, or not. The most important thing is to protect the plant, as well as the root mass itself, from sun, wind, frost and water excess. The storage method needs to be selected with regards to how long the plant will be stored. Whether it is a potted plantpotted plant, or a plant with a root massplant with a root mass, should also be taken into consideration. If the plant is to be stored for a few days, it needs to be placed in shade, and the root mass needs to be protected from drying out, e.g., with hydrogelhydrogel, or by clampingclamping the plant. In the case of both potted plants and plants with a root mass, the roots need to be protected from drying out. The plant itself needs to be protected from mechanical damagemechanical damage, which can occur during loading, transport and unloading. For that purpose, we can use box palletsbox pallets, carts**,** racksracks and cardboard boxescardboard boxes. Impregnated paperImpregnated paper or plastic bagsplastic bags, in which smaller batches of plants are transported, can also be used. To decrease transpiration, wax emulsionwax emulsion can be used to spray the plant before digging it out.
After familiarizing yourself with the hypertext “Preparing plant material for storage and transport”, match the Polish words/phrases with their English equivalents.
Po zapoznaniu się z hipertekstem „Przygotowanie materiału roślinnego do przechowywania i transportu”, połącz polskie słowa/zwroty z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
plant with a root mass, potted plant, box pallet, impregnated plastic bag, wax emulsion, clamping, mechanical damage, hydrogel, cardboard box, rack
dołowanie | |
emulsja woskowa | |
hydrożel | |
karton | |
regał | |
roślina w pojemniku | |
roślina z bryłą korzeniową | |
skrzyniopaleta | |
uszkodzenia mechaniczne | |
worek foliowy impregnowany |
Defining the subject of a public procurement
The hypertext is a fragment of a public procurement notice, which defines the subject of an order. The ordering party, a local government unit, announces a procurement for the delivery of ornamental trees and bushes for plantings in public green areas.
Hipertekst stanowi fragment ogłoszenia o zamówieniu publicznym – określenie przedmiotu zamówienia. Zamawiający – jednostka samorządu terytorialnego – ogłasza zamówienie na dostawę drzew i krzewów ozdobnych do nasadzeń na terenach zieleni publicznej.
The delivery of ornamental trees and bushes for plantings in public green areas
● Task I, the square near the commune office,
● Task II, the square near the Voluntary Fire Brigade.
1. The assortment, amount, parameters, method of tree and bush cultivation:
● Open‑grownOpen‑grown (with a root masswith a root mass – B, or with a bare rootwith a bare root - bB),
● The quality requirements for the nursery stocknursery stock in accordance with the Polish Standard.
2. The ordering party orders trees and bushes:
● CreeperCreeper trees (with a properly shaped treetopproperly shaped treetop of a given species and variety), and columnarcolumnar trees (growing narrowly in accordance with the natural growth properties of a given variety, with a well‑developed lower stemlower stem, not trimmedtrimmed in the nursery),
● Naturally formed bushes (branchedbranched).
Nursery stock of varietal purityNursery stock of varietal purity is needed, produced in accordance with the rules of nursery agrotechnicsnursery agrotechnics. The plants need to be healthy, lignified, hardenedhardened and properly formed, with regards to the characteristic structure, size and diameter of a given species and variety. The plant material should be collected from a nursery, in which it has been openly nursednursed, on a regular basis every 2‑4 years, and in a pot, every 1‑2 years.
drzewo alejowe
rozkrzewiony krzew
oczkowanie, okulizacja
forma kolumnowa
forma pienna
kwiaty cięte
rośliny cięte
oczko śpiące
suche bukiety
laska glebowa Egnera
podkładka generatywna
zielony nawóz
okres wegetacji
twarde drewno
zahartowana roślina
ogrody wrzosowiskowe
ogrody przydomowe
worek papierowy impregnowany
worek foliowy impregnowany
zadrzewienia krajobrazowe
oczko żywe
spulchnianie ziemi
uszkodzenia mechaniczne
orka średnia
podłoże wilgotne
materiał szkółkarski
czysty odmianowo materiał szkółkarski
agrotechnika szkółkarska
składniki pokarmowe
roślina uprawiana w gruncie
ogrody orientalne
szkółka roślin ozdobnych
rośliny motylkowe
nawóz fosforowy
roślina z bryłą korzeniową
tunel foliowy
rośliny trujące
nawóz potasowy
uprawy pojemnikowe
roślina w pojemniku
strefa produkcyjna
prawidłowo wykształcona korona
zieleń publiczna
ogrody skalne
rozsada, siewka
skrobak do próbników gleby
próba glebowa
substancje toksyczne
podkładka wegetatywna
stosunki wodno‑powietrzne
ogrody wodne i bagienne
podłoże podmokłe
emulsja woskowa
Designing a garden
1. Film in the standard version.
2. Film with subtitles.
3. Film with subtitles and pauses. Listen and repeat after the speaker.
4. Film with subtitles and narration.
Planting a tree with a bare root in a garden
Planting a lawn
Preparing for a dendrological inventory
The hypertext is a conversation between two landscape architects preparing for a dendrological inventory. The conversation touches upon the elements that are necessary to take the inventory, as well as upon the method of describing trees and shrubs in a table.
Hipertekst jest rozmową dwóch architektów krajobrazu przygotowujących się do wykonania inwentaryzacji dendrologicznej. Rozmowa obejmuje elementy niezbędne do wykonania inwentaryzacji, a także sposób opisywania poszczególnych drzew lub krzewów w tabeli.
Landscape architect 1: Hi.
Landscape architect 2: Hi, have you prepared the materials for the dendrological inventory?dendrological inventory?
Landscape architect 1: Yes. I have prepared a table to enter the dendrometric measurementsdendrometric measurements. I also have a soft measuring tapesoft measuring tape and a photo camera.
Landscape architect 2: I have the base‑mapbase‑map and a laser distance meter.laser distance meter.
Landscape architect 1: We will measure the diameter at breast heightdiameter at breast height with the soft measuring tape, and the treetop diametertreetop diameter. We will measure the tree height with the laser distance meter.
Landscape architect 2: We will also need a system of marking treessystem of marking trees if it turns out that we cannot recognize a specific species.
Landscape architect 1: Did you add the “description” column to the table? We need to describe individual trees: are there any hollows visible in the trunks, is the tree infested with pestspests, or affected by, for example, a fungal diseasefungal disease.
Landscape architect 2: In that case, I think we should perform a dendrological expertise,dendrological expertise, not an inventory.
Landscape architect 1: You’re right. We must add columns to the table. We will include information on care recommendationscare recommendations and trees to be kept, to be cut down, or to be replanted.
Landscape architect 2: Let’s modify the table and get to work.
After familiarizing yourself with the hypertext “Preparing for a dendrological inventory”, decide whether the sentences are true or false.
Po zapoznaniu się z hipertekstem „Przygotowanie do inwentaryzacji dendrologicznej”, zdecyduj, czy twierdzenia są prawdziwe czy fałszywe.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
A soft measuring tape is used to measure the diameter at breast height. | □ | □ |
A laser distance meter is used to measure the tree height. | □ | □ |
The treetop diameter is measured with a laser distance meter. | □ | □ |
The diameter at breast height, the treetop diameter and height are measurements taken in a dendrological inventory. | □ | □ |
A system for marking trees is used to mark tree species. | □ | □ |
During a dendrological inventory, we don’t have to pay attention to the health of the plants. | □ | □ |
A dendrological inventory is the same thing as a dendrological expertise. | □ | □ |
A dendrological expertise describes, among others, care recommendations. | □ | □ |
Choosing plants for a garden
The hypertext is a conversation between a landscape architect and a client. The subject of the discussion is the selection of plants for the client’s garden. The conversation refers to the habitat requirements of the plants selected by the client and the plants’ aesthetic qualities.
Hipertekst to rozmowa architekta krajobrazu z klientką. Tematem jest dobór roślin do projektowanego ogrodu. Rozmowa obejmuje: ustalenie wymagań siedliskowych preferowanych przez klientkę roślin oraz wskazanie ich walorów estetycznych.
Landscape architect: Good morning. We had an appointment to choose plants for the garden that will be designed for you.
Client: Good morning. Please, come in.
Landscape architect: I have prepared an initial proposal. However, first I would like to know if you have any suggestions.
Client: Yes, I have a few favorite plants, for example: sumac, heath, alder and juniper.
Landscape architect: You have listed plants with completely different habitat requirementshabitat requirements.
Client: My garden is small and sunny all day long.
Landscape architect: That means we need to find photophilousphotophilous and drought resistant plantsdrought resistant plants. Alder is a good tree for a sunnysunny and semi‑shady sitesemi‑shady site, but it requires moist substratemoist substrate, or waterlogged substratewaterlogged substrate. Juniper and heath would be a good choice. Their habitat requirements fit the garden. Additionally, they exhibit good aesthetic qualities. Junipers have, for example, an interesting creeping structurecreeping structure. As far as heaths are concerned, they are ornamental flowersornamental flowers, and some of their species are evergreenevergreen. However, we need to remember that both plants like soil with acid pHacid pH, especially heaths.
Client: And what about sumac?
Landscape architect: Staghorn sumac is a very tolerant plant. It doesn’t require specific soil. Moreover, it’s very resistant to pollutionresistant to pollution and salinitysalinity. It’s a tree with a nice autumn coloring of leavesautumn coloring of leaves and an interesting structurestructure. I think it will look nice in the garden.
After familiarizing yourself with the hypertext “Choosing plants for a garden”, decide whether the sentences are true or false.
Po zapoznaniu się z hipertekstem „Wybór roślin do ogrodu” zdecyduj, czy twierdzenia są prawdziwe czy fałszywe.
Alder does not require a moist or waterlogged substrate., Junipers and heaths can’t be planted in soil with acid pH., In a garden that is sunny all day long, we should plant photophilous and drought resistant plants., Plants with an interesting structure include juniper and sumac., Sumac is a tree resistant to pollution., Some heath species are evergreen., Sumac, heath, alder and juniper are plants with different habitat requirements., Heaths are not ornamental flowers.
TRUE | |
Garden care
The hypertext is a conversation between a landscape architect and a client regarding garden care. The architect mentions various care treatments and tools indispensable to perform them.
Hipertekst to rozmowa architekta krajobrazu z klientem na temat pielęgnacji ogrodu. Architekt krajobrazu wyszczególnia zabiegi pielęgnacyjne, które powinny zostać wykonane oraz narzędzia do ich wykonania.
Landscape architect: Good morning.
Client: Good morning. I would like to hire you to take care of my garden. I have recently bought a house with a garden and I have no idea where to start. Could you please help me?
Landscape architect: Of course. First of all, a lawn renovationlawn renovation is needed. I would start from mowingmowing and aeratingaerating it after winter.
Client: The lawn is big and I would like the care treatments to be done this weekend.
Landscape architect: I have an electric aeratorelectric aerator and an electric lawn mowerelectric lawn mower so it won’t take a lot of time.
Client: What else needs to be done?
Landscape architect: I can see weedsweeds in the flowerbeds. I suggest weedingweeding so that the weeds don’t overshadow the perennials. The bushes also require cutting with pruning shearspruning shears and trimmingtrimming. The hedge also requires cutting. Since it’s long, I will use electric shearselectric shears.
Client: I think that some of the treetopstreetops are overgrown.overgrown.
Landscape architect: You’re right. I will make an intermediate cutting and shape the treetopsshape the treetops in a way that does not disturb the garden composition. A few coniferous plants are infested with spider mite so sprayingssprayings needs to be done in winter.
Client: I see that you’re a professional. My garden will be in good hands.
After familiarizing yourself with the hypertext “Garden care”, match the Polish words/phrases with their English equivalents.
Po zapoznaniu się z hipertekstem „Pielęgnacja ogrodu” połącz polskie słowa/zwroty z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
mowing the lawn, electric shears, electric lawn mower, electric aerator, shaping treetops, lawn renovation, sprayings, pruning shears, lawn aeration, weeding
aeracja trawnika | |
aerator elektryczny | |
formowanie koron drzew | |
kosiarka elektryczna | |
koszenie trawnika | |
nożyce elektryczne | |
opryski | |
pielenie | |
renowacja trawnika | |
sekator |
odczyn kwaśny
kotwienie bryły korzeniowej
jesienne zabarwienie liści
ściółka korowa
podkład geodezyjny
zalecenia pielęgnacyjne
koncepcja ogrodu
projekt koncepcyjny
pokrój płożący
skoszona i wysuszona trawa
ekspertyza dendrologiczna
inwentaryzacja dendrologiczna
pomiary dendrometryczne
linia kroplująca
roślina odporna na suszę
aerator elektryczny
kosiarka elektryczna
nożyce elektryczne
zimozielona roślina
Fagus sylvatica
żyzna ziemia
łąka kwietna
widły płaskie
choroby grzybowe
wał ogrodowy
wąż ogrodniczy
kalendarz pielęgnacji ogrodu
graficzny projekt koncepcyjny
trawnik z rolki
wymagania siedliskowe
system nawadniania dokorzeniowego
dalmierz laserowy
aeracja trawnika
nawóz do trawników
koszenie trawnika
renowacja trawnika
drzewo długowieczne
rozluźnianie gleby
podłoże wilgotne
ogród naturalistyczny
nawóz organiczny
ozdobne kwiaty
odmiana ozdobna
przerośnięte korony drzew
roślina światłolubna
kora sosnowa
roślina odporna na zanieczyszczenie
roślina odporna na zasolenie
taśma parciana
harmonogram zakładania ogrodu
stanowisko półcieniste
formowanie koron drzew
odczyn lekko kwaśny
miękka taśma miernicza
odczyn gleby
stanowisko słoneczne
klucz do oznaczania drzew
wykaz tabelaryczny
projekt techniczny
drzewo z gołym korzeniem
średnica korony
prześwietlenie krzewów
podłoże podmokłe
Small landscape architecture objects for a residential estate
1. Film in the standard version.
2. Film with subtitles.
3. Film with subtitles and pauses. Listen and repeat after the speaker.
4. Film with subtitles and narration.
An equipment inventory of landscape architecture objects
After watching the animation “An equipment inventory of landscape architecture objects”, decide whether the sentences are true or false.
Po obejrzeniu animacji „Inwentaryzacja wyposażenia obiektów architektury krajobrazu”, zdecyduj, czy twierdzenia się prawdziwe czy fałszywe.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
To take an inventory of an object of landscape architecture, we will need a measuring tape. | □ | □ |
The first step is to familiarize yourself with the terrain. | □ | □ |
The list of objects of small landscape architecture doesn’t need to be checked against the factual state. | □ | □ |
Informative pictures are made in order to later verify the carried out field work. | □ | □ |
After we take a picture, we should enter only its number into the map. | □ | □ |
We don’t have to check all of the dimensions of the inventoried objects. | □ | □ |
The description of the technical condition of the objects of small landscape architecture is part of the inventory. | □ | □ |
A description of the technical condition is used to indicate the needed maintenance procedures. | □ | □ |
The layout of objects of small architecture: an analysis of the terrain
After watching the animation “The layout of objects of small architecture: an analysis of the terrain”, decide whether the sentences are true or false.
Po obejrzeniu animacji „Rozmieszczenie obiektów małej architektury – analiza terenu” zdecyduj, czy twierdzenia są prawdzie czy fałszywe.
A bench placed among tall and dense bushes doesn’t create a potential threat of an assault., An important element of the square is a bench placed on the main viewing axis., The grass separating a bicycle lane and the pavement, or a slope of a bank, are good locations for a bench., Benches around a flowerpot are placed in an intimate area with an interesting element., A bench shouldn’t be placed under a strongly fructifying tree because the falling fruit can stain the bench., A bench with a view of the neighboring street, but omitting the main element of the square, is correctly placed., Placing benches too close to each other may cause a feeling of a lack of intimacy for the people sitting on them., Placing benches along the side alleyways with a view of the main element of the square is the right thing to do.
TRUE | |
Objects of small architecture for a garden
The hypertext is the content of an email from the owner of a horticultural shop to her employees. The owner informs about the delivery of new products from the category of small architectural objects.
Hipertekst stanowi treść e‑maila właścicielki sklepu ogrodniczego do pracowników. Właścicielka informuje o dostawie nowych produktów z zakresu obiektów małej architektury.
Dear all,
Some new products will be delivered next week. We have signed a contract with a manufacturer of objects of small garden architectureobjects of small garden architecture. In our offer, we will have new garden gazebosgarden gazebos, benchesbenches and fountainsfountains. Garden furnitureGarden furniture made of rattanrattan and synthetic rattansynthetic rattan will be another new thing. You have often mentioned that our clients keep asking about unique sitting placessitting places. Therefore, we will introduce made gabionsgabions to our offer. They are baskets made of galvanized wiregalvanized wire, filled with stones or wood. I would like you to remember to list all of the potential uses of the gabions. A gabion‑madelow garden walllow garden wall is an example. Additionally, I would like to remind you that a stocktaking is planned for tomorrow in the department with potspots. Please, pay special attention to frost proof potsfrost proof pots and those made of polypropylenepolypropylene. I think that we need to order new ceramic potsceramic pots. I wish you all a good week.
After familiarizing yourself with the hypertext “Objects of small architecture for a garden”, match the Polish words/phrases with their English equivalents.
Po zapoznaniu się z hipertekstem „Obiekty małej architektury do ogrodu”, połącz polskie słowa/zwroty z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
sitting place, garden furniture, fountain, rattan, garden gazebo, polypropylene, low garden wall, pots, gabions, synthetic rattan
altana ogrodowa | |
donice | |
gabiony | |
meble ogrodowe | |
rattan | |
fontanna | |
polipropylen | |
murek ogrodowy | |
siedzisko | |
technorattan |
City furniture
The hypertext is a conversation between a landscape architect and an employee of the commune office. It refers to the existing and planned objects of small architecture of a small square, i.e., city furniture. The conversation is based on the inventory of the square equipment.
Hipertekst stanowi rozmowę architekta krajobrazu z pracownikiem urzędu gminy. Tematem są istniejące oraz planowane obiekty małej architektury na terenie niewielkiego skweru, czyli meble miejskie. Rozmowa odbywa się na podstawie inwentaryzacji wyposażenia skweru.
Landscape architect: Good morning. We were scheduled to take a look at the objects of small landscape architecture of the square.
Commune office employee: Good morning. Please, come in. This is the plan of the square and its pictures.
Landscape architect: Do you have the equipment inventoryequipment inventory of the area? It would allow us to determine if there are enough objects with particular functions in the area, and whether they require renewal, or not.
Commune office employee: Yes, here it is.
Landscape architect: There is various city furniturecity furniture in the square: rubbish binsrubbish bins made of plated steelplated steel, completed with wooden elements, and concreteconcrete bins. Those made of metal are closer to the bus shelter.
Commune office employee: I would like them to be uniform and to match the bicycle standsbicycle stands that are made of stainless steelstainless steel.
Landscape architect: I will look for the right product.
Commune office employee: The objects that I would like to keep in an unchanged form are lanternslanterns and the crate for sandcrate for sand used in winter. Do you have any other suggestions?
Landscape architect: Yes. We could place an information totem poleinformation totem pole with a map of the commune near the bus shelter. Additionally, to increase the usable space of the square, I suggest using crates under the treescrates under the trees. They will protect the root system from damage. At the same time, they will enable the free flow of water to the root system. They will also perform an aesthetic function.
Commune office employee: Thank you for the suggestions. I will be waiting for the materials.
Recreation in the public space: a playground and a public gym
The hypertext is a conversation between a landscape architect and a representative of a company that sells equipment for playgrounds and outdoor gyms. The company representative recommends products for both a playground, and a public outdoor gym to the landscape architect.
Hipertekst stanowi rozmowę architekta krajobrazu z przedstawicielem firmy sprzedającej wyposażenie placów zabaw i siłowni plenerowych. Przedstawiciel firmy poleca architektowi krajobrazu produkty zarówno na plac zabaw, jak i na siłownię publiczną.
Company representative: Good morning.
Landscape architect: Good morning. I’m designing a playgroundplayground and an outdoor gymoutdoor gym in the city park. It is, of course, a public space. I am looking for the right equipment that will meet the safety standardssafety standards. It’s also important that the equipment is durable and easy to maintain.
Company representative: Let’s start from the surface. I recommend tartantartan for the playground. Its colors indicate the hardness level.
Landscape architect: I have considered that material. And what equipment could you recommend, besides a roundaboutroundabout?
Company representative: In my offer, I have playground spring toysplayground spring toys and climbing wallsclimbing walls.
Landscape architect: Can climbing walls be part of a bigger set?
Company representative: Of course, e.g., they can be part of climbing framesclimbing frames.
Landscape architect: Let’s move on to the gym.
Company representative: From the gym equipment, I would recommend a treadmilltreadmill, stepperstepper and twistertwister. That’s the most popular equipment. It can be used by both young and older people. A pylonpylon will be necessary to install them. If the area isn’t shaded, then shaded roofsshaded roofs might be useful.
Landscape architect: Thank you for your help.
Company representative: I’m at your disposal in case of any questions.
Type a word
podkład geodezyjny
stojak rowerowy
donice ceramiczne
meble miejskie
ścianka wspinaczkowa
skrzynia na piasek
kraty pod drzewa
krajobraz kulturowy zdegradowany
gęste krzewy
inwentaryzacja wyposażenia
prace wykonane w terenie
donice mrozoodporne
drzewo owocowe
drut ocynkowany
meble ogrodowe
altana ogrodowa
graficzny projekt koncepcyjny
krajobraz kulturowy harmonijny
tablica informacyjna
słupki informacyjne
totem informacyjny
obiekty służące do wypoczynku i rekreacji
murek ogrodowy
zabiegi konserwacyjne
mapa terenu
taśma miernicza
krajobraz naturalny
obiekty służące do utrzymania porządku
obiekty małej architektury ogrodowej
krajobraz pierwotny
siłownia plenerowa
stal lakierowana
plac zabaw
obszar chronionego krajobrazu
kosz na śmieci
standardy bezpieczeństwa
piaskownica, piaskownica właściwa
daszek zacieniający
boczna alejka
stal nierdzewna
drzewo silnie owocujące
wysokie krzewy
stan techniczny
projekt techniczny
analiza terenu
drzewo o brudzących owocach
oś widokowa
deska drewniana
Maintenance work and building small landscape architecture objects
1. Film in the standard version.
2. Film with subtitles.
3. Film with subtitles and pauses. Listen and repeat after the speaker.
4. Film with subtitles and narration.
Safe water in a garden
After watching the animation “Safe water in a garden”, decide whether the sentences are true or false.
Po obejrzeniu animacji „Bezpieczna woda w ogrodzie”, zdecyduj, czy twierdzenia są prawdziwe czy fałszywe.
A net installed above a garden pond is a more aesthetic solution than a net built into the structure of the garden pond., A low net fence, on which vines grow, is suitable for large and small gardens., Equipping the bridge with guard rails will increase the safety in the garden., The gate in a fence protecting a large pool should be equipped with a lock with a key., To cover a big pool, we use a special tarpaulin., The water in a small pool doesn’t need to be changed daily., A net installed above a garden pond helps maintain the garden pond., The surroundings of a big pool don’t have to be made out of anti-slip stoneware tiles.
TRUE | |
The maintenance of a garden bench
Construction of a retaining wall in a garden
The hypertext is a manual for constructing a retaining wall in a garden. The text lists different types of walls, depending on the used materials.
Hipertekst stanowi instruktaż dotyczący budowy murku oporowego w ogrodzie. Tekst zawiera spis rodzajów murków w zależności od zastosowanych materiałów.
The construction method of retaining walls depends on the materials they are made of.
Dry wallsDry walls are made of stone (e.g., split sandstonesandstone or cobblestonescobblestones), and laid without mortarmortar. Such walls are good only for embankments up to 50 cm high and with a 30 degree tilt.
Walls made of stone, brickbrick, concrete blocksconcrete blocks are built on a foundationfoundation and with mortar. If the wall has two rows of stones of different sizes, a perpendperpend must be laid every 3‑4 layers. A perpend is a stone that covers the entire width of the wall.
Wooden walls are used in the case of not too high and not too steep embankments. The wall’s elements need to be joined with metal bracesmetal braces.
Walls from cast‑in‑place concretecast‑in‑place concrete are very steady and aesthetic. A reinforcementreinforcement made of rods should be placed in the concrete. The foundation is part of the wall itself.
Walls from hollow brickshollow bricks are placed directly on the ground. Hollow bricks can be laid in two ways: alternatelyalternately and in a cascadein a cascade. In the former method, the connecting bricks in one layer do not proceed into those in the upper or lower layers. The latter method is based on moving the upper hollow brick back in relation to the lower brick.
Retaining walls are built on a foundation or without it. This mainly depends on the height of the wall and the embankment that it’s supporting. Lower walls are built on a stabilized ground, e.g., on a compact cement‑sand bedcement‑sand bed, whereas higher walls are built on a foundation.
Some walls can be decorated with plants. Plants can be put in the cracks appearing in dry walls. The same applies to walls made of hollow bricks. Their hollow spaces are filled with soil in which plants can be put. Additionally, this stabilizes the retaining wall.
On the basis of the hypertext “Construction of a retaining wall in a garden”, decide whether the sentences are true or false.
Na podstawie hipertekstu „Budowa murku oporowego w ogrodzie” , zdecyduj, czy twierdzenia są prawdziwe czy fałszywe.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
Dry walls are built without mortar. | □ | □ |
Dry walls can be used to support all embankments, regardless of their height and tilt. | □ | □ |
If a wall has two rows of stones of different sizes, we need to remember to place prepends. | □ | □ |
A cast-in-concrete wall is built without a reinforcement. | □ | □ |
Cobblestones are used to build dry walls. | □ | □ |
Metal braces are used when building wooden walls. | □ | □ |
The method of alternately laying hollow bricks is based on pushing the top brick back in relation to the bottom one. | □ | □ |
The structure of the foundation depends, among others, on the height of the wall and the bank that it supports. | □ | □ |
Flowers can be used to decorate dry walls only. | □ | □ |
Maintenance of a garden pond
The hypertext is a short article in a trade magazine regarding the maintenance of a garden pond. The text mentions the works that need to be done to maintain the right condition of a garden pond, as well as the equipment and agents necessary for its maintenance.
Hipertekst stanowi krótki artykuł w gazecie branżowej na temat konserwacji oczka wodnego. W tekście wymienione zostały czynności, które należy wykonać aby utrzymać oczko wodne w odpowiednim stanie, a także urządzenia i preparaty do wykonania konserwacji.
Garden pond maintenance
A garden pond is a decoration of many gardens. To fulfil its function and be pleasing to the eye, it must be cared for through the whole season.
After winter, when the snow melts, the condition of the garden pond needs to be assessed. Trash such as leaves, fish excrements and the remains of decomposing plants need to be removed. The garden pond also needs to be desludgeddesludged. This can be done with a garden pond vacuumgarden pond vacuum. When cleaning the garden pond, the formation of compounds harmful to fish or causing the growth of algaealgae must be avoided. In a small garden pond, about one third of the water must be changed and water conditionerwater conditioner needs to be added to it. The water in a big garden pond doesn’t need to be changed. It’s important to remember about the stabilization of water parametersstabilization of water parameters. After the frosts end, and the water temperature exceeds 5 degrees, a water filterwater filter with an immersion pumpimmersion pump can be installed. It will help maintain a biological equilibrium. It’s also worth checking if the garden pond is leaky. If there is a hole in the material from which the garden pond is made of, it must be covered with an adhesive patchadhesive patch.
In the season, on the other hand, taking care of the cleanliness and state of the water is of primary importance. In order to keep it clean, it should be aeratedaerated, and the growth of algae must be prevented. The algae can be removed with chemical algaecideschemical algaecides. If there are fish in the garden pond, than agents that are safe for them must be chosen. Aeration is also important. For that purpose, aeratorsaerators that are used in small garden ponds can be used. In a bigger garden pond, a fountainfountain or a cascadecascade can be installed, which gets the water moving. When the garden pond is well taken care of, it will be pleasing to the eye for a long time.
After familiarizing yourself with the hypertext “Maintenance of a garden pond”, match the Polish words/phrases with their English equivalents.
Po zapoznaniu się z hipertekstem „Konserwacja oczka wodnego”, połącz polskie słowa/zwroty z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
cascade, aeration, water conditioner, algae, aerator, immersion pump, desludging, water filter, garden pond vacuum, adhesive patch
brzęczyk | |
filtr wody | |
glony | |
kaskada | |
łata samoprzylepna | |
natlenianie | |
odkurzacz do oczek wodnych | |
odmulenie | |
pompa zanurzeniowa | |
uzdatniacz wody |
Revalorization of small landscape architecture objects in a historical garden
The hypertext is a conversation between two landscape architects. The topic of the discussion is the revalorization of objects of small landscape architecture in a historical garden. The architects determine that the works should begin with an inventory of the objects of small architecture.
Hipertekst stanowi rozmowę dwóch architektów krajobrazu. Tematem rozmowy jest rewaloryzacja obiektów małej architektury krajobrazu w zabytkowym ogrodzie. Architekci ustalają, że prace należy rozpocząć od wykonania inwentaryzacji obiektów małej architektury.
Landscape architect 1: Hi, Ann.
Landscape architect 2: Hello. It’s good you’re here. We have a revalorizationrevalorization of small architecture objects in a historical gardenhistorical garden to do. The owner has no up‑to‑date documents of the garden.
Landscape architect 1: That means that we need to take inventory of the small architecture objects.
Landscape architect 2: The client has indicated that most of the small architecture objects have undergone degradationdegradation.
Landscape architect 1: In that case, we have to ask the client to request the conservation officerconservation officer to issue conservation recommendationsconservation recommendations. They should include the guidelinesguidelines on the methods of using the monumentmonument and securing it. Moreover, they should include the scope of restoration worksrestoration works and acceptable alterations that can be introduced.
Landscape architect 2: We must precisely determine whether or not the garden is a monument. We must know if it is in the register of monumentsregister of monuments, or in the municipal register of objects of cultural heritagemunicipal register of objects of cultural heritage.
Landscape architect 1: After the inventory and the receipt of the recommendations, we will be able to valorize the objects. We will also make graphic conceptual and technical designs of the new objects.
Landscape architect 2: The client has also asked us to design a trellistrellis.
Landscape architect 1: All of the new objects will have to reflect the historical characterhistorical character of the garden and match its schemescheme.
Landscape architect 2: It’s a very interesting assignment. I hope we will meet the client’s expectations.
Landscape architect 1: We definitely will. He has worked with us before and has always been satisfied.
Word search
łata samoprzylepna
szlifierka kątowa
materiały antypoślizgowe
warunki atmosferyczne
beton wylewany
zaprawa cementowa
podsypka cementowo‑piaskowa
chemiczne środki glonobójcze
środki chemiczne
kamień polny
bloczki betonowe
betonowe stopy fundamentowe
murek betonowy
konserwator zabytków
zalecenia konserwatorskie
degradation [ˌdɛɡrəˈdeɪʃ(ə)n] [singular, noun]
degradation [ˌdɛɡrəˈdeɪʃ(ə)n] [singular, noun]
murek suchy
altana ogrodowa
oczko wodne
program ogrodu
graficzny projekt koncepcyjny
hammer, hammers [ˈhamə] [singular, noun]
hammer, hammers [ˈhamə] [singular, noun]
zabytkowy charakter
zabytkowy ogród
pompa zanurzeniowa
inwentaryzacja obiektów małej architektury krajobrazu
wykwity wapienne
metalowe kotwy
metalowe klamry
gminna ewidencja zabytków
folia PCV
klej do folii PCV
łata z folii PCV
szczotka kielichowa
odkurzacz do oczek wodnych
odzież ochronna
folia ochronna
rękawiczki ochronne
okulary ochronne
siatka ochronna
więźba dachowa
rejestr zabytków
prace konserwatorskie
murek oporowy
gonty bitumiczne
krycie dachu
papier ścierny
roleta rozsuwana
pistolet natryskowy
metoda natryskowa
stabilizacja parametrów wody
uzdatniacz wody
filtr wody
harmonogram prac