
Architektura krajobrazu / Landscape Architecture

Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

The use of ornamental plants in landscape architecture objects

1. Film in the standard version.

The film takes place in the office of an ornamental plant nursery. The practices regarding the use of ornamental plants in landscape architecture objects are explained to a student by a nursery employee. Film rozgrywa się w biurze szkółki roślin ozdobnych. Pracownik szkółki wyjaśnia studentowi odbywającemu zajęcia kwestie z zakresu możliwości zastosowania roślin w obiektach architektury krajobrazu.

2. Film with subtitles.

The film takes place in the office of an ornamental plant nursery. The practices regarding the use of ornamental plants in landscape architecture objects are explained to a student by a nursery employee. Film rozgrywa się w biurze szkółki roślin ozdobnych. Pracownik szkółki wyjaśnia studentowi odbywającemu zajęcia kwestie z zakresu możliwości zastosowania roślin w obiektach architektury krajobrazu.

3. Film with subtitles and pauses. Listen and repeat after the speaker.

The film takes place in the office of an ornamental plant nursery. The practices regarding the use of ornamental plants in landscape architecture objects are explained to a student by a nursery employee. Film rozgrywa się w biurze szkółki roślin ozdobnych. Pracownik szkółki wyjaśnia studentowi odbywającemu zajęcia kwestie z zakresu możliwości zastosowania roślin w obiektach architektury krajobrazu.

4. Film with subtitles and narration.

The film takes place in the office of an ornamental plant nursery. The practices regarding the use of ornamental plants in landscape architecture objects are explained to a student by a nursery employee. Film rozgrywa się w biurze szkółki roślin ozdobnych. Pracownik szkółki wyjaśnia studentowi odbywającemu zajęcia kwestie z zakresu możliwości zastosowania roślin w obiektach architektury krajobrazu.
Exercise 1
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 2
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

The production of generative rootstock

The animation presents the production of generative rootstock in an ornamental plant nursery. Animacja prezentuje produkcję podkładek generatywnych w szkółce roślin ozdobnych.
Exercise 3
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Soil preparation for planting trees in a nursery

The animation presents the method of soil preparation for planting trees in an ornamental plant nursery. Animacja przedstawia sposób przygotowania gleby przed posadzeniem drzewek w szkółce roślin ozdobnych.
Exercise 4
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Work to be done in the first year of running an ornamental plant nursery

The hypertext is a conversation between two landscape architects. The topic of the conversation is the range of works that needs to be done in the first year of running an ornamental plant nursery. The architects list the individual tasks that need to be done.

Hipertekst stanowi rozmowę dwóch architektów krajobrazu. Tematem rozmowy jest zakres prac, które należy wykonać w pierwszym roku prowadzenia szkółki roślin ozdobnych. Architekci po kolei wymieniają poszczególne prace, które należy wykonać.

Landscape architect 1: Hi!

Landscape architect 2: Hi. It’s good to see you. We should plan the works that need to be done in the first year of running ourornamental plant nursery.mb269eaf97be9dd80_1497279787842_0ornamental plant nursery.

Landscape architect 1: I agree. The first thing that needs to be done is ploughingmb269eaf97be9dd80_1497279793098_0ploughing the field.

Landscape architect 2: We should sort the rootstock on the basis of their thickness. The weakest ones won’t be good for budding.mb269eaf97be9dd80_1497279743621_0budding.

Landscape architect 1: We need to remember about the right spacingmb269eaf97be9dd80_1497279777622_0spacing of the rootstock while planting: 70‑80 cm between rows, every 30 cm in a single row.

Landscape architect 2: Generative rootstockmb269eaf97be9dd80_1497279767416_0Generative rootstock is planted 2‑3 cm deeper than the plant from which it was grafted. Vegetative rootstockmb269eaf97be9dd80_1497279772536_0Vegetative rootstock is planted 3‑6 cm deeper.

Landscape architect 1: In the first year of running the nursery, during the growing season,mb269eaf97be9dd80_1497279762480_0growing season, we need to remember about loosening the soilmb269eaf97be9dd80_1497279782995_0loosening the soil and weeding.mb269eaf97be9dd80_1497279753543_0weeding.

Landscape architect 2: Our nursery isn’t big. We will do the weeding manually, without herbicides.mb269eaf97be9dd80_1497279718401_0herbicides. We also need to fertilizemb269eaf97be9dd80_1497279733582_0fertilize the soil with nitrogen.mb269eaf97be9dd80_1497279637332_0nitrogen.

Landscape architect 1: We will also have to do the budding.mb269eaf97be9dd80_1497279743621_0budding. In May and June, we will do it with a living bud,mb269eaf97be9dd80_1497279748379_0living bud, and from July to September with a dormant bud.mb269eaf97be9dd80_1497279738479_0dormant bud.

Exercise 5
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Preparing plant material for storage and transport

The hypertext is a manual for arborists. Its topic is the preparation of plant material for storage and transport. It includes vocabulary typical for the subject, indicating materials for plant storage.

Hipertekst stanowi instruktaż dla szkółkarzy. Jego tematem jest przygotowanie materiał roślinnego do przechowywania i transportu. Zastosowano w nim słownictwo typowe dla tematu, wskazujące poszczególne materiały do przechowywania roślin.

The method of plant storage and transport can significantly influence whether the plant will root in the new place, or not. The most important thing is to protect the plant, as well as the root mass itself, from sun, wind, frost and water excess. The storage method needs to be selected with regards to how long the plant will be stored. Whether it is a potted plantmb269eaf97be9dd80_1497292307534_0potted plant, or a plant with a root massmb269eaf97be9dd80_1497292302003_0plant with a root mass, should also be taken into consideration. If the plant is to be stored for a few days, it needs to be placed in shade, and the root mass needs to be protected from drying out, e.g., with hydrogelmb269eaf97be9dd80_1497292330786_0hydrogel, or by clampingmb269eaf97be9dd80_1497292341857_0clamping the plant. In the case of both potted plants and plants with a root mass, the roots need to be protected from drying out. The plant itself needs to be protected from mechanical damagemb269eaf97be9dd80_1497292283746_0mechanical damage, which can occur during loading, transport and unloading. For that purpose, we can use box palletsmb269eaf97be9dd80_1497292294450_0box pallets, carts**,** racksmb269eaf97be9dd80_1497292312053_0racks and cardboard boxesmb269eaf97be9dd80_1497292326285_0cardboard boxes. Impregnated papermb269eaf97be9dd80_1497292272551_0Impregnated paper or plastic bagsmb269eaf97be9dd80_1497292278430_0plastic bags, in which smaller batches of plants are transported, can also be used. To decrease transpiration, wax emulsionmb269eaf97be9dd80_1497292338305_0wax emulsion can be used to spray the plant before digging it out.

Exercise 6
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Defining the subject of a public procurement

The hypertext is a fragment of a public procurement notice, which defines the subject of an order. The ordering party, a local government unit, announces a procurement for the delivery of ornamental trees and bushes for plantings in public green areas.

Hipertekst stanowi fragment ogłoszenia o zamówieniu publicznym – określenie przedmiotu zamówienia. Zamawiający – jednostka samorządu terytorialnego – ogłasza zamówienie na dostawę drzew i krzewów ozdobnych do nasadzeń na terenach zieleni publicznej.

The delivery of ornamental trees and bushes for plantings in public green areas

Task I, the square near the commune office,

Task II, the square near the Voluntary Fire Brigade.

1. The assortment, amount, parameters, method of tree and bush cultivation:
Open‑grownmb269eaf97be9dd80_1497302609415_0Open‑grown (with a root massmb269eaf97be9dd80_1497292302003_0with a root mass – B, or with a bare rootmb269eaf97be9dd80_1497302598187_0with a bare root - bB),
● The quality requirements for the nursery stockmb269eaf97be9dd80_1497302733680_0nursery stock in accordance with the Polish Standard.

2. The ordering party orders trees and bushes:
Creepermb269eaf97be9dd80_1497302736917_0Creeper trees (with a properly shaped treetopmb269eaf97be9dd80_1497302618223_0properly shaped treetop of a given species and variety), and columnarmb269eaf97be9dd80_1497302748645_0columnar trees (growing narrowly in accordance with the natural growth properties of a given variety, with a well‑developed lower stemmb269eaf97be9dd80_1497302614191_0lower stem, not trimmedmb269eaf97be9dd80_1497302728712_0trimmed in the nursery),
● Naturally formed bushes (branchedmb269eaf97be9dd80_1497302589553_0branched).

Nursery stock of varietal puritymb269eaf97be9dd80_1497302754287_0Nursery stock of varietal purity is needed, produced in accordance with the rules of nursery agrotechnicsmb269eaf97be9dd80_1497302764422_0nursery agrotechnics. The plants need to be healthy, lignified, hardenedmb269eaf97be9dd80_1497302952671_0hardened and properly formed, with regards to the characteristic structure, size and diameter of a given species and variety. The plant material should be collected from a nursery, in which it has been openly nursedmb269eaf97be9dd80_1497302944027_0nursed, on a regular basis every 2‑4 years, and in a pot, every 1‑2 years.

Exercise 7
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.




Play the game. Zagraj w grę.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.


avenue tree, avenue trees [ˈav(ə)njuː triː] [singular, noun]
avenue tree, avenue trees [ˈav(ə)njuː triː] [singular, noun]

drzewo alejowe

box pallet, box pallets [bɒks ˈpalɪt] [singular, noun]
box pallet, box pallets [bɒks ˈpalɪt] [singular, noun]


branched bush, branched bushe**s [brɑːn(t)ʃt bʊ] [phrase]
branched bush, branched bushe**s [brɑːn(t)ʃt bʊ] [phrase]

rozkrzewiony krzew

broadcast spreader, broadcast spreaders [ˈbrɔːdkɑːst ˈsprɛdə][singular, noun]
broadcast spreader, broadcast spreaders [ˈbrɔːdkɑːst ˈsprɛdə][singular, noun]


bud, buds [bʌd] [singular, noun]
bud, buds [bʌd] [singular, noun]


budding [ˈbʌdɪŋ] [singular, noun]
budding [ˈbʌdɪŋ] [singular, noun]

oczkowanie, okulizacja

cardboard box, cardboard boxes [ˈkɑːdbɔːd bɒks][singular, noun]
cardboard box, cardboard boxes [ˈkɑːdbɔːd bɒks][singular, noun]


clamping [klampɪŋ][singular, noun]
clamping [klampɪŋ][singular, noun]


columnar [kəˈlʌmnə][adjective]
columnar [kəˈlʌmnə][adjective]

forma kolumnowa

couch [kuːtʃ] [singular, noun]
couch [kuːtʃ] [singular, noun]


creeper [ˈkriːpə] [singular, noun]
creeper [ˈkriːpə] [singular, noun]

forma pienna

cut flower, cut flowers [kʌt ˈflaʊə] [phrase]
cut flower, cut flowers [kʌt ˈflaʊə] [phrase]

kwiaty cięte

cut plant, cut plants [kʌt plɑːnt][phrase]
cut plant, cut plants [kʌt plɑːnt][phrase]

rośliny cięte

dibber, dibbers [ˈdɪbə] [singular, noun]
dibber, dibbers [ˈdɪbə] [singular, noun]


dormant bud, dormant buds [ˈdɔːm(ə)nt bʌd] [phrase]
dormant bud, dormant buds [ˈdɔːm(ə)nt bʌd] [phrase]

oczko śpiące

dry bouquet, dry bouquets [drʌɪ bʊˈkeɪ] [phrase]
dry bouquet, dry bouquets [drʌɪ bʊˈkeɪ] [phrase]

suche bukiety

Egner's soil sampler [ˈɛɡnəs sɔɪl ˈsɑːmplə] [phrase]
Egner's soil sampler [ˈɛɡnəs sɔɪl ˈsɑːmplə] [phrase]

laska glebowa Egnera

fertilization [ˌfəːtɪlʌɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n] [singular, noun]
fertilization [ˌfəːtɪlʌɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n] [singular, noun]


generative rootstock [ˈdʒɛn(ə)rətɪv ˈruːtstɒk][phrase]
generative rootstock [ˈdʒɛn(ə)rətɪv ˈruːtstɒk][phrase]

podkładka generatywna

green fertilizer [ɡriːn ˈfəːtɪlʌɪzə] [phrase]
green fertilizer [ɡriːn ˈfəːtɪlʌɪzə] [phrase]

zielony nawóz

greenhouse, greenhouses [ˈɡriːnhaʊs] [singular, noun]
greenhouse, greenhouses [ˈɡriːnhaʊs] [singular, noun]


growing season [ˈɡrəʊɪŋ ˈsiːz(ə)n] [phrase]
growing season [ˈɡrəʊɪŋ ˈsiːz(ə)n] [phrase]

okres wegetacji

hard wood [hɑːd wʊd] [phrase]
hard wood [hɑːd wʊd] [phrase]

twarde drewno

hardened plant, hardened plants [ˈhɑːdənd plɑːnt] [phrase]
hardened plant, hardened plants [ˈhɑːdənd plɑːnt] [phrase]

zahartowana roślina

heath garden, heath gardens [hiːtheta ˈɡɑːd(ə)n] [phrase]
heath garden, heath gardens [hiːtheta ˈɡɑːd(ə)n] [phrase]

ogrody wrzosowiskowe

hedge, hedges [hɛdʒ] [singular, noun]
hedge, hedges [hɛdʒ] [singular, noun]


herbicide, herbicides [ˈhəːbɪsʌɪd] [singular, noun]
herbicide, herbicides [ˈhəːbɪsʌɪd] [singular, noun]


home garden, home gardens [həʊm ˈɡɑːd(ə)n][phrase]
home garden, home gardens [həʊm ˈɡɑːd(ə)n][phrase]

ogrody przydomowe

hydrogel, hydrogels [ˈhʌɪdrə(ʊ)dʒɛl][singular, noun]
hydrogel, hydrogels [ˈhʌɪdrə(ʊ)dʒɛl][singular, noun]


impregnated paper bag, impregnated paper bags [ˈɪmprɛɡneɪted ˈpeɪpə baɡ] [phrase]
impregnated paper bag, impregnated paper bags [ˈɪmprɛɡneɪted ˈpeɪpə baɡ] [phrase]

worek papierowy impregnowany

impregnated plastic bag, impregnated plastic bags [ˈɪmprɛɡneɪted ˈplastɪk baɡ] [phrase]
impregnated plastic bag, impregnated plastic bags [ˈɪmprɛɡneɪted ˈplastɪk baɡ] [phrase]

worek foliowy impregnowany

landscape tree cover [ˈlan(d)skeɪp triː ˈkʌvə] [phrase]
landscape tree cover [ˈlan(d)skeɪp triː ˈkʌvə] [phrase]

zadrzewienia krajobrazowe

lane, lanes [leɪn] [singular, noun]
lane, lanes [leɪn] [singular, noun]


liming [lʌɪmɪŋ] [singular, noun]
liming [lʌɪmɪŋ] [singular, noun]


living bud, living buds [ˈlɪvɪŋ bʌd] [phrase]
living bud, living buds [ˈlɪvɪŋ bʌd] [phrase]

oczko żywe

loosening the soil [ˈluːs(ə)nɪŋ ðə sɔɪl][phrase]
loosening the soil [ˈluːs(ə)nɪŋ ðə sɔɪl][phrase]

spulchnianie ziemi

lower stem [ˈləʊə stɛm] [phrase]
lower stem [ˈləʊə stɛm] [phrase]


manure [məˈnjʊə] [singular, noun]
manure [məˈnjʊə] [singular, noun]


mechanical damage [mɪˈkanɪk(ə)l ˈdamɪdʒ] [phrase]
mechanical damage [mɪˈkanɪk(ə)l ˈdamɪdʒ] [phrase]

uszkodzenia mechaniczne

medium‑ploughing [ˈmiːdɪəm plaʊɪŋ][singular, noun]
medium‑ploughing [ˈmiːdɪəm plaʊɪŋ][singular, noun]

orka średnia

moist substrate [ɔɪst ˈsʌbstreɪt] [phrase]
moist substrate [ɔɪst ˈsʌbstreɪt] [phrase]

podłoże wilgotne

nitrogen [ˈnʌɪtrədʒ(ə)n][singular, noun]
nitrogen [ˈnʌɪtrədʒ(ə)n][singular, noun]


nursery stock [ˈnəːs(ə)ri stɒk] [phrase]
nursery stock [ˈnəːs(ə)ri stɒk] [phrase]

materiał szkółkarski

nursery stock of varietal purity [ˈnəːs(ə)ri stɒk ɒv vəˈrʌɪət(ə)l ˈpjʊərɪti] [phrase]
nursery stock of varietal purity [ˈnəːs(ə)ri stɒk ɒv vəˈrʌɪət(ə)l ˈpjʊərɪti] [phrase]

czysty odmianowo materiał szkółkarski

nursing [ˈnəːsɪŋ] [singular, noun]
nursing [ˈnəːsɪŋ] [singular, noun]


nursing agrotechnics [ˈnəːsɪŋ ˈaɡrəʊˈtɛknɪks][phrase]
nursing agrotechnics [ˈnəːsɪŋ ˈaɡrəʊˈtɛknɪks][phrase]

agrotechnika szkółkarska

nutrients [ˈnjuːtrɪənts] [plural, noun]
nutrients [ˈnjuːtrɪənts] [plural, noun]

składniki pokarmowe

openly‑grown plant, openly‑grown plants [ˈəʊp(ə)nli ɡrəʊn plɑːnt][phrase]
openly‑grown plant, openly‑grown plants [ˈəʊp(ə)nli ɡrəʊn plɑːnt][phrase]

roślina uprawiana w gruncie

oriental garden, oriental gardens [ɒrɪˈɛnt(ə)l ˈɡɑːd(ə)n] [phrase]
oriental garden, oriental gardens [ɒrɪˈɛnt(ə)l ˈɡɑːd(ə)n] [phrase]

ogrody orientalne

ornamental plant nursery, ornamental plant nurseries [ɔːnəˈmɛnt(ə)l plɑːnt ˈnəːs(ə)ri [phrase]
ornamental plant nursery, ornamental plant nurseries [ɔːnəˈmɛnt(ə)l plɑːnt ˈnəːs(ə)ri [phrase]

szkółka roślin ozdobnych

packing room, packing rooms [ˈpakɪŋ ruːm] [phrase]
packing room, packing rooms [ˈpakɪŋ ruːm] [phrase]


papilionaceous plant, papilionaceous plants [pəˌpɪlɪəˈneɪʃəs plɑːnt] [phrase]
papilionaceous plant, papilionaceous plants [pəˌpɪlɪəˈneɪʃəs plɑːnt] [phrase]

rośliny motylkowe

park, parks [pɑːk][singular, noun]
park, parks [pɑːk][singular, noun]


phosphorus fertilizer [ˈfɒsf(ə)rəs ˈfəːtɪlʌɪzə] [phrase]
phosphorus fertilizer [ˈfɒsf(ə)rəs ˈfəːtɪlʌɪzə] [phrase]

nawóz fosforowy

plant with a root mass, plants with a root mass [plɑːnt wɪð eɪ ruːt mas] [phrase]
plant with a root mass, plants with a root mass [plɑːnt wɪð eɪ ruːt mas] [phrase]

roślina z bryłą korzeniową

plastic tunnel, plastic tunnels [ˈplastɪk ˈtʌn(ə)l] [singular, noun]
plastic tunnel, plastic tunnels [ˈplastɪk ˈtʌn(ə)l] [singular, noun]

tunel foliowy

plough, ploughs [plaʊ] [singular, noun]
plough, ploughs [plaʊ] [singular, noun]


ploughing [plaʊɪŋ] [singular, noun]
ploughing [plaʊɪŋ] [singular, noun]


plug tray, plug trays [plʌɡ treɪ] [singular, noun]
plug tray, plug trays [plʌɡ treɪ] [singular, noun]


poisonous plant, poisonous plants [ˈpɔɪzənəs plɑːnt] [phrase]
poisonous plant, poisonous plants [ˈpɔɪzənəs plɑːnt] [phrase]

rośliny trujące

potassium fertilizer [pəˈtasɪəm ˈfəːtɪlʌɪzə] [phrase]
potassium fertilizer [pəˈtasɪəm ˈfəːtɪlʌɪzə] [phrase]

nawóz potasowy

potted plant cultivations [ˈpɒtɪd plɑːnt kʌltɪˈveɪʃns][phrase]
potted plant cultivations [ˈpɒtɪd plɑːnt kʌltɪˈveɪʃns][phrase]

uprawy pojemnikowe

potted plant, potted plants [ˈpɒtɪd plɑːnt] [phrase]
potted plant, potted plants [ˈpɒtɪd plɑːnt] [phrase]

roślina w pojemniku

previous cropping [ˈpriːvɪəs krɒpɪŋ] [phrase]
previous cropping [ˈpriːvɪəs krɒpɪŋ] [phrase]


pricking out [ˈprɪkɪŋ aʊt] [phrase]
pricking out [ˈprɪkɪŋ aʊt] [phrase]


production zone [prəˈdʌkʃ(ə)n zəʊn][phrase]
production zone [prəˈdʌkʃ(ə)n zəʊn][phrase]

strefa produkcyjna

properly shaped treetop [ˈprɒp(ə)li ʃeɪpt ˈtriːtɒp] [phrase]
properly shaped treetop [ˈprɒp(ə)li ʃeɪpt ˈtriːtɒp] [phrase]

prawidłowo wykształcona korona

public greenery [ˈpʌblɪk ˈɡriːn(ə)ri] [phrase]
public greenery [ˈpʌblɪk ˈɡriːn(ə)ri] [phrase]

zieleń publiczna

rack, racks [rak] [singular, noun]
rack, racks [rak] [singular, noun]


reclamation [rɛkləˈmeɪʃ(ə)n] [singular, noun]
reclamation [rɛkləˈmeɪʃ(ə)n] [singular, noun]


rock garden, rock gardens [rɒk ˈɡɑːd(ə)n] [phrase]
rock garden, rock gardens [rɒk ˈɡɑːd(ə)n] [phrase]

ogrody skalne

rootstock [ˈruːtstɒk] [singular, noun]
rootstock [ˈruːtstɒk] [singular, noun]


scarification [skarɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] [singular, noun]
scarification [skarɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] [singular, noun]


seasoning [ˈsiːz(ə)nɪŋ] [singular, noun]
seasoning [ˈsiːz(ə)nɪŋ] [singular, noun]


section, sections [ˈsɛkʃ(ə)n] [singular, noun]
section, sections [ˈsɛkʃ(ə)n] [singular, noun]


seed dresser [siːd ˈdrɛsə] [singular, noun]
seed dresser [siːd ˈdrɛsə] [singular, noun]


seeding [siːdɪŋ] [singular, noun]
seeding [siːdɪŋ] [singular, noun]


seedling, seedlings [ˈsiːdlɪŋ][singular, noun]
seedling, seedlings [ˈsiːdlɪŋ][singular, noun]

rozsada, siewka

soil sample scraper, soil sample srcapers [sɔɪl ˈsɑːmp(ə)l ˈskreɪpə] [phrase]
soil sample scraper, soil sample srcapers [sɔɪl ˈsɑːmp(ə)l ˈskreɪpə] [phrase]

skrobak do próbników gleby

soil sample, soil samples [sɔɪl ˈsɑːmp(ə)l] [phrase]
soil sample, soil samples [sɔɪl ˈsɑːmp(ə)l] [phrase]

próba glebowa

spacing [ˈspeɪsɪŋ] [singular, noun]
spacing [ˈspeɪsɪŋ] [singular, noun]


spade, spades [speɪd] [singular, noun]
spade, spades [speɪd] [singular, noun]


spreader, spreaders [ˈsprɛdə] [singular, noun]
spreader, spreaders [ˈsprɛdə] [singular, noun]


stratification [stratɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] [singular, noun]
stratification [stratɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] [singular, noun]


toxic substance, toxic substances [ˈtɒksɪk ˈsʌbst(ə)ns] [phrase]
toxic substance, toxic substances [ˈtɒksɪk ˈsʌbst(ə)ns] [phrase]

substancje toksyczne

trimming [ˈtrɪmɪŋ] [singular, noun]
trimming [ˈtrɪmɪŋ] [singular, noun]


vegetative rootstock [ˈvɛdʒɪtətɪv ˈruːtstɒk] [phrase]
vegetative rootstock [ˈvɛdʒɪtətɪv ˈruːtstɒk] [phrase]

podkładka wegetatywna

water and air relations [ˈwɔːtə ənd ɛː rɪˈleɪʃ(ə)ns][phrase]
water and air relations [ˈwɔːtə ənd ɛː rɪˈleɪʃ(ə)ns][phrase]

stosunki wodno‑powietrzne

water and marsh garden, water and marsh gardens [ˈwɔːtə ənd mɑːʃ ˈɡɑːd(ə)n] [phrase]
water and marsh garden, water and marsh gardens [ˈwɔːtə ənd mɑːʃ ˈɡɑːd(ə)n] [phrase]

ogrody wodne i bagienne

waterlogged substrate [ˈwɔːtəlɒɡd ˈsʌbstreɪt] [phrase]
waterlogged substrate [ˈwɔːtəlɒɡd ˈsʌbstreɪt] [phrase]

podłoże podmokłe

wax emulsion [waks ɪˈmʌlʃ(ə)n][singular, noun]
wax emulsion [waks ɪˈmʌlʃ(ə)n][singular, noun]

emulsja woskowa

weed, weeds [wiːd][singular, noun]
weed, weeds [wiːd][singular, noun]


weeding [wiːdɪŋ] [singular, noun]
weeding [wiːdɪŋ] [singular, noun]


workshop, workshops [ˈwəːkʃɒp] [singular, noun]
workshop, workshops [ˈwəːkʃɒp] [singular, noun]



Architektura krajobrazu / Landscape Architecture

Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Designing a garden

1. Film in the standard version.

The film takes place in an architecture office, in which works, among others, a landscape architect. The company owner talks to the landscape architect about a new job concerned with designing a home garden. Film rozgrywa się w biurze architektonicznym, w którym pracuje m.in. architekt krajobrazu. Właściciel firmy rozmawia z architektem krajobrazu o nowym zleceniu, którym jest wykonanie projektu ogrodu przydomowego.

2. Film with subtitles.

The film takes place in an architecture office, in which works, among others, a landscape architect. The company owner talks to the landscape architect about a new job concerned with designing a home garden. Film rozgrywa się w biurze architektonicznym, w którym pracuje m.in. architekt krajobrazu. Właściciel firmy rozmawia z architektem krajobrazu o nowym zleceniu, którym jest wykonanie projektu ogrodu przydomowego.

3. Film with subtitles and pauses. Listen and repeat after the speaker.

The film takes place in an architecture office, in which works, among others, a landscape architect. The company owner talks to the landscape architect about a new job concerned with designing a home garden. Film rozgrywa się w biurze architektonicznym, w którym pracuje m.in. architekt krajobrazu. Właściciel firmy rozmawia z architektem krajobrazu o nowym zleceniu, którym jest wykonanie projektu ogrodu przydomowego.

4. Film with subtitles and narration.

The film takes place in an architecture office, in which works, among others, a landscape architect. The company owner talks to the landscape architect about a new job concerned with designing a home garden. Film rozgrywa się w biurze architektonicznym, w którym pracuje m.in. architekt krajobrazu. Właściciel firmy rozmawia z architektem krajobrazu o nowym zleceniu, którym jest wykonanie projektu ogrodu przydomowego.
Exercise 8
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 9
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Planting a tree with a bare root in a garden

The animation presents the process of planting a tree with a bare root in a garden. Animacja przedstawia proces sadzenia w ogrodzie drzewa z gołym korzeniem.
Exercise 10
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Planting a lawn

The animation shows how to plant a lawn, step by step. Animacja pokazuje, jak założyć trawnik krok po kroku.
Exercise 11
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Preparing for a dendrological inventory

The hypertext is a conversation between two landscape architects preparing for a dendrological inventory. The conversation touches upon the elements that are necessary to take the inventory, as well as upon the method of describing trees and shrubs in a table.

Hipertekst jest rozmową dwóch architektów krajobrazu przygotowujących się do wykonania inwentaryzacji dendrologicznej. Rozmowa obejmuje elementy niezbędne do wykonania inwentaryzacji, a także sposób opisywania poszczególnych drzew lub krzewów w tabeli.

Landscape architect 1: Hi.

Landscape architect 2: Hi, have you prepared the materials for the dendrological inventory?m2469bb6dd8049283_1497279738479_0dendrological inventory?

Landscape architect 1: Yes. I have prepared a table to enter the dendrometric measurementsm2469bb6dd8049283_1497279767416_0dendrometric measurements. I also have a soft measuring tapem2469bb6dd8049283_1497279748379_0soft measuring tape and a photo camera.

Landscape architect 2: I have the base‑mapm2469bb6dd8049283_1497279762480_0base‑map and a laser distance meter.m2469bb6dd8049283_1497279718401_0laser distance meter.

Landscape architect 1: We will measure the diameter at breast heightm2469bb6dd8049283_1497279753543_0diameter at breast height with the soft measuring tape, and the treetop diameterm2469bb6dd8049283_1497279772536_0treetop diameter. We will measure the tree height with the laser distance meter.

Landscape architect 2: We will also need a system of marking treesm2469bb6dd8049283_1497279743621_0system of marking trees if it turns out that we cannot recognize a specific species.

Landscape architect 1: Did you add the “description” column to the table? We need to describe individual trees: are there any hollows visible in the trunks, is the tree infested with pestsm2469bb6dd8049283_1497279777622_0pests, or affected by, for example, a fungal diseasem2469bb6dd8049283_1497279637332_0fungal disease.

Landscape architect 2: In that case, I think we should perform a dendrological expertise,m2469bb6dd8049283_1497279733582_0dendrological expertise, not an inventory.

Landscape architect 1: You’re right. We must add columns to the table. We will include information on care recommendationsm2469bb6dd8049283_1497279782995_0care recommendations and trees to be kept, to be cut down, or to be replanted.

Landscape architect 2: Let’s modify the table and get to work.

Exercise 12
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Choosing plants for a garden

The hypertext is a conversation between a landscape architect and a client. The subject of the discussion is the selection of plants for the client’s garden. The conversation refers to the habitat requirements of the plants selected by the client and the plants’ aesthetic qualities.

Hipertekst to rozmowa architekta krajobrazu z klientką. Tematem jest dobór roślin do projektowanego ogrodu. Rozmowa obejmuje: ustalenie wymagań siedliskowych preferowanych przez klientkę roślin oraz wskazanie ich walorów estetycznych.

Landscape architect: Good morning. We had an appointment to choose plants for the garden that will be designed for you.

Client: Good morning. Please, come in.

Landscape architect: I have prepared an initial proposal. However, first I would like to know if you have any suggestions.

Client: Yes, I have a few favorite plants, for example: sumac, heath, alder and juniper.

Landscape architect: You have listed plants with completely different habitat requirementsm2469bb6dd8049283_1497292242188_0habitat requirements.

Client: My garden is small and sunny all day long.

Landscape architect: That means we need to find photophilousm2469bb6dd8049283_1497292272551_0photophilous and drought resistant plantsm2469bb6dd8049283_1497292294450_0drought resistant plants. Alder is a good tree for a sunnym2469bb6dd8049283_1497292257697_0sunny and semi‑shady sitem2469bb6dd8049283_1497292265719_0semi‑shady site, but it requires moist substratem2469bb6dd8049283_1497292312053_0moist substrate, or waterlogged substratem2469bb6dd8049283_1497292326285_0waterlogged substrate. Juniper and heath would be a good choice. Their habitat requirements fit the garden. Additionally, they exhibit good aesthetic qualities. Junipers have, for example, an interesting creeping structurem2469bb6dd8049283_1497292302003_0creeping structure. As far as heaths are concerned, they are ornamental flowersm2469bb6dd8049283_1497292330786_0ornamental flowers, and some of their species are evergreenm2469bb6dd8049283_1497292211623_0evergreen. However, we need to remember that both plants like soil with acid pHm2469bb6dd8049283_1497292338305_0acid pH, especially heaths.

Client: And what about sumac?

Landscape architect: Staghorn sumac is a very tolerant plant. It doesn’t require specific soil. Moreover, it’s very resistant to pollutionm2469bb6dd8049283_1497292283746_0resistant to pollution and salinitym2469bb6dd8049283_1497292278430_0salinity. It’s a tree with a nice autumn coloring of leavesm2469bb6dd8049283_1497292341857_0autumn coloring of leaves and an interesting structurem2469bb6dd8049283_1497292307534_0structure. I think it will look nice in the garden.

Exercise 13
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Garden care

The hypertext is a conversation between a landscape architect and a client regarding garden care. The architect mentions various care treatments and tools indispensable to perform them.

Hipertekst to rozmowa architekta krajobrazu z klientem na temat pielęgnacji ogrodu. Architekt krajobrazu wyszczególnia zabiegi pielęgnacyjne, które powinny zostać wykonane oraz narzędzia do ich wykonania.

Landscape architect: Good morning.

Client: Good morning. I would like to hire you to take care of my garden. I have recently bought a house with a garden and I have no idea where to start. Could you please help me?

Landscape architect: Of course. First of all, a lawn renovationm2469bb6dd8049283_1497302589553_0lawn renovation is needed. I would start from mowingm2469bb6dd8049283_1497302728712_0mowing and aeratingm2469bb6dd8049283_1497302764422_0aerating it after winter.

Client: The lawn is big and I would like the care treatments to be done this weekend.

Landscape architect: I have an electric aeratorm2469bb6dd8049283_1497302754287_0electric aerator and an electric lawn mowerm2469bb6dd8049283_1497302733680_0electric lawn mower so it won’t take a lot of time.

Client: What else needs to be done?

Landscape architect: I can see weedsm2469bb6dd8049283_1497302748645_0weeds in the flowerbeds. I suggest weedingm2469bb6dd8049283_1497302609415_0weeding so that the weeds don’t overshadow the perennials. The bushes also require cutting with pruning shearsm2469bb6dd8049283_1497302944027_0pruning shears and trimmingm2469bb6dd8049283_1497302598187_0trimming. The hedge also requires cutting. Since it’s long, I will use electric shearsm2469bb6dd8049283_1497302618223_0electric shears.

Client: I think that some of the treetopsm2469bb6dd8049283_1497302603612_0treetops are overgrown.m2469bb6dd8049283_1497302603612_0overgrown.

Landscape architect: You’re right. I will make an intermediate cutting and shape the treetopsm2469bb6dd8049283_1497302736917_0shape the treetops in a way that does not disturb the garden composition. A few coniferous plants are infested with spider mite so sprayingsm2469bb6dd8049283_1497302614191_0sprayings needs to be done in winter.

Client: I see that you’re a professional. My garden will be in good hands.

Exercise 14
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.




Play the game. Zagraj w grę.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.


acid ph [ˈæsəd ˌpiˈeɪtʃ] [phrase]
acid ph [ˈæsəd ˌpiˈeɪtʃ] [phrase]

odczyn kwaśny

anchoring the root mass [ˈæŋkəʳɪŋ ðə ruːt mas] [phrase]
anchoring the root mass [ˈæŋkəʳɪŋ ðə ruːt mas] [phrase]

kotwienie bryły korzeniowej

autumn coloring of leaves [ˈɔːtəm ˈkʌlərɪŋ ɒv liːvz] [phrase]
autumn coloring of leaves [ˈɔːtəm ˈkʌlərɪŋ ɒv liːvz] [phrase]

jesienne zabarwienie liści

bark mulch [bɑrk məltʃ] [phrase]
bark mulch [bɑrk məltʃ] [phrase]

ściółka korowa

base‑map [beɪs map][singular, noun]
base‑map [beɪs map][singular, noun]

podkład geodezyjny

burrowing [ˈbəroʊɪŋ] [singular, noun]
burrowing [ˈbəroʊɪŋ] [singular, noun]


bush, bushes [bʊʃ][singular, noun]
bush, bushes [bʊʃ][singular, noun]


care recommendation, care recommendations [kɛr ˌrɛkəmənˈdeɪʃ(ə)n] [phrase]
care recommendation, care recommendations [kɛr ˌrɛkəmənˈdeɪʃ(ə)n] [phrase]

zalecenia pielęgnacyjne

composition [kɒmpəˈzɪʃ(ə)n] [singular, noun]
composition [kɒmpəˈzɪʃ(ə)n] [singular, noun]


compost [ˈkɒmpɒst] [singular, noun]
compost [ˈkɒmpɒst] [singular, noun]


concept of the garden [ˈkɒnsɛpt ɒv ðə ˈɡɑːd(ə)n] [phrase]
concept of the garden [ˈkɒnsɛpt ɒv ðə ˈɡɑːd(ə)n] [phrase]

koncepcja ogrodu

conceptual design [kənˈsɛp(t)ʃ(u)əl dəˈzaɪn] [phrase]
conceptual design [kənˈsɛp(t)ʃ(u)əl dəˈzaɪn] [phrase]

projekt koncepcyjny

creeping structure [kripɪŋ ˈstrək(t)ʃər] [phrase]
creeping structure [kripɪŋ ˈstrək(t)ʃər] [phrase]

pokrój płożący

cut and dried grass [kət ænd draɪd ɡræs] [phrase]
cut and dried grass [kət ænd draɪd ɡræs] [phrase]

skoszona i wysuszona trawa

dendrological expertise [drəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l ˌɛkspəːˈtiːz] [phrase]
dendrological expertise [drəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l ˌɛkspəːˈtiːz] [phrase]

ekspertyza dendrologiczna

dendrological inventory [drəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l ˈɪnv(ə)nt(ə)ri] [phrase]
dendrological inventory [drəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l ˈɪnv(ə)nt(ə)ri] [phrase]

inwentaryzacja dendrologiczna

dendrometric measurements [ˈdendrəˌmɛtrɪk ˈmɛʒərmənts][phrase]
dendrometric measurements [ˈdendrəˌmɛtrɪk ˈmɛʒərmənts][phrase]

pomiary dendrometryczne

diameter at breast height [dīˈamədər æt brest haɪt] [phrase]
diameter at breast height [dīˈamədər æt brest haɪt] [phrase]


dripline [drɪplʌɪn] [singular, noun]
dripline [drɪplʌɪn] [singular, noun]

linia kroplująca

drought resistant plant, drought resistant plants [draʊt rəˈzistənt plant] [phrase]
drought resistant plant, drought resistant plants [draʊt rəˈzistənt plant] [phrase]

roślina odporna na suszę

electric aerator, electric aerators [ɪˈlɛktrɪk ˈɛːreɪtə][singular, noun]
electric aerator, electric aerators [ɪˈlɛktrɪk ˈɛːreɪtə][singular, noun]

aerator elektryczny

electric lawn mower, electric lawn mowers [ɪˈlɛktrɪk lɔːn ˈməʊə] [singular, noun]
electric lawn mower, electric lawn mowers [ɪˈlɛktrɪk lɔːn ˈməʊə] [singular, noun]

kosiarka elektryczna

electric shears [ɪˈlɛktrɪk ʃɪəz] [plural, noun]
electric shears [ɪˈlɛktrɪk ʃɪəz] [plural, noun]

nożyce elektryczne

embanking [əmˈbæŋkɪŋ] [singular, noun]
embanking [əmˈbæŋkɪŋ] [singular, noun]


enriching [en'rɪʧɪŋ] [singular, noun]
enriching [en'rɪʧɪŋ] [singular, noun]


evergreen plant, evergreen plants [ˈɛvərˌɡrin plant] [phrase]
evergreen plant, evergreen plants [ˈɛvərˌɡrin plant] [phrase]

zimozielona roślina

Fagus sylvatica [feɪɡəs sɪlˈvatɪka][singular, noun]
Fagus sylvatica [feɪɡəs sɪlˈvatɪka][singular, noun]

Fagus sylvatica

fertile soil [ˈfərdl sɔɪl] [phrase]
fertile soil [ˈfərdl sɔɪl] [phrase]

żyzna ziemia

flowery meadow [ˈflaʊəri ˈmɛdəʊ][phrase]
flowery meadow [ˈflaʊəri ˈmɛdəʊ][phrase]

łąka kwietna

fork, forks [fɔrk] [singular, noun]
fork, forks [fɔrk] [singular, noun]

widły płaskie

fungal disease, fungal diseases [ˈfʌŋɡ(ə)l dɪˈziːz] [phrase]
fungal disease, fungal diseases [ˈfʌŋɡ(ə)l dɪˈziːz] [phrase]

choroby grzybowe

fungicide [ˈfʌn(d)ʒɪsʌɪd] [singular, noun]
fungicide [ˈfʌn(d)ʒɪsʌɪd] [singular, noun]


garden embankment [ˈɡɑːd(ə)n əmˈbæŋkmənt] [phrase]
garden embankment [ˈɡɑːd(ə)n əmˈbæŋkmənt] [phrase]

wał ogrodowy

garden hose, garden hoses [ˈɡɑːd(ə)n hoʊz] [singular, noun]
garden hose, garden hoses [ˈɡɑːd(ə)n hoʊz] [singular, noun]

wąż ogrodniczy

gardening calendar [ˈɡɑːd(ə)nɪŋ ˈkalɪndə] [phrase]
gardening calendar [ˈɡɑːd(ə)nɪŋ ˈkalɪndə] [phrase]

kalendarz pielęgnacji ogrodu

graphic conceptual design [ˌɡrafɪk kənˈsɛptʃʊəl dɪˈzʌɪn] [phrase]
graphic conceptual design [ˌɡrafɪk kənˈsɛptʃʊəl dɪˈzʌɪn] [phrase]

graficzny projekt koncepcyjny

grass from a roll [ɡræs frəm eɪ roʊl] [phrase]
grass from a roll [ɡræs frəm eɪ roʊl] [phrase]

trawnik z rolki

gravel [ˈɡrævəl] [singular, noun]
gravel [ˈɡrævəl] [singular, noun]


habitat requirement, habitat requirements [ˈhabəˌtat rəˈkwī(ə)rmənt] [phrase]
habitat requirement, habitat requirements [ˈhabəˌtat rəˈkwī(ə)rmənt] [phrase]

wymagania siedliskowe

ha‑ha [hɑː hɑː][singular, noun]
ha‑ha [hɑː hɑː][singular, noun]


humus [ˈ(h)juməs] [singular, noun]
humus [ˈ(h)juməs] [singular, noun]


intra‑root irrigation system [ˈintrəruːt ˌirəˈɡāSHən ˈsɪstəm] [phrase]
intra‑root irrigation system [ˈintrəruːt ˌirəˈɡāSHən ˈsɪstəm] [phrase]

system nawadniania dokorzeniowego

laser distance meter, laser distance meter [ˈleɪzə ˈdɪst(ə)ns mɪtə][singular, noun]
laser distance meter, laser distance meter [ˈleɪzə ˈdɪst(ə)ns mɪtə][singular, noun]

dalmierz laserowy

lawn [lɔːn] [singular, noun]
lawn [lɔːn] [singular, noun]


lawn aeration [lɔːn ɛːˈreɪʃ(ə)n] [phrase]
lawn aeration [lɔːn ɛːˈreɪʃ(ə)n] [phrase]

aeracja trawnika

lawn fertilizer, lawn fertilizers [lɔːn ˈfəːtɪlʌɪzə] [singular, noun]
lawn fertilizer, lawn fertilizers [lɔːn ˈfəːtɪlʌɪzə] [singular, noun]

nawóz do trawników

lawn mowing [lɔːn ˈməʊɪŋ] [phrase]
lawn mowing [lɔːn ˈməʊɪŋ] [phrase]

koszenie trawnika

lawn renovation [lɔːn ˌrɛnəˈveɪʃ(ə)n] [phrase]
lawn renovation [lɔːn ˌrɛnəˈveɪʃ(ə)n] [phrase]

renowacja trawnika

long‑living tree, long‑living trees [ˌlɒŋˈlɪvɪŋ triː][phrase]
long‑living tree, long‑living trees [ˌlɒŋˈlɪvɪŋ triː][phrase]

drzewo długowieczne

loosening the soil [ˈlo͞os(ə)nɪŋ ðə sɔɪl] [phrase]
loosening the soil [ˈlo͞os(ə)nɪŋ ðə sɔɪl] [phrase]

rozluźnianie gleby

manure [məˈnjʊə] [singular, noun]
manure [məˈnjʊə] [singular, noun]


moist substrate [moist ˈsəbˌstrāt] [phrase]
moist substrate [moist ˈsəbˌstrāt] [phrase]

podłoże wilgotne

mulching [məltʃɪŋ] [singular, noun]
mulching [məltʃɪŋ] [singular, noun]


naturalistic garden [ˌnætʃ(ə)rəˈlɪstɪk ˈɡɑːd(ə)n] [phrase]
naturalistic garden [ˌnætʃ(ə)rəˈlɪstɪk ˈɡɑːd(ə)n] [phrase]

ogród naturalistyczny

organic fertilizer, organic fertilizers [ɔːˈɡanɪk ˈfəːtɪlʌɪzə] [phrase]
organic fertilizer, organic fertilizers [ɔːˈɡanɪk ˈfəːtɪlʌɪzə] [phrase]

nawóz organiczny

ornamental flower, ornamental flowers [ˌɔrnəˈmɛn(t)l ˈflaʊ(ə)r] [phrase]
ornamental flower, ornamental flowers [ˌɔrnəˈmɛn(t)l ˈflaʊ(ə)r] [phrase]

ozdobne kwiaty

ornamental variety [ˌɔrnəˈmɛn(t)l vəˈrīədē] [phrase]
ornamental variety [ˌɔrnəˈmɛn(t)l vəˈrīədē] [phrase]

odmiana ozdobna

overgrown treetops [ˌoʊvərˈɡroʊn ˈtriːtɒps] [phrase]
overgrown treetops [ˌoʊvərˈɡroʊn ˈtriːtɒps] [phrase]

przerośnięte korony drzew

peg, pegs [pɛɡ] [singular, noun]
peg, pegs [pɛɡ] [singular, noun]


perimeter, perimeters [pəˈrɪmɪtə][singular, noun]
perimeter, perimeters [pəˈrɪmɪtə][singular, noun]


pest, pests [pɛst] [singular, noun]
pest, pests [pɛst] [singular, noun]


pH meter [ˌpiˈeɪtʃ mɪtə] [singular, noun]
pH meter [ˌpiˈeɪtʃ mɪtə] [singular, noun]


photophilous plant, photophilous plants [fəʊˈtɒfɪləs plant][phrase]
photophilous plant, photophilous plants [fəʊˈtɒfɪləs plant][phrase]

roślina światłolubna

pine bark [pʌɪn bɑːk] [phrase]
pine bark [pʌɪn bɑːk] [phrase]

kora sosnowa

plant resistant to pollution, plants resistant to pollution [plant rəˈzistənt tu pəˈluʃ(ə)n] [phrase]
plant resistant to pollution, plants resistant to pollution [plant rəˈzistənt tu pəˈluʃ(ə)n] [phrase]

roślina odporna na zanieczyszczenie

plant resistant to salinity, plants resistant to salinity [plant rəˈzistənt tu səˈlɪnədi][phrase]
plant resistant to salinity, plants resistant to salinity [plant rəˈzistənt tu səˈlɪnədi][phrase]

roślina odporna na zasolenie

plough [plou] [singular, noun]
plough [plou] [singular, noun]


pruning shears ['pru:nɪŋ ʃi:rz][plural, noun]
pruning shears ['pru:nɪŋ ʃi:rz][plural, noun]


rake, rakes [reɪk] [singular, noun]
rake, rakes [reɪk] [singular, noun]


ridge, ridges [rɪdʒ] [singular, noun]
ridge, ridges [rɪdʒ] [singular, noun]


rotary tiller, rotary tillers [ˈrəʊt(ə)ri ˈtɪlə] [singular, noun]
rotary tiller, rotary tillers [ˈrəʊt(ə)ri ˈtɪlə] [singular, noun]


sackcloth tape, sackcloth tapes [ˈsækˌklɔtheta teɪp] [phrase]
sackcloth tape, sackcloth tapes [ˈsækˌklɔtheta teɪp] [phrase]

taśma parciana

schedule of planting the garden [ˈʃɛdjuːl ɒv plɑːntɪŋ ðə ˈɡɑːd(ə)n] [phrase]
schedule of planting the garden [ˈʃɛdjuːl ɒv plɑːntɪŋ ðə ˈɡɑːd(ə)n] [phrase]

harmonogram zakładania ogrodu

seeder, seeders [ˈsēdər] [singular, noun]
seeder, seeders [ˈsēdər] [singular, noun]


semi‑shady site [ˈsemīˈʃeɪdi saɪt] [phrase]
semi‑shady site [ˈsemīˈʃeɪdi saɪt] [phrase]

stanowisko półcieniste

shaping treetops ['ʃeɪpɪŋ ˈtriːtɒps][phrase]
shaping treetops ['ʃeɪpɪŋ ˈtriːtɒps][phrase]

formowanie koron drzew

shovel, shovels [ˈʃʌv(ə)l] [singular, noun]
shovel, shovels [ˈʃʌv(ə)l] [singular, noun]


slightly acid pH [ˈslītlē ˈæsəd ˌpiˈeɪtʃ] [phrase]
slightly acid pH [ˈslītlē ˈæsəd ˌpiˈeɪtʃ] [phrase]

odczyn lekko kwaśny

soft measuring tape, soft measuring tapes [sɒft ˈmɛʒərɪŋ ˌteɪp] [phrase]
soft measuring tape, soft measuring tapes [sɒft ˈmɛʒərɪŋ ˌteɪp] [phrase]

miękka taśma miernicza

soil pH [sɔɪl ˌpiˈeɪt] [phrase]
soil pH [sɔɪl ˌpiˈeɪt] [phrase]

odczyn gleby

solitary tree, solitary trees [ˈsɑləˌtɛri triː] [singular, noun]
solitary tree, solitary trees [ˈsɑləˌtɛri triː] [singular, noun]


sowing [soʊɪŋ] [singular, noun]
sowing [soʊɪŋ] [singular, noun]


spade, spades [spād][singular, noun]
spade, spades [spād][singular, noun]


spraying [sprāɪŋ] [singular, noun]
spraying [sprāɪŋ] [singular, noun]


stay, stays [steɪ] [singular, noun]
stay, stays [steɪ] [singular, noun]


straw [strô] [singular, noun]
straw [strô] [singular, noun]


structure [ˈstrək(t)ʃər] [singular, noun]
structure [ˈstrək(t)ʃər] [singular, noun]


sunny site [ˈsəni saɪt] [phrase]
sunny site [ˈsəni saɪt] [phrase]

stanowisko słoneczne

system of marking trees [ˈsɪstəm ɒv ˈmɑːkɪŋ tri:z] [phrase]
system of marking trees [ˈsɪstəm ɒv ˈmɑːkɪŋ tri:z] [phrase]

klucz do oznaczania drzew

tabular list [ˈtæbjələr lɪst] [phrase]
tabular list [ˈtæbjələr lɪst] [phrase]

wykaz tabelaryczny

technical design [ˈteknək(ə)l dəˈzaɪn] [phrase]
technical design [ˈteknək(ə)l dəˈzaɪn] [phrase]

projekt techniczny

tree with a bare root, trees with bare roots [triː wɪð eɪ bɛː ruːt] [phrase]
tree with a bare root, trees with bare roots [triː wɪð eɪ bɛː ruːt] [phrase]

drzewo z gołym korzeniem

tree, trees [triː][singular, noun]
tree, trees [triː][singular, noun]


treetop diameter [ˈtriːtɒp dīˈamədər] [phrase]
treetop diameter [ˈtriːtɒp dīˈamədər] [phrase]

średnica korony

trimming bushes [ˈtrɪmɪŋ 'buʃəz] [phrase]
trimming bushes [ˈtrɪmɪŋ 'buʃəz] [phrase]

prześwietlenie krzewów

trunk [trəŋk][singular, noun]
trunk [trəŋk][singular, noun]


watering can [ˈwɔːtərɪŋ kɑːn] [singular, noun]
watering can [ˈwɔːtərɪŋ kɑːn] [singular, noun]


waterlogged substrate ['wɔ:tərlɑgd ˈsəbˌstrāt tɛk'ni:k] [phrase]
waterlogged substrate ['wɔ:tərlɑgd ˈsəbˌstrāt tɛk'ni:k] [phrase]

podłoże podmokłe

weed, weeds [wiːd][singular, noun]
weed, weeds [wiːd][singular, noun]


weeding [wiːdɪŋ] [singular, noun]
weeding [wiːdɪŋ] [singular, noun]



Architektura krajobrazu / Landscape Architecture

Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Small landscape architecture objects for a residential estate

1. Film in the standard version.

The film takes place in an architecture office in which works, among others, a landscape architect. The owner of the company talks to the landscape architect about a new job concerned with completing a project of a residential estate with small landscape architecture objects. Film rozgrywa się w biurze architektonicznym, w którym pracuje m.in. architekt krajobrazu. Właściciel firmy rozmawia z architektem krajobrazu o nowym zleceniu, którym jest uzupełnienie projektu osiedla mieszkaniowego o obiekty małej architektury.

2. Film with subtitles.

The film takes place in an architecture office in which works, among others, a landscape architect. The owner of the company talks to the landscape architect about a new job concerned with completing a project of a residential estate with small landscape architecture objects. Film rozgrywa się w biurze architektonicznym, w którym pracuje m.in. architekt krajobrazu. Właściciel firmy rozmawia z architektem krajobrazu o nowym zleceniu, którym jest uzupełnienie projektu osiedla mieszkaniowego o obiekty małej architektury.

3. Film with subtitles and pauses. Listen and repeat after the speaker.

The film takes place in an architecture office in which works, among others, a landscape architect. The owner of the company talks to the landscape architect about a new job concerned with completing a project of a residential estate with small landscape architecture objects. Film rozgrywa się w biurze architektonicznym, w którym pracuje m.in. architekt krajobrazu. Właściciel firmy rozmawia z architektem krajobrazu o nowym zleceniu, którym jest uzupełnienie projektu osiedla mieszkaniowego o obiekty małej architektury.

4. Film with subtitles and narration.

The film takes place in an architecture office in which works, among others, a landscape architect. The owner of the company talks to the landscape architect about a new job concerned with completing a project of a residential estate with small landscape architecture objects. Film rozgrywa się w biurze architektonicznym, w którym pracuje m.in. architekt krajobrazu. Właściciel firmy rozmawia z architektem krajobrazu o nowym zleceniu, którym jest uzupełnienie projektu osiedla mieszkaniowego o obiekty małej architektury.
Exercise 15
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 16
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

An equipment inventory of landscape architecture objects

The animation shows how to take equipment inventory of landscape architecture objects. Animacja pokazuje sposób wykonywania inwentaryzacji wyposażenia obiektów architektury krajobrazu.
Exercise 17
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

The layout of objects of small architecture: an analysis of the terrain

The animation presents a terrain analysis with regards to the layout of objects of small architecture, on the example of a square and a bench. Animacja pokazuje analizę terenu pod względem rozmieszczenia obiektów małej architektury na przykładzie skweru i ławki.
Exercise 18
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Objects of small architecture for a garden

The hypertext is the content of an email from the owner of a horticultural shop to her employees. The owner informs about the delivery of new products from the category of small architectural objects.

Hipertekst stanowi treść e‑maila właścicielki sklepu ogrodniczego do pracowników. Właścicielka informuje o dostawie nowych produktów z zakresu obiektów małej architektury.

Dear all,

Some new products will be delivered next week. We have signed a contract with a manufacturer of objects of small garden architecturemf882e85e1f05eea3_1497279753543_0objects of small garden architecture. In our offer, we will have new garden gazebosmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497279637332_0garden gazebos, benchesmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497279762480_0benches and fountainsmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497279777622_0fountains. Garden furnituremf882e85e1f05eea3_1497279767416_0Garden furniture made of rattanmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497279772536_0rattan and synthetic rattanmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497279799633_0synthetic rattan will be another new thing. You have often mentioned that our clients keep asking about unique sitting placesmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497279793098_0sitting places. Therefore, we will introduce made gabionsmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497279748379_0gabions to our offer. They are baskets made of galvanized wiremf882e85e1f05eea3_1497279743621_0galvanized wire, filled with stones or wood. I would like you to remember to list all of the potential uses of the gabions. A gabion‑madelow garden wallmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497279787842_0low garden wall is an example. Additionally, I would like to remind you that a stocktaking is planned for tomorrow in the department with potsmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497279718401_0pots. Please, pay special attention to frost proof potsmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497279738479_0frost proof pots and those made of polypropylenemf882e85e1f05eea3_1497279782995_0polypropylene. I think that we need to order new ceramic potsmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497279733582_0ceramic pots. I wish you all a good week.



Exercise 19
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

City furniture

The hypertext is a conversation between a landscape architect and an employee of the commune office. It refers to the existing and planned objects of small architecture of a small square, i.e., city furniture. The conversation is based on the inventory of the square equipment.

Hipertekst stanowi rozmowę architekta krajobrazu z pracownikiem urzędu gminy. Tematem są istniejące oraz planowane obiekty małej architektury na terenie niewielkiego skweru, czyli meble miejskie. Rozmowa odbywa się na podstawie inwentaryzacji wyposażenia skweru.

Landscape architect: Good morning. We were scheduled to take a look at the objects of small landscape architecture of the square.

Commune office employee: Good morning. Please, come in. This is the plan of the square and its pictures.

Landscape architect: Do you have the equipment inventorymf882e85e1f05eea3_1497292338305_0equipment inventory of the area? It would allow us to determine if there are enough objects with particular functions in the area, and whether they require renewal, or not.

Commune office employee: Yes, here it is.

Landscape architect: There is various city furnituremf882e85e1f05eea3_1497292307534_0city furniture in the square: rubbish binsmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497292330786_0rubbish bins made of plated steelmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497292294450_0plated steel, completed with wooden elements, and concretemf882e85e1f05eea3_1497292341857_0concrete bins. Those made of metal are closer to the bus shelter.

Commune office employee: I would like them to be uniform and to match the bicycle standsmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497292278430_0bicycle stands that are made of stainless steelmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497292283746_0stainless steel.

Landscape architect: I will look for the right product.

Commune office employee: The objects that I would like to keep in an unchanged form are lanternsmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497292312053_0lanterns and the crate for sandmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497292302003_0crate for sand used in winter. Do you have any other suggestions?

Landscape architect: Yes. We could place an information totem polemf882e85e1f05eea3_1497292272551_0information totem pole with a map of the commune near the bus shelter. Additionally, to increase the usable space of the square, I suggest using crates under the treesmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497292326285_0crates under the trees. They will protect the root system from damage. At the same time, they will enable the free flow of water to the root system. They will also perform an aesthetic function.

Commune office employee: Thank you for the suggestions. I will be waiting for the materials.

Exercise 20
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Recreation in the public space: a playground and a public gym

The hypertext is a conversation between a landscape architect and a representative of a company that sells equipment for playgrounds and outdoor gyms. The company representative recommends products for both a playground, and a public outdoor gym to the landscape architect.

Hipertekst stanowi rozmowę architekta krajobrazu z przedstawicielem firmy sprzedającej wyposażenie placów zabaw i siłowni plenerowych. Przedstawiciel firmy poleca architektowi krajobrazu produkty zarówno na plac zabaw, jak i na siłownię publiczną.

Company representative: Good morning.

Landscape architect: Good morning. I’m designing a playgroundmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497302736917_0playground and an outdoor gymmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497302728712_0outdoor gym in the city park. It is, of course, a public space. I am looking for the right equipment that will meet the safety standardsmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497302614191_0safety standards. It’s also important that the equipment is durable and easy to maintain.

Company representative: Let’s start from the surface. I recommend tartanmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497302598187_0tartan for the playground. Its colors indicate the hardness level.

Landscape architect: I have considered that material. And what equipment could you recommend, besides a roundaboutmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497302748645_0roundabout?

Company representative: In my offer, I have playground spring toysmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497302618223_0playground spring toys and climbing wallsmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497302609415_0climbing walls.

Landscape architect: Can climbing walls be part of a bigger set?

Company representative: Of course, e.g., they can be part of climbing framesmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497302944027_0climbing frames.

Landscape architect: Let’s move on to the gym.

Company representative: From the gym equipment, I would recommend a treadmillmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497302764422_0treadmill, steppermf882e85e1f05eea3_1497302603612_0stepper and twistermf882e85e1f05eea3_1497302589553_0twister. That’s the most popular equipment. It can be used by both young and older people. A pylonmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497302733680_0pylon will be necessary to install them. If the area isn’t shaded, then shaded roofsmf882e85e1f05eea3_1497302754287_0shaded roofs might be useful.

Landscape architect: Thank you for your help.

Company representative: I’m at your disposal in case of any questions.

Exercise 21
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.



Type a word

Play the game. Zagraj w grę.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.


bank, banks [baŋk] [singular, noun]
bank, banks [baŋk] [singular, noun]


base‑map [beɪs map][singular, noun]
base‑map [beɪs map][singular, noun]

podkład geodezyjny

beam, beams [biːm][singular, noun]
beam, beams [biːm][singular, noun]


bench, benches [bɛn(t)ʃ] [singular, noun]
bench, benches [bɛn(t)ʃ] [singular, noun]


bicycle stand, bicycle stands [ˈbʌɪsɪk(ə)l stand][singular, noun]
bicycle stand, bicycle stands [ˈbʌɪsɪk(ə)l stand][singular, noun]

stojak rowerowy

cast iron [ˌkɑːst ˈʌɪən][singular, noun]
cast iron [ˌkɑːst ˈʌɪən][singular, noun]


ceramic pot, ceramic pots [sɪˈramɪk pɒt][phrase]
ceramic pot, ceramic pots [sɪˈramɪk pɒt][phrase]

donice ceramiczne

city furniture [ˈsɪti ˈfəːnɪtʃə][phrase]
city furniture [ˈsɪti ˈfəːnɪtʃə][phrase]

meble miejskie

climbing frame, climbing frames [ˈklʌɪmɪŋ freɪm] [singular, noun]
climbing frame, climbing frames [ˈklʌɪmɪŋ freɪm] [singular, noun]


climbing wall, climbing walls [ˈklʌɪmɪŋ wɔːl] [singular, noun]
climbing wall, climbing walls [ˈklʌɪmɪŋ wɔːl] [singular, noun]

ścianka wspinaczkowa

concrete ['kɔŋkri:t][singular, noun]
concrete ['kɔŋkri:t][singular, noun]


crate for sand, crates for sand [kreɪt fɔː sand][phrase]
crate for sand, crates for sand [kreɪt fɔː sand][phrase]

skrzynia na piasek

crates under the trees [kreɪts ˈʌndə ðə tri:z] [phrase]
crates under the trees [kreɪts ˈʌndə ðə tri:z] [phrase]

kraty pod drzewa

degenerated cultural landscape [dɪˈdʒɛn(ə)rətɪd ˈkʌltʃ(ə)r(ə)l ˈlan(d)skeɪp] [phrase]
degenerated cultural landscape [dɪˈdʒɛn(ə)rətɪd ˈkʌltʃ(ə)r(ə)l ˈlan(d)skeɪp] [phrase]

krajobraz kulturowy zdegradowany

dense bush, dense bushes [dɛns bʊʃ] [phrase]
dense bush, dense bushes [dɛns bʊʃ] [phrase]

gęste krzewy

drainage [ˈdreɪnɪdʒ] [singular, noun]
drainage [ˈdreɪnɪdʒ] [singular, noun]


elevation, elevations [ˌɛlɪˈveɪʃ(ə)n] [singular, noun]
elevation, elevations [ˌɛlɪˈveɪʃ(ə)n] [singular, noun]


equipment inventory [ɪˈkwɪpm(ə)nt ˈɪnv(ə)nt(ə)ri] [phrase]
equipment inventory [ɪˈkwɪpm(ə)nt ˈɪnv(ə)nt(ə)ri] [phrase]

inwentaryzacja wyposażenia

field works [fiːld wəːks] [phrase]
field works [fiːld wəːks] [phrase]

prace wykonane w terenie

flowerpot, flowerpots [ˈflaʊəpɒt] [singular, noun]
flowerpot, flowerpots [ˈflaʊəpɒt] [singular, noun]


fountain, fountains [ˈfaʊntɪn] [singular, noun]
fountain, fountains [ˈfaʊntɪn] [singular, noun]


frost proof pot, frost proof pots [frɒst pruːf pɒt] [phrase]
frost proof pot, frost proof pots [frɒst pruːf pɒt] [phrase]

donice mrozoodporne

fruit tree, fruit trees [fruːt triː] [singular, noun]
fruit tree, fruit trees [fruːt triː] [singular, noun]

drzewo owocowe

gabions [ˈɡeɪbɪənz] [plural, noun]
gabions [ˈɡeɪbɪənz] [plural, noun]


galvanized wire ['gælvənaɪzd wʌɪə] [phrase]
galvanized wire ['gælvənaɪzd wʌɪə] [phrase]

drut ocynkowany

garden furniture [ˈɡärd(ə)n ˈfəːnɪtʃə] [phrase]
garden furniture [ˈɡärd(ə)n ˈfəːnɪtʃə] [phrase]

meble ogrodowe

garden gazebo, garden gazebos [ˈɡärd(ə)n ɡəˈzēbō] [phrase]
garden gazebo, garden gazebos [ˈɡärd(ə)n ɡəˈzēbō] [phrase]

altana ogrodowa

graphic conceptual design [ˈɡrafɪk kənˈsɛptʃʊəl dɪˈzʌɪn] [phrase]
graphic conceptual design [ˈɡrafɪk kənˈsɛptʃʊəl dɪˈzʌɪn] [phrase]

graficzny projekt koncepcyjny

harmonious cultural landscape [hɑːˈməʊnɪəs ˈkʌltʃ(ə)r(ə)l ˈlan(d)skeɪp] [phrase]
harmonious cultural landscape [hɑːˈməʊnɪəs ˈkʌltʃ(ə)r(ə)l ˈlan(d)skeɪp] [phrase]

krajobraz kulturowy harmonijny

information board, information boards [ɪnfəˈmeɪʃ(ə)n bɔːd] [singular, noun]
information board, information boards [ɪnfəˈmeɪʃ(ə)n bɔːd] [singular, noun]

tablica informacyjna

information post, information posts [ɪnfəˈmeɪʃ(ə)n pəʊst][phrase]
information post, information posts [ɪnfəˈmeɪʃ(ə)n pəʊst][phrase]

słupki informacyjne

information totem pole, information totem poles [ɪnfəˈmeɪʃ(ə)n ˈtəʊtəm pəʊl] [phrase]
information totem pole, information totem poles [ɪnfəˈmeɪʃ(ə)n ˈtəʊtəm pəʊl] [phrase]

totem informacyjny

lantern, lanterns [ˈlantən][singular, noun]
lantern, lanterns [ˈlantən][singular, noun]


leisure and recreation objects [ˈlɛʒə ənd ˌrɛkrɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n ˈɒbdʒɪkts] [phrase]
leisure and recreation objects [ˈlɛʒə ənd ˌrɛkrɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n ˈɒbdʒɪkts] [phrase]

obiekty służące do wypoczynku i rekreacji

low garden wall [ləʊ ˈɡärd(ə)n wɔːl] [phrase]
low garden wall [ləʊ ˈɡärd(ə)n wɔːl] [phrase]

murek ogrodowy

maintenance procedure, maintenance procedures [ˈmeɪnt(ə)nəns prəˈsiːdʒə] [phrase]
maintenance procedure, maintenance procedures [ˈmeɪnt(ə)nəns prəˈsiːdʒə] [phrase]

zabiegi konserwacyjne

map of the area, maps of the area [map ɒv ðə ˈɛːrɪə] [phrase]
map of the area, maps of the area [map ɒv ðə ˈɛːrɪə] [phrase]

mapa terenu

measuring tape, measuring tapes [ˈmɛʒərɪŋ ˌteɪp] [singular, noun]
measuring tape, measuring tapes [ˈmɛʒərɪŋ ˌteɪp] [singular, noun]

taśma miernicza

natural landscape [ˈnatʃ(ə)r(ə)l ˈlan(d)skeɪp] [phrase]
natural landscape [ˈnatʃ(ə)r(ə)l ˈlan(d)skeɪp] [phrase]

krajobraz naturalny

objects for maintaining order [ˈɒbdʒɪkts fɔː mənˈteɪnɪŋ ˈɔːdə][phrase]
objects for maintaining order [ˈɒbdʒɪkts fɔː mənˈteɪnɪŋ ˈɔːdə][phrase]

obiekty służące do utrzymania porządku

objects of small garden architecture [ˈɒbdʒɪkts ɒv smɔːl ˈɡärd(ə)n ˈɑːkɪtɛktʃə] [phrase]
objects of small garden architecture [ˈɒbdʒɪkts ɒv smɔːl ˈɡärd(ə)n ˈɑːkɪtɛktʃə] [phrase]

obiekty małej architektury ogrodowej

original landscape [ɒˈrɪdʒɪn(ə)l ˈlan(d)skeɪp] [phrase]
original landscape [ɒˈrɪdʒɪn(ə)l ˈlan(d)skeɪp] [phrase]

krajobraz pierwotny

outdoor gym, outdoor gyms [ˈaʊtdɔː dʒɪm] [phrase]
outdoor gym, outdoor gyms [ˈaʊtdɔː dʒɪm] [phrase]

siłownia plenerowa

pergola [ˈpəːɡələ] [singular, noun]
pergola [ˈpəːɡələ] [singular, noun]


plated steel ['pleɪtəd stiːl] [phrase]
plated steel ['pleɪtəd stiːl] [phrase]

stal lakierowana

playground spring toy, playground spring toys [ˈpleɪɡraʊnd sprɪŋ tɔɪ] [phrase]
playground spring toy, playground spring toys [ˈpleɪɡraʊnd sprɪŋ tɔɪ] [phrase]


playground, playgrounds [ˈpleɪɡraʊnd] [singular, noun]
playground, playgrounds [ˈpleɪɡraʊnd] [singular, noun]

plac zabaw

polypropylene [ˌpɒlɪˈprəʊpɪliːn] [singular, noun]
polypropylene [ˌpɒlɪˈprəʊpɪliːn] [singular, noun]


pot, pots [pɒt] [singular, noun]
pot, pots [pɒt] [singular, noun]


protected landscape area [prə'tɛktəd ˈlan(d)skeɪp area] [phrase]
protected landscape area [prə'tɛktəd ˈlan(d)skeɪp area] [phrase]

obszar chronionego krajobrazu

pylon [ˈpʌɪlən] [singular, noun]
pylon [ˈpʌɪlən] [singular, noun]


rattan [rəˈtan][singular, noun]
rattan [rəˈtan][singular, noun]


roundabout, roundabouts [ˈraʊndəbaʊt] [singular, noun]
roundabout, roundabouts [ˈraʊndəbaʊt] [singular, noun]


rubbish bin, rubbish bins [ˈrʌbɪʃ bɪn] [singular, noun]
rubbish bin, rubbish bins [ˈrʌbɪʃ bɪn] [singular, noun]

kosz na śmieci

safety standards [ˈseɪfti ˈstandədz][phrase]
safety standards [ˈseɪfti ˈstandədz][phrase]

standardy bezpieczeństwa

sandpit, sandpits [ˈsan(d)pɪt] [singular, noun]
sandpit, sandpits [ˈsan(d)pɪt] [singular, noun]

piaskownica, piaskownica właściwa

sandstone [ˈsan(d)stəʊn] [singular, noun]
sandstone [ˈsan(d)stəʊn] [singular, noun]


shaded roof, shaded roofs ['ʃeɪdɪd ruːf] [phrase]
shaded roof, shaded roofs ['ʃeɪdɪd ruːf] [phrase]

daszek zacieniający

side alleyway, side alleyways [saɪd ˈæliˌweɪ][phrase]
side alleyway, side alleyways [saɪd ˈæliˌweɪ][phrase]

boczna alejka

sitting place [ˈsɪtɪŋ pleɪs] [singular, noun]
sitting place [ˈsɪtɪŋ pleɪs] [singular, noun]


slope, slopes [sləʊp] [singular, noun]
slope, slopes [sləʊp] [singular, noun]


stainless steel [ˌsteɪnləs ˈstiːl] [singular, noun]
stainless steel [ˌsteɪnləs ˈstiːl] [singular, noun]

stal nierdzewna

stepper, steppers [ˈstɛpə] [singular, noun]
stepper, steppers [ˈstɛpə] [singular, noun]


strongly fructifying tree, strongly fructyfying trees [ˈstrɒŋli ˈfrʌktɪfʌɪŋ triː] [phrase]
strongly fructifying tree, strongly fructyfying trees [ˈstrɒŋli ˈfrʌktɪfʌɪŋ triː] [phrase]

drzewo silnie owocujące

swing, swings [swɪŋ] [singular, noun]
swing, swings [swɪŋ] [singular, noun]


synthetic rattan [sɪnˈthetaɛtɪk rəˈtan] [singular, noun]
synthetic rattan [sɪnˈthetaɛtɪk rəˈtan] [singular, noun]


tall bush, tall bushes [tɔːl bʊʃ] [phrase]
tall bush, tall bushes [tɔːl bʊʃ] [phrase]

wysokie krzewy

tartan [ˈtɑːt(ə)n][singular, noun]
tartan [ˈtɑːt(ə)n][singular, noun]


technical condition [ˈtɛknɪk(ə)l kənˈdɪʃ(ə)n][phrase]
technical condition [ˈtɛknɪk(ə)l kənˈdɪʃ(ə)n][phrase]

stan techniczny

technical design [ˈtɛknɪk(ə)l dɪˈzʌɪn] [phrase]
technical design [ˈtɛknɪk(ə)l dɪˈzʌɪn] [phrase]

projekt techniczny

terrain analysis, terrain analyses [təˈrān əˈnaləsəs][phrase]
terrain analysis, terrain analyses [təˈrān əˈnaləsəs][phrase]

analiza terenu

treadmill, treadmills [ˈtredˌmil] [singular, noun]
treadmill, treadmills [ˈtredˌmil] [singular, noun]


tree with staining fruit, trees with straining fruits [triː wɪð steɪnɪŋ fruːt] [phrase]
tree with staining fruit, trees with straining fruits [triː wɪð steɪnɪŋ fruːt] [phrase]

drzewo o brudzących owocach

twister, twisters [ˈtwɪstə] [singular, noun]
twister, twisters [ˈtwɪstə] [singular, noun]


viewing axis [ˈvjuːɪŋ ˈaksɪs] [singular, noun]
viewing axis [ˈvjuːɪŋ ˈaksɪs] [singular, noun]

oś widokowa

wood [wʊd] [singular, noun]
wood [wʊd] [singular, noun]


wooden plank, wooden planks [ˈwʊd(ə)n plaŋk] [phrase]
wooden plank, wooden planks [ˈwʊd(ə)n plaŋk] [phrase]

deska drewniana


Architektura krajobrazu / Landscape Architecture

Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Maintenance work and building small landscape architecture objects

1. Film in the standard version.

The film presents a conversation between two workers whose task is to perform maintenance work on existing small landscape architecture objects. They also have to build a small wooden gazebo. One of the workers has the initial list of works prepared by the client. The workers analyze the list and prepare a schedule for the individual tasks. Film przedstawia rozmowę dwóch pracowników, którzy mają za zadanie wykonać konserwację obiektów małej architektury krajobrazu w ogrodzie klienta. Muszą też wybudować niewielką drewnianą altanę. Jeden z pracowników posiada wstępny spis prac sporządzony przez klienta. Pracownicy analizują spis, sporządzają harmonogram wykonywania poszczególnych prac.

2. Film with subtitles.

The film presents a conversation between two workers whose task is to perform maintenance work on existing small landscape architecture objects. They also have to build a small wooden gazebo. One of the workers has the initial list of works prepared by the client. The workers analyze the list and prepare a schedule for the individual tasks. Film przedstawia rozmowę dwóch pracowników, którzy mają za zadanie wykonać konserwację obiektów małej architektury krajobrazu w ogrodzie klienta. Muszą też wybudować niewielką drewnianą altanę. Jeden z pracowników posiada wstępny spis prac sporządzony przez klienta. Pracownicy analizują spis, sporządzają harmonogram wykonywania poszczególnych prac.

3. Film with subtitles and pauses. Listen and repeat after the speaker.

The film presents a conversation between two workers whose task is to perform maintenance work on existing small landscape architecture objects. They also have to build a small wooden gazebo. One of the workers has the initial list of works prepared by the client. The workers analyze the list and prepare a schedule for the individual tasks. Film przedstawia rozmowę dwóch pracowników, którzy mają za zadanie wykonać konserwację obiektów małej architektury krajobrazu w ogrodzie klienta. Muszą też wybudować niewielką drewnianą altanę. Jeden z pracowników posiada wstępny spis prac sporządzony przez klienta. Pracownicy analizują spis, sporządzają harmonogram wykonywania poszczególnych prac.

4. Film with subtitles and narration.

The film presents a conversation between two workers whose task is to perform maintenance work on existing small landscape architecture objects. They also have to build a small wooden gazebo. One of the workers has the initial list of works prepared by the client. The workers analyze the list and prepare a schedule for the individual tasks. Film przedstawia rozmowę dwóch pracowników, którzy mają za zadanie wykonać konserwację obiektów małej architektury krajobrazu w ogrodzie klienta. Muszą też wybudować niewielką drewnianą altanę. Jeden z pracowników posiada wstępny spis prac sporządzony przez klienta. Pracownicy analizują spis, sporządzają harmonogram wykonywania poszczególnych prac.
Exercise 22
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 23
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Safe water in a garden

The animation presents the safety rules regarding the construction of water objects (pools, garden ponds) in gardens which are used by children. Animacja prezentuje zasady bezpieczeństwa dotyczące budowy obiektów wodnych (baseny, oczka wodne) w ogrodach, z których korzystają małe dzieci.
Exercise 24
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

The maintenance of a garden bench

The animation presents the maintenance process of a wooden garden bench. It indicates the elements necessary for the maintenance process and the work to be done. Animacja przedstawia proces konserwacji drewnianej ławki ogrodowej. Wskazuje elementy do konserwacji i czynności, które należy wykonać.
Exercise 25
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Construction of a retaining wall in a garden

The hypertext is a manual for constructing a retaining wall in a garden. The text lists different types of walls, depending on the used materials.

Hipertekst stanowi instruktaż dotyczący budowy murku oporowego w ogrodzie. Tekst zawiera spis rodzajów murków w zależności od zastosowanych materiałów.

The construction method of retaining walls depends on the materials they are made of.

Dry wallsm639e242f3baefc60_1497279767416_0Dry walls are made of stone (e.g., split sandstonem639e242f3baefc60_1497279772536_0sandstone or cobblestonesm639e242f3baefc60_1497279743621_0cobblestones), and laid without mortarm639e242f3baefc60_1497279793098_0mortar. Such walls are good only for embankments up to 50 cm high and with a 30 degree tilt.

Walls made of stone, brickm639e242f3baefc60_1497279733582_0brick, concrete blocksm639e242f3baefc60_1497279718401_0concrete blocks are built on a foundationm639e242f3baefc60_1497279738479_0foundation and with mortar. If the wall has two rows of stones of different sizes, a perpendm639e242f3baefc60_1497279787842_0perpend must be laid every 3‑4 layers. A perpend is a stone that covers the entire width of the wall.

Wooden walls are used in the case of not too high and not too steep embankments. The wall’s elements need to be joined with metal bracesm639e242f3baefc60_1497279753543_0metal braces.

Walls from cast‑in‑place concretem639e242f3baefc60_1497279637332_0cast‑in‑place concrete are very steady and aesthetic. A reinforcementm639e242f3baefc60_1497279799633_0reinforcement made of rods should be placed in the concrete. The foundation is part of the wall itself.

Walls from hollow bricksm639e242f3baefc60_1497279782995_0hollow bricks are placed directly on the ground. Hollow bricks can be laid in two ways: alternatelym639e242f3baefc60_1497279762480_0alternately and in a cascadem639e242f3baefc60_1497279748379_0in a cascade. In the former method, the connecting bricks in one layer do not proceed into those in the upper or lower layers. The latter method is based on moving the upper hollow brick back in relation to the lower brick.

Retaining walls are built on a foundation or without it. This mainly depends on the height of the wall and the embankment that it’s supporting. Lower walls are built on a stabilized ground, e.g., on a compact cement‑sand bedm639e242f3baefc60_1497279777622_0cement‑sand bed, whereas higher walls are built on a foundation.

Some walls can be decorated with plants. Plants can be put in the cracks appearing in dry walls. The same applies to walls made of hollow bricks. Their hollow spaces are filled with soil in which plants can be put. Additionally, this stabilizes the retaining wall.

Exercise 26
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Maintenance of a garden pond

The hypertext is a short article in a trade magazine regarding the maintenance of a garden pond. The text mentions the works that need to be done to maintain the right condition of a garden pond, as well as the equipment and agents necessary for its maintenance.

Hipertekst stanowi krótki artykuł w gazecie branżowej na temat konserwacji oczka wodnego. W tekście wymienione zostały czynności, które należy wykonać aby utrzymać oczko wodne w odpowiednim stanie, a także urządzenia i preparaty do wykonania konserwacji.

Garden pond maintenance

A garden pond is a decoration of many gardens. To fulfil its function and be pleasing to the eye, it must be cared for through the whole season.

After winter, when the snow melts, the condition of the garden pond needs to be assessed. Trash such as leaves, fish excrements and the remains of decomposing plants need to be removed. The garden pond also needs to be desludgedm639e242f3baefc60_1497292278430_0desludged. This can be done with a garden pond vacuumm639e242f3baefc60_1497292283746_0garden pond vacuum. When cleaning the garden pond, the formation of compounds harmful to fish or causing the growth of algaem639e242f3baefc60_1497292312053_0algae must be avoided. In a small garden pond, about one third of the water must be changed and water conditionerm639e242f3baefc60_1497292257697_0water conditioner needs to be added to it. The water in a big garden pond doesn’t need to be changed. It’s important to remember about the stabilization of water parametersm639e242f3baefc60_1497292265719_0stabilization of water parameters. After the frosts end, and the water temperature exceeds 5 degrees, a water filterm639e242f3baefc60_1497292330786_0water filter with an immersion pumpm639e242f3baefc60_1497292272551_0immersion pump can be installed. It will help maintain a biological equilibrium. It’s also worth checking if the garden pond is leaky. If there is a hole in the material from which the garden pond is made of, it must be covered with an adhesive patchm639e242f3baefc60_1497292302003_0adhesive patch.

In the season, on the other hand, taking care of the cleanliness and state of the water is of primary importance. In order to keep it clean, it should be aeratedm639e242f3baefc60_1497292294450_0aerated, and the growth of algae must be prevented. The algae can be removed with chemical algaecidesm639e242f3baefc60_1497292338305_0chemical algaecides. If there are fish in the garden pond, than agents that are safe for them must be chosen. Aeration is also important. For that purpose, aeratorsm639e242f3baefc60_1497292341857_0aerators that are used in small garden ponds can be used. In a bigger garden pond, a fountainm639e242f3baefc60_1497292326285_0fountain or a cascadem639e242f3baefc60_1497292307534_0cascade can be installed, which gets the water moving. When the garden pond is well taken care of, it will be pleasing to the eye for a long time.

Exercise 27
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Revalorization of small landscape architecture objects in a historical garden

The hypertext is a conversation between two landscape architects. The topic of the discussion is the revalorization of objects of small landscape architecture in a historical garden. The architects determine that the works should begin with an inventory of the objects of small architecture.

Hipertekst stanowi rozmowę dwóch architektów krajobrazu. Tematem rozmowy jest rewaloryzacja obiektów małej architektury krajobrazu w zabytkowym ogrodzie. Architekci ustalają, że prace należy rozpocząć od wykonania inwentaryzacji obiektów małej architektury.

Landscape architect 1: Hi, Ann.

Landscape architect 2: Hello. It’s good you’re here. We have a revalorizationm639e242f3baefc60_1497302618223_0revalorization of small architecture objects in a historical gardenm639e242f3baefc60_1497302589553_0historical garden to do. The owner has no up‑to‑date documents of the garden.

Landscape architect 1: That means that we need to take inventory of the small architecture objects.

Landscape architect 2: The client has indicated that most of the small architecture objects have undergone degradationm639e242f3baefc60_1497302764422_0degradation.

Landscape architect 1: In that case, we have to ask the client to request the conservation officerm639e242f3baefc60_1497302748645_0conservation officer to issue conservation recommendationsm639e242f3baefc60_1497302944027_0conservation recommendations. They should include the guidelinesm639e242f3baefc60_1497302609415_0guidelines on the methods of using the monumentm639e242f3baefc60_1497302603612_0monument and securing it. Moreover, they should include the scope of restoration worksm639e242f3baefc60_1497302736917_0restoration works and acceptable alterations that can be introduced.

Landscape architect 2: We must precisely determine whether or not the garden is a monument. We must know if it is in the register of monumentsm639e242f3baefc60_1497302728712_0register of monuments, or in the municipal register of objects of cultural heritagem639e242f3baefc60_1497302754287_0municipal register of objects of cultural heritage.

Landscape architect 1: After the inventory and the receipt of the recommendations, we will be able to valorize the objects. We will also make graphic conceptual and technical designs of the new objects.

Landscape architect 2: The client has also asked us to design a trellism639e242f3baefc60_1497302614191_0trellis.

Landscape architect 1: All of the new objects will have to reflect the historical characterm639e242f3baefc60_1497302598187_0historical character of the garden and match its schemem639e242f3baefc60_1497302733680_0scheme.

Landscape architect 2: It’s a very interesting assignment. I hope we will meet the client’s expectations.

Landscape architect 1: We definitely will. He has worked with us before and has always been satisfied.

Exercise 28
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.



Word search

Play the game. Zagraj w grę.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.


adhesive patch, adhesive patches [ədˈhiːzɪv patʃ] [phrase]
adhesive patch, adhesive patches [ədˈhiːzɪv patʃ] [phrase]

łata samoprzylepna

aeration [ɛːˈreɪʃ(ə)n][singular, noun]
aeration [ɛːˈreɪʃ(ə)n][singular, noun]


aerator [ˈɛːreɪtə][singular, noun]
aerator [ˈɛːreɪtə][singular, noun]


alternately [ɔːlˈtəːnətli] [adverb]
alternately [ɔːlˈtəːnətli] [adverb]


angle grinder, angle grinder [ˈaŋɡ(ə)l ˈɡrʌɪndə][phrase]
angle grinder, angle grinder [ˈaŋɡ(ə)l ˈɡrʌɪndə][phrase]

szlifierka kątowa

angle iron, angle irons [ˈaŋɡ(ə)l ˈʌɪən][singular, noun]
angle iron, angle irons [ˈaŋɡ(ə)l ˈʌɪən][singular, noun]


anti‑slip materials [ˈanti slɪp məˈtɪərɪəlz][phrase]
anti‑slip materials [ˈanti slɪp məˈtɪərɪəlz][phrase]

materiały antypoślizgowe

atmospheric conditions [atməsˈfɛrɪk /kənˈdɪʃ(ə)nz][phrase]
atmospheric conditions [atməsˈfɛrɪk /kənˈdɪʃ(ə)nz][phrase]

warunki atmosferyczne

brick, bricks [brɪk] [singular, noun]
brick, bricks [brɪk] [singular, noun]


brush, brushes [brʌʃ] [singular, noun]
brush, brushes [brʌʃ] [singular, noun]


cascade [kasˈkeɪd][singular, noun]
cascade [kasˈkeɪd][singular, noun]


cast‑in‑place concrete [kɑːst ɪn pleɪs ˈkɒŋkriːt][phrase]
cast‑in‑place concrete [kɑːst ɪn pleɪs ˈkɒŋkriːt][phrase]

beton wylewany

cement mortar [sɪˈmɛnt ˈmɔːtə] [phrase]
cement mortar [sɪˈmɛnt ˈmɔːtə] [phrase]

zaprawa cementowa

cement‑sand bed [sɪˈmɛnt sand bɛd] [phrase]
cement‑sand bed [sɪˈmɛnt sand bɛd] [phrase]

podsypka cementowo‑piaskowa

chemical algaecides [ˈkɛmɪk(ə)l ˈaldʒɪsʌɪd] [phrase]
chemical algaecides [ˈkɛmɪk(ə)l ˈaldʒɪsʌɪd] [phrase]

chemiczne środki glonobójcze

chemicals [ˈkɛmɪk(ə)lz] [plural, noun]
chemicals [ˈkɛmɪk(ə)lz] [plural, noun]

środki chemiczne

cobblestone [ˈkɒb(ə)lstəʊn] [singular, noun]
cobblestone [ˈkɒb(ə)lstəʊn] [singular, noun]

kamień polny

concrete [ˈkɒŋkriːt] [singular, noun]
concrete [ˈkɒŋkriːt] [singular, noun]


concrete block, concrete blocks [ˈkɒŋkriːt blɒk] [singular, noun]
concrete block, concrete blocks [ˈkɒŋkriːt blɒk] [singular, noun]

bloczki betonowe

concrete foundation footing, concrete foundation footings [ˈkɒŋkriːt faʊnˈdeɪʃ(ə)n ˈfʊtɪŋ] [phrase]
concrete foundation footing, concrete foundation footings [ˈkɒŋkriːt faʊnˈdeɪʃ(ə)n ˈfʊtɪŋ] [phrase]

betonowe stopy fundamentowe

concrete low wall, concrete low walls [ˈkɒŋkriːt ləʊ wɔːl] [phrase]
concrete low wall, concrete low walls [ˈkɒŋkriːt ləʊ wɔːl] [phrase]

murek betonowy

conservation officer, conservation officers [kɒnsəˈveɪʃ(ə)n ˈɒfɪsə] [singular, noun]
conservation officer, conservation officers [kɒnsəˈveɪʃ(ə)n ˈɒfɪsə] [singular, noun]

konserwator zabytków

conservation recommendation, conservation recommendations [kɒnsəˈveɪʃ(ə)n ˌrɛkəmɛnˈdeɪʃ(ə)n] [phrase]
conservation recommendation, conservation recommendations [kɒnsəˈveɪʃ(ə)n ˌrɛkəmɛnˈdeɪʃ(ə)n] [phrase]

zalecenia konserwatorskie

degradation [ˌdɛɡrəˈdeɪʃ(ə)n] [singular, noun]

degradation [ˌdɛɡrəˈdeɪʃ(ə)n] [singular, noun]


desludging [diːˈslʌdʒɪŋ] [singular, noun]
desludging [diːˈslʌdʒɪŋ] [singular, noun]


drill‑driver, drill‑drivers [drɪl ˈdrʌɪvə] [singular, noun]
drill‑driver, drill‑drivers [drɪl ˈdrʌɪvə] [singular, noun]


dry wall, dry walls [drʌɪ wɔːl] [phrase]
dry wall, dry walls [drʌɪ wɔːl] [phrase]

murek suchy

embedding [ɪmˈbɛdɪŋ] [singular, noun]
embedding [ɪmˈbɛdɪŋ] [singular, noun]


foundation [faʊnˈdeɪʃ(ə)n] [singular, noun]
foundation [faʊnˈdeɪʃ(ə)n] [singular, noun]


fountain, fountains [ˈfaʊntɪn] [singular, noun]
fountain, fountains [ˈfaʊntɪn] [singular, noun]


fungi [ˈfʌŋɡiː][plural, noun]
fungi [ˈfʌŋɡiː][plural, noun]


garden gazebo, garden gazebos [ˈɡɑːd(ə)n ɡəˈziːbəʊ] [phrase]
garden gazebo, garden gazebos [ˈɡɑːd(ə)n ɡəˈziːbəʊ] [phrase]

altana ogrodowa

garden pond, garden ponds [ˈɡɑːd(ə)n pɒnd][phrase]
garden pond, garden ponds [ˈɡɑːd(ə)n pɒnd][phrase]

oczko wodne

garden scheme [ˈɡɑːd(ə)n skiːm] [phrase]
garden scheme [ˈɡɑːd(ə)n skiːm] [phrase]

program ogrodu

glove, gloves [ɡlʌv] [singular, noun]
glove, gloves [ɡlʌv] [singular, noun]


graphic conceptual design [ˈɡrafɪk kənˈsɛptʃʊəl dɪˈzʌɪn] [phrase]
graphic conceptual design [ˈɡrafɪk kənˈsɛptʃʊəl dɪˈzʌɪn] [phrase]

graficzny projekt koncepcyjny

guard rail, guard rails [ɡɑːd reɪl] [singular, noun]
guard rail, guard rails [ɡɑːd reɪl] [singular, noun]


guidelines [ˈɡʌɪdlʌɪnz] [plural, noun]
guidelines [ˈɡʌɪdlʌɪnz] [plural, noun]


hammer, hammers [ˈhamə] [singular, noun]

hammer, hammers [ˈhamə] [singular, noun]


heat gun, heat guns [hiːt ɡʌn][phrase]
heat gun, heat guns [hiːt ɡʌn][phrase]


historical character [hɪˈstɒrɪk(ə)l ˈkarəktə] [phrase]
historical character [hɪˈstɒrɪk(ə)l ˈkarəktə] [phrase]

zabytkowy charakter

historical garden, historical gardens [hɪˈstɒrɪk(ə)l ˈɡɑːd(ə)n] [phrase]
historical garden, historical gardens [hɪˈstɒrɪk(ə)l ˈɡɑːd(ə)n] [phrase]

zabytkowy ogród

hollow brick, hollow bricks [ˈhɒləʊ brɪk] [singular, noun]
hollow brick, hollow bricks [ˈhɒləʊ brɪk] [singular, noun]


immersion pump, immersion pumps [ɪˈməːʃ(ə)n pʌmp] [phrase]
immersion pump, immersion pumps [ɪˈməːʃ(ə)n pʌmp] [phrase]

pompa zanurzeniowa

impregnator [ˈɪmprɛɡneɪtə] [singular, noun]
impregnator [ˈɪmprɛɡneɪtə] [singular, noun]


in a cascade [ɪn eɪ kasˈkeɪd] [phrase]
in a cascade [ɪn eɪ kasˈkeɪd] [phrase]


inventory of small landscape architecture objects [ˈɪnv(ə)nt(ə)ri ɒv smɔːl ˈlan(d)skeɪp ˈɑːkɪtɛktʃə ˈɒbdʒɪkts] [phrase]
inventory of small landscape architecture objects [ˈɪnv(ə)nt(ə)ri ɒv smɔːl ˈlan(d)skeɪp ˈɑːkɪtɛktʃə ˈɒbdʒɪkts] [phrase]

inwentaryzacja obiektów małej architektury krajobrazu

ladder, ladders [ˈladə] [singular, noun]
ladder, ladders [ˈladə] [singular, noun]


level, levels [ˈlɛv(ə)l] [singular, noun]
level, levels [ˈlɛv(ə)l] [singular, noun]


limestone efflorescence [ˈlʌɪmstəʊn ɛfləˈrɛs(ə)ns] [phrase]
limestone efflorescence [ˈlʌɪmstəʊn ɛfləˈrɛs(ə)ns] [phrase]

wykwity wapienne

maintenance [ˈmeɪnt(ə)nəns] [singular, noun]
maintenance [ˈmeɪnt(ə)nəns] [singular, noun]


measure [ˈmɛʒə][singular, noun]
measure [ˈmɛʒə][singular, noun]


metal anchor, metal anchors [ˈmɛt(ə)l ˈaŋkə] [phrase]
metal anchor, metal anchors [ˈmɛt(ə)l ˈaŋkə] [phrase]

metalowe kotwy

metal brace, metal braces [ˈmɛt(ə)l breɪs] [phrase]
metal brace, metal braces [ˈmɛt(ə)l breɪs] [phrase]

metalowe klamry

miter saw, miter saws [ˈmʌɪtə sɔː][singular, noun]
miter saw, miter saws [ˈmʌɪtə sɔː][singular, noun]


monument, monuments [ˈmɒnjʊm(ə)nt] [singular, noun]
monument, monuments [ˈmɒnjʊm(ə)nt] [singular, noun]


mortar [ˈmɔːtə] [singular, noun]
mortar [ˈmɔːtə] [singular, noun]


municipal register of objects of cultural heritage [mjʊˈnɪsɪp(ə)l ˈrɛdʒɪstə ɒv ˈɒbdʒɪkts ɒv ˈkʌltʃ(ə)r(ə)l ˈhɛrɪtɪdʒ] [phrase]
municipal register of objects of cultural heritage [mjʊˈnɪsɪp(ə)l ˈrɛdʒɪstə ɒv ˈɒbdʒɪkts ɒv ˈkʌltʃ(ə)r(ə)l ˈhɛrɪtɪdʒ] [phrase]

gminna ewidencja zabytków

PCV foil [pcv fɔɪl] [singular, noun]
PCV foil [pcv fɔɪl] [singular, noun]

folia PCV

PCV foil glue [pcv fɔɪl ɡluː][phrase]
PCV foil glue [pcv fɔɪl ɡluː][phrase]

klej do folii PCV

PCV foil patch, PCV foil patches [pcv fɔɪl patʃ] [phrase]
PCV foil patch, PCV foil patches [pcv fɔɪl patʃ] [phrase]

łata z folii PCV

pencil brush, pencil brushes [ˈpɛns(ə)l brʌʃ] [singular, noun]
pencil brush, pencil brushes [ˈpɛns(ə)l brʌʃ] [singular, noun]

szczotka kielichowa

perpend, perpends [ˈpəːpɛnd] [singular, noun]
perpend, perpends [ˈpəːpɛnd] [singular, noun]


pest, pests [pɛst] [singular, noun]
pest, pests [pɛst] [singular, noun]


pond vacuum, pond vacuums [pɒnd ˈvakjuːm] [singular, noun]
pond vacuum, pond vacuums [pɒnd ˈvakjuːm] [singular, noun]

odkurzacz do oczek wodnych

pool, pools [puːl] [singular, noun]
pool, pools [puːl] [singular, noun]


protective clothing [prəˈtɛktɪv ˈkləʊðɪŋ] [phrase]
protective clothing [prəˈtɛktɪv ˈkləʊðɪŋ] [phrase]

odzież ochronna

protective foil [prəˈtɛktɪv fɔɪl] [phrase]
protective foil [prəˈtɛktɪv fɔɪl] [phrase]

folia ochronna

protective glove, protective gloves [prəˈtɛktɪv ɡlʌv][phrase]
protective glove, protective gloves [prəˈtɛktɪv ɡlʌv][phrase]

rękawiczki ochronne

protective goggles [prəˈtɛktɪv ˈɡɒɡ(ə)lz][phrase]
protective goggles [prəˈtɛktɪv ˈɡɒɡ(ə)lz][phrase]

okulary ochronne

protective net, protective nets [prəˈtɛktɪv nɛt] [phrase]
protective net, protective nets [prəˈtɛktɪv nɛt] [phrase]

siatka ochronna

putty knife, putty knives [ˈpʌti nʌɪf][singular, noun]
putty knife, putty knives [ˈpʌti nʌɪf][singular, noun]


rafter framing [ˈrɑːftə ˈfreɪmɪŋ] [phrase]
rafter framing [ˈrɑːftə ˈfreɪmɪŋ] [phrase]

więźba dachowa

register of monuments [ˈrɛdʒɪstə ɒv ˈmɒnjʊm(ə)nts] [phrase]
register of monuments [ˈrɛdʒɪstə ɒv ˈmɒnjʊm(ə)nts] [phrase]

rejestr zabytków

reinforcement [riːɪnˈfɔːsm(ə)nt] [singular, noun]
reinforcement [riːɪnˈfɔːsm(ə)nt] [singular, noun]


restoration works [rɛstəˈreɪʃ(ə)n wəːks] [phrase]
restoration works [rɛstəˈreɪʃ(ə)n wəːks] [phrase]

prace konserwatorskie

retaining wall, retaining walls [rɪˈteɪnɪŋ wɔːl] [phrase]
retaining wall, retaining walls [rɪˈteɪnɪŋ wɔːl] [phrase]

murek oporowy

revalorization [ˌriːvalərʌɪˈzeɪʃn] [singular, noun]
revalorization [ˌriːvalərʌɪˈzeɪʃn] [singular, noun]


roller, rollers [ˈrəʊlə] [singular, noun]
roller, rollers [ˈrəʊlə] [singular, noun]


roof shingle, roof shingles [ruːf ˈʃɪŋɡ(ə)l] [phrase]
roof shingle, roof shingles [ruːf ˈʃɪŋɡ(ə)l] [phrase]

gonty bitumiczne

roofing [ˈruːfɪŋ] [singular, noun]
roofing [ˈruːfɪŋ] [singular, noun]

krycie dachu

sandpaper [ˈsan(d)peɪpə][singular, noun]
sandpaper [ˈsan(d)peɪpə][singular, noun]

papier ścierny

sandstone [ˈsan(d)stəʊn] [singular, noun]
sandstone [ˈsan(d)stəʊn] [singular, noun]


saw, saws [sɔː] [singular, noun]
saw, saws [sɔː] [singular, noun]


sawing machine, sawing machines [sɔːɪŋ məˈʃiːn] [phrase]
sawing machine, sawing machines [sɔːɪŋ məˈʃiːn] [phrase]


sliding shutter, sliding shutters [ˈslʌɪdɪŋ ˈʃʌtə] [phrase]
sliding shutter, sliding shutters [ˈslʌɪdɪŋ ˈʃʌtə] [phrase]

roleta rozsuwana

spray gun, spray guns [spreɪ ɡʌn] [phrase]
spray gun, spray guns [spreɪ ɡʌn] [phrase]

pistolet natryskowy

spraying method [spreɪɪŋ ˈmɛthetaəd] [phrase]
spraying method [spreɪɪŋ ˈmɛthetaəd] [phrase]

metoda natryskowa

stabilization of water parameters [steɪbɪlʌɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n ɒv ˈwɔːtə pər'æmətərz] [phrase]
stabilization of water parameters [steɪbɪlʌɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n ɒv ˈwɔːtə pər'æmətərz] [phrase]

stabilizacja parametrów wody

stoneware tile, stoneware tiles [ˈstəʊnwɛː tʌɪl] [singular, noun]
stoneware tile, stoneware tiles [ˈstəʊnwɛː tʌɪl] [singular, noun]


tarpaulin [tɑːˈpɔːlɪn] [singular, noun]
tarpaulin [tɑːˈpɔːlɪn] [singular, noun]


trellis [ˈtrɛlɪs] [singular, noun]
trellis [ˈtrɛlɪs] [singular, noun]


varnish [ˈvɑːnɪʃ] [singular, noun]
varnish [ˈvɑːnɪʃ] [singular, noun]


water conditioner [ˈwɔːtə kənˈdɪʃ(ə)nə] [singular, noun]
water conditioner [ˈwɔːtə kənˈdɪʃ(ə)nə] [singular, noun]

uzdatniacz wody

water filter [ˈwɔːtə ˈfɪltə] [singular, noun]
water filter [ˈwɔːtə ˈfɪltə] [singular, noun]

filtr wody

work schedule [wəːk ˈʃɛdjuːl] [phrase]
work schedule [wəːk ˈʃɛdjuːl] [phrase]

harmonogram prac