Topic: Around the world – where it’s at

  1. Aims

    • to read and talk about famous bands and singers,

    • to introduce new vocabulary,

    • to practice the new vocabulary through reading and speaking,

    • to revise the Present Perfect Simple Tense,

    • to practice the Present Perfect Simple Tense.

  2. Skills

    • speaking in order to discuss what is in the pictures and predict the topic of the lesson,

    • reading for specific information,

    • reading in order to guess the meaning of the new vocabulary,

    • reading in order to find grammar structures in the given text.

  3. Methods/techniques used

    • working in pairs,

    • individual work with a course book,

    • working with the whole class.

  4. Teaching aids/equipment

    • blackboard, course book.

  5. Stages of the lesson

    1. Warm‑up:

      1. Greeting the class, checking the attendance.

      2. Teacher uses the pictures on page 16 (Student’s book) to establish the topic of the text. Students look at the photos of bands and singers to see if they can name any of the people. Teacher asks what they know about them. A short discussion. Feedback.

    2. Main part:

      1. Teacher divides the class into pairs. Each pair has to match the names in the list A (cities) with the names in the list B (bands and singers) – page 16 exercise 1. After a few minutes teacher asks the students to skim the text and check if their answers are correct.

      2. Exercise 2 page 17. Students read the beginning of given sentences (not the possible endings) and find and underline the part of the text that refers to it. This is a scanning exercise, which requires students to read the text quickly for specific information. Teacher sets a time limit of 5 minutes for this. Feedback with reference to the text.

      3. Students read the possible endings for each statement, check back to where they found the beginning of each one, read around that point and choose the best answer. Teacher warns students that they should not expect the wording of the text to be the same as that of the answer, but that the meaning should be the same . Feedback with reference to the text.

      4. Exercise 3, page 17. Students read the definitions given in the exercise. Teacher makes sure they understand them. Students should try and guess the word or phrase by reading the definition carefully before checking with the text. This encourages the students to take an active approach to vocabulary. Teacher points out that the paragraph, in which they are to find the word, is given. Students read the text again and find the words or phrases with a similar meaning to the definitions. Feedback.

      5. Teacher asks students how many ways they know to talk about the past in English. Teacher puts some of the examples on the board and discusses briefly.

      6. Teacher directs students to the grammar box on page 17 and asks them to read the given examples. Then, teacher elicits from students the difference in meaning of the Past Simple and Present Perfect Simple Tenses (students are already familiar with both tenses and this is just a revision).

      7. Students find and underline examples of Present Perfect Simple in paragraph 2 of the text on page 16. Feedback.

      8. Teacher points out that we often follow Present Perfect Simple with Past Simple. It gives more specific information about the event mentioned in the Present Perfect Tense.

    3. Final stage.

      1. Teacher tells students a few words about Corfu. (It’s a Greek island in the Ionian sea. It is also known as Kerkyra.)

      2. Students complete the text on page 17. Students work individually. Feedback. Teacher encourages students to give reasons for their answers.

  6. Bibliography

    1. Prodromou L., Rising Star. An intermediate Course Student’s Book, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 2001

    2. Prodromou L., Rising Star. An intermediate Course Teacher’s Book, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 2001

  7. Time

45 min


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