AU.31.5 Organising the loading and unloading process
Job interview
1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny na portalu
Job interview between the manager and the candidate for the job.Rozmowa rekrutacyjna pomiędzy kierownikiem, a kandydatem do pracy.
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny na portalu
Job interview between the manager and the candidate for the job.Rozmowa rekrutacyjna pomiędzy kierownikiem, a kandydatem do pracy.
3. Film with subtitles and pauses. Listen and repeat after the speaker.

Film dostępny na portalu
Job interview between the manager and the candidate for the job.Rozmowa rekrutacyjna pomiędzy kierownikiem, a kandydatem do pracy.
4. Film with subtitles and narration.

Film dostępny na portalu
Job interview between the manager and the candidate for the job.Rozmowa rekrutacyjna pomiędzy kierownikiem, a kandydatem do pracy.
After watching the film, entitled, “Job interview”, fill in the gaps with correct words or phrases. Use the word bank. Po obejrzeniu filmu „Rozmowa rekrutacyjna”, uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami lub frazami. Skorzystaj z banku słów.
warehousing, process of loading, date of delivery, delivery schedule, goods logistics, warehouse employee, goods, picking
I worked as a .....................................
I also did basic tasks related to .....................................
I can draw up a .................................... , accept and issue goods from a warehouse.
I can also control the quantity and quality of .....................................
The delivery schedule is a document containing the required quantities agreed upon and the .................................... at a specified time.
What is the course of the .................................... and the process of unloading of goods?
What are the basic levels of the .................................... process?
The warehousing process includes goods receipt and acceptance, storage, .................................... and goods issue.
After watching the film, entitled, “Job interview”, match the Polish phrases with their English equivalents. Po obejrzeniu filmu „Rozmowa rekrutacyjna”, połącz w pary polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
logistyka towarów, pracownik magazynu, łańcuch dostaw, proces rozładunku, proces załadunku, kompletacja, proces magazynowy, data dostawy, wydanie towaru, harmonogram dostaw
warehouse employee | |
goods logistics | |
supply chain | |
delivery schedule | |
date of delivery | |
process of loading | |
process of unloading | |
warehousing process | |
picking | |
goods issue |
After watching the film, entitled, “Job interview”, decide if the sentence is true or false. Po obejrzeniu filmu „Rozmowa rekrutacyjna”, zdecyduj, czy twierdzenie jest prawdziwe, czy nie.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
The warehouse process is concerned with goods acceptance and issue only. | □ | □ |
The film refers to a job interview. | □ | □ |
A candidate for the position of a fashion promotion specialist is being looked for. | □ | □ |
The candidate has worked in a warehouse. | □ | □ |
The candidate isn’t familiar with the topic of supply chain. | □ | □ |
The candidate can control the quantity and quality of goods. | □ | □ |
During the interview, a question about the process of loading and unloading of goods is asked. | □ | □ |
The candidate has been accepted. | □ | □ |
Monitoring the progress of the transport process

Film dostępny na portalu
The material schematically provides information about the monitoring of the transport process, both about the means of transport and about loads. It also shows the international standards for cargo identification and data exchange.Materiał przedstawia w sposób schematyczny informacje na temat monitorowania przebiegu procesu transportowego, zarówno środków transportu, jak i ładunków. Pokazuje także międzynarodowe standardy identyfikacji ładunków i wymiany danych.
After watching the animation, entitled, “Monitoring the progress of the transport process”, decide if the sentence is true or false. Po obejrzeniu animacji „Monitorowanie przebiegu procesu transportowego”, zdecyduj, czy twierdzenie jest prawdziwe, czy nie.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
Logistics and transport don’t play a key role in today's supply chains. | □ | □ |
At every stage of the transport process, it is possible to control the load. | □ | □ |
The global GS1 system doesn’t maintain a good communication flow and collaboration in the supply chain. | □ | □ |
The identification of logistic units helps control the process from collecting the load from the sender, to delivering it to the final recipient. | □ | □ |
The GS1 includes the global shipping and dispatch identifier. | □ | □ |
Global GS1 identifiers identify, among others, documents. | □ | □ |
The Serial Shipping Unit Code is used to identify logistic units, such as pallets. | □ | □ |
The Global Location Number isn’t used to identify an economic entity or its part. | □ | □ |
After watching the animation, entitled, “Monitoring the progress of the transport process”, match the Polish phrases with their English equivalents. Po obejrzeniu animacji „Monitorowanie przebiegu procesu transportowego”, połącz w pary polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
identyfikacja lokalizacji, identyfikacja jednostek handlowych, łańcuch dostaw, identyfikacja jednostek logistycznych, śledzenie ładunków, etykieta logistyczna, standardowe kody kreskowe, znaczniki radiowe, kontrola procesu transportowego, globalny identyfikator przesyłki i wysyłki
supply chain | |
control of the transport process | |
logistic unit identification | |
global shipping and dispatch Identifier | |
standard barcodes | |
radio tags | |
logistic label | |
identification of trade items | |
location identification | |
cargo tracking |
After watching the animation, entitled, “Monitoring the progress of the transport process”, fill in the gaps with correct words or phrases. Use the word bank. Po obejrzeniu animacji „Monitorowanie przebiegu procesu transportowego”, uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami lub frazami. Skorzystaj z banku słów.
track & trace, physical locations, control the load, supply chains, global shipping and dispatch identifier, documents, pallets, unique trade item code
Transport and logistics play a key role in today's ...............................................................................
At every stage of the transport process, it is possible to ...............................................................................
The GS1 includes tools such as the ...............................................................................
Global GS1 identifiers identify, among others, ...............................................................................
The Serial Shipping Unit Code is used to identify logistic units, such as ...............................................................................
The Global Trade Item Number is a ...............................................................................
Cargo can also be tracked via systems such as ...............................................................................
The Global Location Number, in short GLN, can be used for ...............................................................................
A new employee of a reloading warehouse
The text is an email to a new employee about the organization of the storage space in a warehouse and its management system.
Tekst stanowi treść maila z informacją dla nowego pracownika odnośnie organizacji przestrzeni w magazynie oraz systemu do zarządzania dokumentacją.
Good morning,
I'm glad you joined our team. I will be responsible for familiarizing you with the functioning of our company.
The offer of our company includes both transport, shipping and warehousing services .
At the moment, we have eight reloading warehouses. You will join the team that deals with their administration.
We use the WMS system, which is the Warehouse Management SystemWarehouse Management System. The system enables storage process servicesstorage process services. It also has features that allow to create logical storeslogical stores. This means that virtual sections for load unitsload units, arranged according to different criteria, are created.
The system divides the warehouses according to their hierarchy: the warehouse areawarehouse area, a row, a column, a level, the storage spacestorage space/a rack.
The basic types of transport orders we deal with are: delivery, shipping, completion of goods in the picking areacompletion of goods in the picking area and internal mixing.
Within our warehouses, we often carry out operations such as moving logistic unitsmoving logistic units. This is done by generating transport orderstransport orders in the WMS system. All of the activities are, of course, thoroughly recorded. As a result, we always know where and at what time a logistic unit in the storage space is.
The system also carries out the planning and implementation of transport tasks, related to the assignment of particular means of transport according to the completed shipping directions.
In the shipping module, you will find the following files:
means of transport,
road class,
types of storage mediatypes of storage media,
towns and road access
In three days you will receive training in the system and will learn about all of its key functions.
Should you have any questions, please contact me directly.
After reading the text, entitled, “A new employee of a reloading warehouse”, fill in the gaps with correct words or phrases. Use the word bank. Po przeczytaniu tekstu „Nowy pracownik w magazynie przeładunkowym”, uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami lub frazami. Skorzystaj z banku słów.
reloading warehouses, storage process services, administers the warehouses, warehousing, logical stores, load units, logistic unit moving, completion of goods in the picking area
The new worker has joined the team which ...............................................................................
The company offers both transport, shipping and .............................................................................. services.
At the moment, the company has eight ...............................................................................
The WMS Warehouse Management System enables ...............................................................................
This systems allow to create ...............................................................................
This means that virtual sections for .............................................................................. , arranged according to different criteria, are created.
The basic types of transport orders the company deals with are: delivery, shipping, .............................................................................. and internal mixing.
Within the warehouses, .............................................................................. operations are carried out.
Entering a goods received note into the WMS system
The text shows a new employee's phone conversation with the supervisor. The dialogue is concerned with the entering of a PZ document of acceptance into the system.
Tekst przedstawia rozmowę telefoniczną nowego pracownik z przełożonym. Dialog dotyczy wprowadzenia do systemu dokumentu przyjęcia PZ.
Jan: Hi, I'm calling you with an urgent matter.
Helen: Hi, how can I help you?
Jan: I don’t understand everything yet. I’m a bit lost in this whole WMS system.
Helen: What exactly do you want to do?
Jan: I have a goods received notegoods received note. I opened the PZ acceptance documents. I have already entered the index and the name of the productindex and the name of the product, the name of the contractor as well. I can’t find the GTIN codeGTIN code anywhere.
Helen: GTIN is the collective name of the identifier. You will find it under the barcodebarcode***. It is an element of the GS1 identification.***
Jan: OK. I think I get it now. This code has 13 digits.
Helen: You should know that this number is an EAN, JAN, or ISBN.
Jan: What is the difference between them?
Helen: EAN is the European Commodity CodeCommodity Code***, JAN is used in Japan, and the ISBN is used, e.g., in books.***
Jan: Thanks. Getting back to the system. Now I need to relocaterelocate the assortment.
Helen: Wait. You’ve just accepted the goods. First, determine where to deliver the product.
Jan: Thanks. I’m entering the warehouse structure. There are stop signs everywhere!
Helen: Relax. Just enter availability for a single fileavailability for a single file***.***
Jan: OK, I’ve got it. I can see quantity by place of storagequantity by place of storage, part numberpart number, and deadlines.
Helen: OK. Listen, there’s going to be a training in this system today. I’m in charge of it. We will go through the whole process again. Apart from that, I can give you some additional materials.
Jan: Thanks. I’m still a bit lost in all this. See you later then.
Helen: See you.
After reading the text, entitled, “Entering a goods received note into the WMS system”, match the Polish phrases with their English equivalents. Po przeczytaniu tekstu „Wprowadzenie przyjęcia zewnętrznego do systemu WMS”, połącz w pary polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
kod kreskowy, indeks i nazwa artykułu, numer partii, kod GTIN, stany ilościowe według miejsc składowania, stan magazynowy, struktura magazynu, zmiana lokalizacji, przyjęcie zewnętrzne, kod towarowy
goods received note | |
index and name of product | |
GTIN code /Global Trade Item Number | |
barcode | |
relocate | |
storage state | |
availability for a single file | |
quantity by place of storage | |
part number | |
Commodity Code |
Problems with the warehouse
The following text is a conversation between two shipping company employees. The conversation is about the place of unloading goods. The warehouse indicated by the client does not meet the requirements of the load given to the forwarder.
Tekst jest rozmową dwóch pracowników firmy spedycyjnej. Dotyczy problemów z punktem rozładunku towarów. Magazyn wskazany przez klienta nie spełnia wymogów ładunku, który powierzył spedytorowi.
Marc: Hi. It’s good to see you.
Julia: Hi. What's up?
Marc: I have a small problem. Can you help me?
Julia: Sure.
Marc: I have the documents from the client referring to one of the loads we are currently transporting for him. I see that the load is extremely fragile. In the documentation, I can also see information about the warehouse in which the goods are going to be placed and something just isn’t right.
Julia: OK. Please, show me the documents.
Marc: One moment, the system is loading, it may take a while.
***Julia: Hmm. There’s something wrong indeed. The cargo is supposed to be delivered to an ***open warehouseopen warehouse***. Call the client immediately. We should redirect this cargo to a*** closed warehouseclosed warehouse***.***
Marc: Look at the cargo labelcargo label. The warehouse must meet certain requirements.
Julia: I see. We have specific requirements for the temperature, humidity, as well as sun exposure. It needs to be a multi‑compartmentmulti‑compartment ***warehouse and there has to be air‑conditioning. You should look for a warehouse near the unloading area that will meet these requirements. It’s supposed to be a ******ground warehouse.******ground warehouse.*** Maneuvering forklift trucksforklift trucks must be possible.
Marc: No problem. Should it be a deliverydelivery or distribution warehouse?
Julia: A distribution warehousedistribution warehouse***. I think it's worth narrowing your search to*** lowlowor medium bay warehousesmedium bay warehouses***.***
Marc: OK. I will exclude high bay warehouseshigh bay warehouses from the search. Maybe I’ll also add that it should be a flow‑through warehouseflow‑through warehouse.
Julia: OK. Once you have set everything up, call and inform the client that the warehouse indicated as the unloading locationunloading location does not meet the requirements. Suggest two new locations.
Marc: OK.
Julia: At what stage is the cargo transport now?
Marc: We’ve just received it. It should reach its destinationdestination in three days.
Julia: You’ll have to complete the documentation and add the information about the change of the storage location.
Marc: I will inform the client and confirm all of the details. I will make sure that the new information enters the system.
Julia: Let me know how the conversation with the client goes.
Marc: OK. Thanks.
Julia: Good luck.
After reading the text, entitled, “Problems with the warehouse”, decide if the sentence is true or false. Po przeczytaniu tekstu „Problemy z magazynem”, zdecyduj, czy twierdzenie jest prawdziwe, czy nie.
The client doesn’t want to change the warehouse., Maneuvering forklift trucks in the warehouse must be possible., The client’s load isn’t sensitive to weather conditions., Marc has a problem with a client ad asks Julia for help., The warehouse should be an underground warehouse., The load should reach its destination in three weeks., The warehouse for the client’s load must meet certain requirements., The warehouse should be a high bay warehouse.
TRUE | |
Equipment for the new warehouse

Film dostępny na portalu
The audio material is a voicemail message. It is concerned with equipping a new warehouse with cargo handling mechanization equipment, as well as the infrastructure of the warehouse itself.Materiał przedstawia nagranie na automatycznej sekretarce. Wypowiedź dotyczy wyposażenia nowego magazynu w urządzenia do mechanizacji prac ładunkowych i samej infrastruktury przestrzeni.
After listening to the audio recording, entitled, “Equipment for the new warehouse”, match the Polish phrases with their English equivalents. Po odsłuchaniu nagrania „Urządzenia do nowego magazynu”, połącz polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
wyszukiwanie produktów, przenośne terminale, zasięg wideł wózka, wózki widłowe czołowe, wózek paletowy, wyświetlacze regałowe, wózki widłowe, przygotowanie do wysyłki, wózki widłowe boczne, kompletowanie
order picking | |
searching for products | |
preparing for shipping | |
portable terminals | |
display shelves | |
forklift trucks | |
side forklift trucks | |
front forklift trucks | |
fork reach range | |
pallet truck |
After listening to the audio recording, entitled, “Equipment for the new warehouse”, fill in the gaps with correct words or phrases. Use the word bank. Po odsłuchaniu nagrania „Urządzenia do nowego magazynu”, uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami lub frazami. Skorzystaj z banku słów.
portable terminals, equipment, new warehouse, display shelves, front, plan of the warehouse, streamline the process, searching for products
We are opening a ............................................ in four months.
I have the list of the ............................................ for the warehouse.
A manual ............................................ and preparing them for shipping can be very time-consuming.
In the M3 warehouse we already have scanners and .............................................
We also use ............................................ in the warehouse.
The order also includes side and ............................................ forklift trucks.
On the ............................................ that I’m going to send you, you will see the application of the roller and tape conveyors.
Is there anything else that we should order for the new warehouse to ............................................?
After listening to the audio recording, entitled, “Equipment for the new warehouse”, decide if the sentence is true or false. Po odsłuchaniu nagrania „Urządzenia do nowego magazynu”, zdecyduj, czy twierdzenie jest fałszywe, czy nie.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
The audio recording refers to the equipment for a new warehouse. | □ | □ |
The new warehouse is to be opened in half a year. | □ | □ |
Streamlining the process of order picking is an extremely significant matter. | □ | □ |
A manual searching for products and preparing them for shipping is very time-consuming. | □ | □ |
The M3 warehouse lacks scanners and portable terminals | □ | □ |
There are display shelves in the M3 warehouse. | □ | □ |
The system uses the Rack-Runner system. | □ | □ |
Side and front forklift trucks won’t be ordered for the new warehouse. | □ | □ |
Reception of goods to the warehouse


Zasób interaktywny dostępny pod adresem

Zasób interaktywny dostępny pod adresem
przyjęcie materiałów zewnętrznych
automatyczna identyfikacja
stan magazynowy
kod kreskowy
kontrola stanu ładunków
śledzenie ładunków
magazyn zamknięty
kod towarowy
uzupełnianie towarów w strefie kompletacji
kontrola procesu transportowego
numer bieżący
numer i data faktury
data otrzymania
data dostarczenia
data wysyłki
harmonogram dostaw
magazyn dostawczy
przeznaczenie, punkt docelowy
wyświetlacze regałowe
magazyn rozdzielczy
elektroniczne komunikaty do wymiany informacji i danych
magazyn przepływowy
zasięg wideł wózka
wózki widłowe
wózki widłowe czołowe
globalny identyfikator przesyłki i wysyłki
wydanie towaru
logistyka towarów
odbiór i przyjęcie towaru
przyjęcie zewnętrzne
magazyn naziemny
kod GTIN (Global Trade Item Number)
magazyny wysokiego załadowania
identyfikacja jednostek handlowych
indeks i nazwa artykułu
wydać towar z magazynu
oznaczenia ładunku
jednostki ładunkowe
identyfikacja lokalizacji
etykieta logistyczna
magazyny logiczne
identyfikacji jednostek logistycznych
magazyn niskiego załadowania
numer indeksu materiałowego
nazwa materiału
środek transportu
magazyn średniego załadowania
przesuwanie jednostek logistycznych
magazyn otwarty
numer zamówienia
wózek paletowy
numer partii
przenośne terminale
przygotowanie do wysyłki
proces załadunku
proces rozładunku
stany ilościowe według miejsc składowania
system Rack‑Runner
znaczniki radiowe
zmiana lokalizacji
przenośniki rolkowe, przenośniki wałkowe
wyszukiwanie produktów
nadawca ładunku
wózki widłowe boczne
standardowe kody kreskowe
miejsce magazynowe
obsługa procesów magazynowania
łańcuch dostaw
konto syntetyczne materiału
przenośniki taśmowe
zlecenie transportowe
typ nośnika magazynowego
miejsce rozładunku
obszar magazynowy
pracownik magazynu
system zarządzania magazynem
numer magazynu
struktura magazynu
proces magazynowy
magazynowanie towarów
list przewozowy