Badanie stanu cieków wodnych i stosunków wodno‑powietrznych w glebie
Możliwości odprowadzenia wód opadowych z powierzchni działki
The talks in the design office concerning the possibility of draining precipitation water off the plot surface
1. Film in the standard version.
2. Film with subtitles.
3. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.
4. Film with narration.
Badania wód oraz gleb
Field studies of water
Field studies allow initial research, mainly based on visual assessment (e.g. water turbidity) as well as basic physicochemical parameters (e.g. temperature, acidity).Sampling for laboratory tests
Against all appearances, sampling for laboratory tests is a very difficult task. Sampling should be carried out in accordance with standards so that the sample taken does not have an error caused by the sampling method; samples should also be representative for the given watercourse.Laboratory water testing
These tests allow assessing the condition of a watercourse in terms of its utilization for consumption, agricultural or industrial use, and physicochemical evaluation. The tests include many parameters, the most popular being the content of iron, manganese, ammonium ions, nitrates, chlorides, as well as water hardness and electrolytic conductivity.Field testing of water acidity
pH in the field is determined by means of the indicator paper. After wetting it with the test solution, the colour is used to determine the approximate solution pH.Field studies of soil
Part of the studies should be carried out in the field, based on the obtained samples. The soil type, its condition, humidity, colour and CaCO3 content (by means of hydrochloric acid) are determined in the field.Sampling of soil humidity
Sampling of soil humidity in the field is carried out with a moisture meter, which allows to measure the humidity of soil, sand, clay and other loose materials with a grain diameter of up to several mm.Sampling of soil pH
The soil acidity test can be carried out with a simple pH meter, which, according to the soil pH, changes the colour of the indicator in the device.Visual assessment of humidity and cohesion
By crushing the soil in the fingers, we will check its humidity and cohesion. In the picture: clay soil - very heavy and poorly permeable.Sampling of soil for laboratory testing
Precise soil testing is carried out in the laboratory in terms of parameters enabling water and air assessment. For proper analysis, samples should be taken in the field. Care should be taken to ensure that the sample is representative. Sampling should be carried out in accordance with the relevant standards.Laboratory- soil testing
Properly taken and transported samples are delivered to the laboratory. They should be stored in such a way as to preserve the soil natural characteristics (structure, humidity, grain). This ensures that the sample is properly evaluated in the laboratory and that it determines water‑air relations in the tested soil.
Ocena stanu cieków wodnych
Match a proper lab test to water or soil study. Przyporządkuj rodzaje badań, w zależności od tego, czy dotyczą badania wód czy gleby.
humidity, water turbidity, liquid PH, <math><mi>C</mi><mi>a</mi><mi>C</mi><msub><mi>O</mi><mn>3</mn></msub></math> content, temperature, iron content, PH of soil, manganese content, cohesion, grain diameter
water study | |
soil study |
Badanie stanu cieków wodnych
Watercourse condition: test procedure
Match the words to form collocations. Połącz wyrazy, tak aby tworzyły poprawne zwroty.
diameter, paper, section, water, hydrology, content, test, tests, turbidity
lab | |
water | |
humidity | |
manganese | |
grain | |
indicator | |
longitudinal | |
surface | |
watercourse |
Match the numbers with the words.Połącz liczebniki główne z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
15, 65, 50, 100, 30, 98, 40, 13
thirteen | |
forty | |
fifteen | |
thirty | |
fifty | |
sixty-five | |
ninety-eight | |
a hundred |
/əˈsɪdəti/ [noun, uncountable] kwasowość
/əˈməʊniəm ˈaɪən/ [noun, countable, singular] jon amonowy
/ˌbaɪoʊsɪˈnoʊsɪs/ [noun, countable, singular] biocenoza, plural: biocenoses
/ˈtʃeɪmbər/ [noun, countable, singular] studzienka
/ˈklɔːraɪd/ [noun, countable, singular] chlorek
/ˈkrɒs sekʃn/ [noun, countable, singular] przekrój
/ˈdreɪnɪŋ ˈwɔːtər/ [noun, uncountable] odprowadzane wody
/ɪˌlektrəˈlɪtɪk ˌkɒndʌkˈtɪvəti/ [noun, uncountable] przewodność elektrolityczna
/ɪmˈbæŋkmənt/ [noun, countable, singular] obwałowanie
/fləʊ ˌveəriəˈbɪləti/ [noun, uncountable] zmienność przepływu
/haɪˈdrɒlədʒəkl reɪˈʒiːm/ [noun, countable, singular] reżim hydrologiczny
/ˈɪndɪkeɪtər ˈpeɪpər/ [noun, countable, singular] papierek wskaźnikowy
/ˈaɪən ˈkɒntent/ [noun, uncountable] zawartość żelaza
/ləˈbɒrətri ˈtestɪŋ/ [noun, uncountable] badania laboratoryjne
/ˈmæŋɡəniːz ˈkɒntent/ [noun, uncountable] zawartość manganu
/melt‑water/ [noun, uncountable] wody roztopowe
/ˈnaɪtreɪt/ [noun, countable, singular] azotan
/ˌpetrəˈleɪtəm ˈprɒdʌkt/ [noun, countable, singular] substancja ropopochodna
/fɪzɪkəʊˈkɛmɪkəl pəˈræmɪtər/ [noun, countable, singular] parametr fizyko‑chemiczny
/prɪˌsɪpɪˈteɪʃn ˈwɔːtər/ [noun, uncountable] wody opadowe
/reɪt əv fləʊ/ [noun, countable, singular] wielkość przepływu
/ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv/ [adjective] reprezentatywna
/ˈsepəreɪtər/ [noun, countable, singular] separator
/ˈstændəd/ [noun, countable, singular] norma
/ˈvɪʒuəl əˈsesmənt/ [noun, countable, singular] ocena wizualna
/ˈwɔːtər ɪɡˌzæmɪˈneɪʃn/ [noun, countable, singular] badanie wód
/ˈwɔːtər ˈhɑːdnəs/ [noun, uncountable] twardość wody
/ˈwɔːtər tɜːˈbɪdəti/ [noun,uncountable] mętność wody
/ˈwɔːtəkɔːs ˌreɡjuˈleɪʃn/ [noun, countable, singular] regulacja cieku