Carrying out works related to the assembly and operation of ventilation and air‑conditioning systems
Replacement of ventilation pipes
1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1bxAxOD2ZKC3
Wymiana przewodów wentylacyjnych
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RB71GPKFaOmOU
Wymiana przewodów wentylacyjnych
3. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RRuhXSUbHH2SI
Wymiana przewodów wentylacyjnych
4. Film with narration.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RK1HdeFyN7ciH
Wymiana przewodów wentylacyjnych
Put the dialogue in the correct order.Ułóż dialog w odpowiedniej kolejności.
- Sure. Call me. I will be glad to respond to all your questions.
- What type of a pipe connection?
- I can see that acoustic insulation of the pipes has been designed. Connections with a fan have been designed so that they wouldn’t transmit noise and vibrations so much.
- When can we start work?
- As we agreed earlier, the sooner the better. If we deliver the materials tomorrow, you can start the day after tomorrow. Are there any more issues to clarify?
- Good morning. Have I understood you correctly, only ventilation pipes? Have other devices been already installed?
- According to the project, a flange connection.
- Galvanized steel with a rectangular cross-section.
- And what type of ventilation pipes is in the project?
- I will carefully look through the documentation one more time. If I have any questions, I will call you.
- Good morning. It’s good you’re here. It’s important to us to have a quick installation of ventilation pipes from the air intakes to the ventilation grilles.
- Yes, in accordance with the project, the air inlet has been built. The fan has also been purchased.
After listening to the dialogue choose the correct answer. Po wysłuchaniu powyższego dialogu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
Ventilation pipes are connected with a thread. | □ | □ |
The air inlet has been built. | □ | □ |
The materials have been delivered on-site. | □ | □ |
The fan hasn’t been ordered. | □ | □ |
A flange connection has been used. | □ | □ |
Ventilation pipes are made of galvanized steel. | □ | □ |
The pipes are led from ventilation grilles to air inlets. | □ | □ |
There is acoustic insulation of the pipes. | □ | □ |
Match Polish names with their English equivalents.Połącz polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
wyrzutnia powietrza, przewód wentylacyjny, klimatyzator, filtr, kratka wentylacyjna, nagrzewnica, czerpnia powietrza, wentylator
fan | |
ventilation pipe | |
filter | |
heater | |
air conditioner | |
air outlet | |
air inlet | |
ventilation grille |
Devices in a ventilation system
Complete the sentences by choosing the right expression or word from the phrases mentioned below:Uzupełnij zdania wybierając odpowiednie określenie lub wyraz z wymienionych poniżej:
dust removal device, air outlet, heater, ventilation grilles, air inlet, Filters, axial fan, ventilation grilles
1. Exhaust air is removed into the atmosphere via an ...................................... . (wyrzutnia powietrza)
2. The beginning of an intake ventilation system is an ...................................... . (czerpnia powietrza)
3. A ...................................... is used to dedust the air before it is removed into the atmosphere. (urządzenia odpylające)
4. ...................................... are used to clean the air before it is let into the room. (filtry)
5. The air gets into the room through ...................................... . (kratki wentylacyjne)
6. A ...................................... pumps the air towards the radial direction. (wentylator promieniowy)
7. An ...................................... sucks in and pumps the air along the impeller’s axis. (wentylator osiowy)
8. A device which heats up the air before it is let into the room is called a ...................................... . (nagrzewnica)
Types of filters and dust removal devices

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RTdE5RTuMFNa8
Rodzaje filtrów i urządzeń odpylających
After watching the film and listening to the speaker’s comments choose the correct answer. Po obejrzeniu filmów i wysłuchaniu komentarza lektora zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
A cyclone separates dust from gas by centrifugal force. | □ | □ |
A horizontal cyclone separates dust from gas by spraying the dust. | □ | □ |
In an electro filter dust is removed by electrostatic force. | □ | □ |
Scrubbers stop the dust by centrifugal force. | □ | □ |
A fiber filter doesn’t stop small dust particles. | □ | □ |
A sedimentation basin uses the effect of dust falling due to gravity force. | □ | □ |
A fiber filter uses the electrostatic force to stop the dust. | □ | □ |
A horizontal cyclone extracts dust particles from gases giving them rotation. | □ | □ |
Choose the correct option from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
, What, What, What, Who, Who, Why, why, What, Where, Where, How, Where, How, How many, Where, How, Why, What, How, what, Why, How, When, where
1. ................ size can ventilation fans have?
2. ................ fiber filters does a foreman need to buy?
3. ................ exactly needs to be installled?
4. ................ will the workman come to do the fan repairs?
5. ................ can I help you?
6. ................ is free on Monday to install the intake ventilation?
7. ................ do you want to install the dust remove device?
8. The workman will come and see ................ he can do.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjective or the adverb. Uzupełnij zdania wpisując odpowiedni stopień przymiotnika lub przysłówka.
1. That was ...................... explosion we have ever heard. (LOUD)
2. These machines should be stored in ............ conditions than this warehouse. (GOOD)
3. This is .................................. technique of measuring I have ever used. (ACCURATE)
4. You must wear ear protection because it’s .............. than in the other areas. (NOISY)
5. This hammer is ................ quality we produce. (GOOD)
6. Working on this installation is ............................ than I expected. (DIFFICULT)
7. This gypsum-plasterboard is .............. than that one. (HEAVY)
8. It’s .............. to buy these materials in a warehouse than in a shopping center. (CHEAP)
Match the cardinal and ordinal numbers into pairs. Połącz liczebniki główne i porządkowe z ich zapisanymi odpowiednikami.
<span lang="en">20th </span>, <span lang="en">13 </span>, <span lang="en">1st </span>, <span lang="en">2nd </span>, <span lang="en">5 </span>, <span lang="en">33 </span>, <span lang="en">3rd </span>, <span lang="en">14 </span>
five | |
thirteen | |
thirty three | |
fourteen | |
third | |
second | |
first | |
twentieth |
Change the sentences into passive voice. Zamień zdania ze strony czynnej na stronę bierną.
1. The builder used these wires to connect all the metal parts. These wires .................. to connect all the metal parts.
2. Manufacturers choose plastic containers for many different reasons. Plastic containers .................... for many different reasons.
3. Tomorrow the carpenter will cut the big logs into smaller parts. The big logs ...................... for many different reasons.
4. The roofer should remove unnecessary roof debris. Unnecessary roof debris .................................. .
5. John has installed a wood-burning fireplace in my living room. A wood-burning fireplace .................................... in my living room.
6. A businessman will prepare a cost estimate for Monday. A cost estimate ................................ for Monday.
7. You must read a manual before you try to repair it yourself. A manual ........................ before you try to repair it yourself.
8. You mustn’t use this jigsaw if you don’t wear protective goggles. This jigsaw .............................. if you don’t wear protective goggles.
Decide if these nouns are written in plural or singular forms.Zdecyduj czy podane rzeczowniki są zapisane w liczbie pojedynczej czy mnogiej.
<span lang="en">flue</span>, <span lang="en">phenomenon</span>, <span lang="en">analysis</span>, <span lang="en">analyses</span>, <span lang="en">ventilation pipes</span>, <span lang="en">scissors</span>, <span lang="en">knife</span>, <span lang="en">metal cutting shears</span>, <span lang="en">knives</span>
Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Present Perfect Simple tense or the Past Simple tense. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w czasie Present Perfect Simple lub Past Simple.
1. The maintenance department ...................... the functioning of the ventilation pipes this week. (check)
2. The apprentice .............. the sedimentation basin yesterday. (clean)
3. The designer ............ just ................ the plan where to install the intake ventilation. (finish)
4. The client .................. the meeting with the designer last Monday. (schedule)
5. ............ you ever .................. an impeller in this place? (instal)
6. The accident in the sedimentation basin ............ place two days ago. (take)
7. I ............ never ............ anyone installing a scrubber in this type of ventilation. (see)
8. A workman ............ on his protective clothing and went inside the warehouse. (put)
Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verbs in brackets. Uzupełnij zdania poprawnym czasownikiem w czasie przeszłym.
1. How much ............ a ventilation pipe ............ ? (cost)
2. How many pipes ............ there in an order? (be)
3. What colour ............ the heater? (be)
4. I don’t know why the damper ...................... . (not work)
5. ............ the clients happy with a cost estimate? (be)
6. My brother in law .................. using aluminium tape. (suggest)
7. The builder ................ find fireproof glue in a warehouse. (cannot)
8. I .................... any scrubbers yesterday. (not buy)
Complete the sentences with correct polite phrases. Uzupełnij zdania wpisując poprawne zwroty grzecznościowe.
1. .................. bring me your hammer, please? (Czy mógłbyś)
2. .............. fetch him his manual, please? (Czy możesz)
3. .............. lend us her tool box? (Czy ona może)
4. .................. tell us your requirements? (Czy mógłbyś)
5. ............................ to have a look at our design project? (Czy chciałbyś)
6. ........................ to show you my cost estimate. (Chciałbym)
7. ............................ showing us your catalogue? (Czy miałbyś coś, przeciwko, aby)
8. .............. tell me where I can find your boss? (Czy możesz)
/eər ˈɪnlet/ [noun, countable] czerpnia
/eər ˈaʊt.let/ [noun, countable] wyrzutnia powietrza
/æksɪs fæn/ [noun, countable] wentylator osiowy
/sen.trɪˈfjuː.ɡəl fæn/ [noun, countable] wentylator promieniowy
/ˈdæm.pər/ [noun, countable] przepustnica
/ˈdrɪz.əld dʌst/ [noun, countable] zraszane pyły
/dʌst/ [noun, countable] pył
/dʌst rɪˈmuːv dɪˈvaɪs/ [noun, countable] urządzenie odpylające
/iˌlek.trəʊ ˈfɪl.tər/ [noun, countable] elektrofiltr
/fæn/ [noun, countable] wentylator
/ˈfaɪ.bər ˈfɪl.tər/ [noun, countable] filtr włókninowy
/fiːld eər ɪnlet/ [noun, countable] czerpnia powietrza terenowa
/flændʒ kəˈnek.ʃən/ [noun, countable] połączenie kołnierzowe
/ˈhiː.tər/ [noun, countable] nagrzewnica
/ˌhɒr.ɪˈzɒn.təl ˈsaɪ.kləʊn/ [noun, countable] cyklon poziomy
/ɪmˈpelər/ [noun, countable] wirnik
/ɪnlet ventɪˈleɪʃən/ [noun, countable] instalacja nawiewna
/ruːf eər ɪnlet/ [noun, countable] czerpnia powietrza dachowa
/skruː thetared/ [noun, countable] gwint
/ˈskrʌb.ər/ [noun, countable] płuczka do filtrowania powietrza
/ˌsed.ɪ.menˈteɪ.ʃən ˈbeɪ.sən/ [noun, countable] komora osadcza
/spreɪ ˈtʃeɪm.bər/ [noun, countable] komora zraszania
/ventɪˈleɪʃən ɡrɪl/ [noun, countable] kratka wentylacyjna
/ˌventɪˈleɪʃən paɪp/ [noun, countable] przewód wentylacyjny
/vaɪˈbreɪ.ʃən/ [noun, countable] drganie
/wɔːl eər ɪnlet/ [noun, countable] czerpnia powietrza ścienna