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Cultural and social changes after World War II

A full-size replica of Sputnik 1
Source: Pełnowymiarowa makieta Sputnika 1, 2004, domena publiczna.

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You will learn
  • what changes took place in the post‑war societies;

  • what the most important achievements of post‑war technology and medicine were;

  • what feminism and mass culture are.

Nagranie dźwiękowe abstraktu

The Second World War led to changes more sudden and revolutionary than ever before. These changes took place primarily in society and its customs. A greater emphasis was put on education of children and youths, and official rights were granted to them (the 1959 Declaration of the Rights of the Child). Emancipation of women and their struggle for equality were developing rapidly. Women began to actively oppose all forms of discrimination, but also to demand help at the time of motherhood and bringing up children. First in the United States, then in Europe and all over the world, the feministFeminismfeminist movement began to develop, which demanded equality for women on the labor market and brought up the issues of sexuality and responsibility for it. This was a result of the changes that started to take place in the customs and status of marriage in the second half of the 20th century. The percentage of partner relationships and people living alone by choice (singles) increased rapidly. Birth control, contraception, and divorce became commonplace. These changes also made the conservative Catholic Church undertake a reform (The Second Vatican CouncilCouncilCouncil, 1962–1965), opening up more to the faithful and making attempts at ecumenismEcumenismecumenism.

Also revolutionized were medicine, communication, and access to information. Thanks to modern research, vaccines against the most serious diseases (polio, smallpox, diphtheria) were invented, organ transplantation started being performed, and the human genome was discovered. Unfortunately, the development of civilization also brought new diseases (AIDS, Ebola) as well as worrying phenomena such as obesity and addictions.
Never before had the production of means of transport (cars, planes) increase as quickly as in the second half of the 20th century. Year after year, these made it possible to travel ever longer distances in less time. It became possible to conquer space (1951) and land on the moon (1969). Access to information from all over the world was made possible thanks to the popularization of the radio, and then television. The latter became the main mass mediumMass mediamass medium and contributed to the development of mass culture, making actors and singers stars all over the world. The next step was the development of computers and informatics. Computers, known as early as the 1940s, were brought to homes all over the world thanks to such creators as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. The creation of a precursor to the Internet in 1969 led to a revolution several decades later, allowing access to information, shopping, and content from all over the world regardless of where you live. The world became one big global villageGlobal villageglobal village.

Task 1
Take a look at the selected events. Use them to characterize changes after World War II. 1954 First kidney transplantation The kidney transplantation surgery performed by Dr. Murray in 1954, 1957 Launch of the first artificial satellite of the Earth Sputnik 1 launched by the USSR on October 4, 1957 at 19:28:34 Universal Time, 1961 Yuri Gagarin goes to space , 11.10.1962 - 8.12.1965 The Second Vatican Council. Opening of the Council session, 1967 First heart transplantation The world’s first successful heart transplantation was performed by surgeon Christiaan Barnard’s team on December 3, 1967, 1969 Creation of the Internet A computer working on the ARPANET network, ca. 1970, 1978 First successful in vitro fertilization Extracorporeal fertilization under a microscope, 1980 Beginnings of mobile telephony Simonsen 450 NMT, one of the first mobile phone models, 1996 Cloning of the first living being (Dolly, a sheep) , 2004 Creation of Wikipedia and the launch of social media Jimmy Wales – a American economist, entrepreneur, co-creator of wiki-based services, co-founder of Wikipedia and Wikicities.
Source: AFP/Getty Images, Andrew Butko, Gus Freedman, Peter Geymayer, Rex Features/JAMES FRASER, Szpital Peter Bent Brigham w Bostonie, Telemuseet, Universal History Archive, Wikipedia, Ekem, licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0.
Task 2
Omów znaczenie kulturowe festiwalu Woodstock.
Omów znaczenie kulturowe festiwalu Woodstock.
Woodstock Festival
Source: Derek Redmond, Paul Campbell, Wikimedia Commons, licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0.
Exercise 1
Match the terms to the definitions. Subculture Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. a set of cultural phenomena, which are partly different from the dominant culture, but do not completely break away from it. They are created by professional, age, hobbyist, and other groups. Hippies and fans of specific music genres are examples of such groups., 2. a process that involves interdependence and integration of societies and countries on a global scale. This leads to the ‘shrinking’ of the world and creation of a single global society. It is assumed that this process was started by the Age of Discovery., 3. a term for the disappearance of borders as well as time and space barriers in favor of common mass communication and availability of goods. It colloquially refers to a description of the Internet, which enables fast communication between people all over the world., 4. an element of mass culture that conveys information and enables communication. They include the press, radio, television, and the Internet. Often, not only do they provide information, but also have an impact on society due to their commonness and reach., 5. a fast rate of population growth in a given place. This term is used the most often if within a single generation (24 years) the population doubles., 6. a social movement and political ideology aimed at the emancipation of women and gender equality. Initially (at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries), the movement sought to reform the family and electoral laws as well as to improve the economic situation of women. The French writer Christine de Pizan is considered to have been the first feminist. Feminism Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. a set of cultural phenomena, which are partly different from the dominant culture, but do not completely break away from it. They are created by professional, age, hobbyist, and other groups. Hippies and fans of specific music genres are examples of such groups., 2. a process that involves interdependence and integration of societies and countries on a global scale. This leads to the ‘shrinking’ of the world and creation of a single global society. It is assumed that this process was started by the Age of Discovery., 3. a term for the disappearance of borders as well as time and space barriers in favor of common mass communication and availability of goods. It colloquially refers to a description of the Internet, which enables fast communication between people all over the world., 4. an element of mass culture that conveys information and enables communication. They include the press, radio, television, and the Internet. Often, not only do they provide information, but also have an impact on society due to their commonness and reach., 5. a fast rate of population growth in a given place. This term is used the most often if within a single generation (24 years) the population doubles., 6. a social movement and political ideology aimed at the emancipation of women and gender equality. Initially (at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries), the movement sought to reform the family and electoral laws as well as to improve the economic situation of women. The French writer Christine de Pizan is considered to have been the first feminist. Mass media Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. a set of cultural phenomena, which are partly different from the dominant culture, but do not completely break away from it. They are created by professional, age, hobbyist, and other groups. Hippies and fans of specific music genres are examples of such groups., 2. a process that involves interdependence and integration of societies and countries on a global scale. This leads to the ‘shrinking’ of the world and creation of a single global society. It is assumed that this process was started by the Age of Discovery., 3. a term for the disappearance of borders as well as time and space barriers in favor of common mass communication and availability of goods. It colloquially refers to a description of the Internet, which enables fast communication between people all over the world., 4. an element of mass culture that conveys information and enables communication. They include the press, radio, television, and the Internet. Often, not only do they provide information, but also have an impact on society due to their commonness and reach., 5. a fast rate of population growth in a given place. This term is used the most often if within a single generation (24 years) the population doubles., 6. a social movement and political ideology aimed at the emancipation of women and gender equality. Initially (at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries), the movement sought to reform the family and electoral laws as well as to improve the economic situation of women. The French writer Christine de Pizan is considered to have been the first feminist. Globalization Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. a set of cultural phenomena, which are partly different from the dominant culture, but do not completely break away from it. They are created by professional, age, hobbyist, and other groups. Hippies and fans of specific music genres are examples of such groups., 2. a process that involves interdependence and integration of societies and countries on a global scale. This leads to the ‘shrinking’ of the world and creation of a single global society. It is assumed that this process was started by the Age of Discovery., 3. a term for the disappearance of borders as well as time and space barriers in favor of common mass communication and availability of goods. It colloquially refers to a description of the Internet, which enables fast communication between people all over the world., 4. an element of mass culture that conveys information and enables communication. They include the press, radio, television, and the Internet. Often, not only do they provide information, but also have an impact on society due to their commonness and reach., 5. a fast rate of population growth in a given place. This term is used the most often if within a single generation (24 years) the population doubles., 6. a social movement and political ideology aimed at the emancipation of women and gender equality. Initially (at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries), the movement sought to reform the family and electoral laws as well as to improve the economic situation of women. The French writer Christine de Pizan is considered to have been the first feminist. Global village Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. a set of cultural phenomena, which are partly different from the dominant culture, but do not completely break away from it. They are created by professional, age, hobbyist, and other groups. Hippies and fans of specific music genres are examples of such groups., 2. a process that involves interdependence and integration of societies and countries on a global scale. This leads to the ‘shrinking’ of the world and creation of a single global society. It is assumed that this process was started by the Age of Discovery., 3. a term for the disappearance of borders as well as time and space barriers in favor of common mass communication and availability of goods. It colloquially refers to a description of the Internet, which enables fast communication between people all over the world., 4. an element of mass culture that conveys information and enables communication. They include the press, radio, television, and the Internet. Often, not only do they provide information, but also have an impact on society due to their commonness and reach., 5. a fast rate of population growth in a given place. This term is used the most often if within a single generation (24 years) the population doubles., 6. a social movement and political ideology aimed at the emancipation of women and gender equality. Initially (at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries), the movement sought to reform the family and electoral laws as well as to improve the economic situation of women. The French writer Christine de Pizan is considered to have been the first feminist. Demographic explosion Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. a set of cultural phenomena, which are partly different from the dominant culture, but do not completely break away from it. They are created by professional, age, hobbyist, and other groups. Hippies and fans of specific music genres are examples of such groups., 2. a process that involves interdependence and integration of societies and countries on a global scale. This leads to the ‘shrinking’ of the world and creation of a single global society. It is assumed that this process was started by the Age of Discovery., 3. a term for the disappearance of borders as well as time and space barriers in favor of common mass communication and availability of goods. It colloquially refers to a description of the Internet, which enables fast communication between people all over the world., 4. an element of mass culture that conveys information and enables communication. They include the press, radio, television, and the Internet. Often, not only do they provide information, but also have an impact on society due to their commonness and reach., 5. a fast rate of population growth in a given place. This term is used the most often if within a single generation (24 years) the population doubles., 6. a social movement and political ideology aimed at the emancipation of women and gender equality. Initially (at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries), the movement sought to reform the family and electoral laws as well as to improve the economic situation of women. The French writer Christine de Pizan is considered to have been the first feminist.


Subculture, feminism, mass media, globalization, demographic explosion


Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

Subkultura – zespół zjawisk kulturowych, będących częściowo odmiennymi od kultury dominującej jednak nie zrywających z nią całkowicie. Są tworzone przez grupy zawodowe, wiekowe, hobbystyczne i inne. Przykładem mogą być Hippisi czy fani gatunków muzycznych.

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

Feminizm – ruch społeczny i ideologia polityczna, której celem jest emancypacja kobiet i równouprawnienie płci. Początkowo (przełom XIX i XX w.) dążył do reformy prawa rodzinnego i wyborczego oraz poprawy warunków ekonomicznych kobiet. Za pierwszą feministkę uważa się francuską pisarkę Christine de Pisan.

Mass media
Mass media
Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

Mass media – środki masowego przekazu są elementem kultury masowej przekazującym informacje i umożliwiającym komunikowanie się. Zaliczamy do nich prasę, radio, telewizję oraz Internet. Często nie tylko przekazują informacje, ale również wywierają wpływ na społeczeństwo poprzez swoją powszechność i zasięg.

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

Globalizacja – proces polegający na współzależności i integracji społeczeństw i państw w skali całego świata. Prowadzi to do „zmniejszania się” świata i tworzenia jednego wspólnego światowego społeczeństwa. Przyjmuje się, że proces ten zapoczątkowały wielkie odkrycia geograficzne.

Global village
Global village
Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

Globalna wioska – pojęcie opisujące zanik granic oraz barier czasowych i przestrzennych na rzecz masowej, powszechnej komunikacji i dostępności dóbr. Potocznie odnosi się on do opisania Internetu, pozwalającego na szybką komunikację ludzi na całym świecie.

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

Sobór – zebranie biskupów Kościoła katolickiego pod przewodnictwem papieża mające na celu ustanowienie nowych praw kościelnych i uregulowanie doktryny wiary.

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

Ekumenizm – ruch w obrębie Kościoła katolickiego dążący do powrotu jedności chrześcijan. Jego narzędziem są dialog i wspólna modlitwa.

Demographic explosion
Demographic explosion
Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

Eksplozja demograficzna – szybkie tempo wzrostu liczby ludności w danym miejscu. Najczęściej mówi się o niej jeśli w ciągu jednej generacji (24 lat) nastąpi podwojenie populacji.