Topic: Description of a room. Prepositions of place.

  1. Aims

    • to introduce and practice new vocabulary (furniture, objects, patterns and colours),

    • to practice there is/there are structure with the new vocabulary,

    • to introduce and practice prepositions of place,

    • to practice pronunciation.

  2. Skills

    • speaking to introduce the main topic of the lesson,

    • speaking to practice pronunciation and the use of prepositions in sentences,

    • writing to practice grammar and vocabulary.

  3. Methods/techniques

    • working with the whole class,

    • working in groups of three,

    • working in pairs,

    • individual work.

  4. Teaching aids/equipment
    Student’s book, Language Booster, blackboard, dictionaries.

  5. Stages of the lesson

    1. Warm‑up

      1. Saying good morning and checking the attendance.

      2. Student’s book, pages 14–15. Teacher asks the students:
        What type of room is it?
        How do you know?
        Who uses this room?
        How do you know?
        Teacher elicits ideas from the whole class.
        Teacher may also ask:
        Do you like the room? Why? Why not? Etc Teacher asks the students to choose two things that are similar and different to their own rooms.

    2. Main stage

      1. Teacher divides the class into groups of three. Students match the vocabulary in exercise 1, page 14, with the numbers in the picture. If necessary, students can use dictionaries. At the same time the subject of the lesson may appear on the blackboard.

      2. Teacher checks the answers with the whole class, practising difficult items for pronunciation and pointing out stress where appropriate, e.g. wardrobe, radiator.

      3. Teacher writes prepositions on the board: In, on, under, above, in front of, behind, next to, opposite, on the left, on the right, between, in the corner (of), near. Teacher asks students to rewrite the prepositions into their notebooks.

      4. Teacher teaches the prepositions using the objects and furniture in the classroom.

      5. Students practice the same in pairs, using the picture in pages 14–15.

      6. Students look at grammar flash on page 15 and write their own sentences for each of the prepositions, using classroom examples. Teacher reminds the students of there is/there are structure, which the students already know and asks the to use the structure in their sentences.

      7. Teacher ask individual students to read their sentences – one sentence each. Gentle correction if necessary.

      8. Practice – students work in pairs to fill the gaps in exercise 2, page 15. After a few minutes they check the answers with another pair. After about 5 minutes the teacher checks the answers with the whole class.

      9. Patterns and colours – exercise 4, page 15. Teacher asks students to look at the pictures and write correct descriptions.

      10. Teacher asks students to work in pairs. They have to look again at exercise 2, page 15 and pick put the colours and patterns which are mentioned. Teacher checks the answers with the whole class.

    3. Final stage

      1. Teacher gives and explains homework: ex. 2, 3, 4 page 8, Language Booster

      2. Teacher asks students about their own clothes to practice the vocabulary – colours and patterns. Teacher corrects gently if necessary. Feedback.

  6. Bibliography

    1. Linley F., Abbs B., Freebairn I., Barker Ch*.*, „New Snapshot Elementary”, Student’s Book, Longman, 2003

    2. Linley F., Abbs B., Freebairn I., Barker Ch., „New Snapshot Elementary”, Teacher’s Book, Longman, 2003

    3. Linley F., Abbs B., Freebairn I., Barker Ch., „New Snapshot Elementary”, Language Booster, Longman, 2003

  7. Time
    45 min


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