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Diffusion in liquids and in solids

Plastic tree
Source: domena publiczna.

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Before you start you should know
  • what properties matter has in various states;

  • what a mixture is;

  • the criteria that are the basis for mixture classification;

  • what advection is;

  • what contraction is;

  • what diffusion in gases consists in.

You will learn
  • to explain what the phenomenon of diffusion in liquids and solids consists in;

  • to give examples of diffusion in everyday life;

  • to explain the phenomena of diffusion, dissolution, mixing, changing the states of matter.

Nagranie dźwiękowe abstraktu

Diffusion in liquids

Task 1

Formulate a research question and hypotheses before watching a video or performing the experiment “Testing the dye behavior in a liquid” While watching the video focus on the behavior of dye particles in contact with water.

Analysis of the experiment: “Testing the dye behavior in a liquid”. Research question (Uzupełnij). Hypothesis (Uzupełnij). Observations (Uzupełnij). Conclusions (Uzupełnij).
Nagranie filmowe przedstawia zachowanie barwnika w cieczy. Do dużego słoika z wodą wlano niebieski barwnik. Nastąpiła dyfuzja, barwnik gwałtownie zaczął rozchodzić się w objętości wody.

Diffusion in solids

Diffusion in solids is a process almost impossible to observe in everyday life. In order to investigate this phenomenon, an experience was carried out. Two thoroughly polished plates were placed on each other: one made of lead, the other one made of gold. They were pressed with a weight, and after five years of storing them at room temperature the following findings were made at the 1 mm thick interface between the two layers:

  • particles of gold in the lead plate,

  • particles of lead in the gold plate.

This experience confirms that the matters in contact with each other may interpenetrate. This proves that matter has a granular structure.

The Brazil nut paradox

During carriage by sea from South America to Europe, crates filled with various species of nuts were exposed to constant shocks. When the crates were opened, the largest and heaviest Brazil nuts were found on top.
A small difference in the size of two types of nuts causes the sinking of one type and the emerging of the other type to the surface – this is the „Brazil nut effect”


Diffusion leads to the formation of mixtures by changing the position of particles - some particles penetrate between the other ones. The mobility of particles, i.e. the ability to move, depends on the state of matter and temperature. Diffusion occurs in all states of matter – it is the fastest in gases, and the slowest – in solid substances. Diffusion in liquids may last from several hours to several days.


A special type of diffusion is osmosisosmosisosmosis, which takes place in aqueous solutions, penetrating the semi‑permeable membrane that separates two solutions with different concentration.

Osmosis proceeds spontaneously, from a solution with a lower concentration of dissolved substance to a solution with a higher concentration, i.e. it leads to the equalization of the concentrations of both solutions.

Exercise 1
Indicate true statements. Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. Crystal sugar mixing with bean seeds is the phenomenon of contraction., 2. The phenomenon of peat volume increasing when treated with water is called contraction., 3. The exhaust trail left by an airplane is an example of diffusion., 4. A spontaneous process of “spreading out" of substances in a given room is called diffusion.
Exercise 2
Omów proces zachodzenia dyfuzji.
Exercise 3
Match the names of the phenomena with their definitions. contraction Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. the phenomenon consisting in the spontaneous mixing of substances, it occurs in aqueous solutions through a semipermeable membrane separating two solutions with different concentrations, 2. the process consisting in obtaining homogeneity in terms of concentration, density, temperature and other properties of the mixture in a single- or multi-phase environment, 3. the phenomenon consisting in the spontaneous mixing of substances in such a way that particles of one substance penetrate between the particles of the other substance, 4. the phenomenon of decreasing volumes of solutions during mixing, e.g. water and ethanol, 5. the physical process of the formation of a homogeneous mixture consisting of a solute and a solvent diffusion Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. the phenomenon consisting in the spontaneous mixing of substances, it occurs in aqueous solutions through a semipermeable membrane separating two solutions with different concentrations, 2. the process consisting in obtaining homogeneity in terms of concentration, density, temperature and other properties of the mixture in a single- or multi-phase environment, 3. the phenomenon consisting in the spontaneous mixing of substances in such a way that particles of one substance penetrate between the particles of the other substance, 4. the phenomenon of decreasing volumes of solutions during mixing, e.g. water and ethanol, 5. the physical process of the formation of a homogeneous mixture consisting of a solute and a solvent osmosis Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. the phenomenon consisting in the spontaneous mixing of substances, it occurs in aqueous solutions through a semipermeable membrane separating two solutions with different concentrations, 2. the process consisting in obtaining homogeneity in terms of concentration, density, temperature and other properties of the mixture in a single- or multi-phase environment, 3. the phenomenon consisting in the spontaneous mixing of substances in such a way that particles of one substance penetrate between the particles of the other substance, 4. the phenomenon of decreasing volumes of solutions during mixing, e.g. water and ethanol, 5. the physical process of the formation of a homogeneous mixture consisting of a solute and a solvent mixing Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. the phenomenon consisting in the spontaneous mixing of substances, it occurs in aqueous solutions through a semipermeable membrane separating two solutions with different concentrations, 2. the process consisting in obtaining homogeneity in terms of concentration, density, temperature and other properties of the mixture in a single- or multi-phase environment, 3. the phenomenon consisting in the spontaneous mixing of substances in such a way that particles of one substance penetrate between the particles of the other substance, 4. the phenomenon of decreasing volumes of solutions during mixing, e.g. water and ethanol, 5. the physical process of the formation of a homogeneous mixture consisting of a solute and a solvent dissolution Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. the phenomenon consisting in the spontaneous mixing of substances, it occurs in aqueous solutions through a semipermeable membrane separating two solutions with different concentrations, 2. the process consisting in obtaining homogeneity in terms of concentration, density, temperature and other properties of the mixture in a single- or multi-phase environment, 3. the phenomenon consisting in the spontaneous mixing of substances in such a way that particles of one substance penetrate between the particles of the other substance, 4. the phenomenon of decreasing volumes of solutions during mixing, e.g. water and ethanol, 5. the physical process of the formation of a homogeneous mixture consisting of a solute and a solvent


  • Matter is made up of particles that are constantly in motion. Matter has a granular structure.

  • The most important phenomena confirming the discontinuity of matter are: diffusion, dissolution of solids in liquids, mixing of liquids, changes of state of matter.

  • Diffusion in gases and liquids occurs faster than in solids.

Grafika przedstawiająca tablicę szkolną, na której znajdują się zdania do dokończenia. Finish selected sentences. 1 It was easy for me (uzupełnij). 2 It was difficult for me (uzupełnij). 3 Today I learned (uzupełnij). 4 I understood that (uzupełnij). 5 It surprised me (uzupełnij).
Source: GroMar Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0.


diffusion, solid, osmosis, matter


Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

dyfuzja – zjawisko polegające na samorzutnym mieszaniu się substancji, w taki sposób, że drobiny jednych substancji wnikają pomiędzy drobiny innej substancji; zachodzi z różną szybkością i prowadzi do równomiernego rozmieszczenia drobin

volume contraction
volume contraction
Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

kontrakcja objętości – zjawisko zmniejszania się objętości roztworów podczas mieszania, np. wody i etanolu; spowodowane oddziaływaniem drobin i mieszających się substancji

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

materia – składa się z drobin, ma budowę nieciągłą – ziarnistą

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

osmoza – zjawisko polegające na samorzutnym mieszaniu się substancji, zachodzi w roztworach wodnych przez błonę półprzepuszczalną rozdzielającą dwa roztwory o różnym stężeniu do momentu wyrównania stężeń