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Lesson script

3rd educational stage (III.0), English

Grade: 2

Content area: Use of authentic materials with the help of information and communication technologies (ICT) in foreign language classes

Detailed requirements: Student (8.1) processes text materials orally or in writing and communicates the information contained in visual materials (e.g. maps, symbols, icons).

Topic: Getting around

Duration: 45 minutes

Detailed goals regarding the range of information


  • Knows selected types of public facilities in a city;

  • Knows the typical symbols of public facilities;

  • Knows ways of getting around in a city;

  • Knows the vocabulary required to give directions.

    Detailed goals regarding the range of skills


  • Can match audio prompts with their visual representation;

  • Can listen out for specific information;

  • Can use a map to determine one’s way;

  • Develops listening comprehension;

  • Develops communication skills.

    Detailed goals regarding attitudes


  • Becomes more observant about the location of public facilities;

  • Learns to carefully plan one’s way using a map;

  • Learns to provide clear and accurate information to others.


Brainstorming; elicitation; matching quiz; presentation; listening for specific information; whole class, small groups, pairs, individual work.

Forms and venue

Forms: individual, pairwork, small groups, whole class.

Classes are to be held in the classroom.

Materials and teaching aids

Map for each student; recording; interactive quiz; computer and multimedia projector OR CD player; board

Multimedia resources

  • Charts: City Map

  • Audio recording: Giving Directions

  • Interactive quiz

  • Online dictionary

    Lesson plan/procedure

1 Warm‑up

Interaction forms: small groups, whole class

Duration: 4 minutes

The teacher asks the students how they get to school every morning: do they walk / ride a bus / do their parents give them a lift? How long does it take them to get to school?

The students exchange ideas in small groups. Then, in open class, the teacher elicits who has the longest and shortest distance to cover.

2 Main stage

2.1. Introduction to the topic

Interaction forms: whole class, pairwork

Duration: 7 minutes

The teacher asks the students if they have ever had to find their way around a new place, e.g. in a city. How did they know where to go? (possible ideas: reading a map, using GPS, following signs, asking people for directions). Then, he/she asks the students to work in pairs and brainstorm for places that people might be looking for (railway station, post office, church, cinema, etc.). After 2 minutes the teacher elicits ideas to the board.

2.2. Language introduction and practice – interactive quiz

Interaction forms: individual

Duration: 6 minutes

The teacher elicits if the students are familiar with the symbols shown? Are any symbols new for them?

The students do the quiz to revise the place names as well as get acquainted with the symbols.

Words practised: bus stop, church, hospital, post office, Internet cafe, restaurant, tourist information, tube station.

2.3. Target language extension and practice – maps

Interaction forms: whole class

Duration: 12 minutes

The teacher distributes maps to each student.

Note: The maps feature a fragment of an authentic map of the Westminster District in London, with some original facilities shown and a few added for the purpose of the lesson.

The teacher asks the students to study the map and find the places they came across in the quiz. He/She asks: Where is the post office? (It’s in Holles Street.) Where is the tube station? (It’s at the junction of Oxford Street and Regent Street / It’s in Oxford Street, next to a bus stop.) Where is the Internet cafe? (It’s in Mortimer Street, next to the park, opposite the supermarket.) Where is the school? (It’s in Regent Street, on the left.), etc. The teacher should continue eliciting where the marked places are until the students are confident in reading the map. It’s also time to revise the language needed for talking about location, i.e. in [street name], next to, opposite, on the left/right, etc.

In the next step, the teacher asks the students to imagine that while they’re leaving school (shown in Regent St) somebody asks them about the nearest post office – what will they say?

In open class, the students give directions, e.g. Turn right and go along Regent Street. Take the first turning on the right and walk for about 400 metres. Take the second left. The post office will be on your left. The teacher can ask the students to give more directions, e.g. from the post office to the tourist information; from the tourist information to the hospital, etc.

At this stage, the teacher should elicit/revise vocabulary needed to understand and give directions, e.g. turn right/left; take the first turning on the right/left; take the second right/left; walk for about 5 minutes / 200 metres; walk past (the post office); it’s opposite the (supermarket); it’s next to (the park); take a bus; get on/get off, etc.

The phrases should be recorded on the board, for the students to refer to later in the lesson.

2.4. Target language practice – recording

Interaction forms: individual, whole class

Duration: 6 minutes

The teacher tells the students that they will listen to a recording on which someone gives directions from one place to another on their maps. The students’ task is to follow the directions and identify the target destinations.

The teacher plays the beginning of the first set of directions (‘From the hospital go along Margaret Street.’) and makes sure that the students find the starting point (hospital) on their maps. Then, the full set of directions is played, while the students should follow the route on their maps. The teacher elicits the target point. If the students find the task difficult, the recording can be played again.

The same procedure is repeated for the other four sets of directions.

Answers: 1 hospital – Italian restaurant, 2 post office – Internet cafe, 3 church – Mexican restaurant, 4 tourist information – park, 5 tube station – Internet cafe

2.5. Target language practice – giving directions

Interaction forms: pairwork

Duration: 6 minutes

The students work in pairs. They take it in turns to give each other directions how to get from one place in the map to another.

The teacher monitors, checks that the students use the target language correctly and helps if necessary.

3 Closing stage

Interaction forms: whole class

Duration: 4 minutes

The teacher asks two or three volunteers to give directions how to get to their home from school.

For homework, the teacher asks the students to describe a way from one place to another in their neighbourhood – the teacher can assign the starting and finishing points or the students can choose them themselves.


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