Topic: Grammar test – adjectives and adverbs

  1. Aims

    1. To check student’s knowledge on adjectives and adverbs.

    2. To check the skills of text comprehension.

  2. Skills

    1. Student is able to use different grammar and lexical structures.

    2. Student is able to form comparatives and superlatives.

    3. Student is able to create adverbs.

  3. Methods/techniques

    1. Individual work with a grammar test.

  4. Teaching aids/equipment A test for each student.

  5. Target group

    Age 12 to 13, primary school (class VI).

  6. Stages of the lesson

    1. Warm – up

      1. Greeting the class.

      2. Distributing the tests – a copy for each student.

      3. Reminding students to sign their tests.

      4. Explaining the instructions to each exercise.

      5. Starting the test.

    2. Main stage

      1. Students write the grammar and vocabulary test.

      2. Teacher observes the class.

    3. Final stage

      1. At the end of the lesson teacher collects the tests.

      2. A brief discussion on what was the most and the least difficult question.

  7. Test

    1. Write the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives.

      ...................../7 points

    2. Form adverbs from the adjectives given.

      ...................../7 points

    3. Circle the correct form.

      1. I think that London is ..................................than Tokyo.

        • exciting

        • more exciting

        • the most exciting

      2. Oxford is one of .................................universities in Europe.

        • most old

        • older

        • the oldest

      3. The...........................reptile is a snake called the reticulated python.

        • longer

        • long

        • longest

      4. Everything my country.

        • cheaper

        • more cheap

        • cheap

      5. Who is the........................person in your country?

        • rich

        • richer

        • the richest

      6. Tom is Maths as Tony is.

        • good

        • better

        • the best

      7. Warsaw is ...............................than Mazury Region.

        • the most polluted

        • more polluted

        • polluted

      8. It is summer than in winter.

        • wetter

        • wet

        • the wettest

      9. Who is ................................person in your class?

        • nice

        • the nicest

        • nicer

      10. Cracow is not London.

        • big

        • bigger

        • the biggest

          ................./10 points

    4. Put the words in correct order.

      1. badly / cut / he / himself.

      2. very / worked / she / carefully / all the lesson.

      3. more expensive / is / that / than / the book / one.

      4. boxer / the best / in our town / he / is .

      5. faster / is / a sports car / than / a motorbike.

      6. as / as / he / is / she / intelligent.

        ...................../6 points

    5. Fill in the gaps using the words and phrases given below.

      most famous

      When the British ship, The Titanic, was launched in 1911, she was one of the 1...................... engineering wonders of the world. She was the 2...................……...... and most luxurious passenger ship of her time, and had a ballroom, a library, a smoking room, a Turkish bath, a gymnasium and a writing room, as well as the first floating swimming pool. They also said she was 3..........................…...... . But she sank after hitting an iceberg on her first voyage in 1912. At least 1,523 people died, while only 705 were rescued. One reason why so many people died was that there were not enough lifeboats – the owners were so 4.................……............. that the luxury liner could not sink.
      The sinking of the Titanic is still the 5.............................. disaster at sea of all time, and has made the Titanic one of the world’s 6..................................... ships. For a long time, her wreck could not be found. Then, in 1985, an American diving team discovered her off the coast of Newfoundland, using 7.................................. equipment. They shot some 8................................. film as they swam through the sunken ship.

      Adapted from “Titanic II”, Club, Mary Glasgow Magazines.

      Glossary: Launch – wodować
      Iceberg – góra lodowa
      Voyage – podróż morska
      Lifeboat – łódź ratunkowa
      Coast – wybrzeże
      Equipment – sprzęt

      ..................../8 points

  8. Bibliography

    1. Abbs B., Freebairn I., “Discoveries”, Longman, 1993.

    2. Alexander L.G., “English Grammar”, Longman, 1995.

    3. „Club”, Mary Glasgow Magazines, No 5, April 1995

  9. Time

    45 minutes


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