Topic: Grammar test – Passive Voice

  1. Aims

    1. To check student’s knowledge on passive voice in present simple, past simple, present perfect, future simple.

  2. Skills

    1. Student is able to identify passive and active voice.

    2. Student is able to use different structures of passive and active.

  3. Methods/techniques

    1. Individual work with a grammar test.

  4. Teaching aids/equipment

    1. A test for each student.

  5. Target group

    1. Age 14 to 15 (class II, gymnasium)

  6. Stages of the lesson

    1. Warm‑up

      1. Greeting the class.

      2. Distributing the test – a copy for each student.

      3. Reminding students to sign their tests.

      4. Explaining the instructions to each exercise.

      5. Starting the test.

    2. Main stage

      1. Students write the grammar and vocabulary test.

      2. Teacher observes the class.

    3. Final stage

      1. At the end of the lesson teacher collects the tests.

      2. A brief discussion on what was the most and the least difficult.

  7. Test

    1. Change into the passive.

      1. He takes his dog for a walk every day.

      2. Somebody has moved my desk.

      3. I will send the parcel for you.

      4. G. Bell invented the telephone.

      5. They had to evacuate the building because of a bomb alert.

      6. She didn’t send me a parcel.

      7. Have you written the article yet?

      8. Why haven’t you made the decision earlier?

      9. They didn’t offer me the job.

      10. I don’t usually use the mobile phone when I am at home.

      11. He always does his homework.

      12. Somebody has murdered the old lady.

      13. The Toxic Waste Disposal has polluted the river which flows nearby.

      14. The man pushed the boy into the water.

      15. I never bake any cakes.

      16. They will paint the walls pink.

      17. We don’t often use the internet.

      18. I won’t do the washing‑up.

      19. Nobody has seen the strange object apart from him.

      20. I peeled the potatoes but I didn’t mashed them.

        ................../20 points

    2. Put each verb into the simple present, passive or active voice.

      Gorillas are the largest of all the primates. They 1............................(find) in several countries in Africa. Male gorillas can be 180 cm tall and weigh 200 kg. Their skin 2......................(cover) with black or brown hair. Gorillas 3...............................(live) in small groups of about fifteen. Each group 4.............................(have) one strong, older male, some young males and some females with their babies. They 5...........................(walk) about one km a day looking for some food. At night gorillas 6............................( sleep) in their nests. The nest 7...............................(make) of branches and leaves.
      The number of gorillas living in Africa today 8.................................(not know) but it is certain that it is getting smaller as the gorillas 9..............................(hunt) and 10........................(kill) by people. Also, the countries where gorillas live cut down more and more trees.

      ......................../10 points

    3. Answer the questions. Write full sentences.

      1. Was America discovered by Columbus in 1942?

      2. Was “Hamlet” written by J.Słowacki?

      3. Is BMW produced in Brazil?

      4. Is English spoken in Poland as a foreign language?

      5. Are you taught Mathematics at school?

      6. Will the letter be more sent tomorrow?

      7. Has your last homework been done correctly?

      8. Was “Dekalog “ directed by K.Kieślowski?

        ......................./8 points

  8. Bibliography

    1. Abbs.B., Freebairn.I., “Discoveries”, Longman, 1993.

    2. Alexander.L.G., “English Grammar”, Longman, 1995.

  9. Time

    45 minutes


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