Topic: Grammar test – Conditionals: I, II, III

  1. Aims:

    1. To check student’s knowledge on conditionals type I, II, III.

    2. To revise the knowledge on conditionals.

  2. Skills:

    1. student is able to identify different conditionals;

    2. student is able to use different conditionals.

  3. Methods/techniques

    Individual work with a grammar test.

  4. Teaching aids/equipment A test for each student.

  5. Target group

    Age: 15 to 16 (class III, gymnasium).

  6. Stages of the lesson

    1. Warm – up

      1. Greeting the class.

      2. Distributing the test- a copy for each student.

      3. Reminding students to sign their tests.

      4. Explaining the instructions to each exercise.

      5. Starting the test.

    2. Main stage

      1. Students write the grammar and vocabulary test.

      2. Teacher observes the class.

    3. Final stage

      1. At the end of the lesson teacher collects the tests.

      2. A brief discussion on what was the most and the least difficult.

  7. Test

    1. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple tense or will – future.

      1. If you ......................... (press) the button, a bell ...................... (ring).

      2. If the weather ......................... (be) nice, we...................... (go) for a walk.

      3. If you .............................. (get up) early tomorrow, I ........................ (take) you swimming.

      4. If she ........................... (not go), I.................................. (not go) also.

      5. I .......................... (not be) surprised if they..............................(not come).

        ...................../10 points

    2. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or would – future.

      1. If I..........................(win) a million dollars, I........................(buy) a fast car.

      2. If I ever....................(become) rich, I......................(help) homeless people.

      3. If I..........................(be) you, I.........................(get) a haircut.

      4. If she.........................(be not) a doctor, she............................(work) as a teacher.

      5. It............................(be) wonderful if I...........................(pass) the driving licence test.

        ...................../10 points

    3. Put the verbs in brackets into the past perfect or would+have+past participle.

      1. If I...........................(be able) to do what I wanted when I was younger I...................(be) unemployed.

      2. If I..............................(know) she was a vegetarian, I...............................(cook) something different.

      3. If he............................(see) the red light, he..................................(stop) for sure.

      4. If you..........................(give not) me a lift to the station, I.........................(miss) the train.

      5. If he ...........................(work) harder, he............................(pass) the exam.

        ....................../10 points

    4. Choose the correct form to complete the sentences (circle the correct answer).

      1. If he were / would be here, he would know / knew what to do in such situation.

      2. If I win / won a million dollars, I would buy / will buy a villa.

      3. If I were / had been twenty years younger, I would spend / would have spend all my free time skiing.

      4. If she isn’t / weren’t at home tomorrow, I will call / would call the police.

      5. If he has / will have time, he will go / goes to the theatre with you.

        ......................./10 points

    5. Complete the sentences

      1. If you don’t eat.......................................................................................

      2. If you feel thirsty....................................................................................

      3. If Columbus hadn’t.................................................................................

      4. You will get wet......................................................................................

      5. She would buy a new car.........................................................................

      6. He would have passed the exam..............................................................

      7. If I were you..........................................................................................

      8. If it is raining..........................................................................................

      9. If I hadn’t...............................................................................................

      10. They will change the flat..........................................................................

        ........................./10 points

    6. Answer the questions

      1. What will you do if you find someone’s ID card?

      2. What would you do if you found a treasure?

      3. Who would you be if you weren’t a teacher?

      4. What will you do if you feel cold?

      5. Where would you go if you could choose a trip abroad?

      6. What would have happened if Columbus hadn’t discovered America?

        ............................/6 points

    7. Put the beginnings and the endings together
      1. If she passes her exams.....................................................................
      2. If she had studied harder...................................................................
      3. If she had locked her flat...................................................................
      4. If I were you.....................................................................................

      a. the burglars wouldn’t have broken in.
      b. she will study medicine.
      c. She wouldn’t have failed.
      d. I would marry him


      ............................/4 points

  8. Bibliography

    1. Alexander.L.G., “English Grammar”, Longman, 1995.

    2. T M.Swan, K.Walter, “The New Cambridge English Course”, Cambridge University Press, 1992.

  9. Time 45 minutes


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