
How not to get infected?

Source: licencja: CC 0.

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Before you start you should know
  • that infectious diseases are transmitted in various ways;

  • that in the case of infectious diseases, contacts with a sick person can be dangerous;

  • that we can protect ourselves against certain diseases thanks to vaccination.

You will learn
  • prevent infection and the further spread of diseases;

  • explain what an epidemic is.

Naganie dźwiękowe abstraktu

Prevention of infectious diseases

We know about „black death” from historical sources. Modern scientists believe that this is a plague – a deadly disease caused by bacteria. In the fourteenth century, they were not able to heal it, besides, we did not observe the hygiene rules known to us today, which is why the disease easily spread. That is why an epidemicepidemicepidemic happened, that is mass infections of a large number of people. No wonder that the word epidemic is still scary.

Today, thanks to the achievements of medicine, many diseases are no longer as dangerous as they used to be. You can protect yourself against a lot. Prevention of diseases is called prophylaxis.

How to prevent infections?

One of the ways to prevent infectious diseases is vaccinesvaccinevaccines. They consist in the introduction of dead microorganisms into the body. Their presence does not harm the body, which at the same time learns to defend against them. In the case of invasion of living microorganisms, defensive mechanisms will already exist within the body. Some vaccines need only be given once to prevent a disease lasting a lifetime. Other vaccinations, for example against tetanus or tuberculosis, need to be repeated if you want to remain immune. Vaccinations against tetanus, rubella, measles and mumps are obligatory and must be given to every child. Thanks to vaccinations, these diseases are much rarer in our country. Others, for example against influenza, are voluntary – you can buy them in a pharmacy and take them after being examined by a doctor. After vaccination, antibodiespreventionantibodies appear in your blood. They stay in the blood for a long time and destroy pathogenic microorganisms if they get into the body again.

Antibodies. Some white blood cells produce antibodies, or special proteins that attach to the surface of germs, damaging them. Photograph taken with an electron microscope
Source: Tomorrow Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Other ways to prevent infection are:

  • observing the rules of personal hygiene,

  • avoiding contact with sick people (including hugs, drinking from one cup),

  • strengthening the body's immunity through a healthy lifestyle,

  • avoiding the consumption of meats not subjected to veterinary or inspection controls.

Grafika interaktywna przedstawia kalendarz szczepień. Na pionowej części kalendarza zaznaczono wiek szczepienia, a na poziomej nazwę szczepionek. 1. DTP- Diphtheria- is an infectious disease caused by droplet bacteria during direct contact with a sick person; Tetanus- an infectious disease, caused by bacteria. Infections occur as a result of minor wounds, eg when working in the garden; whooping cough, an infectious disease caused by pathogenic bacteria in direct contact with a sick person., 2.Heine-Medina disease- Viral infectious disease transmitted by food or inhalation., 3. Meningitis- Disease caused by viruses or bacteria, less often by fungi and some medicines. You can catch them with a droplet path (during coughing or sneezing), direct (during a kiss), indirect (using common dishes or cutlery) or during contact with animals (bite or scratch by a rat or a tick bite)., 4. MMR - Measles- a viral infectious disease. The source of infection is a sick person. Viruses carry through the air-droplet; mumps, a viral infectious disease. You can get infected not only by direct contact, by droplet, but also by using, for example, cutlery, cups with traces of infected saliva; Rubella, viral infectious disease transmitted by droplet., 5. Hepatitis B- It's an infectious disease caused by viruses. The infection occurs through contact with the blood of a sick person, eg during a blood transfusion, an organ transplant from an infected patient, dental procedures, tattooing, body piercing., 6. Tuberculosis- It is an infectious disease caused by droplet bacteria during direct contact with a sick person.
Calendar of vaccinations
Source: GroMar Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0.

What if you get sick?

But what to do when an infection occurs? Diseases can spread easily – so we have to limit it. Remember to always sneeze or cough in a handkerchief or on the arm above the elbow – never on your hands. A sick person should avoid contact with healthy people. This will protect our loved ones from getting sick.


Remember that you should regularly ventilate the room in which the person is staying, even in cold weather. Research shows that this way of cleaning the air is much better than air conditioning and strengthens the natural resistance to disease.

Exercise 1
Mark the right behaviors that limit the possibility of getting sick. Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. During the flu season I wear a special mask., 2. When I sneeze or cough, I cover my face with my hands., 3. When I am ill, I do not ventilate my room., 4. I do not drink from a cup that someone drank earlier.
Exercise 2
Which of the following can be considered as prevention of infectious diseases? Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. protective vaccinations, 2. hardening of the body through eg. avoiding washing hands, 3. disregarding the symptoms of influenza in the hope that it will "pass by itself", 4. frequent use of antibiotics, 5. avoiding contact with patients, 6. searching for a tick after returning from the forest, 7. contact with sick people to acquire immunity, 8. healthy lifestyle


  • We should prevent infectious diseases and their spread.

  • One of the most important ways to prevent infectious diseases is preventive vaccination.

  • Mass infections with infectious diseases are called epidemics.


disease, epidemic, prevention


Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

epidemia – masowe zachorowania na chorobę zakaźną

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

przeciwciała – białka niszczące drobnoustroje chorobotwórcze, wytwarzane przez białe krwinki w przypadku zakażenia

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

szczepionka – preparat dający nam odporność na choroby