that the national environment influences the distribution of people on a given area;
that the sociocultural issues also influence the management of resources on a given area;
that the general and thematic maps enable to describe certain elements of the natural environment and allow to indicate the relationship between the natural and social elements.
You will learn
to specify the location of India on the map;
to discuss the most important features of the natural environment of India;
to explain the reasons for the unequal distribution of people in India;
to describe the Indian agriculture;
to give examples of social contrasts in India.
India – the natural environment
In India there are three main geographic areas:
the Karakoram and the Himalayas at the northern border of the country;
the Indo‑Gangetic Plain that includes the Ganga Plain, the Punjab Plain and also the Ganges‑Brahmaputra Delta (the majority of that area belongs of Pakistan);
the Deccan Plateau on the Indian peninsula flanked by not too high mountains – the Eastern and the Western Ghats.
Apart from that, India has also two archipelagos: the Lakshadweep (the Laccadive Islands) on the Arabian Sea and Nicobar Islands on the Bay of Bengal.
Almost all of the Indian territory is under the influence of the tropical wet climate – the monsoon climate. There are two climate factors in that area which decide on the temperature and the rainfall variation over the year: the terrain of the region and the monsoon air circulation.
Task 1
Take a look at the picture below and read the information about the geographical features of India.
The people of India
India is the country that currently has the highest absolute population growth. There has been over 100‑million‑people growth every decade since 1960. In the past five years (2010–2015) already 105 million people have been born.
This major population growth is due to the improvement of the quality of life in India since the mid‑20th century. The most important factors were:
the increase in the accessibility of the medical services;
better potable water supply;
the increase in the food production since the GreenRevolution.
Those were the reasons for the rise of the life expectancy and the decrease in the infant mortality. A big population growth that happened is called the population explosionpopulation explosionpopulation explosion. In India the most numerous is the rural population. In 2005 a 67,3% of the society lived in the rural area. India is populated in a very unbalanced way. The highest average population density is in the agriculture lands. In the northern plain the population density comes to 400 people/kmIndeks górny 22 and in the Ganges Delta it is over 700 people/kmIndeks górny 22. There is also a high population density on the south‑western coast of the Indian peninsula and in the south of the country. On the Deccan Plateau, which is on the inside of the peninsula, the population density is lower and it amounts to 50--200 people/kmIndeks górny 22. The mountain areas and the Thar Desert are sparsely populated. This big natural population growth makes the population of India young – we can see that from the shape of the population pyramid of the country. The most numerous group is the youth and the older the people, the bigger decease in number there is.
The Indian economy
India is the country that is economically diverse and emerging. Half of the workers, a very high number, is still employed in the agricultural sector. In Poland, to compare, farmers make only 12% of the workers and in the highly developed countries they amount to only some percent. However, in India the service sector and the industry are developing quickly. The employment in those sectors gradually increases and their share of GDP is constantly growing. It means that India is developing and modern, because the big part of the GDP is generated by a still relatively small group of the population.
The agriculture is a vital sector of the economy for the Indian population of 1 billion people that simply needs to be fed. The 2/3 of the inhabitants lives in the rural areas of the country and most of them produce food. More than a half of the Indian territory is taken by the agricultural area, the vast majority of which is the arable land. The most space on the sown area take grains, that is: rice, wheat, millet, sorghum and corn. Those crops are the base of the alimentation in India, and they are being cultivated according to the natural environment factors.
The photo gallery below shows different looks of India.
Task 2
Do the exercises below based on the information learned in class
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Task 3
What is the name of the social stratification system in India?
What is the name of the social stratification system in India?
The photo above shows various Indians from the upper class. What is the name of the social stratification system in India?
India, Asia, castes
population explosion
population explosion
eksplozja demograficzna – określenie szybkiego tempa przyrostu rzeczywistego liczby ludności w danym regionie. Przyjmuje się, że eksplozji demograficznej możemy mówić, gdy przyrost rzeczywisty przekracza 3%, oznacza to podwojenie liczby ludności w ciągu 24 lat, czyli w ciągu jednej generacji.
kasta – zamknięta, endogamiczna grupa społeczna, do której przynależność jest dziedziczna.