
Isotopes of elements pt 3

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Before you start you should know
  • what isotopes are;

  • how to describe isotopes using symbols;

  • how atomic structure of isotopes of hydrogen and potassium differ from each other.

You will learn
  • to calculate mass of an isotope;

  • to calculate average mass of a chemical element.

Nagranie abstraktu

Masses of isotopes

Due to the huge differences between the mass of the electron and the mass of nucleons (proton and neutron), atomic mass is determined primarily by the number of its protons and neutrons. Nearly all atomic mass in concentrated in its nucleus.



Mass [u]


e (eIndeks górny -)



p (pIndeks górny +)



n (n)


Mass of a proton is approximately equal to mass of a neutron and amounts to 1 u (1 u = 1.66 Indeks górny . 10Indeks górny -24 g). That is why its atomic mass expressed in units will be approximately equal to the number of nucleons in its atomic nucleus. It may be assumed that total mass of protons and neutrons, i.e. mass number, is numerically equal to the atomic mass expressed in atomic mass units [u]. There is a slight difference due to the mass deficit resulting from the difference between the sum of masses of individual components of the atomic nucleus and the resting mass of the nucleus as a whole. Therefore, part of the mass of the atomic nucleus components is converted into energy that binds nucleons in the atomic nucleus.

Using all the information provided above and a formula (atomic weight [u] = mass number . 1 u), it can be easily calculated that atomic weight of protium amounts to 1 u, atomic weight of deuterium is 2 u, and the one of tritium is equal to 3 u. The equation should include the so-called mass deficit, which is the difference between the sum of masses of individual components of the atomic nucleus and the resting mass of the nucleus as a whole. Therefore, part of the mass of the atomic nucleus components is converted into energy that binds nucleons in the atomic nucleus.

Using all the information provided above and a formula (atomic weight [u] = mass number Indeks górny . 1 u), it can be easily calculated that atomic weight of protium (H1) amounts to 1 u, atomic weight of deuterium (H2) is 2 u, and the one of tritium (H3) is equal to 3 u.

The average atomic weight of elements

Task 1

Watch presentation “Standard atomic weight of elements”. Note how to calculate average atomic weight of an element.

Nagranie abstraktu

The atomic weight stated in the periodic table is averaged. That is why fractional values are often assumed. It was taken into account that chemical elements consist of isotopes and each isotope has its share in atomic weight of given element.

Similarly, if you try to determine the average weight of students in the classroom based on information that 5% weigh 40 kg, 15% weigh 60 kg and others, i.e. 80% of students, weigh 50 kg. The average weight of all students would amount to 51 kg:


The result would be 51 kg although no student weighs 51 kg.
Similarly with chemical elements – the isotopic composition (percentage composition) of each of them is taken into account while calculating their average atomic masses. The following formula can be used to calculate average atomic mass of elements:

average atomic mass of an element = mass of an isotope1 · X1% + mass of an isotope2 · X2% + . . . + mass of an isotopen · Xn100%

X% – percentage content of an isotope.

Using the above formula you can calculate average atomic mass of hydrogen:

average atomic mass of hydrogen = mass of an isotope 1· percentage content of an isotope H1 + mass of an isotope 2· percentage content of an isotope H2100%

1,00782503207(10) u · 99.985% + 2,01410177785(36) u · 0.015% 100%= 1.008 u

Exercise 1
Standard atomic mass of an element is: Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. weighted average of atomic weights of isotopes, resulting from the percentage of individual isotopes in a natural mixture, 2. arithmetic mean, 3. average mass of isotopes
Answer the questions and then turn the flashcard over, clicking on it, and check if your answer is correct. What determines the atomic weight? Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. It is weighted average of atomic weights of isotopes, resulting from the percentage of individual isotopes in a natural mixture, 2. In atomic mass units, i.e. units [u], 3. In its nucleus, 4. Its isotopes, each of which has its share in the atomic mass of a given element, 5. Number of protons and neutrons that are in it, 6. Three isotopes Where is most of atomic mass concentrated? Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. It is weighted average of atomic weights of isotopes, resulting from the percentage of individual isotopes in a natural mixture, 2. In atomic mass units, i.e. units [u], 3. In its nucleus, 4. Its isotopes, each of which has its share in the atomic mass of a given element, 5. Number of protons and neutrons that are in it, 6. Three isotopes How is atomic weight expressed? Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. It is weighted average of atomic weights of isotopes, resulting from the percentage of individual isotopes in a natural mixture, 2. In atomic mass units, i.e. units [u], 3. In its nucleus, 4. Its isotopes, each of which has its share in the atomic mass of a given element, 5. Number of protons and neutrons that are in it, 6. Three isotopes What is taken into account while calculating average atomic mass of an element? Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. It is weighted average of atomic weights of isotopes, resulting from the percentage of individual isotopes in a natural mixture, 2. In atomic mass units, i.e. units [u], 3. In its nucleus, 4. Its isotopes, each of which has its share in the atomic mass of a given element, 5. Number of protons and neutrons that are in it, 6. Three isotopes How many forms of potassium elements are there in nature? Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. It is weighted average of atomic weights of isotopes, resulting from the percentage of individual isotopes in a natural mixture, 2. In atomic mass units, i.e. units [u], 3. In its nucleus, 4. Its isotopes, each of which has its share in the atomic mass of a given element, 5. Number of protons and neutrons that are in it, 6. Three isotopes What is standard atomic mass of an element? Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. It is weighted average of atomic weights of isotopes, resulting from the percentage of individual isotopes in a natural mixture, 2. In atomic mass units, i.e. units [u], 3. In its nucleus, 4. Its isotopes, each of which has its share in the atomic mass of a given element, 5. Number of protons and neutrons that are in it, 6. Three isotopes


  • Isotopes are atoms of the same chemical element that have the same number of protons and different number of neutrons.

  • Most natural chemical elements are a mixture of isotopes with a constant composition.

  • Atomic weight of a chemical element is an average atomic mass obtained after taking into account its isotopic composition.

  • Mass of an isotope is numerically approximately equal to its mass number due to the mass deficit resulting from the difference between the sum of masses of individual components of the atomic nucleus and the resting mass of the nucleus as a whole. Therefore, part of the mass of the atomic nucleus components is converted into energy that binds nucleons in the atomic nucleus.

Grafika przedstawiająca tablicę szkolną, na której znajdują się zdania do dokończenia. Finish selected sentences. 1 It was easy for me (uzupełnij). 2 It was difficult for me (uzupełnij). 3 Today I learned (uzupełnij). 4 I understood that (uzupełnij). 5 It surprised me (uzupełnij).
Source: GroMar Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0.


isotope, atom, proton, neutron, atomic weight


Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

izotopy – odmiany tego samego pierwiastka, które mają jednakową liczbę atomową (liczbę protonów w jądrze) i różną liczbę masową (liczbę neutronów w jądrze)