Topic: How not to get infected?

Target group

4th‑grade students of elementary school

Core curriculum

Cele kształcenia – wymagania ogólne

I. Wiedza.

1. Opanowanie podstawowego słownictwa przyrodniczego (biologicznego, geograficznego, z elementami słownictwa fizycznego i chemicznego).

II. Umiejętności i stosowanie wiedzy w praktyce.

3. Analizowanie, dokonywanie opisu, porównywanie, klasyfikowanie, korzystanie z różnych źródeł informacji (np. własnych obserwacji, badań, doświadczeń, tekstów, map, tabel, fotografii, filmów, technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych).

4. Wykorzystanie zdobytej wiedzy o budowie, higienie własnego organizmu w codziennym życiu.

5. Stosowanie zasad dbałości o własne zdrowie, w tym zapobieganie chorobom.

III. Kształtowanie postaw – wychowanie.

3. Właściwe reagowanie na niebezpieczeństwa zagrażające życiu i zdrowiu.

4. Doskonalenie umiejętności dbałości o własne ciało, jak i najbliższe otoczenie.

Treści nauczania – wymagania szczegółowe

IV. Ja i moje ciało. Uczeń:

6. opisuje podstawowe zasady dbałości o ciało i otoczenie.

V. Ja i moje otoczenie. Uczeń:

2. opisuje drogi wnikania czynników chorobotwórczych do organizmu człowieka, opisuje sposoby zapobiegania chorobom;

General aim of education

Students indicate ways to prevent disease

Key competences

  • communication in foreign languages;

  • digital competence;

  • learning to learn.

Criteria for success
The student will learn:

  • prevent infections and further spread of diseases;

  • explain what an epidemic is.


  • expository

    • talk.

  • activating

    • discussion.

  • programmed

    • with computer;

    • with e‑textbook.

  • practical

    • exercices concerned.

Forms of work

  • individual activity;

  • activity in pairs;

  • activity in groups;

  • collective activity.

Teaching aids

  • e‑textbook;

  • notebook and crayons/felt‑tip pens;

  • interactive whiteboard, tablets/computers.

Lesson plan overview

Before classes

  • Students get acquainted with the content of the abstract. They prepare to work on the lesson in such a way to be able to summarize the material read in their own words and solve the tasks themselves.


  • The teacher gives the topic, the goals of the lesson in a language understandable for the student, and the criteria of success.


  • The teacher gives the students a scattering of definitions and two concepts: an epidemic and prevention. The task of each student is to choose from a scattering definition, which according to him best explain each of the concepts. Successive students read their suggestions, the teacher pinpoints the definitions on the board. Then he asks the students to read the first paragraph from the abstract and indicate one correct definition, which they write in green in the notebook.

  • The teacher asks students to exchange ways to prevent infectious diseases. He writes ideas on the board. Then the green color highlights those of them that are correct, and the students copy them to the notebook.

  • The teacher displays students the vaccination calendar (drillmap) and asks students to look up the abstract answer to the question why we need to be vaccinated several times for certain diseases. The selected pupil answers.

  • The teacher asks students to copy from the abstract to the notebook other ways to prevent infections and highlight them in red.

  • Students perform exercises and commands. The teacher checks and supplements the answers, providing students with the necessary information. Provides feedback..


  • The teacher asks students to finish the sentence:

    • To avoid getting infected, I will be ...


  • Listen to the abstract recording at home. Pay attention to pronunciation, accent and intonation. Learn to pronounce the words learned during the lesson.


The following terms and recordings will be used during this lesson


Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

epidemia – masowe zachorowania na chorobę zakaźną

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

przeciwciała – białka niszczące drobnoustroje chorobotwórcze, wytwarzane przez białe krwinki w przypadku zakażenia

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

szczepionka – preparat dający nam odporność na choroby

Texts and recordings

Naganie dźwiękowe abstraktu

How not to get infected?

We know about „black death” from historical sources. Modern scientists believe that this is a plague – a deadly disease caused by bacteria. In the fourteenth century, they were not able to heal it, besides, we did not observe the hygiene rules known to us today, which is why the disease easily spread. That is why an epidemic happened, that is mass infections of a large number of people. No wonder that the word epidemic is still scary.

Today, thanks to the achievements of medicine, many diseases are no longer as dangerous as they used to be. You can protect yourself against a lot. Prevention of diseases is called prophylaxis.

One of the ways to prevent infectious diseases is vaccines. They consist in the introduction of dead microorganisms into the body. Their presence does not harm the body, which at the same time learns to defend against them. In the case of invasion of living microorganisms, defensive mechanisms will already exist within the body. Some vaccines need only be given once to prevent a disease lasting a lifetime. Other vaccinations, for example against tetanus or tuberculosis, need to be repeated if you want to remain immune. Vaccinations against tetanus, rubella, measles and mumps are obligatory and must be given to every child. Thanks to vaccinations, these diseases are much rarer in our country. Others, for example against influenza, are voluntary – you can buy them in a pharmacy and take them after being examined by a doctor. After vaccination, antibodies appear in your blood. They stay in the blood for a long time and destroy pathogenic microorganisms if they get into the body again.

Other ways to prevent infection are:

  • observing the rules of personal hygiene,

  • avoiding contact with sick people (including hugs, drinking from one cup),

  • strengthening the body's immunity through a healthy lifestyle,

  • avoiding the consumption of meats not subjected to veterinary or inspection controls.

But what to do when an infection occurs? Diseases can spread easily – so we have to limit it. Remember to always sneeze or cough in a handkerchief or on the arm above the elbow – never on your hands. A sick person should avoid contact with healthy people. This will protect our loved ones from getting sick.

  • We should prevent infectious diseases and their spread.

  • One of the most important ways to prevent infectious diseases is preventive vaccination.

  • Mass infections with infectious diseases are called epidemics.