
Customizing the desktopdesktopdesktop for user’s needs



Core curriculumm02985a254edad5f5_1528449076687_0Core curriculum

Class IV‑VI

III. Using a computer, digital devices and computer networks. Student:

1) describes the functions of basic computer components and external devices;

b) uses a computer or other digital device to collect, organize and select his or her own resources;


45 minutes

General objectivem02985a254edad5f5_1528449523725_0General objective

Using computer.

Specific objectivesm02985a254edad5f5_1528449552113_0Specific objectives

1. Customizing the visual layout of the desktop.

2. Adjusting the layout of the desktop in terms of functionality.

Learning outcomesm02985a254edad5f5_1528450430307_0Learning outcomes

The student:

- customizes the visual layout of the desktop,

- adjusts the layout of the desktopdesktopdesktop in terms of functionality.


1. Observation.

2. Practical use of data.

Forms of workm02985a254edad5f5_1528449514617_0Forms of work

1. Individual work.

2. Whole class.

Lesson stages


The teacher conducts a discussion with the students

Discussion Questions:

What is the desktop and how it can be adapted to the user's needs (e.g. configuration of the desktop and desktop screensaver settings, individual customization of the taskbartaskbartaskbar, etc.

The desktop is the user's basic place of work in GUI operating systems. In the file system, the desktop is a reflection of the contents of the directory named Desktop in each user’s profile. It contains icons (links) reflecting the most important elements of the user interface. The desktop consists of several elements: the shortcuts and file directories created by the user, the taskbar, as well as other elements, e.g. in the Microsoft Windows system it is the „Start” navigation button, which after clicking opens the drop‑down menu. Currently, its appearance can be adjusted not only functionally, but also visually - by changing the screen resolutionscreen resolutionscreen resolution, the size of font, as well as modifying the appearance of the background and icons.


In majority of modern GUI systems, the elements of the desktopdesktopdesktop are similar to each other.

Virtual desktops - these are several desktops between which we can switch. The main advantage of virtual desktops is maintaining order. Different work and entertainment environments can be separated from each other.

[Illustration 1]

Task 1

Check if your operating system supports multiple desktops. If so, create an additional desktop. On both desktops, run two different programs. Explain how you can switch between them.


WallpaperwallpaperWallpaper is a desktop background. It gives the desktop an individual look. The wallpaper can be a single one‑color pattern, a graphical image or a graphical presentation.

[Illustration 2]

Task 2

Choose sample graphics from a computer resource or compose your own graphics using the editor (e.g. Paint) and change the desktopdesktopdesktop wallpaper.


Screensaver - is a computer program that turns off the screen and displays animations or movies after a certain period of inactivity of the operator. In the past, screen savers have increased the uptime of CRT monitors, today they can reduce energy consumption when we do not work on a computer. Secured with a password they protect a workstation when you leave your workplace for a moment. Most often they play entertainment functions today.

Task 3

Set the desktop screensaver.

Desktop compositions:

The composition is a combination of desktop background images, colors and window appearances, as well as system sounds.

[Interactive graphics]

Task 4

Check if your operating system has built‑in desktop compositions. Change the composition.

Screen resolution:

Screen resolutionscreen resolutionScreen resolution - is one of the parameters of the display mode informing us about the resolution of the image displayed on our screen.

Task 5

Check what screen resolutions can be set on your monitor.

Desktop widgets:

A Desktop widget - is a program running on the desktop (often connecting to the Internet and fulfilling specific functions) - it is most often the display of information such as: weather, clock or calendar. Widgets can be more complex and they can control computer functions (e.g. volume) or just play a role of small applications.m02985a254edad5f5_1527752256679_0A Desktop widget - is a program running on the desktop (often connecting to the Internet and fulfilling specific functions) - it is most often the display of information such as: weather, clock or calendar. Widgets can be more complex and they can control computer functions (e.g. volume) or just play a role of small applications.


TaskbartaskbarTaskbar - it is the bar most often at the bottom or on the side of the screen that is a part of the graphical interface. It contains several buttons:

- the main area displaying icons or groups of icons running in the program system,
- main menu (Windows - Start Menu),
- notification area containing the system tray displaying icons of programs running in the background.

It may also contain other additional toolbars, e.g. a quick launch bar. Some systems can pin program icons to the taskbar.

Task 6

Describe which basic parameters of the taskbar allow you to modify your operating system.

Shortcut icons:

Shortcut icons are graphical links to files and folders located elsewhere in the file system. They provide convenient access to files and folders from anywhere. Shortcut icons are most often marked with an arrow in the lower left corner and you can modify their graphical appearance.m02985a254edad5f5_1527752263647_0Shortcut icons are graphical links to files and folders located elsewhere in the file system. They provide convenient access to files and folders from anywhere. Shortcut icons are most often marked with an arrow in the lower left corner and you can modify their graphical appearance.

Task 7

Create two shortcuts. One of them should lead to any document in the Documents folder. The other one should run any program. Place the shortcuts on the desktopdesktopdesktop.

Customizing the desktop to your own needs is in addition to the functions listed above:

- changing the appearance of system icons,
- changing the appearance and colors of windows,
- changing the main menu settings,
- facilities for the elderly.
- facilities for visually‑impaired people.

To change some settings, some operating systems require administrative privileges.

Lesson summarym02985a254edad5f5_1528450119332_0Lesson summary

The operating system allows the user to customize the appearance of the desktop (board, desk) to their individual needs. It can be edited both in terms of use (e.g. adding shortcuts and modifying their arrangement on the desktopdesktopdesktop), as well as in terms of visual appearance (e.g. wallpapers personalization, selection of screen saverscreen saverscreen saver, its resolution or size of icons).

#@@# Selected words and expressions used in the lesson plan



screen resolutionscreen resolutionscreen resolution

screen saverscreen saverscreen saver





wymowa w języku angielskim: desktop

pasek zadań

wymowa w języku angielskim: taskbar
screen resolution 1
screen resolution

rozdzielczość ekranu

wymowa w języku angielskim: screen resolution


wymowa w języku angielskim: wallpaper
screen saver1
screen saver

wygaszacz ekranu

wymowa w języku angielskim: screen saver


wymowa w języku angielskim: icon