Topic: Life at the top. Being rich and successful.

  1. Aims

    1. to read and talk about different aspects of fame and success,

    2. to introduce and practice new vocabulary,

    3. to revise and practice Present Simple and Present Continuous.

  2. Skills

    1. speaking to establish the topic,

    2. reading for general information,

    3. reading for specific information,

    4. speaking to discuss advantages and disadvantages of fame and success.

  3. Methods/techniques

    1. working with the whole class,

    2. individual work,

    3. pair work.

  4. Teaching aids/equipment
    Student’s book, dictionaries, blackboard.

  5. Stages of the lesson

    1. Warm – up

      1. Saying hello and checking the attendance.

      2. Students work in pairs. Teacher asks them to look at some photographs (exercise 1, page 4) and discuss the topic: What sort of life you think each of these people has. A short discussion.

      3. Students read the text quickly (skim) and match each one to the correct photo. Feedback.

    2. Main stage

      1. Teacher writes the key words on the board: rich, famous, successful. Teacher asks the students about people who became rich, famous and successful when they were young. Students give examples of actors, musicians etc. A short discussion.

      2. Teacher asks students to think about advantages and disadvantages of being famous, rich and successful when you are young. Students work individually. Students make notes – they may use dictionaries if necessary. A short discussion. Feedback. Teacher has to make sure that both advantages and disadvantages were discussed.

      3. Exercise 2, page 5. This is a scanning exercise. Students will need to look for specific information in each text. Teacher tells the students they do not have to worry about any details or any vocabulary they do not understand at this stage. Students read and match the information with the correct person A, B or C. Feedback. 4b. Students work in pairs. They read the definitions (exercise 3, page 5) and try to guess the words. Students check the answers by reading the text again. Feedback with reference to the text.

      4. Teacher asks students a question:
        How would your life change if you were famous? A short discussion.

      5. Teacher puts the sentences form the text on the board:
        She appears in adverts.
        This 17‑year‑old is beginning to enjoy spending money.
        Teacher asks students what tenses are used and why.

      6. Teacher asks students to underline in the text examples of Present Simple and Present Continuous. Teacher asks individual students to read their examples. Feedback.

      7. Teacher tells the students to have a look on grammar boxes, page 5. Teacher goes through the grammar with the students. Discussion on the use of the tenses, giving rules and examples.

      8. Teacher asks students to write in their notebooks examples of sentences in Present Simple (2 sentences) and Present Continuous (2 sentences). Teacher asks individual students to read their sentences. Correction and feedback.

    3. Final stage

      1. Grammar practice. Students have to choose the correct tense in given sentences – exercise 2, page 5. Feedback.

      2. Teacher sets homework – making questions and matching them with correct answers (exercise 3, page 5), using Present Simple and Present Continuous.

  6. Bibliography

    1. Prodromou L., „Rising Star. An Intermediate Course”, Student’s Book, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 2001

    2. Prodromou L., „Rising Star. An intermediate Course”, Teacher’s Book, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 2001

  7. Time
    45 minutes


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