Middle-Polish Lowlands - agricultural landscape

Source: SilverTree, http://commons.wikimedia.org, licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0.

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Before you start you should know
  • that there are different types of soil that are differently suited for agriculture.

You will learn
  • indicate the location of lowlands on the map;

  • describe the climate and nature of the lowlands;

  • assess the value of the lowlands for humans.

Nagranie dźwiękowe dotyczące środowiska i rozmieszczenia nizin w Polsce.

Environment and distribution of lowlands in Poland

In the central part of Poland, south of the lake districts stretches a strip of lands called lowlandslowlandlowlands. In fact, the seashore and lake district are also lowlands, but due to the special forms of surface formation and the specific climate, these lands should be distinguished from each other. In the Central Poland lowlands prevail plains with few elevations. There are a few lakes there.

Annual rainfall in the lowlands is among the lowest in the country. The average annual air temperature is slightly higher. The climate here is very diverse. In the plains lying in the west of Poland there are small temperature fluctuations: summer is warm and mild winter. In the lowlands lying in the east of our country, the summers are hotter and the colder winters.

Lowlands are usually divided into five large regions. These are:

  • Greater Poland Lowland,

  • Silesian Lowland,

  • Masovian Lowland,

  • Podlasie Lowland,

  • Western Polesie.

Landscapes of lowlands

The economic importance of lowlands in Poland

Natural conditions prevailing on the Polish lowlands make them ideal for the needs of agriculture. Soils are average, but a flat area makes it very easy for farmers to work. Therefore, most forests have been cut down to the present lowlands, and the areas have been transformed into arable fields and pastures.
Lowlands are not just agriculture. Mineral raw materials (lignite, natural gas) and building materials, eg clay or sand are mined here. Large cities have developed, including some of the largest in Poland: Warsaw, Lodz and Wroclaw. These are important administrative, service, cultural, scientific, industrial and tourist centers.

In the Central Poland Lowlands, the clusters of trees are usually small copses, but in some places you can encounter vast forests. This is where one of the most valuable and best‑known forests in Poland is located, namely the Bialowieza Forest. It is the only preserved lowland forest in Europe, the fragments of which have not been transformed by humans. Also in the Podlasie Lowland one can encounter wetlands, including the famous swampy areas on the Biebrza. In the Masovian Lowland, there is the Kampinos Forest, where there are inland dunes.

Grafika przedstawia kontur mapy Polski z zaznaczoną na czerwono Niziną Środkowopolską. Na grafice są opisy: 1. Białowieża Forest- fotografia przedstawia roślinność Puszczy Białowieskiej- The only preserved lowland forest in Europe, the parts of which have not been transformed by man., 2. The Biebrza Valley- Fotografia przedstawia zielony teren Doliny Biebrzy- This is the land of swamps and the place of elk occurrence., 3.Wrocław- fotografia przedstawia rynek wrocławski- The capital of Lower Silesia, with many interesting monuments and tourist attractions, such as the Wrocław ZOO., 4. Pasture- Fotografia przedstawiając pastwisko z pasącymi się krowami.- The area covered mostly with perennial plants, resistant to biting and treading by farm animals., 5. Orchard- Dwie fotografie przedstawiające sad z drzewami niskopiennymi.- The area where trees or shrubs are grown providing edible fruit.
Middle-Polish Lowlands - tourism and agriculture
Source: Frank Vassen, Glysiak, NordNordWest, Przykuta, SilverTree, X-bek, GroMar Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0.

The flat terrain of the lowlands and the rivers flowing through them favored the development of settlements, which is why hundreds of years ago numerous cities were built here. The capital of our country – Warsaw is on the Masovian Lowland. It is also the largest Polish city. It is an important center of industry. There are many schools, theaters and cinemas here. Warsaw attracts many tourists thanks to numerous monuments, including the popular Old Town with the Royal Castle, Baths Park and the Wilanowski Palace.

Exercise 1
Ćwiczenie wskaż nazwę rzeki na nizinach, której odgałęzienia tworzą liczne rozlewiska. Indicate the name of the river in the lowlands, whose branches are formed by numerous backwaters. Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. Barycz, 2. Biebrza, 3. Wisła, 4. Odra


  • Lowlands are distinguished from the coast and lake districts by a less varied landscape.

  • Lowlands have a climate convenient for agriculture.

  • We distinguish the five largest lowlands: Greater Poland, Silesia, Masovia, Podlasie and Western Polesie.

  • Most of the land in the lowlands is covered by arable land.


lowland, Warsaw, Wroclaw


Nagranie dźwiękowe dotyczące słówka lowland

nizina – płaski lub lekko pofałdowany teren sięgający do wysokości ok. 200–300 m n.p.m.; w Polsce do nizin zaliczają się również pojezierza, których najwyższe wzniesienia przekraczają 300 m n.p.m.