
Motor system - bones and joints

Source: Nino Liverani,, domena publiczna.

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Before you start you should know
  • in humans, as in other vertebrates, there is an internal skeleton;

  • the skeleton is composed mainly of bone tissue and cartilage;

  • bone tissue is composed of small bone cells and mineralized matrix.

You will learn
  • to describe the build of a long bone and a joint;

  • to show the connection between the build of the bones and their functions;

Nagranie dźwiękowe dotyczące układu ruchu człowieka

Shapes and types of bones

Even though bones are created at a foetal stage of our life, their development finishes when human being reaches full sexual maturity. The bones themselves cannot move, thanks to their close cooperation with muscles they allow the body to move. They are, in fact, a passive element of the motor system. They are the scaffolding and support for the muscles, they protect the organs, store minerals and participate in the creation of blood.

Bones can have many shapes which depend on the functions they have within the body and the pressure they are put through by the muscles and other bones. When it comes to their shape, we divide bones into: long bones, short bones, flat bones and irregular bones.

Types of bones
Source: Tomorrow Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Types of bones





length is greater than width and thickness

lever, body support

hip bone, bones of the arm, clavicle, phalanges


length, width and thickness are similar

precise, complex movements

tarsal bone, carpal bone


length and width are greater than thickness

protection for organs, surface where the muscles are attached

shoulder blade, sternum, hip bone, frontal bone


irregular, they create lumps of various shapes

protection for organs, surface where the muscles are attached

vertebrae, mandible, ossicles

Physical composition of bones

Long bones are composed of diaphysis and epiphysis on both sides. The diaphysis is composed of cortical bone, whereas the epiphysis is composed of cancellous (spongy) bone. Cortical bone is surrounded by the marrow cavity filled with jelly‑like substance – bone marrowbone marrowbone marrow. In the diaphysis the marrow consists mainly of fat, whereas in the epiphysis it is red and participates in the production of blood - it produces certain blood cells.

On the outside the diaphysis is covered with a membrane made of connective tissue – periosteumperiosteumperiosteum. This is where we found blood vessels and neural cells which are responsible for innervation of the bone. On the inside, the periosteum is surrounded by bone cells which participate in the development and the regeneration of the bone. Thanks to them broken bones mend, and the elements of the bone are changed every 10 years. Cylindrical build of the diaphysis allows the bones to be impervious to be crushed or torn apart, whereas the sponge‑like structure allows bones to be sturdy and rigid, despite having a small mass.

Ilustracja przedstawia budowę kości długiej. Na grafice znajdują się wyrażenia w języku angielskim odpowiadające kolejnym fragmentom kości długiej: epiphysis to nasada górnej jak i dolnej części kości; diaphysis to trzon kości, jej część środkowa. Nasada u dołu kości pokryta jest częściowo chrząstką. Dodatkowo na ilustracji widać przekrój poprzeczny przez tkankę gąbczastą kości, cancellous tissue. Obok ilustracja powiększenia fragmentu przekroju poprzecznego tkanki gąbczastej. Od zewnątrz błękitna okostna, pod nią beżowa tkanka kostna zbita, wewnątrz naczynia krwionośne, blood vessels. W środku kości zaznaczono żółty szpik kostny, yellow bone marrow. Wyżej ciemniejszy fragment we wnętrzu kości, czyli jama szpikowa, marrow cavity.
Bone bulid
Source: Tomorrow Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0.
Observation 1

Structure of long bones.

You will need
  • long bone from a boiled or roasted chicken,

  • knife,

  • magnifying glass.

  1. Show the epiphysis and the diaphysis.

  2. Assess the hardness and the elasticity of bones.

  3. Try to cut through the epiphysis and the diaphysis of the bone. Compare the hardness of the bone in different places.

  4. Using a magnifying glass observe the internal structure of the epiphysis and diaphysis, observe the differences.


What is the connection between the structure of a bone and its hardness?

Chemical composition of bones

Mechanical features of a bone are the result of not only its physical build, but also of its chemical structure. Stroma of the bone tissue decides on theses features. It includes:

  • organic compounds, mainly proteins (collagen fibres), which make bones elastic,

  • minerals, mainly calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate, which make bones hard.

In children, the bone matrix is dominated by proteins, which makes the bones more elastic and harder to break. As we grow old, the ratio of inorganic to organic compounds changes. Bones of adults and older people lose minerals (they become demineralized), they also have less collagen, which makes them easier to break.

Types of bone connections

Bones of a human can be connected in a mobile or immobile form. Immobile bone connections are mainly the stitches, which make it impossible for the bones to move. Mobile bone connections are the joints.

Task 1

Explain, why the bones of the skull join together forming a wavy line.

Joint is formed by bones that fit with each other because of the shape of their epiphysis. The place where the bones touch are covered with cartilage that absorbs shocks and lessens friction. The outer part of the epiphysis is covered by a joint socket, which prevents the bones from moving and prevents the joint from becoming dislocated. The joint socket is filled with synovial fluid which protects the bones from grinding away and getting damaged.

Types of joints
Source: Dariusz Adryan, licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Joints can vary depending on the place where they are in the body and their functions.
We divide them in accordance with:

  • the number of bones that create the joint: simple joints are composed of 2 bones (shoulder joint), complex – that consist of more than 2 bones (carpal joint);

  • the shape of the joint surfaces and the scope of movements: ball and socket joints (shoulder), which allow movements in many directions and hinge joints (elbow), which are only able to flex and extend.

Exercise 1
Podaj przykłady kości długiej, krótkiej i płaskiej.
Exercise 2
Omów budowę stawu kolanowego.
Source: licencja: CC BY 3.0.


  • Bones can have various shapes, depending on what their function is.

  • Physical and chemical composition decides on the mechanical properties of bones.

  • Minerals makes bones more hard, whereas proteins make them more elastic.

  • Periosteum covers the outside of the bones, nourishes them and helps them regenerate.

Task 2.1

Explain what tissues build a long bone.


bones, cranial sutures, shapes of the bones

Exercise 3
Match the pairs English words with Polish definition. periosteum Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. błona okrywająca kość, zawierająca naczynia krwionośne i komórki kostne; uczestniczy w ochronie, odżywianiu i regeneracji kości, 2. gąbczasta masa wypełniająca wolne przestrzenie w jamach szpikowych kości długich; pełni funkcję krwiotwórczą. bone marrow Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. błona okrywająca kość, zawierająca naczynia krwionośne i komórki kostne; uczestniczy w ochronie, odżywianiu i regeneracji kości, 2. gąbczasta masa wypełniająca wolne przestrzenie w jamach szpikowych kości długich; pełni funkcję krwiotwórczą


Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka periosteum

okostna – błona okrywająca kość, zawierająca naczynia krwionośne i komórki kostne; uczestniczy w ochronie, odżywianiu i regeneracji kości

bone marrow
bone marrow
Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka bone marrow

szpik kostny – gąbczasta masa wypełniająca wolne przestrzenie w jamach szpikowych kości długich; pełni funkcję krwiotwórczą