Moduł 3.3, What to take into account when buying a new tractor? When a farmer needs a new tractor, they either buy it or rent it. Obviously, the purchase is more expensive but it is worth considering. When a farmer purchases a tractor or expensive tools of a different kind necessary in plant and animal production, he usually buys them on credit. Obviously, good equipment is quite expensive, but at least it is reliable and failures are rare. In any case, there is always a guarantee. This lets us get a refund or a quick repair, or even be provided with a different tractor. A new one. In order to choose a good tractor, it is important to check the cab. Is it big enough? Is it spacious? Is it comfortable? Another thing to consider are technical proprieties. Does it have 4-wheel drive? What about the motor? How powerful is it? What is its operating performance?What are maintenance costs? What about the fuel consumption? After gathering all the necessary information, you can make a really good decision.
Moduł 3.3, What to take into account when buying a new tractor? When a farmer needs a new tractor, they either buy it or rent it. Obviously, the purchase is more expensive but it is worth considering. When a farmer purchases a tractor or expensive tools of a different kind necessary in plant and animal production, he usually buys them on credit. Obviously, good equipment is quite expensive, but at least it is reliable and failures are rare. In any case, there is always a guarantee. This lets us get a refund or a quick repair, or even be provided with a different tractor. A new one. In order to choose a good tractor, it is important to check the cab. Is it big enough? Is it spacious? Is it comfortable? Another thing to consider are technical proprieties. Does it have 4-wheel drive? What about the motor? How powerful is it? What is its operating performance?What are maintenance costs? What about the fuel consumption? After gathering all the necessary information, you can make a really good decision.
Moduł 3.3, What to take into account when buying a new tractor? When a farmer needs a new tractor, they either buy it or rent it. Obviously, the purchase is more expensive but it is worth considering. When a farmer purchases a tractor or expensive tools of a different kind necessary in plant and animal production, he usually buys them on credit. Obviously, good equipment is quite expensive, but at least it is reliable and failures are rare. In any case, there is always a guarantee. This lets us get a refund or a quick repair, or even be provided with a different tractor. A new one. In order to choose a good tractor, it is important to check the cab. Is it big enough? Is it spacious? Is it comfortable? Another thing to consider are technical proprieties. Does it have 4-wheel drive? What about the motor? How powerful is it? What is its operating performance?What are maintenance costs? What about the fuel consumption? After gathering all the necessary information, you can make a really good decision.
Exercise 2
Moduł 3.3
Moduł 3.3
Po obejrzeniu animacji z lektorem „Zakup ciągnika”, zaznacz cechy użytkowe nowoczesnego ciągnika, o których była w niej mowa.
Preparing a combine harvester to cereal harvest before the season
A conversation between two farmers (a woman and a man) about a combine harvester.
- Good morning,
- Hello neighbour, how can I help you?
- I came to borrow a monkey wrenchma2eabbdac556fe84_1498488076165_0monkey wrench.
- Here you are.
- We have such a mess in our shopma2eabbdac556fe84_1498488100523_0shop that I cannot find it.
- My tools are arranged and are all in their proper place. It makes doing repair work much safer and quicker.
- Good idea, I'll take inspiration from you.
- What will you be repairing?
- My husband is preparing our combinema2eabbdac556fe84_1498488148339_0combine for the harvest.
- Does it have any problems operating?
- No, but before the season you should check all the combine’s componentryma2eabbdac556fe84_1498488185966_0componentry, replace worn or damaged consumablesma2eabbdac556fe84_1498488210450_0consumables, and lubricatema2eabbdac556fe84_1498488238007_0lubricate all the basic parts of the machinema2eabbdac556fe84_1498488256494_0machine.
- Which parts and elements do you usually replace?
- We replace: bladesma2eabbdac556fe84_1498488270561_0blades, screwsma2eabbdac556fe84_1498488312339_0screws, beltsma2eabbdac556fe84_1498488333824_0belts, chainsma2eabbdac556fe84_1498488345268_0chains, filtersma2eabbdac556fe84_1498488366832_0filters, oilsma2eabbdac556fe84_1498488384082_0oils, bearingsma2eabbdac556fe84_1498488398109_0bearings. We check the wiringma2eabbdac556fe84_1498488414007_0wiring and hydraulic systemma2eabbdac556fe84_1498488433491_0hydraulic system.
- Can you do these checks yourselves?
- We use the manualma2eabbdac556fe84_1498488455417_0manual of the combine. If there is a serious problem, we contact the servicema2eabbdac556fe84_1498488470871_0service.
- Is your combine suffering from corrosion ?
- No, because after the harvest we secure it with preparation for maintenancema2eabbdac556fe84_1498488530352_0preparation for maintenance. In addition, our combine is kept under a shedma2eabbdac556fe84_1498488561469_0shed.
- I do not have a combine. In my case, the purchase of this machine is unprofitable due to the small cropped area.
- What acreage do the grain crops take on your farm?
- I have 2 hectares of wheat and 1 hectare of barley.
- Indeed it’s not much. My husband can harvest crops in your farm with our combine.
- I would gladly use my neighbour’s assistance. But I will transportma2eabbdac556fe84_1498488589021_0transport grain from the field with my tractorma2eabbdac556fe84_1498488608310_0tractor and trailerma2eabbdac556fe84_1498488634696_0trailer. I can also lend it to you in the harvest season.
Sprayers attestationma2eabbdac556fe84_1501071668933_0Sprayers attestation - a Reminder from the Inspectorate! The use of plant protectionma2eabbdac556fe84_1501071757711_0plant protection products using faulty equipmentma2eabbdac556fe84_1501071962100_0faulty equipment creates the risk of spot contaminationma2eabbdac556fe84_1501072045404_0spot contamination and endangers the health of the operatorma2eabbdac556fe84_1501072153765_0operator and the consumerma2eabbdac556fe84_1501072339506_0consumer. I remind about the obligation to carry out testsma2eabbdac556fe84_1501072458402_0obligation to carry out tests proving the technical efficiency of the equipmentma2eabbdac556fe84_1501072530056_0technical efficiency of the equipment used for the application of plant protection products. What equipment is subject to mandatory testingma2eabbdac556fe84_1501072844288_0mandatory testing? Testing is mandatory for: 1. tractor sprayers and self‑propelled field sprayers; 2. devices for seed treatment; 3. systemsma2eabbdac556fe84_1501073008316_0systems for the use of plant protection products in the form of a spray.
The scope of tests includes: - correct mountingma2eabbdac556fe84_1501073881751_0mounting of safety devicesma2eabbdac556fe84_1501073964039_0safety devices for rotating componentsma2eabbdac556fe84_1501074086423_0rotating components, - assembling the machinema2eabbdac556fe84_1501074188709_0- assembling the machine with a tractor, - wear and tearma2eabbdac556fe84_1501075364620_0wear and tear on hosesma2eabbdac556fe84_1501075550640_0hoses and hydraulic hosesma2eabbdac556fe84_1501075624456_0hydraulic hoses, a tankma2eabbdac556fe84_1501076066253_0tank, valvesma2eabbdac556fe84_1501076171589_0valves, atomizersma2eabbdac556fe84_1501076348829_0atomizers and travel systemma2eabbdac556fe84_1501076445890_0travel system, - the cleanness of the tank, potential leaks, - fittingma2eabbdac556fe84_1501076659505_0fitting of the filler coverma2eabbdac556fe84_1501076962776_0filler cover.
The frequency of inspectionsma2eabbdac556fe84_1501147421867_0inspections The test confirming the technical efficiency of the equipmentma2eabbdac556fe84_1501072530056_0technical efficiency of the equipment intended for use with plant protection products is carried out at intervals of no more than 3 years. Please note that the work related to the inspections must be performed by authorized personsma2eabbdac556fe84_1501149716859_0authorized persons, protected against contact with chemicals and poisoning. These persons must be wearing protective clothing. Who conducts the inspection? On Polish territory there is a network of diagnostic stations for equipmentma2eabbdac556fe84_1501152182408_0diagnostic stations for equipment used with plant protection products that can conduct such inspection. Information about such bodies can be found at‑ochrony‑roslin/rejestry/. Warning! The use of plant protection with technically faulty equipmentma2eabbdac556fe84_1501152948579_0technically faulty equipment or with uncalibrated equipmentma2eabbdac556fe84_1501153078102_0uncalibrated equipment, as well as avoiding the obligation to undergo inspections of such equipment is subject to a fine.
An extract from a category T driving licencema2eabbdac556fe84_1498493876045_0category T driving licencecoursema2eabbdac556fe84_1498493859240_0course. Instructor (I) is giving a lecture interrupted by the questions and answers of the participants (P).
I: Welcome to the preparation course for the category T driving licence exam. Driving licence of this category entitles you to drive the agricultural tractorma2eabbdac556fe84_1498493905050_0drive the agricultural tractor or low‑speed vehiclema2eabbdac556fe84_1498493948376_0low‑speed vehicle, including vehicles with a trailerma2eabbdac556fe84_1498488634696_0trailer.
P: I'm only 16 years old. Can I take the course?
I: Yes, at this age you can already get permissionma2eabbdac556fe84_1498493991496_0get permission to drive the tractor but it requires parents consent. Before we move to traffic regulationsma2eabbdac556fe84_1498494013803_0traffic regulations, you should know the control and maintenance operationsma2eabbdac556fe84_1527589362600_0control and maintenance operations of tractors. The scope of maintenancema2eabbdac556fe84_1498494101998_0maintenance for the tractor includes daily checksma2eabbdac556fe84_1498494125878_0daily checks, cleaning and washing, refilling waterma2eabbdac556fe84_1498494144444_0refilling water, proper and timely lubricationma2eabbdac556fe84_1498494178101_0lubrication and periodic inspectionsma2eabbdac556fe84_1498494197638_0periodic inspections and repairsma2eabbdac556fe84_1498494217803_0repairs.
P: Where can the periodic inspection be conducted?
I: Periodic inspection of tractors and agricultural trailers is carried out every two years at the Regional Vehicle Inspection Stationma2eabbdac556fe84_1498494237980_0Regional Vehicle Inspection Station.
P: What do daily checks include?
I: Before starting work, always check the technical conditionma2eabbdac556fe84_1498494276322_0technical condition of the tractor and trailer, especially: the steering systemma2eabbdac556fe84_1498494296075_0steering system of a tractor, trailer’s braking systemma2eabbdac556fe84_1498494322286_0braking system, tractor’s wiringma2eabbdac556fe84_1498488414007_0wiring, street lightingma2eabbdac556fe84_1498494361815_0street lighting and signal lightingma2eabbdac556fe84_1498494388994_0signal lighting, the state of the clutchma2eabbdac556fe84_1498494577835_0clutch and coupling‑hooking devicesma2eabbdac556fe84_1498494414306_0coupling‑hooking devices, also, check and refill the fuelma2eabbdac556fe84_1498494448263_0fuel.
P: Can I use biofuelma2eabbdac556fe84_1498494466320_0biofuel for a tractor?
I: Absolutely! This may be a dieselma2eabbdac556fe84_1498494483327_0diesel containing biodiesel or even pure biodieselma2eabbdac556fe84_1498494501850_0biodiesel. Some even use rapeseed oilma2eabbdac556fe84_1498494525427_0rapeseed oil. The person driving the tractor must comply with the rules relating to any other vehicles.
D: Are there any special rules for agricultural tractors?
I: yes. The most important is the speed limitma2eabbdac556fe84_1498494555856_0speed limit, for agricultural tractors, including those with a trailer, the limit is 30 km / h.
P: How many trailers can an agricultural tractor pull?
I: A maximum of two. It is necessary to remember that you cannot transport people in an agricultural trailer! That's it for today. At the next meeting I will talk about road lightingma2eabbdac556fe84_1498494361815_0road lighting. Thank you for your attention.