The machine hall for the construction of a car park
Park maszynowy do budowy parkingu
mf16db4f976001b4d_1516315582267_01. Film in the standard version.
RulMBXOSM3nW71 mf16db4f976001b4d_1516315713520_02. Film with subtitles.
mf16db4f976001b4d_1516315731083_0R1GsnlXQfto4O1 mf16db4f976001b4d_1517519920974_03. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.
mf16db4f976001b4d_1516315855551_0RsXCq3aSqc4LK1 mf16db4f976001b4d_1516315946508_04. Film with narration.
mf16db4f976001b4d_1516315951214_0R1R9KkxknKeFv1 mf16db4f976001b4d_1516316024463_0Exercise 1
RhK9HXNmuWzyC1 Exercise 2
After watching the film mark the correct answer. Po obejrzeniu filmu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
The project includes a bituminous paving.
□ |
□ |
The paver finisher for bituminous surfaces is in working order.
□ |
□ |
The contractor has the equipment to trench and level the soil.
□ |
□ |
Road rollers are, among other things, used to compact the subbase.
□ |
□ |
Paving blocks are laid with a paver finisher for bituminous surfaces.
□ |
□ |
The investor provides transportation of aggregate by self-dumping tippers.
□ |
□ |
The contractor has a road painting machine.
□ |
□ |
The contractor will distribute the materials for the subbase by a haul truck.
□ |
□ |
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 3
R1CeK0ot7bje81 mf16db4f976001b4d_1534803575044_0Types and selection of machines and equipment for various types of road construction work
Rodzaje i dobór maszyn i urządzeń do różnych prac przy budowie dróg
Rck6OzT03tImc1Exercise 4
Match Polish names with their English equivalents. Połącz polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
excavator, bulldozer, scraper, vibratory roller, loader, grader, bituminous mix plant, milling cutter, self-dumping tipper, loader ripper, paver finisher
zgarniarka |
spycharka |
koparka |
ładowarka |
zrywarka |
równiarka |
frez |
walec wibracyjny |
rozściełacz |
samochód samowyładowczy |
wytwórnia mieszanki bitumicznej |
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 5
Rs6y90Rg0xpjK1 mf16db4f976001b4d_1516316511245_0Machinery and equipment for roadworks
Maszyny i urządzenia do robót drogowych
R4iyjJAqtJsHm1 R1ObFQNKMogpC1 R17NJA70g9zLc1 RhP34bWDZTqee1 R18U3qYYO5jY21 R1C6guF31DwJa1 RRPjQ5zQmeshe1 R1W4ttutCVBbz1 RVYQUif8k7Lux1 mf16db4f976001b4d_1516383283628_0Design of a road machine on the example of a road roller
Budowa maszyny drogowej na przykładzie walca drogowego
R1JBFP6HMdi1V1Exercise 6
Match English terms with their Polish equivalents.Połącz angielskie terminy z ich polskimi odpowiednikami.
silnik, układ sterowania, wał, obudowa, rama
an engine |
a body |
a frame |
a steering system |
an embankment |
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 7
Mark the correct answer. Zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
All rollers have identical drive systems.
□ |
□ |
Hydraulic roller control systems are currently in use.
□ |
□ |
Hydraulic brake is part of the brake system of a roller.
□ |
□ |
Hydraulic installation of a roller may consist of drive systems for different control mechanisms.
□ |
□ |
There are five ways to suspend a front roller shaft.
□ |
□ |
When working on the bitumen, the roller shaft is wetted with water.
□ |
□ |
All rollers are equipped with the air conditioning installation.
□ |
□ |
The power source in the electrical system of a roller are solar batteries.
□ |
□ |
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
mf16db4f976001b4d_1516316248437_0Starting and operating a vibratory roller
Uruchamianie i obsługa wibracyjnego walca drogowego
R17aNa18lQF5A1Exercise 8
After watching the instructional film, mark the correct answer. Po obejrzeniu filmu instruktarzowego zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Before starting the roller, we check oil, liquids and fuel levels.
□ |
□ |
When working with a roller, you don’t need to fasten seatbelts.
□ |
□ |
The poor condition of fuel lines has no influence on work safety.
□ |
□ |
We turn the ignition on when the parking brake is engaged.
□ |
□ |
The vibrations control button is located on the driving lever.
□ |
□ |
The speed of the roller is set by pressing the accelerator pedal.
□ |
□ |
The roller drives back without vibrations along the same rolled section of the track.
□ |
□ |
The manner and direction of rolling do not affect the smoothness of the entire rolled surface.
□ |
□ |
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 9
Rtu5mp5yVjkQt1 mf16db4f976001b4d_1516383280961_0Tasks
Exercise 10
R14LO3cV3iPeB1 Exercise 11
RaU50YBA5HjPx1 Exercise 12
RMJPDm6pEOHQ01 Exercise 13
RHDfbvgXXSdsD1 Exercise 14
RMynH10NA4Px81 mf16db4f976001b4d_1516384819599_0Dictionary
balance of earthworksbalance of earthworks
/bal(ə)ns (ə)v əːθthetawəːks/ [noun, countable] bilans robót ziemnych
/bʊldəʊzə/ [noun, countable ] spycharka
/kɒmpaktə/ [noun, countable] zagęszczarka
/kʌlvət/ [noun, countable] przepust
curb laying machinecurb laying machine
/kəːb leɪɪŋ
məˈʃiːn/ [noun, countable] układarka do krawężników
/əːθthetawəːks/ [noun, countable] roboty ziemne
employment scheduleemployment schedule
/ɛmˈplɔɪm(ə)nt skɛdjuːl /ʃɛdjuːl/ [noun, countable] harmonogram zatrudnienia
engineering structureengineering structure
/ɛndʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ strʌktʃə/ [noun, countable] obiekt inżynieryjny
/flʌdpleɪn/ [noun, countable] teren zalewowy
/fʊtbrɪdʒ/ [noun, countable] kładka dla pieszych
general construction schedulegeneral construction schedule
/dʒɛn(ə)r(ə)l kənˈstrʌkʃ(ə)n skɛdjuːl /ʃɛdjuːl/ [noun, countable] harmonogram ogólny budowy
/ɡreɪdə/ [noun, countable] równiarka
inundation bridgeinundation bridge
/ɪnʌnˈdeɪʃn brɪdʒ/ [noun, countable] most nad terenem zalewowym
joint brushjoint brush
/dʒɔɪnt brʌʃ/ [noun, countable] szczotka do zamulania spoin
joints brushing machinejoints brushing machine
/dʒɔɪnts brʌʃɪŋ məˈʃiːn/ [noun, countable] maszyna do mechanicznego wypełniania spoin
noise barriernoise barrier
/nɔɪz barɪə/ [noun, countable] ekran akustyczny
operational schedule of equipmentoperational schedule of equipment
/ɒpəˈreɪʃ(ə)n(ə)l skɛdjuːl/ʃɛdjuːl (ə)v ɪˈkwɪpm(ə)nt/ [noun, countable] harmonogram pracy sprzętu
paver finisherpaver finisher
/peɪvə fɪnɪʃə/ [noun, countable] rozściełacz
/prəʊfʌɪlə/ [noun, countable] urządzenie do profilowania przekroju poprzecznego drogi (szablon)
retaining wallretaining wall
/rɪˈteɪnɪŋ wɔːl/ [noun, countable] ściana oporowa
road shoulders machineroad shoulders machine
/rəʊd ʃəʊldəz məˈʃiːn/ [noun, countable] maszyna do wykańczania (profilowania) poboczy
schedule of deliveries and materials consumptionschedule of deliveries and materials consumption
/skɛdjuːl /ʃɛdjuːl (ə)v dɪˈlɪv(ə)riz (ə)n məˈtɪərɪəlz kənˈsʌm(p)ʃ(ə)n/ [noun, countable] harmonogram dostaw i zużycia materiałów
/skreɪpə/ [noun, countable] zgarniarka
/span/ [noun, countable] przęsło
surfacing workssurfacing works
/səːfɪsɪŋ wəːks/ [noun, countable] roboty nawierzchniowe
to constructto construct
/kənˈstrʌkt/ [regular verb] wznosić, budować
to drillto drill
/drɪl/ [regular verb] drążyć
to spread aggregateto spread aggregate
/sprɛd aɡrɪɡət/ [verbirregular ] rozściełać kruszywo
/ʌndəpɑːs/ [noun, countable] przejście podziemne
/vʌɪədʌkt/ [noun, countable] wiadukt