Polyhydric alcohols

Source: domena publiczna.

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Before you start you should know
  • how molecules of alcohols are built;

  • how to write down the alcohol functional group;

  • what is the valency of alcohol functional group;

  • what is the valency of carbon in organic compounds.

You will learn
  • note formulas of polyhydric alcohols on the example of glycerol and ethylene glycol;

  • use common and systematic names of known polyhydric alcohols;

  • explain why glycerol is used as ingredient of cosmetics;

  • examine the properties of glycerol.

Nagranie dźwiękowe abstraktu

Structure of polyhydric alcohols

GlycerolglycerolGlycerol, commonly called glycerineglycerineglycerine, is a propane derivative in which three hydrogen atoms have been replaced with hydroxyl groups. Hence the name propanetriol. The first component (propane-) originates from a hydrocarbon whose chain is part of the alcohol, tri- means three groups –OH, and -ol ending is characteristic of alcohols.


Propane‑1, 2, 3‑triol is the systematic name of glycerine. As explained above, propane - indicates that this compound is a propane derivative, numbers: 1, 2, 3, so‑called. locantslocantlocants, inform that each hydroxyl group (hydroxyl group)hydroxyl grouphydroxyl group) is connected to another carbon atom, numeral tri- defines the presence of three hydroxyl groups, and -ol ending confirms that glycerol is part of alcohols.


Ethylene glycol

Ethylene glycol is a derivative of ethane, in which two hydrogen atoms have been replaced with hydroxyl groups. The systematic name of this compound is ethanediol.

Task 1

Watch the presentation „Structure of a model of erythritol molecule”. What can you say about the structure of polyhydric alcohols by analysing another example of this group of alcohols? Write down your suggestion.

Structure of polyhydric alcohols (Uzupełnij).

Physical properties of glycerol

Physical property


state of matter




solubility in water

no limits

boiling point



1.26 g/cmIndeks górny 3

Task 2

Before the movie „Mixing glycerol with water”, formulate a research question and hypotheses. Pay attention to what happens with glycerol and water during the experiment. Write down your observations and conclusions.

Analysis of the experiment: "Mixing glycerol with water". Research question (Uzupełnij). Hypothesis (Uzupełnij). Observations (Uzupełnij). Conclusions (Uzupełnij).
Nagranie filmowe przedstawiające eksperyment mieszania glicerolu i wody. Do przeprowadzenia eksperymentu potrzebne są probówka z bezbarwną cieczą, glicerolem, glycerol, probówka z czarną cieczą, woda z atramentem, water with ink. Do probówki z wodą i atramentem laborant wlewa po ściance glicerol. W probówce glicerol spływa na dno probówki, obserwuje się dwie warstwy cieczy. W górnej warstwie widoczna jest czarna ciecz, woda z atramentem, natomiast w dolnej warstwie widać bezbarwną ciecz, glicerol. Laborant wstrząsa zawartością probówki. Obserwuje się wymieszanie obu warstw i powstaje mieszanina jednorodna.
Mixing glycerol with water
Experiment 1
Research problem

What is the density of the glycerol with respect to the density of water?


Select one of the presented hypotheses, and then verify it.

Glycerol floats on the surface of the water.
Water of lower density floats on the surface of glycerol. Glycerol does not dissolve in water.

You will need
  • glycerol,

  • test tube,

  • water coloured with blue ink.

  1. Slowly add glycerol down the side of the test tube containing water coloured with blue ink so that the liquids do not mix.

  2. Observe which liquid is in the bottom layer of the mixture.

  3. Shake the tube vigorously.

  4. Observe whether glycerol dissolved in water.


We notice two distinct layers of liquid. The upper layer contains water with ink and in the bottom - colorless glycerol. After mixing the two liquids, the boundary between the layers disappears.

Glycerol (glycerine) is a colourless liquid, freely soluble in water. The boiling point and the density of the liquid are the substance‑specific quantities and allow the identification of the alcohol in question.

Chemical properties of glycerol

By conducting further experiments, we will see what the chemical properties of glycerol are. Does it react like ethanol? Does the presence of three hydroxyl groups affect the reaction of aqueous glycerol solutions? Are warning signs placed on the glycerol labels?

The smell and taste of glycerol

Glycerol has no smell. It has a sweet taste and this feature is of great importance for its various applications.

Combustion of glycerol

Task 3

Before the movie „Testing combustibility of Glycerol”, formulate a research question and hypotheses. Pay attention to what is emitted during glycerol combustion. What does it mean?

Analysis of the experiment: "Testing combustibility of Glycerol". Research question (Uzupełnij). Hypothesis (Uzupełnij). Observations (Uzupełnij). Conclusions (Uzupełnij).
Nagranie filmowe przedstawiające eksperyment badanie palności glicerolu. Do eksperymentu potrzebne są parownica z glicerolem, drewniane łuczywko, toothpick, palnik, torch. Laborant podpala koniec łuczywka i umieszcza go w parownicy, w której na dnie znajduje się glicerol. Nie obserwujemy efektów reakcji. Koniec wykałaczki cały czas pali się taki samym, małym płomieniem. Następnie laborant umieszcza parownicę z glicerolem nad palnikiem i ogrzewa. Po czym ponownie podpala koniec łuczywka i umieszcza go w parownicy, w której na dnie znajduje się glicerol. Tym razem płomień na wykałaczce gwałtownie się powiększa. Na ścianach parownicy osadza się sadza.
Testing combustibility of Glycerol
Experiment 2
Research problem

How to recognize incomplete combustion of glycerol?


The emission of soot during the combustion of glycerol will confirm that there is a partial combustion reaction.

You will need
  • glycerol,

  • evaporating dish,

  • tripod with a ceramic mesh,

  • burner.

  1. Pour approximately 2 cmIndeks górny 3 of glycerol into porcelain evaporating dish.

  2. Examine its flammability.

  3. Gently heat up the evaporating dish containing glycerol.

  4. Examine its flammability again.


During the combustion of glycerol smoky flame is produced which indicates that the soot is emitted.
The product of incomplete combustion of glycerol is carbon and water.

2C3H5 (OH)3 + O2 → 6C + 8H2O

The products of complete combustion of glycerol are carbon dioxide and water.

2C3H5 (OH)3 + 7O2 → 6CO2 + 8H2O

Glycerol, like other alcohols, undergoes combustion. It is necessary to preheat glycerol in order to start the reaction. Depending on the amount of available oxygen, the glycerol combustion may be complete or incomplete.

pH of glycerol

Task 4

Before you watch the movie „Testing the pH of an aqueous solution of glycerol”, formulate a research question and hypotheses. Pay attention to what happens to the indicators during the experiment. What does it mean?

Analysis of the experiment: „Testing the pH of an aqueous solution of glycerol”. Research question (Uzupełnij). Hypothesis (Uzupełnij).
Nagranie filmowe przedstawia eksperyment - badanie odczynu glicerolu. Potrzebne będą, trzy probówki wypełnione glicerolem (glycerol), probówka ze wskaźnikiem wywarem z czerwonej kapusty (decoction of red cabbage) oraz probówka ze wskaźnikiem fenoloftaleiną (phenolphthalein), pipeta (pipette), papierek wskaźnikowy (indicator paper). Do pierwszej probówki z glicerolem dodano wywar z czerwonej kapusty, do drugiej probówki z glicerolem dodano fenoloftaleinę do trzeciej probówki z glicerolem zanurzono papierek wskaźnikowy. Wskaźniki dodane do roztworów glicerolu nie zmieniły koloru. Odczyn wodnego roztworu glicerolu jest obojętny.
Testing the pH of an aqueous solution of glycerol
Experiment 3
Research problem

Is the glycerol pH the same as the pH of methanol and ethanol?


Polyhydric alcohols have the same pH as monohydric alcohols.
The colour of indicators will not change. There are no ions in the glycerol solution.

You will need
  • three test tubes,

  • aqueous solution of glycerol,

  • red cabbage brew,

  • phenolphthalein,

  • universal indicator strip.

  1. Pour approximately 3 cmIndeks górny 3 of glycerol into 3 test tubes.

  2. Add a few drops of a red cabbage brew to one tube, a drop of phenolphthalein to the other, and immerse the universal indicator strip in the last one.

  3. Observe test tubes.


The indicators added to the glycerol solutions did not change their colour. The pH of the aqueous glycerol solution is neutral.

Task 5

Watch the demonstration or conduct the experiment „Testing the electrical conductivity of an aqueous solution of glycerol”. Pay attention to what happens to the bulb of the electrical conductivity meter.

Analysis of the experiment: "Testing the electrical conductivity of an aqueous solution of glycerol". Research question (Uzupełnij). Hypothesis (Uzupełnij). Observations (Uzupełnij). Conclusions (Uzupełnij).
Testing the electrical conductivity of an aqueous solution of glycerol
Experiment 4
Research problem

Does aqueous solution of glycerol conduct electricity?


Select one of the presented hypotheses, and then verify it.

The aqueous solution of glycerol conducts electricity well.
The aqueous solution of glycerol does not conduct electricity.

You will need
  • glycerol,

  • water,

  • beaker, device – electric conductivity indicator.

  1. Fill the beaker with glycerol mixed with water.

  2. Immerse the electrode of the electrical conductivity meter in the liquid.

  3. Pay attention to whether the light bulb has turned on.


The bulb of the electrical conductivity meter did not light up. It indicates that there is no electrical conductivity, and thus – no ion in the solution.

There are no HIndeks dolny 3OIndeks górny + (HIndeks górny +) and no OHIndeks górny – ions in the aqueous solution of glycerol. Glycerol does not undergo electrolytic dissociation, so it is not an electrolyte.

Application of glycerol

In cosmetics there are two types of glycerol – natural and of petrochemical origin. Glycerol is obtained, among others from coconut oil.

Glycerol has hygroscopichygroscopic substancehygroscopicproperties and naturally protects the skin by binding the water necessary to maintain proper skin hydration. Effectively moisturizes dry skin. It smoothens skin, improves elasticity, regulates skin renewal processes. It is added to almost all hand creams, face creams and balms.


Glycerol is used as a sweetener in antitussive syrups. It is also used in the production of explosives (nitro glycerine). It has many applications in medicine because it is easily absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. Oral glycerol preparations have a mild laxative effect.

Crude glycerine obtained from vegetable fats is used as an additive to cattle feed (for cows and pigs). It is tasty, maintains feed moisture, provides energy and affects e.g. cow's milk yield and pig mass gain.

Properties and application of ethylene glycol

Ethylene glycol is a colourless liquid with a high viscosity. It dissolves well in water. It is a poisonous substance. It is used in the manufacture of artificial fibres, paints and anti‑freezing engine coolants.

Ethanediol is toxic for humans. After consumption, it causes metabolic acidosis and damages to many organs, kidneys, liver and brain.

Exercise 1
Indicate the properties of glycerol. Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. It is flammable., 2. It does not mix with water because it is oily liquid., 3. It has three hydroxyl groups in the structure., 4. Its pH is neutral., 5. It has characteristic sharp smell., 6. During combustion yellow and smoky flame is produced., 7. It is a colourless and oily liquid., 8. It has sweet taste.
Exercise 2
Wysłuchaj nagrania abstraktu i zastanów się, czego jeszcze chciałbyś się dowiedzieć w związku z tematem lekcji.


  • Glycerol and glycerine are common names of the same chemical compound – propanetriol.

  • The glycerol molecule consists of three hydroxyl groups.

  • Glycerol is a thick oily, colourless and odourless liquid with a sweet taste. It is not a poisonous substance.

  • Glycerol is widely used in the cosmetics, food and textile industries.

Grafika przedstawiająca tablicę szkolną, na której znajdują się zdania do dokończenia. Finish selected sentences. 1 It was easy for me (uzupełnij). 2 It was difficult for me (uzupełnij). 3 Today I learned (uzupełnij). 4 I understood that (uzupełnij). 5 It surprised me (uzupełnij).
Source: GroMar Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0.
Task 6.1

Write the glycerol burning reaction equation if one of the products will be a gas causing clouding of the limestone water.


glycerol, glycerine, ethylene glycol, ethanediol, erythritol, polyhydric alcohol


Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

glicerol – nazwa zwyczajowa alkoholu o nazwie systematycznej propano‑1,2,3‑triol

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

gliceryna – nazwa zwyczajowa alkoholu o nazwie systematycznej propano‑1,2,3‑triol

hydroxyl group
hydroxyl group
Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

grupa hydroksylowa – inaczej grupa wodorotlenowa OH

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

lokant – liczba przypisana atomom węgla w łańcuchu węglowym

hygroscopic substance
hygroscopic substance
Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

substancja higroskopijna – substancja pochłaniająca wodę lub parę wodną z otoczenia