Renovation and demolitions of brick building structures
Commissioning renovation of brick building structures
1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RG2PASzAgBCAj
Zlecenie wykonania remontu murowanych konstrukcji budowlanych
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1QlG5GVW6kz5
Zlecenie wykonania remontu murowanych konstrukcji budowlanych
3. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R19L1b8Pvr3k9
Commissioning renovation of brick building structures
4. Film with narration.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1U0fElhxqU5a
Zlecenie wykonania remontu murowanych konstrukcji budowlanych
After watching the movie, put the dialogue in the correct order. Po obejrzeniu filmu ułóż dialog w odpowiedniej kolejności.
- Good morning. „ Renovations and Demolitions”. How can I help you?
- Could you give me the address of the estate? I can come on Friday morning, about 11. I will estimate the scope of works and give you the cost of the renovation.
- Do you know what needs to be done?
- Goodbye. See you on Friday.
- Good morning. I would like to renovate a house.
- Thank you very much. I will e-mail the address to you. Goodbye.
- The stone foundations must be broadened, and the pillars strengthened with steel profiles. There are deep cracks on brick walls. I think they are to be fixed with spiral bars.
- Yes, gypsum straps were applied six months ago. They haven’t fallen off.
- Have the control straps been placed on cracks?
Repair of cracks on masonry walls in a building

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RxsozNTpkVwwY
Naprawa pęknięć ścian murowanych w budynku
Machinery and equipment for renovation and demolition works
Complete the text using the phrases below. Uzupełnij tekst korzystając z wyrażeń poniżej.
hammers, knocking down walls, pickaxes, chutes, push shovel excavator, demolition, knocking down walls with a wrecking ball, crawler – excavators, rubble, debris skips, explosives
1. (Rozbiórki) .................................................................................. of building structures may be performed manually, with the use of mechanical equipment.
2. Demolition of building structures may be performed with the use of .................................................................................. (materiały wybuchowe).
3. Masonry structures can be demolished, for example, with a .................................................................................. (koparka podsiębierna) or by .................................................................................. (metoda rozbijania ścian kulą).
4. Masonry structures can be demolished, for example, by .................................................................................. (przewracanie ścian) with the use of steel rope.
5. Demolition can be performed with the use of .................................................................................. (koparki gąsiennicowe) with shears for cutting the structure.
6. The tools used for manual demolition are: .................................................................................. (młoty), .................................................................................. (kilofy), spades.
7. During renovation and demolition works there should be .................................................................................. (kontenery na gruz) at a construction site.
8. Special .................................................................................. (rynny zsypowe) used to dump .................................................................................. (gruz) directly from a demolition site to the skip are mounted on the building.
Machinery and equipment for renovation and demolition works
Match the Polish names with their English equivalents. Połącz polskie nazwy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
wedge, rotary hammer, crawler - excavator, debris skip, shears for cutting structure, push shovel excavator, chute, dumper, chisel, explosives
samochód samowyładowczy | |
koparka gąsiennicowa | |
nożyce do cięcia konstrukcji | |
materiały wybuchowe | |
kontener na gruz | |
koparka podsiębierna | |
dłuto | |
młot udarowy | |
klin | |
rynna zsypowa |
Choose the correct answer. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź.
is, Did you knew, will use, needs, Were you know, are, have prepared, you mix, Did you know, , use, are mixed, had prepared, prepare, will be, prepare, are preparing, do you mix, am, used, were, have been, have needed, need, will prepare
1. There .......................... a few types of chemical admixtures for concrete.
2. Today we .......................... the ingredients of concrete: the aggregate and the cement.
3. The concrete mixers .......................... at the construction site tomorrow.
4. People .......................... concrete in Ancient Rome, over 2000 years ago.
5. He .......................... a dumper here today.
6. .......................... the composition of this concrete mix?
7. In what order .......................... the ingredients of concrete?
8. They .......................... the mortar, so it is ready to use.
Read the sentences and complete them with the correct forms of the words in brackets. Przeczytaj zdania i uzupełnij je poprawnymi formami czasowników w nawiasach.
1. If you ............ cement or gypsum with water, you get paste. (mix)
2. How is concrete ............ ? (make)
3. I .................... the density of this mix. (not like)
4. The mortar .............. ready in 30 minutes. (be)
5. The plaster ........................ next week. (lay)
6. We ...................... anything tomorrow without a mixer and a dumper. (not do)
7. It will be easier if we ............ the aggregate. (change)
8. They are going ............ admixtures to change the colour. (use)
/ˈæŋ.ɡəl ˈɡraɪn.dər/ [noun, countable] szlifierka kątowa
/brɪk wɔːl/ [noun, countable] ceglany mur
/ˈbʊlˌdəʊ.zər/ [noun, countable] spycharka
/ˈtʃɪz.əl/ [noun, countable] dłuto
/kræk/ [noun, countable] rysa
/ˈdeb.riːskɪp/ [noun, countable] kontener na gruz
/ˌdem.əˈlɪʃ.ən/ [noun, countable or uncountable] rozbiórka
/drɪl/ [noun, countable] wiertarki
/ɪkˈspləʊ.sɪv/ [noun, countable] materiał wybuchowy
/ˈpɪk.æks/ [noun, countable] kilof
/ˌriːˈbɪldɪŋ/ [verbal noun] przemurowanie
/ˌriː.ɪnˈfɔːs.mənt/ [noun, uncountable] zbrojenie
/ˌrenəˈveɪʃən/ [noun, countable or uncountable] remont
/ˈrəʊ.tər.i ˈhæm.ər/ [noun, countable] młot udarowy
/ˈrʌb.əl/ [noun, uncountable] gruz
/speɪd/ [noun, countable] łopata
/stiːl rəʊp/ [noun, countable or uncountable] lina stalowa
/ˈstɔː.ri/ [noun, countable] kondygnacja