How much is the smoke trout?

Exercise 1
Source: Funmedia, cc0.
Exercise 2
Source: Funmedia, cc0.

Initial processing of fish

Exercise 3
Source: Funmedia, cc0.

How to freeze fish?

- Ladies and gentlemen, freezingm92fe137b81eaf963_1528291052466_0freezing is one of the best ways to protect fish meatm92fe137b81eaf963_1528291559141_0protect fish meat from deterioration. Low temperature inhibits the growth of microorganismsm92fe137b81eaf963_1528291571813_0growth of microorganisms and the course of biochemical processes in meat. Properly stored frozen fishm92fe137b81eaf963_1528291585339_0frozen fish do not differ much in quality from fresh fishm92fe137b81eaf963_1528291598065_0fresh fish.
- How to do it correctly?
- Wash and scrape the scales offm92fe137b81eaf963_1528291632677_0scrape the scales off beforehand. You have to cut off the head and fins, thoroughly rinse the abdomen under running water. We leave for a quarter to let them drip off.
- What to do with large fish?
- We divide larger fish into fillets or steak. Smaller fish are frozen completely. The fish must also be properly packed, placed in sealed packages. Vacuum packagingm92fe137b81eaf963_1528291646629_0Vacuum packaging is best suited.
- Fish kept in the freezer for a long time are dry and slightly rancid. What to do to avoid this?
- Dryingm92fe137b81eaf963_1528291660533_0Drying and rancidity of fishm92fe137b81eaf963_1528291731762_0rancidity of fish occurs when fish are frozen without glaze. With longer storage, the mass of frozen fish decreases as a result of sublimationm92fe137b81eaf963_1528291746174_0sublimation or ice evaporation. For prophylactic purposes, covering the fish with an additional ice coating, so‑called glazem92fe137b81eaf963_1528291761091_0glaze is used. Have you tried to make a glaze on frozen foods?
- No, how is it done?
- Pre‑cleaned and drained fish are first put in the fridge and frozen for about 4 hours. Then, the frozen fish are taken out and briefly immersed in cold water, then frozen again.
- At what temperaturem92fe137b81eaf963_1528291776398_0temperature will we freezem92fe137b81eaf963_1528291776398_0freeze the fish?
- Set the freezer at a temperature of -18 degrees Celsius or lower. The storage period of fishm92fe137b81eaf963_1528291792091_0storage period of fish is from 3 to 8 months. Lean fishm92fe137b81eaf963_1528291806279_0Lean fish can be stored longer, whereas fatm92fe137b81eaf963_1528291818249_0fat for 3‑4 months. Once defrosted, the product should not be frozen again. Please remember that when carrying out the processing work, we must comply with food safety regulations.

Exercise 4
Source: Funmedia, cc0.

Methods of prolonging the durability of fish

- Hello, Mr. manager, we have caught so many fish that we will not be able to sell them all as fresh fish. We must do something with them.
- Congratulations on the catch, but now we need to extend the durability of the fishm92fe137b81eaf963_1528292373100_0extend the durability of the fish. In the past, fishermen dried fishm92fe137b81eaf963_1528291660533_0dried fish in the sun and wind. We must deal with it in a different way.
- For the time being, I have coveredm92fe137b81eaf963_1528293144004_0covered the whole fish with icem92fe137b81eaf963_1528293144004_0with ice to cool them down. It's good that we bought a chip ice makerm92fe137b81eaf963_1528292589368_0chip ice maker and we have our own ice.
- Very good, cooling downm92fe137b81eaf963_1528292746539_0cooling down is enough for short‑term storage. However, we must think about methods that will prolong the freshness of fishm92fe137b81eaf963_1528292763324_0freshness of fish for a longer period.
- I can freeze some of the fish.
- Just remember that fish intended for freezing must be gutted and you need to remove the gillsm92fe137b81eaf963_1528292776617_0remove the gills. Then, during freezing, you have to maintain the temperature of - 18 degrees Celsius.
- The other fish will be delivered to our processing plantm92fe137b81eaf963_1528292792074_0processing plant. Tomorrow the crew will gut and behead all the fish.
- It's a good idea, after the initial processingm92fe137b81eaf963_1528292862368_0initial processing it will be possible to use other methods of fish preservationm92fe137b81eaf963_1528292875853_0fish preservation. After gutting, all fish should be filled with salt. This way, we will stop the growth of bacteriam92fe137b81eaf963_1528292890755_0growth of bacteria and prepare fish for smoking and marinating.
- Should I make a brine solutionm92fe137b81eaf963_1528292906761_0brine solution or dry‑cure the fish?
- Fill the fish with dry salt. When the salt penetrates into the fish meat, it draws out water from the tissues and forms brine.
- How long should the fish be kept in salt?
- Fish intended for smoking can be curedm92fe137b81eaf963_1528292931596_0cured for 3 to 5 days. The rest may lie in the brine for several weeks. Well‑salted fish can be stored even for a year.
- We can still process fish in vinegarm92fe137b81eaf963_1528292955366_0fish in vinegar.
- Yes, this is the process of marinating fishm92fe137b81eaf963_1528292972337_0marinating fish. After the addition of vinegar, the growth of microorganisms is inhibited due to the high concentration of hydrogen ions and the presence of acetic acid.
- As we apply all methods, we will not waste a single caught fish and meet the conditions for food safety. Talk to you later.

Exercise 5
Source: Funmedia, cc0.

Opening a new processing plant

Good morning, doctor, I would like to open a small fish processing plantm92fe137b81eaf963_1528447696175_0fish processing plant on the farm. Could you tell me what conditions I have to meet?
- Of course, before starting construction, a technological projectm92fe137b81eaf963_1528442622206_0technological project of the plant should be submitted to the district veterinary surgeon and information about what will be produced, to what extent and in what size. Before starting production, the veterinarianm92fe137b81eaf963_1528443208605_0veterinarian will give the establishment a veterinary ID numberm92fe137b81eaf963_1528443463060_0veterinary ID number. From now on, you can start production.

What are the requirements for processing plant rooms?

The design and division of the factory into zones should be carried out in such a way as to exclude the possibility of intersecting the flow of raw materials and waste with the flows of finished productsm92fe137b81eaf963_1528443910816_0finished products. The dirty zonem92fe137b81eaf963_1528444221991_0dirty zone cannot cross with the clean zonem92fe137b81eaf963_1528443989934_0clean zone. Equipment and tools, such as tables, containers, guttingm92fe137b81eaf963_1528444251250_0gutting and filleting equipmentm92fe137b81eaf963_1528444251250_0equipment, must be corrosion resistant, easy to clean and disinfect. The use of wood is forbidden.
What are the requirements for running the business?

To sell the produced food, the farm owner must take all measures necessary to ensure food safety and hygienem92fe137b81eaf963_1528447557393_0food safety and hygiene. It is necessary to eliminate chemicalm92fe137b81eaf963_1528447574453_0chemical, physical and microbiological hazardsm92fe137b81eaf963_1528447574453_0hazards that may cause food to become dangerous to the healthm92fe137b81eaf963_1528447588778_0dangerous to the health or life of the consumer. Raw materialsm92fe137b81eaf963_1528447681390_0Raw materials intended for processing must be fresh, without parasites, stored on ice. The waste must be stored in tight, closed, labelled containers.

All employees of the fish processing plantm92fe137b81eaf963_1528442599630_0fish processing plant must comply with the rules of personal and professional hygiene. All employees must wear clean protective clothingm92fe137b81eaf963_1528447709510_0protective clothing and headgear.

All recommendations ultimately improve the safety and quality of processed food in the plant.

Exercise 6
Source: Funmedia, cc0.

The methods of smoking fish

Exercise 7
Source: Funmedia, cc0.


Source: Funmedia, cc0.
Source: Funmedia, cc0.
Source: Funmedia, cc0.


Source: Funmedia, cc0.
Source: Funmedia, cc0.
Source: Funmedia, cc0.


beheading (n. U) bɪˈhedɪŋ
beheading (n. U) bɪˈhedɪŋ


brine 10% (n. U) braɪn tɛn pəˈsɛnt
brine 10% (n. U) braɪn tɛn pəˈsɛnt

solanka 10%

brine solution, brine solutions (n. C or U) braɪn səˈluː.ʃən/braɪn səˈluː.ʃənz
brine solution, brine solutions (n. C or U) braɪn səˈluː.ʃən/braɪn səˈluː.ʃənz

roztwór solanki

chemical hazard, chemical hazards (n.C or U) ˈkem.ɪ.kəl ˈhæz.əd/ˈkem.ɪ.kəl ˈhæz.ədz
chemical hazard, chemical hazards (n.C or U) ˈkem.ɪ.kəl ˈhæz.əd/ˈkem.ɪ.kəl ˈhæz.ədz

zagrożenia chemiczne

chip ice maker, chip ice makers (n.C) tʃɪp aɪs meɪkə/tʃɪp aɪs meɪkəz
chip ice maker, chip ice makers (n.C) tʃɪp aɪs meɪkə/tʃɪp aɪs meɪkəz

wytwornica lodu łuskowego

clean zone, clean zones (n.C) kliːn zəʊn/kliːn zəʊnz
clean zone, clean zones (n.C) kliːn zəʊn/kliːn zəʊnz

strefa czysta

cold smoking (n. U) kəʊld ˈsməʊ.kɪŋ
cold smoking (n. U) kəʊld ˈsməʊ.kɪŋ

wędzenie na zimno

cooling down (n. U) ˈkuː.lɪŋ daʊn
cooling down (n. U) ˈkuː.lɪŋ daʊn


cooling fish down (n. U) ˈkuː.lɪŋ fɪʃ daʊn
cooling fish down (n. U) ˈkuː.lɪŋ fɪʃ daʊn

schłodzenie ryb

cost of raw material, costs of raw materials (n. C) kɒst əv rɔː məˈtɪə.ri.əl/kɒstz əv rɔː məˈtɪə.ri.əlz
cost of raw material, costs of raw materials (n. C) kɒst əv rɔː məˈtɪə.ri.əl/kɒstz əv rɔː məˈtɪə.ri.əlz

koszt surowca

covering with ice (phrase) ˈkʌv.ər.ɪŋ wɪð aɪs
covering with ice (phrase) ˈkʌv.ər.ɪŋ wɪð aɪs

zasypywanie lodem

curing (n.U) kjʊərɪŋ
curing (n.U) kjʊərɪŋ


cutting around the gills (phrase) ˈkʌt.ɪŋ əˈraʊnd ðə ɡɪlz
cutting around the gills (phrase) ˈkʌt.ɪŋ əˈraʊnd ðə ɡɪlz

cięcie okołoskrzelowe

dangerous to the health (phrase) ˈdeɪn.dʒər.əs tʊ ðə helθ
dangerous to the health (phrase) ˈdeɪn.dʒər.əs tʊ ðə helθ

niebezpieczne dla zdrowia

dirty zone, dirty zones (n.C) ˈdɜː.ti zəʊn/ˈdɜː.ti zəʊnz
dirty zone, dirty zones (n.C) ˈdɜː.ti zəʊn/ˈdɜː.ti zəʊnz

strefa brudna

drying fish (n. U) draɪɪŋ fɪʃ
drying fish (n. U) draɪɪŋ fɪʃ

suszenie ryb

drying of fish (n. U) draɪɪŋ əv fɪʃ
drying of fish (n. U) draɪɪŋ əv fɪʃ

wysuszanie ryb

edible parts (n. plural) ˈed.ə.bəl pɑːts
edible parts (n. plural) ˈed.ə.bəl pɑːts

części jadalne

extending the durability of the fish (phrase) ɪkˈstendɪŋ ðə ˌdjʊərəˈbɪləti əv ðə fɪʃ
extending the durability of the fish (phrase) ɪkˈstendɪŋ ðə ˌdjʊərəˈbɪləti əv ðə fɪʃ

przedłużanie trwałości ryb

fat fish, fat fishes (n. C or U) fæt fɪʃ/fæt fɪʃɪz
fat fish, fat fishes (n. C or U) fæt fɪʃ/fæt fɪʃɪz

ryba tłusta

fillet with skin, fillets with skin (n. C or U) ˈfɪl.ɪt wɪð skɪn/ˈfɪl.ɪts wɪð skɪn
fillet with skin, fillets with skin (n. C or U) ˈfɪl.ɪt wɪð skɪn/ˈfɪl.ɪts wɪð skɪn

filet ze skórą

final smoking (n. U) ˈfaɪ.nəl ˈsməʊ.kɪŋ
final smoking (n. U) ˈfaɪ.nəl ˈsməʊ.kɪŋ

wędzenie końcowe

finished product, finished products (n.C) ˈfɪn.ɪʃt ˈprɒd.ʌkt/ˈfɪn.ɪʃt ˈprɒd.ʌkts
finished product, finished products (n.C) ˈfɪn.ɪʃt ˈprɒd.ʌkt/ˈfɪn.ɪʃt ˈprɒd.ʌkts

produkt gotowy

fish bones (n. plural) fɪʃ bəʊnz
fish bones (n. plural) fɪʃ bəʊnz

szkielet ryby

fish carcass, fish carcasses (n. C or U) fɪʃ ˈkɑː.kəs/fɪʃ ˈkɑː.kəsɪz
fish carcass, fish carcasses (n. C or U) fɪʃ ˈkɑː.kəs/fɪʃ ˈkɑː.kəsɪz

tusza rybna

fish in vinegar, fishes in vinegar (n. C or U) fɪʃ ɪn ˈvɪn.ɪ.ɡə/fɪʃɪz ɪn ˈvɪn.ɪ.ɡə
fish in vinegar, fishes in vinegar (n. C or U) fɪʃ ɪn ˈvɪn.ɪ.ɡə/fɪʃɪz ɪn ˈvɪn.ɪ.ɡə

ryby w occie

fish preparation (n. U) fɪʃ ˌprep.ərˈeɪ.ʃən
fish preparation (n. U) fɪʃ ˌprep.ərˈeɪ.ʃən

przygotowanie ryb

fish preservation (n. U) fɪʃ ˌprez.əˈveɪ.ʃən
fish preservation (n. U) fɪʃ ˌprez.əˈveɪ.ʃən

konserwacja ryb

fish processing plant, fish processing plants (n. C) fɪʃ ˈprəʊsesɪŋ plɑːnt/fɪʃ ˈprəʊsesɪŋ plɑːnts
fish processing plant, fish processing plants (n. C) fɪʃ ˈprəʊsesɪŋ plɑːnt/fɪʃ ˈprəʊsesɪŋ plɑːnts

zakład przetwórstwa ryb

food safety and hygiene (n. U) fuːd ˈseɪf.ti ənd ˈhaɪ.dʒiːn
food safety and hygiene (n. U) fuːd ˈseɪf.ti ənd ˈhaɪ.dʒiːn

bezpieczeństwo i higiena żywności

freezing (n. U) ˈfriː.zɪŋ
freezing (n. U) ˈfriː.zɪŋ


freezing temperature, freezing temepratures (n. C or U) ˈfriː.zɪŋ ˈtem.prə.tʃə/ˈfriː.zɪŋ ˈtem.prə.tʃəz
freezing temperature, freezing temepratures (n. C or U) ˈfriː.zɪŋ ˈtem.prə.tʃə/ˈfriː.zɪŋ ˈtem.prə.tʃəz

temperatura mrożenia

fresh fish, fresh fishes (n. C or U) freʃ fɪʃ/freʃ fɪʃɪz
fresh fish, fresh fishes (n. C or U) freʃ fɪʃ/freʃ fɪʃɪz

ryba świeża

freshness of fish (n. U) ˈfrɛʃnəs əv fɪʃ
freshness of fish (n. U) ˈfrɛʃnəs əv fɪʃ

świeżość ryb

frozen fish, frozen fishes (n. C or U) ˈfrəʊ.zən fɪʃ/ˈfrəʊ.zən fɪʃɪz
frozen fish, frozen fishes (n. C or U) ˈfrəʊ.zən fɪʃ/ˈfrəʊ.zən fɪʃɪz

ryba mrożona

glaze, glazes (n. C or U) ɡleɪz/ɡleɪzɪz
glaze, glazes (n. C or U) ɡleɪz/ɡleɪzɪz


growth of bacteria (n. U) ɡrəʊθ əv bækˈtɪə.ri.ə
growth of bacteria (n. U) ɡrəʊθ əv bækˈtɪə.ri.ə

rozwój bakterii

growth of microorganisms (n. U) ɡrəʊθ əv ˌmaɪ.krəʊˈɔː.ɡən.ɪ.zəmz
growth of microorganisms (n. U) ɡrəʊθ əv ˌmaɪ.krəʊˈɔː.ɡən.ɪ.zəmz

rozwój drobnoustrojów

gutting (n. U) ˈɡʌtɪŋ
gutting (n. U) ˈɡʌtɪŋ


gutting equipment (n. U) ˈɡʌtɪŋ ɪˈkwɪp.mənt
gutting equipment (n. U) ˈɡʌtɪŋ ɪˈkwɪp.mənt

urządzenia do patroszenia

hot smoking (n. U) hɒt ˈsməʊ.kɪŋ
hot smoking (n. U) hɒt ˈsməʊ.kɪŋ

wędzenie na gorąco

initial fish processing (n. U) ɪˈnɪʃ.əl fɪʃ ˈprəʊsesɪŋ
initial fish processing (n. U) ɪˈnɪʃ.əl fɪʃ ˈprəʊsesɪŋ

wstępna obróbka ryb

initial processing (n. U) ɪˈnɪʃ.əl ˈprəʊsesɪŋ
initial processing (n. U) ɪˈnɪʃ.əl ˈprəʊsesɪŋ

wstępna obróbka

initial smoking (n. U) ɪˈnɪʃ.əl ˈsməʊ.kɪŋ
initial smoking (n. U) ɪˈnɪʃ.əl ˈsməʊ.kɪŋ

wędzenie wstępne

lean fish, lean fishes (n. C or U) liːn fɪʃ/liːn fɪʃɪz
lean fish, lean fishes (n. C or U) liːn fɪʃ/liːn fɪʃɪz

ryba chuda

live fish, live fishes (n. C or U) lɪv fɪʃ/lɪv fɪʃɪz
live fish, live fishes (n. C or U) lɪv fɪʃ/lɪv fɪʃɪz

żywa ryba

marinating fish (n. U) ˌmær.ɪˈneɪtɪŋ fɪʃ
marinating fish (n. U) ˌmær.ɪˈneɪtɪŋ fɪʃ

marynowanie ryb

mark‑up, mark‑ups (n. C) ˈmɑːkʌp/ˈmɑːkʌps
mark‑up, mark‑ups (n. C) ˈmɑːkʌp/ˈmɑːkʌps


material mass, material masses (n. C or U) məˈtɪə.ri.əl mæs/məˈtɪə.ri.əl mæsɪz
material mass, material masses (n. C or U) məˈtɪə.ri.əl mæs/məˈtɪə.ri.əl mæsɪz

masa surowca

meat protection (n. U) miːt prəˈtek.ʃən
meat protection (n. U) miːt prəˈtek.ʃən

zabezpieczanie mięsa

minimum price, minimum prices (n. C) ˈmɪn.ɪ.məm praɪs/ˈmɪn.ɪ.məm praɪsɪz
minimum price, minimum prices (n. C) ˈmɪn.ɪ.məm praɪs/ˈmɪn.ɪ.məm praɪsɪz

minimalna cena

mold development (n. U) məʊld dɪˈvel.əp.mənt
mold development (n. U) məʊld dɪˈvel.əp.mənt

rozwój pleśni

preservation of food (n. U) ˌprez.əˈveɪ.ʃən əv fuːd
preservation of food (n. U) ˌprez.əˈveɪ.ʃən əv fuːd

utrwalanie żywności

processing plant, processing plants (n.C) ˈprəʊsesɪŋ plɑːnt/ˈprəʊsesɪŋ plɑːnts
processing plant, processing plants (n.C) ˈprəʊsesɪŋ plɑːnt/ˈprəʊsesɪŋ plɑːnts


proper smoking (n. U) ˈprɒp.ə ˈsməʊ.kɪŋ
proper smoking (n. U) ˈprɒp.ə ˈsməʊ.kɪŋ

wędzenie właściwe

protective clothing (n. U) prəˈtek.tɪv ˈkləʊ.ðɪŋ
protective clothing (n. U) prəˈtek.tɪv ˈkləʊ.ðɪŋ

odzież ochronna

rancidity of fish (n. U) ranˈsɪdɪti əv fɪʃ
rancidity of fish (n. U) ranˈsɪdɪti əv fɪʃ

jełczenie ryb

raw material, raw materials (n. C or U) rɔː məˈtɪə.ri.əl/rɔː məˈtɪə.ri.əlz
raw material, raw materials (n. C or U) rɔː məˈtɪə.ri.əl/rɔː məˈtɪə.ri.əlz


removing the gills (n. U) rɪˈmuːvɪŋ ðə ɡɪlz
removing the gills (n. U) rɪˈmuːvɪŋ ðə ɡɪlz

usuwanie skrzel

salting (n. U) ˈsɒltɪŋ
salting (n. U) ˈsɒltɪŋ


salting fish (n. U) sɒltɪŋ fɪʃ
salting fish (n. U) sɒltɪŋ fɪʃ

solenie ryb

scaling (n. U) skeɪlɪŋ
scaling (n. U) skeɪlɪŋ


scrape the scales off (phrase) skreɪp ðə skeɪlz ɒf
scrape the scales off (phrase) skreɪp ðə skeɪlz ɒf

oskrobać z łusek

skinless fillet, skinless fillets (n. C or U) ˈskɪn.ləs ˈfɪl.ɪt/ˈskɪn.ləs ˈfɪl.ɪts
skinless fillet, skinless fillets (n. C or U) ˈskɪn.ləs ˈfɪl.ɪt/ˈskɪn.ləs ˈfɪl.ɪts

filet odskórzony

skinning (n. U) skɪnɪŋ
skinning (n. U) skɪnɪŋ


slanted cut, slanted cuts (n. C) ˈslɑːn.tɪd kʌt/ˈslɑːn.tɪd kʌts
slanted cut, slanted cuts (n. C) ˈslɑːn.tɪd kʌt/ˈslɑːn.tɪd kʌts

cięcie skośne

smoked fish, smoked fishes (n. C or U) sməʊkt fɪʃ/sməʊkt fɪʃɪz
smoked fish, smoked fishes (n. C or U) sməʊkt fɪʃ/sməʊkt fɪʃɪz

wędzona ryba

smoked trout, smoked trouts (n. C or U) sməʊkt traʊt/sməʊkt traʊts
smoked trout, smoked trouts (n. C or U) sməʊkt traʊt/sməʊkt traʊts

pstrąg wędzony

smoking (n. U) ˈsməʊ.kɪŋ
smoking (n. U) ˈsməʊ.kɪŋ


smoking room, smoking rooms (n. C) ˈsməʊ.kɪŋ ruːm/ˈsməʊ.kɪŋ ruːmz
smoking room, smoking rooms (n. C) ˈsməʊ.kɪŋ ruːm/ˈsməʊ.kɪŋ ruːmz


smoking temperature, smoking temperatures (n. C or U) ˈsməʊ.kɪŋ ˈtem.prə.tʃə/ˈsməʊ.kɪŋ ˈtem.prə.tʃəz
smoking temperature, smoking temperatures (n. C or U) ˈsməʊ.kɪŋ ˈtem.prə.tʃə/ˈsməʊ.kɪŋ ˈtem.prə.tʃəz

temperatura wędzenia

storage period, storage periods (n. C) ˈstɔː.rɪdʒ ˈpɪə.ri.əd/ˈstɔː.rɪdʒ ˈpɪə.ri.ədz
storage period, storage periods (n. C) ˈstɔː.rɪdʒ ˈpɪə.ri.əd/ˈstɔː.rɪdʒ ˈpɪə.ri.ədz

okres przechowywania

sublimation (n. U) ˌsʌb.lɪˈmeɪ.ʃən
sublimation (n. U) ˌsʌb.lɪˈmeɪ.ʃən


technological project, technological projects (n.C) ˌtek.nəˈlɒdʒ.ɪ.kəl ˈprɒdʒ.ekt/ˌtek.nəˈlɒdʒ.ɪ.kəl ˈprɒdʒ.ekts
technological project, technological projects (n.C) ˌtek.nəˈlɒdʒ.ɪ.kəl ˈprɒdʒ.ekt/ˌtek.nəˈlɒdʒ.ɪ.kəl ˈprɒdʒ.ekts

projekt technologiczny

vacuum packaging (n. U) ˈvæk.juːm ˈpæk.ɪ.dʒɪŋ
vacuum packaging (n. U) ˈvæk.juːm ˈpæk.ɪ.dʒɪŋ

opakowania próżniowe

veterinarian, veterinarians (n.C) ˌvet.ər.ɪˈneə.ri.ən/ˌvet.ər.ɪˈneə.ri.ənz
veterinarian, veterinarians (n.C) ˌvet.ər.ɪˈneə.ri.ən/ˌvet.ər.ɪˈneə.ri.ənz

lekarz weterynarii

veterinary ID number, veterinary ID numbers (n.C) ˈvet̬·ər·əˌner·i aɪ‑diː ˈnʌm.bə/ˈvet̬·ər·əˌner·i aɪ‑diː ˈnʌm.bəz
veterinary ID number, veterinary ID numbers (n.C) ˈvet̬·ər·əˌner·i aɪ‑diː ˈnʌm.bə/ˈvet̬·ər·əˌner·i aɪ‑diː ˈnʌm.bəz

numer identyfikacyjny

waste, wastes (n. C or U) weɪst/weɪsts
waste, wastes (n. C or U) weɪst/weɪsts
yield, yields (n. C or U) jiːld/jiːldz
yield, yields (n. C or U) jiːld/jiːldz
