Safe water

Source: licencja: CC 0.

Link to the lesson

Before you start you should know
  • that sharp objects can cause injury;

  • that cleaning agents must be handled with care and used as intended.

You will learn
  • to list hazards resulting from improper use of water supply and sewerage systems;

  • to explain how to safely use the water and sewage systems in your home.

nagranie abstraktu

In a bathroom, you can easily slip on a wet floor. Therefore, when leaving this room, make sure that the taps are turned off, preventing the floor from being flooded. Do not throw materials or substances into the toilet bowl that would prevent water from draining and cause flooding. If water spills on the floor, wipe it off. In a damp and poorly ventilated apartment, molds harmful to our health may develop.

Source: PhotoDu.de, www.flickr.com, licencja: CC BY 2.0.

Scalding with hot water is also dangerous. When making tea, you must pour hot water into the cup carefully. Do not place the cup of hot tea on the edge of a table so as not to knock it off or scald yourself. You should also look out for hot pots and steamsteamsteam that escapes while cooking.

Task 1

Look at the photograph. Think of other ways of preventing accidents in bathroom.

Ilustracja interaktywna przedstawia fotografię łazienki. Dołączone są opisy: 1. When leaving bathroom, make sure that the taps are turned off., 2. Do not throw materials or substances into the toilet bowl that would prevent water from draining and cause flooding., 3. Remember: if water spills on the floor, wipe it off.
Ways of preventing accidents in bathroom
Source: GroMar Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0.
Task 2

Watch a movie. Consider why the boiling waterboilingboiling water has a lower temperature than the steam coming out of the kettle?

Film przedstawiający pomiar temperatury wody gotującej i pary wodnej.
What is slippery?
Observation 1

Checking which materials prevent slippage.

You will need
  • bowl,

  • water,

  • small plastic bag,

  • eraser,

  • cotton cloth.

  1. Pour water into the bowl.

  2. One by one, put objects made of different materials on the bottom of the bowl.

  3. Press on the objects with your hand and find out if they are slippery.


Objects made of rubber are not slippery and adhere well to wet surfaces. This is why mats placed inside the shower and bathroom floor mats are covered with rubber on the underside.

Exercise 1
Exercise 2


  • Gas and electric home appliances are safe if they are in working order and used as intended, away from water.

  • Handle with care hot water, hot appliances and cookware as well as the steam created while cooking, to avoid scalding.


boiling water, steam, slipping


nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

para wodna – gazowy stan skupienia wody

nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

wrzenie – zmiana stanu skupienia z cieczy w gaz; zachodzi w całej objętości cieczy i w określonej temperaturze