Strona 1
Milk processing technician

No doubt dairying is one of the most dynamically developing branches of food industry. This is not merely due to the fact that there is a continually rising demand for dairy products, but also due to the technological development which makes it possible to introduce a wide variety of high quality creamery goods into the market. A milk processing technician is a highly desirable profession, not only in Poland, but also abroad. Qualified specialists will easily find a well paid job. Milk processing technicians take care of the following tasks:
operating milk processing machines and devices,
planning the technological process,
assessing the quality of products,
drawing up technical documentation.
Milk processing technicians work inside, in well ventilated rooms that are protected against contamination. The work is not particularly burdensome, but the fact is that people who are physically fit will manage better. A person who plans on becoming a milk processing technician should possess the following skills and character traits: diligence, patience, cleanliness, and attention span. Good organisational skills, systematicity, and strong sense of responsibility are no less important. A well developed sense of smell and taste and interest in biology and chemistry are helpful in acquiring new skills and as such highly desirable in future milk processing technicians. Qualified specialists will find employment in all kinds of milk processing plants, so basically anywhere where cheese, yogurts, or semi finished products are produced. Dairy farmers are needed at all stages of production and therefore a well equipped person who is fully involved in the job can safely look into the future. The earnings vary based on the position and the type of a particular enterprise, however, it is beyond question, that the job of a milk processing technician is a promising and satisfying career, one that provides huge development opportunities.