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Food production equipment operator

Food processing is a branch of economy that becomes more and more mechanised and automated. New techniques and technologies of production are implemented not only in large processing plants but also small craft workshops. Research shows that employers look for people who can operate innovative equipment at all the stages of food production.
A food production equipment operator performs the following tasks:
- preparing raw materials, additives and supplying materials used to produce food,
- making semi‑finished and finished products,
- operating machines and devices used to produce food,
- co‑packaging, packaging and storing food,
- assessing the quality of ingredients, additives, semi‑finished and finished products,
- drawing up technical documentation.
At this point it’s worth emphasizing that the job is a highly demanding one. Food production equipment operators work around hot devices and rotating machine parts and sharp tools. They work in uncomfortable thermal conditions and take shifts.
Naturally, the profession requires physical endurance, attention span, technical skills, a strong sense of responsibility, stress‑immunity and properly developed sense of smell and taste.
A food production equipment operator will find employment in various food processing plants such as confectioneries, dairies, bakeries, fruit, vegetable, and processing plants, food‑selling companies, and at all the stages of the technological process.
It can be said without hesitation that it is a promising profession, one that will still be in high demand in many years to come. New technology keeps arriving on the market which means that qualified and well‑trained specialists are all the more needed.
Food technology specialist

The profession of a food technology specialist is perfect for those who are ambitious, eager to improve their skills and knowledge and interested in such fields of study as chemistry, biology, or technology. Obtaining proper qualifications is no piece of cake, but it’s highly rewarding as future food technology specialists won’t have trouble finding a stimulating and well‑paid job. Food production is a prosperous branch of industry where well‑qualified specialists are always in high demand.
The job includes a number of varied and often complicated activities. One thing is for sure, there’s no humdrum in this profession. The common tasks of a food technology specialist include:
- monitoring the production equipment,
- operating the production equipment,
- planning and managing production process,
- food production.
When it comes to more detailed professional duties, they are practically endless, as they comprise both production- and laboratory‑related tasks.
A person who wishes to become a food technology specialist should be diligent, patient, have good eye‑hand coordination and properly developed sense of smell and taste, the last one being especially important as one of the basic tasks performed by food technology specialists is checking the quality of products with their senses. In other words - they must taste the food themselves. Also, it’s vital for them to be outgoing as the job involves a lot of contact with the coworkers.
A well‑qualified specialist will find employment in:
- institutions that assess and test food,
- internal labs,
- analytic labs,
- food production plants,
- all kinds of enterprises that produce food.
Summing up, once you obtain proper qualifications you’ll easily find employment either in Poland or abroad. The job is undoubtedly a perfect career for anyone who dreams of an exciting and satisfying job.