Strona 1
Aircraft maintenance technician

The dynamic development of aviation resulting mostly from the drop of plane ticket prices and an easy access to flights has generated high demand for well‑qualified aircraft ground handling staff, that is the aircraft mechanics. The job includes mostly handling aircraft lines and base maintenance. Aircraft technicians also assess the technical condition of airplanes and repair broken parts. An aircraft mechanic works at airports, including the adjacent hangars.
The basic tasks performed by an aircraft technician are as follows:
• reading and making technical drawings of construction elements, subassemblies and parts of aircrafts,
• reading and drawing up logical and assembly charts of aircraft installations and subassemblies,
• designing simple subassemblies and elements of repair processes of subassemblies and parts of aircrafts,
• performing servicing works and drawing up associated documentation,
• modifying aircraft repair plans based on proper technical documents and drawing up associated documentation.
A candidate for the job of an aircraft mechanic should possess the following qualities:
• precision and composure,
• systematicity,
• interest in technology,
• willingness to take up challenging tasks,
• mental balance,
• resistance to stress,
• efficient work management,
• knowledge of foreign languages.
Due to dynamic development in the aircraft industry, the job of a technician requires constant improvement of one’s skills. Future mechanics will easily find employment in:
• companies that design or produce aircraft‑related products,
• military aviation technical services and institutions that manage civil aircraft,
• aircraft planning and supply services.