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In order to become a baker one must feature specific personality traits such as good physical fitness, an exquisite taste and smell, and good manual skills. Depending on the aptitude, there are several functions: the person operating the oven, the person making pies, and a middleperson, who prepares and weighs ingredients.
However, there is a number of contraindications such as cardiovascular diseases, allergies, hand skin diseases, chest and spine deformations, limited physical capability of upper and lower limbs, rheumatism, eye diseases (chronic conjunctivitis and eyelids), some visual impairments, significant hearing loss, caries, poor physical condition, being a carrier of infectious diseases, diabetes, and taste, smell, sensory processing disorders.
A baker is a demanding profession, but at the same time it guarantees secure employment. The job includes:
- collecting and preparing baking ingredients,
- making semi‑finished baking products,
- dividing the dough and preparing pieces of it to be baked,
- monitoring the process of proving and baking,
- operating the equipment used in baking production.
A baker kneads the dough, makes bread, operates the machines, arranges the moulds, checks the products, slices the bread and packs it, too.
The profession of a baker is not only highly responsible, but also one at which a single mistake or minor oversight may cause the entire production batch to go to waste. There is also a number of potential risks such as occupational diseases, pneumoconiosis in particular, skin and breathing allergies, cuts, burns, tiresomeness and exhaustion caused by working at night and hot microclimate.
Back or muscle pain is no less common. This is a hard physical work which also requires a lot of mental endurance.
On the bright side, however, the baker will find employment in a number of places such as bakeries, production plants, warehouses where the products are stored, and patisseries, but also in catering or in bread sales.

A confectioner is a profession not only highly valuable on the labour market, but also one that provides a great possibility to make one’s place of work their creative atelier. A confectioner makes confectionery products and semi‑finished products, cakes, cookies, pralines, cupcakes, and confectionery bread. Their job includes decorating what they’ve created as well. It requires thoroughness and precision, care for the flavour and high quality of products. Confectioners create little art pieces rather than simple food products.
A confectioner’s duties include operation of the equipment, production and decoration of confectionery products. They must ensure high quality of ingredients used and are in charge of supplies. The job involves constant search for new flavours, improving recipes, broadening one’s knowledge and skills, and the possibility to come up with one’s own, original ideas. It is vital that the confectioners pay attention to both their own hygiene and the cleanliness of the working environment. Neatness and efficient time management make the job much easier.
A confectioner will find employment both in large plants where the production never ceases and in small, family businesses. The necessity to work holidays sometimes may seem a bit discouraging, but it gives countless possibilities for those who are creative and always search for new flavours. It is often the case that such people run their own businesses. A well‑qualified confectioner will find a well‑paid job both in the country and abroad.
What counts most in the profession of a confectioner, is a passion for this job. The ability to work in a group, precision, and the the cause‑and‑effect thinking is also very important. A confectioner must have an exquisite taste and good manual skills. The job includes checking if the ingredients are of high quality, and if the products mix together well. Even though the job is mostly standing, there are no special requirements that the candidates have to meet. Well, perhaps with the exception of the ability to say no to all those delicious treats while preparing them.