Strona 1

Craft jobs become more and more popular these days. There are few people who do not wear a watch and therefore watchmaker services never cease to be in high demand. A watchmaker is a person who makes and repairs watches, as well as designs and tests innovative timers. That’s why they have to possess broad knowledge of metallurgy, locksmithery, carpentry, and electronics. Apart from performing precise manual work, a watchmaker has to be able to operate various devices.
The basic tasks of a watchmaker are as follows:
• identifying the causes of faulty clocks and watches,
• repairing clocks and watches,
• maintaining and regulating clocks and watches,
• manufacturing and pressing spare parts.
There is a number of skills and character traits that a good watchmaker should possess:
• good vision and hearing,
• well developed sense of touch,
• good health condition,
• no degenerative lesions of the hand joints,
• manual skills,
• persistence and patience,
• attention span,
• logical thinking,
• perceptiveness.
Due to dynamic technological development watchmakers must continually improve their skills and knowledge. Future specialists will find employment:
• with service providers,
• in production plants,
• in watch‑selling stores,
• in jewellery stores.
A watchmaker is a profession desirable in almost every area of precision construction. Their expertise and knowledge of precision mechanics, electronics, and electrotechnology is in high demand in any enterprise that handles production, maintenance, and repair of mechanical, electrical, or electronic devices whose function it is to measure and record.