Strona 1

Whenever one experiences eyesight‑related problems, they immediately go to an ophthalmologist. However, not everyone is aware of the fact that there are other specialists who can prove extremely helpful in diagnosing diseases or recommending certain types of vision therapy. One such profession is that of an orthoptist. Orthoptists treat squint and visual impairments in case of both children and grown‑ups. However, the job mostly involves working with youngsters. That is because improving eyesight impairments through exercises is the most effective with younger patients. The profession requires sympathy for children and tons of patience. Proper attitude and pedagogical skills are therefore desirable qualities in an orthoptist. Future specialists should be honest, but mild‑mannered.
In order for their work to give the best results, orthoptics must cooperate with other specialists, ophthalmologists and opticians in particular. The job provides a great opportunity to develop one’s medical, pedagogical or psychological interests. The therapist’s attitude is a decisive therapeutic factor. Orthoptics motivate their patients to exercise on their own for their aim is to help them fully recover from any visual impairments.
Orthoptics will successfully find employment in clinics specialising in treating squint, at orthoptics and ophthalmology clinics, ophthalmology wards in hospitals, or special preschools oriented towards the care of children with visual impairments. The profession is still in its infancy since it has only appeared in Poland around 30 years ago. This is why there are still relatively few specialists in the field, but that only increases the demand for their services.
The job requires broad knowledge of many scientific disciplines, but the therapy with patients is highly rewarding for the effects are instantly visible and the patients’ comfort of life rises considerably. The bottom line is: how could you not love this job?