Avionics technician

Source: LEARNETIC SA, licencja: CC BY 4.0.

An avionics technician is a vocational school discipline whose graduates are the mechanics specialised in aircraft. Their tasks include operating radio navigation, radio communication and other equipment installed in planes. An avionics technician handles the on‑board electronic components and operates the electrical and avionics equipment, both that which is installed in an aircraft and the ground support system. After graduation, a specialist can find employment with airlines or aircraft‑related services providers, as well as in plants where planes and helicopters are produced or repaired.

The qualifications and professional competences gained in the course of study are as follows:

- operating aircraft electrical installations - Aircraft Electrical Systems, the battery, DC generators, AC generators, electrical conductors, aircraft lighting, voltage regulators, and the airport power supply;

- operating the equipment used by pilots: the artificial horizon, turn indicator and turn coordinator, pressure airspeed indicator, pressure altitude meter, radio altimeter, variometer, magnetic compass, and gyroscope;

- operating radio navigation control systems used by the pilots: Instrument Landing System (ILS), VOR–VHF Omnidirectional Range, Automatic Direction Finder (ADF), Omnidirectional Radio Range, Global Positioning System (GPS);

- operating the air traffic communication systems and on‑board radio stations;

- operating the automatic steering and flight assistance systems, that is the automatic steering unit, the computer, the stabilisation system, the maneuverability improvement system and the Fly By Wire (FBW) system.

The profession of an avionics technician is in high demand on the global labour markets, mostly due to the fact that there are few schools offering proper education in the field. A specialised theoretical knowledge gained in the course of study combined with the skills acquired during practical training organised by airports and air traffic‑related companies prepare the graduates to provide quality avionics services. At some point during their education, an avionics technician develops the skills needed to design, build and operate aircraft, which makes them generally well‑acquainted with the aircraft industry.