Strona 1
Boat Buldier

The profession of a boat builder has reclaimed its popularity after the past couple of decades, during which there have been no schools educating students on how to build boats. Fortunately, thanks to the Poland’s leading position on the yacht building market, the possibility to study this discipline at a vocational school has opened once again. Therefore, the boat building graduates have no problem finding a well‑paid job. A boat builder makes both the sailing yachts and cabin cruisers, they participate in production and repairs of vessels. They carry out basic and complex renovations of yachts and repairs of the boat interiors and hulls. Also, they make certain adjustments aimed at improving the boat equipment functionality. The majority of works is performed in accordance with technical documentation. Before getting down to work, a boat builder plans the stages of the technological process of making the particular elements and the whole boat, selects the techniques of making those elements and maintains boat building materials. A boat builder makes and fits basic wooden parts in ships, yachts, transporting vessels and sport boats. These elements are mostly supports for the engines, steering wheels, booms, centreboards, as well as tables, benches, cabinets and all the other wooden parts that are to be placed in the cabin. A boat builder uses several basic tools on a daily basis. These are: an axe, a hammer, a chisel and a plane. The more difficult works are carried out using power tools such as band saws, bench saws, milling machines, lathes, planers and grinders. Other pieces of equipment used by a boat builder include dirers, cookers and heat boilers. Many machines used by the boat builders are equipped with modern control systems, for instance numerical control. A boat builder must possess extensive knowledge of the materials, innovative technological solutions and generally accepted boat building standards. A person who works as a boat builder must constantly educate themselves. Diligence, good manual skills and well‑developed spatial imagination are also desirable qualities is a boat builder. Boat building graduates find employment in shipyards and industrial plants where vessels, sailing yachts and cabin cruisers are produced. Boat builders are much wanted in companies that provide services regarding the repair of watercrafts.