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Dental technician

There are professions that force the specialists to constantly improve their skills and learn new things, which is predominantly due to dynamic technological development. As a part of their job a dental technician makes plaster models based on silicone moulds or impressions that are provided to them by contractors such as dentists or otolaryngologists.
The basic duties of a dental technician are as follows:
- making plaster models of prostheses for both the upper and lower teeth, replacing broken prosthesis parts,
- making fillings that support the hard and soft tissue in the oral cavity and facial bones, as well as adjusting the occlusion,
- overseeing and assisting at technical works carried out in a dental office, assessing the technical condition of products made,
- passing the ready medical aids to dentists and other contractors in accordance to the procedures regarding delivery and reception of goods accepted by the members of a particular medical team,
- adjusting the prostheses to the patients’ individual needs, as well as their repair and maintenance.
The job of a dental technician has a great many advantages. These are, for example, stable employment, little stress, lack of necessity of having direct contact with the clients, and independence. However, there are also certain drawbacks. A dental technician sometimes receives unusual orders, they often have to meet tight deadlines and spend long hours broadening their knowledge.
A well‑qualified dental technician should have, among others, good eye‑hand coordination, the ability to differentiate between particular colours, good manual skills, attention span, technical skills, good memory and strong sense of aesthetics.
A dental technician can find employment in a number of places such as in workshops where prostheses are made, orthodontist’s offices, public health care facilities or they can open up their own business.