Strona 1

Tinsmithing is a craftsmanship that includes producing and repairing elements made of steel sheet, as well as covering roofs with sheet metal. A person who works as a tinsmith makes and repairs sheet metal parts that are used in many branches of industry. A tinsmith can also mount self‑made objects where they belong, e.g. roof sheeting.
Tinsmiths will find employment in construction enterprises, repair and construction workshops, and in car workshops. They can also work in the open. Industrial plants offer jobs that involve working eight hours a day or temporarily, for instance from March to November, provided that the nature of the job is weather‑dependent.
The following skills and character traits are highly desirable in a tinsmith:
technical skills, spatial imagination, attention span, no fear of heights (as they might have to work high above the ground e.g. while covering a roof with sheeting).
Moreover, a tinsmith should be familiar with the basic knowledge of technical drawing, and be physically fit. Manual skills are highly important, too. As more and more computer‑aided technology arrives on the market, a tinsmith should constantly improve their skills in order to be able to operate innovative machines. New technology designed to facilitate the sheet metal works keeps developing as well. A tinsmith should be familiar with and able to operate it. The ability to work in a team is also valuable, as the job involves cooperation with not only other tinsmiths, but roofers and locksmiths, too.
There are certain limitations, however. The job is not fit for those who are afraid of heights, as previously mentioned, or suffer from some balance disorder. Apart from all that, a tinsmith should also have good vision, hearing, hand‑eye coordination, and be able to differentiate between colours.