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The catering industry is currently one of the fastest developing employment area. Restaurant owners are constantly seeking for qualified employees. Professions directed at customer services are now well paid and valued in the market.
Waiter is responsible for all the operations related to the guests support in restaurant. In practice this means that employee working on this position is charged with many tasks such as: taking care of setting and decoration of tables, preparing cutlery, welcoming guests, indicating sits and giving menu. Waiter is also responsible for advising guests on drinks and dishes, sharing an information about content of dishes and the way of preparation and taking orders.The waiter’s role is also taking care of an appropriate atmosphere during the guests stay at restaurant as well as keeping the hall and setting clean.Other tasks of waiter are also preparation of bills, collection of receivables for orders.
The features that would be welcome in waiter’s profession are physical fitness, ability of the fast pace of work, under the pressure of time, excellent memory and coordination. The relevant factor is the ease of making contacts with client, communication skills and knowledge of languages. Waiter should have a basic culinary knowledge and well developed senses of smell and taste.
Person who is qualified to work as waiter is able to find a workplace in various places primarily including catering establishments, hotels, café, pubs or disco. Waiter can be also employed in catering companies or banquet and conference room services. Big cities, holiday resorts and yachts are the most common places to find a work in this profession.

Cook is definitely the profession for people who like challenges and want to learn all the time. The principal activity of cook is the preparation of dishes and drinks. This profession seems to be easy but requires high qualifications and practical knowledge.
Cook uses various devices applied in restaurants, this is based on the knowledge of them but also on acquiring the health and safety at work procedure which is also a high degree of conscientiousness and responsibility.
Cook should have a head full of ideas and deep knowledge about the all kinds of dishes, which is acquired through many years and sometimes through the entire life. This profession is connected with a large dose of creativity.
The next element of the cook’s work is the cooperation with people, frequently working under stress caused by the excess of dishes to prepare. The operating in such conditions requires interpersonal skills, patience and also great attention.
The cook’s profession might be a great adventure, giving a possibility of work in numerous places all around the world: in atmospheric restaurant, lively seaside hotel, on the ship, or wherever we can only dream of - the good cuisine is needed everywhere.
Nutrition and catering service technician

Nutrition and catering service technician- it is the profession connected to human’s everyday life since the beginning of time. This profession satisfies people who practice it with a real passion and these who treat it as an attractive way of employment. People with this profession are able to work as a cook or a dietician.
The basic tasks of nutrition and catering service technician are: evaluation of food quality and storage, preparation of dishes and drinks, organizing of the gastronomic production, planning and implementing of dishes and catering services.
Person having aspiration to work in this profession should have a knowledge of gastronomic terms, food processing and preparation of dishes. This person should also set new goals, try to improve and develop new skills, increase the qualifications, make progress the professional career. The perfect opportunity to do it are the culinary competitions, look for the technical advancements of the world cuisine. These efforts are very profitable: positions in renowned restaurants and hotels are possible, competitors also have opportunities to get practices and internships, also abroad, all for further development. Every day of such work is the new experience and valuable lesson. Thank to this profession the world and its flavours are open for all the people who want work in such workplace, despite the commitments which it requires.
The welcome predispositions and features of character to work in this profession are: manual skills, ability to work in groups, working under pressure ability, physical fitness, and knowledge of tools used in the cook profesion. Person who chooses this profession should have a great taste and smell, esthetic sense and great manual skills, should be also responsible, accurate and communicative.