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Safety security technician

Persons and property protection technician is a very responsible job where there is no place for mistakes. Those who wish to become bodyguards must have no criminal record and possess certain character traits.
Members of interventional patrols search spots and houses in a given zone when they receive a signal. They must be physically fit and trained in hand‑to‑hand fighting and self‑defence.
They take orders from persons working in central monitoring stations who are also responsible for contacting the clients and that’s why they have to be well‑organised, have great attention span and the ability to control the environment.
The job includes also such disciplines as physical and technical protection of entire zones, facilities, devices that are subject to statutory protection, cash and mass events. Bodyguards must be familiar with law and keep track of the changes that occur in it.
Persons and property protection technicians must be immune to stress and keep physical fitness. If they carry weapons they should also practice shooting. Keeping track with the new technological and electronic solutions is also necessary.
In order to become a person and property protection technician one must complete special trainings and courses. A well‑qualified bodyguard will find employment not only in the country but also in any member state of the European Union.
A person who wishes to become a bodyguard should be cool‑headed and able to make quick and informed decisions. Good time management and great attention is also a must.
Protecting a given facility includes checking the record of what happened there the day before. Surveillance of a given building means checking all windows, possible sources of danger, and the entire neighbourhood. The familiarity with both the object and its surroundings is absolutely necessary to protect it successfully.