Strona 1
Borehole extraction miner

Exploration, extraction and safe transport of treasures of the earth - oil, gas or salt - are the most fundamental tasks of the miner of a borehole mining. Excellent technical knowledge as well as the passion for discovering and new challenges are the among the most important characteristics of people working in this field. So what exactly does this profession involve?
The scope of duties of a miner of a borehole mining comprises: setting up the tripods and the drill masts over the borehole,preparation of the extraction and processing equipment for operating in the borehole, operating self‑propelled hoists,inserting and removing submersible tubing, centrifugal and positive displacement pumps,conducting secondary oil or gas exploitation by injecting gas, air and water into the deposit,draining dewaterers located on the pipeline routes and filling up the methanol in the dosing tanks,turning gas and oil bores in and out of service.
The most important qualities and abilities required of miners of borehole mining include accountability, willing to cooperate, perceptiveness, reflexes, being able to focus on doing the same job for a longer period of time, interest in technology, complying with the rules and regulations, neither being a claustrophobic, nor scared of space or heights, being able to withstand harsh working environment, having strength, manual dexterity, physical fitness, and finally good visual and motor coordination.
Due to the dynamic technological progress in this industry, miners of borehole mining can find employment in a number of workplaces, such as:
*oil and gas mining plants - operating equipment for oil and gas production, processing, reconstruction and decommissioning redundant boreholes;
* borehole water extraction facilities;
* borehole sulphur and rock salt production plants;
* companies undertaking surveying works connected with dehumidifying the area.
Borehole mining technician

Perhaps many of you are unaware of the fact that gas is available in gas cookers indirectly because of the work of borehole mining technicians. These are professionals who are closely involved in the extraction of natural resources, particularly oil and gas. While they do not work underground, they are also miners, and their work involves numerous technical challenges and threats. The primary role of borehole mining technicians is to take care of the proper exploitation of the deposits. It is their responsibility to supervise the safe extraction and subsequent transport of the mined materials.
The main responsibilities of a borehole miner include: operation of boreholes and equipment during the borehole production of crude oil, natural gas, underground waters, rock salt and sulphur, carrying out technological processes related to the borehole extraction of minerals, organising and supervising the rational exploitation of mineral resources, keeping documentation of the borehole mining facility, eliminating threats to the process and drilling failures, supporting the design of mining processes and keeping documentation concerning the production rate using specialist computer equipment.
In their profession, borehole mining technicians need to possess the following attributes: good hearing, vision and touch, very good overall health condition, technical skills, physical fitness, accountability, real‑work professional experience, organisational skills, perceptiveness and reflex, no fear of heights or open spaces, well‑developed spatial imagination, readiness for shift work.
Due to the dynamic technological progress in this industry, the profession of a borehole mining technician requires continuous vocational training. Among other places, future technicians have the opportunity to work at: oil and gas mining plants, plants for the sulphur, rock salt, underground mineral and therapeutic water exploitation, companies demethanisating hard coal mines, offshore drilling platforms in the exploration of natural resources, research facilities.
Regardless of the place of employment, a borehole mining technician carries out their work while on‑the‑move. They are to inspect the zones of drilling site on a daily basis. Every day in this job is different, which certainly guarantees gaining new professional experience day by day.