
The American Civil War

U.S. flags
Source: Jakob Owens/https://unsplash.com/, domena publiczna.

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You will learn
  • to characterize the reasons for the American Civil War;

  • to explain the significance of changes that have occurred in US society;

  • to characterize the effects of the American Civil War.

Nagranie abstraktu

In the first half of the 19th century, the United States expanded rapidly. From the beginning, the American nation was divided in terms of slavery and the approach to the concept of the state system. Election of Abraham Lincoln (an opponent of slavery) as the President of the USA led to the secession of 11 southern states and the outbreak of war. The 4‑year conflict (1861‑1865) ended with the victory of the northern states (the Union). The country remained united, slavery was abolished and confirmed that all citizens regardless of skin color and origin are equal before the law. However, this did not bring any real equality of rights for the Black Americans. Though equal in rights to the white people in theory, they were treated as second‑class citizens. By means of various laws („Black Codes”) which imposed the obligation to conclude annual contracts with landowners, forced labour on plantations, racial segregation and separate education were introduced.

Exercise 1
W dostępnych Ci źródłach (np. w internecie, encyklopedii lub specjalistycznych publikacjach) poszukaj informacji na temat postaci Johna Browna. Dlaczego jego działania, a zwłaszcza ostatnie chwile jego życia, wpłynęły na losy Stanów Zjednoczonych, przyczyniając się pośrednio do wybuchu wojny secesyjnej?
W dostępnych Ci źródłach (np. w internecie, encyklopedii lub specjalistycznych publikacjach) poszukaj informacji na temat postaci Johna Browna. Dlaczego jego działania, a zwłaszcza ostatnie chwile jego życia, wpłynęły na losy Stanów Zjednoczonych, przyczyniając się pośrednio do wybuchu wojny secesyjnej?
Task 1

Expand your knowledge of the issue of slavery as a cause of the American Civil War by taking a look at this historical image. Listen to the commentary on Theodor Kaufmann's painting, On to Liberty.

Nagranie tekstu źródłowego
Andrzej Chwalba The Civil War
Slave auction in Atlanta, Georgia
Source: 1864, Wikimedia Commons, licencja: CC 0.

The Civil War is often interpreted as a conflict between traditional and agricultural societies opposing the industrial capitalism. The North and the South had an extremely different approach to slavery. In the North, the market economy and industrial society developed, and the population grew. In the South, industry was weak, towns were less numerous, and the main source of wealth was agriculture based on African slaves. Cotton was the main crop. In theory, the ban on slave imports had been in force since 1808, but it was still practised, albeit on a smaller scale. However, the law did not prohibit the possession of slaves. In 11 southern states there were about 4 million Blacks per 9 million inhabitants. In 1860, about 400 thousand families, or ¼ of all Americans from the South owned slaves. The differences between the two parts of America were manifested in the fact that farmers in the North dreamed of increasing their farmland, and in the South - of increasing the number of slaves. Slave escapes were infrequent and revolts rather sporadic; slaves born in captivity passed on a sense of helplessness and passivity to the next generations. Slaves, treated as a useful tool on the farms, were most often illiterate, because the law provisions adopted by white people prohibited teaching Blacks how to read and write.

Harriet Beecher Stowe – American abolitionist and the author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
Source: circa 1870s-1880s, National Archives and Records Administration, licencja: CC 0.

The main reason for the war was the uncompromising demand for the abolition of slavery by the North. Another important reason was the demand for a free labor force in the North, which at that time was „frozen” in slavery. An important role was also played by the growing number of abolitionistabolitionistsabolitionist associations. Various arguments were put forward against slavery, most often religious. Uncle Tom's Cabin, a novel by the American writer and social activist Harriet Stowe Beecher (1811–1896), describing the unfortunate fate of the Blacks, upset the North in 1852 and contributed to the intensification of the movement for the abolition of slavery. Of course, not all northern Yankees were abolitionists, just like not all Southerners supported slavery.

The aggravation of the North‑South conflict resulted in the 1857 Supreme Court decision in the case of the slave Dred Scott, who fled from the South to the North. The decision stated that he was still a slave because he was born as one. Therefore, his new place of residence did not change his legal status. This decision upset many Americans and paved the way for Abraham Lincoln (1809‑1865) to become president. Although born in the slave state of Kentucky, he opposed slavery for religious, moral and economic reasons. When the war began, initiated by the secession of South Carolina and the formation of the Confederacy, the issue of slavery was not immediately addressed, although the fear of its prohibition provoked an attack by the South. On September 22, 1862, Lincoln issued a proclamation that if by January 1, 1863, the states of the Confederacy did not return to the Union, their slaves would become free and would be able to enlist in the US army. As he supposed, President Jefferson Davies' response was negative, which is why Lincoln proclaimed the slavery abolition act. Since then, the war for the unity of the state became a war for human rights.

On to Liberty
Source: Theodor Kaufmann/darmowy zasób MET/, tylko do użytku edukacyjnego.

The American Civil War influenced the attitudes of the Black Americans and encouraged them to take their fate into their own hands. The painter Theodore Kaufmann was a German immigrant and abolitionist who served in the Union army during the American Civil War. In „On to Liberty” he depicted a group of refugees from the South. During the war, black men, women and children fled from slavery to the Union camps. They provided manpower and information about the local area and the movements of the Confederacy troops. At the end of the war, almost a million former slaves found themselves under federal protection, many of them in special camps for refugees, which were being established by the Union leaders since 1862. The formal granting of equal rights to the black people was a process that continued long after the end of the American Civil War. In January 1865, the US Congress passed the 13th amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery throughout the United States. Already after Lincoln's death, another amendment obliged the people of the South to grant the liberated Blacks civil rights. At the same time, it also deprived all those who performed official or military functions in the Confederacy of such rights. These actions made the division of society stronger and, like the occupation, which served to „reconstruct” the South, made it difficult to reconcile the parties to the conflict. The black population, although in theory equal in rights to the white people, was treated as second‑class citizens. By means of various laws („Black Codes”) which imposed the obligation to conclude annual contracts with landowners, forced labour on plantations, racial segregation and separate education were introduced.

wojna Source: Andrzej Chwalba, The Civil War, [w:] tegoż, Historia powszechna. Wiek XIX, Warszawa 2008.
Task 2

Read Lincoln's inaugural speech and say what, according to Lincoln, the main cause of the North‑South conflict was. How did Lincoln assess the consequences of the South's secession?

Abraham Lincoln Pierwsze przemówienie inauguracyjne 4 marca 1861
Abraham Lincoln
Source: Alexander Gardner, 1865, Library of Congress, licencja: CC 0.

Część naszego narodu opowiada się za niewolnictwem jako instytucją prawnie usankcjonowaną i dąży do jego legalnej ekspansji, a część uważa niewolnictwo za zło i dąży do jego ograniczenia albo i zniesienia. I w tym tkwi sedno naszego sporu. Obowiązują obok siebie konstytucyjna poprawka dotycząca zbiegłych niewolników i zakaz zagranicznego handlu niewolnikami, jak to się dzieje w społeczności, której zasady moralne w mało doskonały sposób wpływają na stanowione prawo. Znakomita większość ludzi w obu przypadkach przestrzega li tylko suchej litery prawa, nie wdając się w rozważania natury moralnej, a tylko niewielu pozwala sobie prezentować postawę odmienną. Myślę, że to się prędko nie zmieni, a po secesji będzie jeszcze gorzej. Handel niewolnikami, do dziś nie do końca wyrugowany, rozkwitnie na Południu bez ograniczeń, a na Północy zbiegli niewolnicy, teraz tylko częściowo wydawani, byliby chwytani i wydawani co do jednego.

lincoln Source: Abraham Lincoln, Pierwsze przemówienie inauguracyjne 4 marca 1861, [w:] Wielkie mowy historii, t. 2, Warszawa 2006, s. 88.
Exercise 2
Based on Abraham Lincoln's speech above, mark the answers that are correct. Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. Lincoln believes that the secession of the South will facilitate the fight against slavery., 2. Lincoln pointed to a contradiction in the law, which allowed to avoid moral judgment of slavery., 3. Lincoln believed that the secession of the South would make the fate of the slaves only worse, as the slave trade in the South would only intensify, and in the North they would be released to their masters on a massive scale., 4. Lincoln demanded a ban on foreign slave trade.
Task 3
Wymyśl pytanie na kartkówkę związane z tematem abstraktu.
Wymyśl pytanie na kartkówkę związane z tematem abstraktu.
American Civil War
Source: Krystian Chariza i zespół, Wojna secesyjna.
Exercise 3
Each side had its own heroes. Assign commanders' names to the appropriate column. If necessary, search for information on the Internet. the Union Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. Robert E. Lee, 2. William Sherman, 3. Jefferson Davis, 4. Ulysses Grant, 5. Abraham Lincoln, 6. Nathan Forrest the Confederacy Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. Robert E. Lee, 2. William Sherman, 3. Jefferson Davis, 4. Ulysses Grant, 5. Abraham Lincoln, 6. Nathan Forrest
Exercise 4
Indicate what determined the defeat of the Confederacy in the American Civil War. Mark the correct answers. Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. Execution of John Brown., 2. Modern war technology., 3. Homestead Act of 1862., 4. Battle of Gettysburg., 5. Battle of Fort Sumter., 6. Depriving the residents of the South, who were officials or military officers in the Confederacy, of their civil rights., 7. Greater economic and demographic potential of the Union., 8. Better trained army., 9. Introduction of enforced military draft., 10. Military pacification of the South., 11. Naval blockade of the Confederation., 12. Act on the abolition of slavery in the South (the Emancipation Proclamation) of 1862., 13. Abraham Lincoln's victory in the 1860 presidential election., 14. Granting civil rights to the liberated Blacks.


abolitionists, Ku‑Klux‑Klan


Nagranie słówka: abolitionists

Abolicjoniści - członkowie ruchu opowiadającego się za zniesieniem niewolnictwa

Ku Klux Klan
Ku Klux Klan
Nagranie słówka: Ku Klux Klan

Ku Klux Klan – założona w 1866 roku organizacja terroryzująca ludność murzyńską. Jej członkowie, odwołujący się do średniowiecznych rytuałów, nocami katowali na śmierć Murzynów i osoby występujące w ich obronie.