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The effects of soil pollution and the methods to counteract soil damage

Dry soil
Source: domena publiczna.

Link to the lesson

Before you start you should know
  • what a soil and soil fertility is;

  • the types of fertilizers and what their role is;

  • how to plan and carry out the testing of selected soil properties and the impact of soil constituents on plant development.

You will learn
  • to list and discuss the effects of soil pollution and methods of its prevention;

  • to name methods of soil protection and treatment.

Nagranie abstraktu

The effects of soil pollution

  1. Salinity, inadequate pH (alkalization or acidification), accompanied by leaching into the profile of nutrients, especially potassium.

  2. Deterioration of the soil structure – soil drying or silting.

  3. Decreased soil fertility as a result of changes in its physical, chemical and microbiological properties.

  4. Negative effect of soil pollution on the development of plants and organisms at higher levels of the trophic chain (animals and humans).

Destruction of soils causing deterioration of their value in use and reduction of production capacities is called soil degradationsoil degradationsoil degradation. The processes that occur in the soil deteriorate its physical properties (destruction of the structure), chemical properties (acidification, salinization or poisoning with heavy metals) and biological properties (decreased humus quantity and quality, reduced number of live organisms). As a consequence, the natural fertility of the soil decreases.

Soil degradation is caused primarily by humans, but also natural factors such as soil erosion, climate change (drought), natural disasters (volcanic eruptions, earthquakes).

Soil erosion – displacement, sorting and deposition of soil particles in other areas caused by leaching the surface soil layer by rainwater or river water (water erosion) or blowing – wind erosion.

Pierwsza ilustracja przedstawia erozję eoliczną (wiatrową) . Jest to przenoszenie cząstek ziemi i łamanych skał przez wiatr, szlifowanie skał przez ziarna piasku przenoszone przez wiatr i osadzanie cząstek na powierzchni gleby. Na ilustracji widać skały piaskowe i piasek, na który pada światło słoneczne. Podpis na ilustracji: Aeolian (wind) erosion - is the transfer of soil particles and broken rocks by the wind, grinding rocks by grains of sand carried by the wind and depositing particles on the soil surface. Ilustracja druga przedstawia erozję morską - niszczenie wybrzeży przez fale oraz wysokie i niskie pływy. Zdjęcie pokazuje klify nad oceanem oraz uderzające o nie fale. Klify mają wyżłobione dziury i tworzą łuki. Podpis na ilustracji: Marine erosion – destroying coasts by waves and (high and low) tides. Trzecia ilustracja przedstawia erozję rzeki - przenoszenie cząstek przez prąd rzeki i fale wody. Na zdjęciu widać wyschniętą rzekę w kanionie. Podpis na ilustracji: River erosion - moving particles by the river current or water waves. Czwarta ilustracja przedstawia erozję lodowcowa - kształtowanie terenu przez płynący lodowiec, który wygładza zadrapania lub wyrywa duże kawałki skał z ziemi. Na zdjęciu widać lodowiec oraz częściowo ośnieżone góry skalne. Podpis na ilustracji: Glacial erosion - shaping the area by a flowing glacier which smoothes, scrapes or tears out large rock fragments from the ground.
Source: GroMar Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Erosion can also be caused by human activity, for example by improperly carried out drainage, cutting down and burning forests and meadows, too intensive grazing. If the soil in a given area completely loses its utility values, it is called soil devastation.

Soil devastationsoil devastationSoil devastation is very often an irreversible process, which is accompanied by a powerful transformation and devastation of the area, for example, through the construction of houses, laying asphalt, pavements and open‑cast mines, which are an example of human activity completely destroying some elements of the environment.

The methods to counteract soil damage

The main activities undertaken to protect soils include:

  1. Proper agricultural economy using mainly natural fertilizers, rational use of chemical fertilizers and plant protection products.

  2. Prevention of erosion – land drainage, mid‑field afforestation, fallow land afforestation.

  3. Prevention of soil pollution from municipal sources – waste reduction and proper management (waste segregation, composting, hazardous waste collection) and sewage treatment.

  4. Limitation of the industrial sources of soil pollution – use of modern environmentally friendly technologies and proper post‑production waste management.

  5. Soil cleaning from toxic substances and deacidification of acidified soils.

In order to reclaim the polluted soils, complex, multistep activities are undertaken to restore their utility value – soil remediationsoil remediationsoil remediation. It takes many years to re‑create the soil layer in such areas. Unfortunately, some chemical pollutants may persist in the soil even for centuries and no treatments can change this. Therefore, to accelerate the process of removal of toxic substances from soil and their remediation, the polluted soil is mixed with the clean soil.

Effect of the remediation of degraded land: A) area destroyed by economic activity; B) area after remediation
Source: Calistemon, Tomorrow Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0.
Exercise 1
Which of these areas require remediation? 1. Paved road, 2. Sand mine, 3. Eroded rock formations, 4. Wheat field
Create a multiple-choice test based on today's lesson. Then exchange your questions with a friend or classmate.


  • Prevention of soil degradation consists in counteracting soil erosion, limiting the extraction of minerals and taking over land for development, reducing degradation and restoring the soil's utility values. To this end, treatments are carried out enriching soil with humus, restoring the proper pH (liming), limiting the impact of sources of soil pollution (e.g. protecting landfills against their penetration by polluting substances, rational use of fertilizers and pesticides, creating green zones that separate crops from roads).

Podsumuj swoją wiedzę i odpowiedz na następujące pytania: Czy podobała ci się dzisiejsza lekcja? Czego dowiedziałeś lub dowiedziałaś się podczas tych zajęć? Co cię zainteresowało? Które zagadnienia okazały się łatwe, a które trudne? Jakie zagadnienia musisz powtórzyć?
Source: GroMar Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0.
Task 1.1

Design and perform an experiment to examine the effect of soil contamination caused by a selected factor (excess nitrates, detergents) on germination and growth of oat seeds or garden cress.


soil devastation, soil degradation, soil remediation

Exercise 2
Jakie są polskie znaczenia następujących zwrotów: soil devastation, soil degradation, soil remediation?


soil devastation
soil devastation
Nagranie słówka: soil devastation

dewastacja gleby – całkowite zniszczenie gleby na danym terenie

soil degradation
soil degradation
Nagranie słówka: soil degradation

degradacja gleby – niszczenie powodujące obniżenie żyzności gleby i jej biologicznej wartości

soil remediation
soil remediation
Nagranie słówka: soil remediation

rekultywacja gleby – przywracanie glebie jej stanu użytkowego