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The valence of chemical elements pt 1

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Before you start you should know
  • how the atoms of the elements create ionic and covalent bonds.

You will learn
  • to define the concept of valencevalencevalence;

  • to read from the periodic table the maximum valences of chemical elements of groups 1, 2 and from 13 to 17 of the periodic table in their relationship with hydrogen or oxygen;

  • to write summary formulas of two‑element chemical compounds on the basis of information on the valences that make up their elements;

  • to determine the valence of one chemical element in relation to when the valence of the other is known;

  • to recognize an oxide based on its total formula;

  • to write the total formula of the oxide, knowing its name;

  • to draw structural formulas of two‑element chemical compounds, knowing what is the valence of the elements that make them.

Nagranie dźwiękowe abstraktu.

What is the structural formulastructural formulastructural formula of elements?

On the basis of the combined formula of covalent compounds, the composition of their molecules can be determined: the number and type of atoms of elements. However, we are not able to predict how atoms are connected to each other. This information is provided by a different pattern, called structural formulastructural formulastructural formula. It reflects the way atoms are combined in a molecule. In the structural formula, as in the sum formula, we use the symbols of elements to designate the atoms that make up a molecule of a chemical compound. Using dashes, we present bonds between atoms (one dash symbolizes one bond).

For example, a water molecule with the formula sum H2O has the following structural formula:

Source: Krzysztof Jaworski, Bożena Karawajczyk, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Task 1

Based on the above structural formula of the water molecule and a common analysis of the illustrations with the teacher, answer the question „What does the structural formula inform us about”?

O czym informuje nas wzór strukturalny?

On its basis, we can conclude that in the water molecule, each hydrogen atom is connected to the oxygen atom by a single bond and that hydrogen atoms are not connected with each other. The structural formula does not specify how individual atoms are arranged in space.

Is it possible to describe ionic compounds using structural formulas?

Due to the lack of the possibility to distinguish isolated structures (molecules) of ionic compounds in ionic crystals, we do not describe them using structural formulas.

Total and structural formulas of exemplary substances
Source: Bożena Karawajczyk, Krzysztof Jaworski, licencja: CC BY 3.0.

What is valence?

The number of bonds that an atom of a given chemical element creates, merging with other atoms, is called valencevalencevalence. When describing it, we use Roman numerals.

The valence of the elements forming the covalent compound can be easily determined on the basis of the structural formula of the compound.

Determining the valence of nitrogen in the ammonia molecule
Source: Krzysztof Jaworski, Bożena Karawajczyk, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Determination of hydrogen valency in the ammonia molecule. Each of the hydrogen atoms forms one bond - hydrogen valency is one (I). The illustration shows the structural formula of carbon dioxide with the carbon atom in the middle and double bonds connected with it with two oxygen atoms on the sides.
Source: Bożena Karawajczyk, Krzysztof Jaworski, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
In the carbon dioxide molecule, each of the oxygen atoms is bonded to the carbon atom by means of a double bond (formed by two common electron pairs), and the carbon atom together forms four bonds. The valency of oxygen is two (II) and carbon is four (IV)
Source: Bożena Karawajczyk, Krzysztof Jaworski, licencja: CC BY 3.0.

How do we determine the valence of chemical elements in ionic compounds?

In the case of ionic compounds, the valence of an element is equal to the number of charges of its ion which occurs in the crystal of a compound. When determining the valence of ions, we omit positive and negative signs.

A crystal of sodium chloride. NaCl sodium chloride is composed of sodium (one-positive) cations and chloride anions (one-negative). Remembering that the valence corresponds to the ion charge without taking its charge into account, we determine this quantity for the sodium and chlorine atoms in the ionic crystal. The valence of sodium and chlorine in sodium chloride is equal to one (I)
Source: Bożena Karawajczyk, Krzysztof Jaworski, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Crystal of magnesium chloride. Magnesium chloride is composed of magnesium (two-positive) cations and chloride (unilateral) anions. Therefore, the valence of magnesium in this compound is two (II), and chlorine equals one (I)
Source: Krzysztof Jaworski, licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Can elements have any valence?

There are elements whose valence in most of the chemical compounds they create is constant. For example, sodium or hydrogen always have a valence equal to one (I). There are also elements, which depending on the type of compound may have different valences. For example, a carbon in a compound of the formula CO it takes the value of two (II) and in carbon dioxide CO2its valence is four (IV).

The periodic table can provide some help in predicting the maximum valence of certain elements in compounds with hydrogen or oxygen.

Table 1. The maximum valence of elements relative to hydrogen

Group number








The highest value in relationships with hydrogen








Table 2. The maximum valence of elements relative to oxygen

Group number








Highest valence in relationships with oxygen








On the basis of the data contained in the tables, it can be concluded that the elements belonging to the groups: 1., 2., 13. and 14. have the same highest valences in the compounds with both oxygen and hydrogen. On the other hand, the numbers defining the valence of elements from other groups in relation to oxygen and hydrogen are different.
In all compounds, the elements belonging to group 1 have a valence equal to one (I), while the elements from group 2 show a valence of two (II).

Task 2

Determine the highest valence of calcium for hydrogen and oxygen. Use the information in the tables.

Task 3

Watch the presentation of „Values of chemical elements”.

Nagranie dźwiękowe abstraktu.
Exercise 1
Select the statements that are true. Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. The valence of an element is the number of chemical bonds produced by an atom of a given element., 2. On the basis of the structural formula, first of all, the composition of molecules of covalent compounds can be determined., 3. The maximum valence of potassium with respect to oxygen is IV., 4. Hydrogen in chemical compounds takes the valence I.


  • Valence is a feature of all the forming elements and compounds is the number of bonds that forms the atom of an element linking with other atoms. It is described using Roman numerals.

  • The valence of an element in covalent compounds is equal to the number of bonds that make up its atoms with other atoms.

  • The valence of the element in the ionic compounds is equal to the charge of its ions, omitting the negative and positive signs.

Grafika przedstawiająca tablicę szkolną, na której znajdują się zdania do dokończenia. Finish selected sentences. It was easy for me (uzupełnij), It was difficult for me (uzupełnij), Today I learned (uzupełnij). I understood that (uzupełnij), It surprised me(uzupełnij).
Source: GroMar Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0.


structural formula, valence


structural formula
structural formula
Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

wzór strukturalny – wzór, który odzwierciedla sposób połączenia atomów w cząsteczce; na jego podstawie można określić liczbę, rodzaj atomów oraz ich wartościowość

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

wartościowość – liczba wiązań, które tworzy atom danego pierwiastka chemicznego, łącząc się z innymi atomami