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1. Cele lekcji

a) Wiadomości

Uczeń zna wybrane słownictwo dotyczące podróżowania.

b) Umiejętności


  • czyta ze zrozumieniem tekst,

  • układa definicje wybranych wyrazów,

  • ćwiczy sprawność mówienia.

2. Metoda i forma pracy

Metoda: podejście komunikacyjne, elementy dramy (odgrywanie ról)

Forma: praca w grupach

3. Środki dydaktyczne

Karty pracy z przygotowanymi ćwiczeniami

4. Przebieg lekcji

a) Faza przygotowawcza

  1. Czynności organizacyjne.

  2. Nauczyciel pyta uczniów: Do you like travelling? Tell me about your last travel.

b) Faza realizacyjna

  1. Nauczyciel rozdaje karty pracy. Uczniowie czytają teksty z ćwiczenia 1 i zastanawiają się nad odpowiedziami (załącznik 1).

  2. Po sprawdzeniu odpowiedzi uczniowie w parach opracowują angielskie definicje, podkreślonych w ćwiczeniu pierwszym, słów (załącznik 2).

  3. Uczniowie odczytują swoje definicje.

  4. Nauczyciel pyta wskazanych uczniów, która z wybranych ofert wakacyjnych wydaje im się najatrakcyjniejsza oraz jaki egzotyczny kraj chcieliby najbardziej odwiedzić.

  5. Uczniowie pracują w parach. Wspólnie dyskutują na temat zagadnień w ćwiczeniu trzecim (załącznik 3).

  6. Nauczyciel i uczniowie sprawdzają odpowiedzi na pytania z ćwiczenia trzeciego.

  7. Uczniowie przygotowują się do odgrywania ról GUEST (gościa) i HOST (zapraszającego) według wskazówek w ćwiczeniu 4 (załącznik 4).

c) Faza podsumowująca

Wybrani uczniowie odgrywają role, a reszta klasy komentuje.

5. Bibliografia

  1. Radley P., Burke K., Workout Advanced, Addison Wesley Longman Limited, Edinburgh 1997.

  2. http://www.holidaynet.com/Combined/SelectRegionforBrochure.asp

  3. http://www.lyricsfreak.com/i/iggy+pop/the+passenger_20066952.html

6. Załączniki

a) Karta pracy ucznia

Załącznik 1.

Read about these holidays and answer the questions below.

Price does matter! - So Budget Expeditions takes it head on to find cheaper options to independent backpacking. We offer value for money, great fun plus relaxed and hassle free travel. This is a diverse selection of exceptional value tours and expeditions. From the Greek Islands to Machu Piccu , Croatia, Turkey, the High Andes, even the Amazon.

Self Guided Inn to Inn Cycling Holidays throughout Europe. If you really want to get under the skin of a country and experience its landscapes and culture there is no better way than on a bike. Our choice of destinations includes something to suit cyclists of all abilities

Mythical and magical Indochina. Crowded markets, the trademark sights of monks in yellow robes, hives of yellow umbrellas that mushroom in the rain, that feeds the abundant rice paddies.. busy traders in silk shops, Buddha filled pagodas - welcome to Indochina

Discover the legacies of ancient civilisations on an archaeology- themed holiday, gain an insight into the world of great art on an art appreciation break, or enjoy a walking, Footsteps (holidays with a religious theme) or bridge holiday. All holidays are led by an expert host and are exclusively for today over 50s.

From £899 for 12 nights, LLama offers an unforgettable trip to the Galapagos Islands with additional optional excursions in Ecuador and Peru. Find out more from this specialist operator, who will tailor make your holidays, just as you want.

According to the brochures which holiday:

  1. seems cheap,

  2. will be especially suited to your needs,

  3. will suit someone who likes archeology,

  4. will be enjoyed by somebody who likes shopping outside,

  5. include a guide,

  6. offers something for people on bicycles.

Odpowiedzi do ćwiczenia 1.: 1. a, 2. e, 3. d, 4. c, 5. d, 6. b

Załącznik 2.

Try to explain in English the words and expressions underlined in exercise 1.

Załącznik 3.

Look at the list of problems. Try to put them in order of difficulty.

- unusual food,

- different social customs

- bureaucracy

- language problems

- lack o good tea/coffee

- racism

- loneliness

- finding accommodation

Which of the problems have you experienced? When? Why?

Załącznik 4.

Imagine a friend of yours is coming to your place for two weeks. Play the roles of HOST and GUEST.



You are invited to a country that is exotic for you. You are talking on the phone with the friend who has invited you. Ask him about the climate, food, mentality of his natives, things to visit, prices.

You are talking on the phone with the friend you have invited to your country. You know that your country is pretty exotic for him. Answer his/her questions. Try to encourage him/her to come. Ask about the exact date and time of his/her arrival.

Załącznik 5.

Iggy Pop - The Passenger

I am a passenger

And I ride and I ride

I ride _________ the city's backside

I see the ____________ of the sky

Yeah, they're bright in a hollow sky

You know it looks so ______________

I am a passenger

I stay under glass

I ______________ my window so bright

I see the ________________ tonight

I see the bright and hollow sky

Over the city's a rip in the sky

And _____________________ tonight

Singin' la la la la la‑la‑la la

Get into _________________

We'll be the passenger

We'll ride ________ the city tonight

See the city's ripped insides

We'll see the bright and hollow sky

We'll see the stars that ________________

The sky was made for us tonight

Oh the passenger

How how he rides

Oh the passenger

He rides and he rides

He looks through his window


He sees the sided hollow sky

He sees ________________ tonight

He sees the city's ripped backsides

He sees the winding _________ drive

And everything _______ for you and me

All of it ___________ for you and me

'cause it just ________ to you and me

So let's take a ride and see ________________


Oh, the passenger

He rides and he rides

He ________________ from under glass

He looks through his _________'s eye

He sees the things he knows are his

He sees the _________ and hollow sky

He sees the city asleep at night

He sees the ________________ tonight

And all of it is yours and mine

And all of it is yours and mine

Oh, let's ride and ride and ride and ride...

Iggy Pop - The Passenger

I am the passenger
And I ride and I ride
I ride through the city’s backside
I see the stars come out of the sky
Yeah, they’re bright in a hollow sky
You know it looks so good tonight

I am the passenger
I stay under glass
I look through my window so bright
I see the stars come out tonight
I see the bright and hollow sky
Over the city’s a rip in the sky
And everything looks good tonight

Singin’ la la la la

Get into the car
Well be the passenger
Well ride through the city tonight
See the city’s ripped insides
Well see the bright and hollow sky
Well see the stars that shine so bright
The sky was made for us tonight

Oh the passenger
How how he rides
Oh the passenger
He rides and he rides
He looks through his window
What does he see?
He sees the bright and hollow sky
He see the stars come out tonight
He sees the city’s ripped backsides
He sees the winding ocean drive
And everything was made for you and me
All of it was made for you and me
cause it just belongs to you and me
So lets take a ride and see what’s mine


Oh, the passenger
He rides and he rides
He sees things from under glass
He looks through his windows eye
He sees the things he knows are his
He sees the bright and hollow sky
He sees the city asleep at night
He sees the stars are out tonight
And all of it is yours and mine
And all of it is yours and mine
Oh, lets ride and ride and ride and ride...

b) Zadanie domowe

Napisz, na podstawie broszurek z ćwiczenia 1, krótki tekst reklamujący twoje miejsce zamieszkania.

7. Czas trwania lekcji

45 minut

8. Uwagi do scenariusza

Następną lekcję można zacząć od piosenki Iggy’ego Pop’a „The Passenger”. Uczniowie słuchają i uzupełniają luki w tekście (załącznik 5).


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