that geography deals with both human activity and the natural environment.
You will learn
to define a range of issues that geography deals with as a science;
to enumerate branches of geography;
what physical, economic and regional geography is all about.
GeographygeographyGeography is a new school subject to you. However, during the first classes you will find out that some of the topics you are already familiar with. How is this possible? They have already appeared during science lessons at your primary school. From now on, you will be learning geography properly. Get ready for a fascinating adventure.
Task 1
What are your connotations of the word „geography”?
What are your connotations of the word „geography”?
What are your connotations of the word „geography”? Write your thoughts down below.
Geography is a science that deals with the diversity of the earth's surface, mutual relations between its components and human activity related to them. The name of this scientific discipline comes from the combination of the Greek words geos – which means ″earth″ and grapho, which means ″write, describe″. At the beginning, the geographers collected basic information about our planet, e.g. about the layout of lands and seas, mountains, rivers, etc. Nowadays, they are studying the earth's surface, both in terms of nature, as well as socio‑economic aspects, as well as spatial relationships that occur between the earth's surface and human activity.
The modern geography has been divided by geographists into two branches depending on the detailed field of study:
physical geography that examines natural processes and components of the earth's layers;
economic geography (i.e. socio‑economic geography) that examines the impact of human economic activity on the Earth and the impact of natural factors on human activity
Some researchers also distinguish two more branches: - a regional geography that combines elements of physical and economic geography and emphasises the overall presentation of the geographical regions;
cartography, i.e. the science of making maps.
Exercise 1
Match the relevant section of physical geography to the topic it deals with. astronomical geography Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. study of the distribution of living organisms on Earth. It is divided into phytogeography and zoogeography., 2. deals with the Earth as a planet, its movements and their consequences, 3. study of soils, 4. deals with the shaping of the Earth's surface and processes changing the surface of our planet geomorphology Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. study of the distribution of living organisms on Earth. It is divided into phytogeography and zoogeography., 2. deals with the Earth as a planet, its movements and their consequences, 3. study of soils, 4. deals with the shaping of the Earth's surface and processes changing the surface of our planet pedology Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. study of the distribution of living organisms on Earth. It is divided into phytogeography and zoogeography., 2. deals with the Earth as a planet, its movements and their consequences, 3. study of soils, 4. deals with the shaping of the Earth's surface and processes changing the surface of our planet biogeography Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. study of the distribution of living organisms on Earth. It is divided into phytogeography and zoogeography., 2. deals with the Earth as a planet, its movements and their consequences, 3. study of soils, 4. deals with the shaping of the Earth's surface and processes changing the surface of our planet
Match the relevant section of physical geography to the topic it deals with. astronomical geography Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. study of the distribution of living organisms on Earth. It is divided into phytogeography and zoogeography., 2. deals with the Earth as a planet, its movements and their consequences, 3. study of soils, 4. deals with the shaping of the Earth's surface and processes changing the surface of our planet geomorphology Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. study of the distribution of living organisms on Earth. It is divided into phytogeography and zoogeography., 2. deals with the Earth as a planet, its movements and their consequences, 3. study of soils, 4. deals with the shaping of the Earth's surface and processes changing the surface of our planet pedology Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. study of the distribution of living organisms on Earth. It is divided into phytogeography and zoogeography., 2. deals with the Earth as a planet, its movements and their consequences, 3. study of soils, 4. deals with the shaping of the Earth's surface and processes changing the surface of our planet biogeography Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. study of the distribution of living organisms on Earth. It is divided into phytogeography and zoogeography., 2. deals with the Earth as a planet, its movements and their consequences, 3. study of soils, 4. deals with the shaping of the Earth's surface and processes changing the surface of our planet
Match the relevant section of physical geography to the topic it deals with.
study of the distribution of living organisms on Earth. It is divided into phytogeography and zoogeography., deals with the shaping of the Earth's surface and processes changing the surface of our planet, deals with the Earth as a planet, its movements and their consequences, study of soils
astronomical geography
geography, cartography, physical geography and economic geography
geografia - jest nauką o powłoce ziemskiej, jej przestrzennym zróżnicowaniu pod względem przyrodniczym i społeczno- gospodarczym oraz o związkach jakie zachodzą między poszczególnymi zjawiskami przyrodniczymi a zjawiskami społeczno- gospodarczymi. ( Według J. Flisa)