What is sustainable development?

Source: http://pixabay.com, licencja: CC 0.

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Before you start you should know
  • that outdoor activity is an essential condition for good health;

  • that everyday activities have an impact on the natural environment;

  • that waste segregation helps us re‑use them;

  • that environmental pollution has a negative impact on human health.

You will learn
  • use the concept of „sustainable development”;

  • indicate examples of environmental destruction in your environment;

  • indicate and propose activities good for the natural environment;

  • indicate examples of restoration of natural areas.

Nagranie dźwiękowe dotyczące zrównoważonego rozwoju

We need industry. It is thanks to its various branches that we obtain raw materials and products necessary in everyday life. However, we should not forget that natural areas unchanged by humans are equally needed. For example, birds living in these areas eat a huge amount of insects, like flies or mosquitoes. We can reconcile these two needs if we apply the principles of sustainable developmentsustainable developmentsustainable development.
What is sustainable development? Imagine that a forester manages a forest in which a thousand trees grow. Every year, it allows you to cut out the 20 oldest trees, and in their place tells to plant 20 new ones. Thanks to this, there are no fallen trees in the forest, and their age is diverse – from the youngest to fully mature.

Plant Nursery. Forest seedlings are grown in forest plant. When they reach the right size, they are planted in the woods, in the places where the trees were cut
Source: Beentree, http://commons.wikimedia.org, licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0.

Sustainable development is such management of environmental resources that does not cause their devastationenvironmental devastationdevastation. Thanks to this, it is possible to preserve nature for the needs of future generations.

The behavior of the environment in an unchanged state is greatly affected by our everyday behavior. So let's remember about:

  • segregating garbage,

  • using recyclable products and packaging,

  • cleaning the place after camping,

  • throwing garbage in bins instead of on the ground,

  • taking care of greenery,

  • saving electricity, gas and water.

Unfortunately, in the past people have not thought about the consequences of their actions, so many damages have already been made. Fortunately, there are ways to restore nature to devastated natural areas! Such activities are called reclamationreclamationreclamation.

Areas before and after reclamation

An example of an activity that does not take into account the principles of sustainable development is the strengthening of river banks and lakes along their entire length. Thanks to this, you can build marinas for boats and houses just above the water. However, in this way, the birds lose places in which they could build nests. Losses are also borne by people: rivers with fortified banks are less protected against floods, because there is no natural vegetation near the banks.

Ilustracja interaktywna przedstawia sześć zdjęć. Na pierwszym zdjęciu widoczne sadzonki młodych drzew. Na drugim zdjęciu widoczna jest odkrywkowa kopalnia piasku wraz z maszyną wydobywczą. Na trzeciej fotografii widzimy sporej wielkości sztuczny zbiornik wodny, pozostałość po miejscu wydobywania gliny. Na czwartej fotografii pokazana jest linia brzegowa rzeki w mieście – brzeg wyłożony kostką brukową. Na piątej fotografii widoczna jest rzeka z naturalnym brzegiem, bujnie porośniętym roślinnością. Na szóstej fotografii widzimy hałdę ziemi porośniętą młodymi drzewami. Każda fotografia posiada punkt, po którego kliknięciu wyświetlają się następujące opisy: 1. Renewal of the forest is always carried out on forest surfaces, previously occupied by the forest.- Sustainable development: YES, 2. The sand mine is a place for extracting sand by discovering successive layers of soil.- Sustainable development: NO, 3. Glinianka is a depression created after clay extraction, often flooded with water.- Sustainable development: NO, 4. Masonry edge fixing consolidates and protects it against erosion.- Sustainable development: NO 5. The natural river bank provides a place of life for many organisms.-Sustainable development: YES 6. Afforestation is the process of introducing forest to non-forest areas, eg degraded by human activities (mine heaps, open pit lands).- Sustainable development: YES
What is an example of sustainable development?
Source: Brisbane City Council, Zoran Pravdić, xraus, Фетисов М. Ю., GroMar Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0.
Exercise 1
Ćwiczenie wskaż, które nasze codzienne zachowanie ma wpływ na zachowanie środowiska w niezmienionym stanie. Indicate which of our daily behavior affects the behavior of the environment in an unchanged state. Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. Use of public transport., 2. Feeding birds., 3. Hanging bird houses., 4. Cleaning dog waste.
Exercise 2
Ćwiczenie wskaż, czym jest rekultywacja. Reclamation is: Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. cultivating traditional family values., 2. restoring the devastated natural areas of their original state., 3. growing the same plant species in agricultural areas., 4. improving access to cultural institutions in small towns and villages.
Exercise 3
Ćwiczenie wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź. Co oznacza pojęcie "zrównoważony rozwój". The term "sustainable development" means: Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. using the natural environment in a way that allows future generations to do it themselves., 2. development of road and rail network in the better industrialized regions of the country., 3. investing mainly in developing countries to improve their economy., 4. development of road and rail network in the less industrialized regions of the country., 5. stopping the development of technologies to protect the natural environment., 6. managing the environment so that we do not deplete its resources.


  • Sustainable development is such management of environmental resources that does not cause their devastation.

  • Modern industry and everyday life should be based on the idea of sustainable development.

  • The regeneration of brownfield sites is beneficial for the environment as well as for people.


Sustainable development, reclamation, devastation


sustainable development
sustainable development
Nagranie dźwiękowe dotyczące słówka sustainable development

zrównoważony rozwój – takie gospodarowanie zasobami środowiska, które nie powoduje ich dewastacji i pozwala na ich zachowanie dla przyszłych pokoleń

Nagranie dźwiękowe dotyczące słówka reclamation

rekultywacja – przywracanie wartości użytkowej i przyrodniczej terenom dewastowanym przez człowieka

environmental devastation
environmental devastation
Nagranie dźwiękowe dotyczące słówka environmental devastation

dewastacja środowiska – zniszczenie walorów i wartości środowiska