Topic: ‘What time do you get up?’ – The Present Simple Tense (based on Students’ book: Boomerang by Paul and Kamilla Neberry, Monika Kusiak)

1. AIMS: a) introduction of The Present Simple Tense (statements, questions & negative forms)

b) introducing vocabulary of daily routine and habits

2. SKILLS: reading, speaking, writing


a) understanding the usage and the structure of statements, questions, negative and short forms of The Present Simple Tense

b) learning how to talk about daily routine and habits

c) writing short notes


WARM‑UP: Revision

AIDS: None

T asks 2 students to ask the other student to tell how old he/she is, where he/she is from e.g. Jacek, ask Marek how old he is (to check the usage of to be in the Present Simple Tense) (1 minute)

1. Introducing new vocabulary

AIDS: Student’s book: Boomerang by Paul and Kamilla Neberry, Monika Kusiak, page 36, matching the expressions with the pictures

T asks Ss to match the expressions with the pictures. T explains any unknown vocabulary. After 2 minutes each answer is read aloud by a different student. (approx. 4 minutes)

2. Reading

AIDS: Student’s book: ‘Boomerang’ by Paul and Kamilla Neberry, Monika Kusiak, page 36

T choses 2 Ss to read the dialogue aloud, once. One person is the Interviewer, the other is Gordon. (approx. 3 minutes)

3. Ss are asked to thick activities done by Gordon and his friends. (approx. 3 minutes)

  1. Yes/no questions and answers in The Present Simple Tense (approx. 6 minutes)

AIDS: blackboard, chock, student’s book, Ss’ notebooks

T writes table explaining questions’ structure. Ss complete it with T’s help. Ss copy it into their notebooks.

  1. Using The Present Simple Tense

AIDS: None

T asks S 1 the question from the text. Next T asks S1 to ask S 2 another question from the dialogue. S 2 answers and asks another question from the dialogue S 3 and so on.

This exercise requires T to be alert and check if the forms used by the students are correct. (approx. 8 minutes)

6. T choses one student to think of his daily routine at the weekend or on weekday. Then the other students ask questions to guess if the student has chosen a weekday or weekend, e.g. Does he get up in the morning? Yes, he does (approx. 2 minutes)

  1. Explaining the rules

T writes a table on the blackboard explaining the construction of the statements and negative forms in The Present Simple Tense. Stressing (e)s in the 3Indeks górny rd person of singular form.

Ss try to complete the table. T helps when necessary. (approx. 7 minutes)

  1. Handouts: (practicing creating the 3Indeks górny rd person of the singular form) from Grammarway Polska by Jenny Dooley‑Virginia Evans, ex. 1, p. 47. (approx. 4 minutes)

  2. Handouts: (completing the sentences with a verb in a suitable form) from Grammarway Polska by Jenny Dooley‑Virginia Evans, ex. 3, p. 48. (approx. 3 minutes)

10. Constructing statements in the Present Simple Tense

The students write their daily routine in the notebooks, following the blackboard table. Then they change notebooks with their partners and write 4‑5 sentences about their friend’s daily routine. One of the students reads his work aloud. (approx. 8 minutes)

  1. Chinese whispers

T asks one student from the front benches of each row. T whispers a short, simple phrase in The Present Simple Tense. The representatives of each row repeat the sentence quietly, once or twice. They go back and pass it to the neighbour, who passes it to a student in the desk behind, who passes it to his neigbour, and so on. The row which finishes first wins the competition. What arrives at the back is usually not exactly what was sent. Conducting to check leads to laughter. Then everyone repeats the original utterance as a follow‑up. (approx. 3 minutes)

  1. Homework:

AIDS: Handouts – ex. 4, 5, p. 48‑49 from Grammarway 1 by Jenny Dooley‑Virginia Evans.

Ex. 3, 5, p. 37, Sudent’s book Boomerang New Starter by Paul and Kamilla Neberry, Monika Kusiak

  1. Bibliography

Grammarway Polska by Jenny Dooley‑Virginia Evans

Boomerang New Starter students’ book by Paul and Kamilla Neberry, Monika Kusiak


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